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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a law to raise the minimum wage for fast food workers to $20 per hour.


In response to the new law, California Pizza Hut operators are laying off all their delivery drivers one month before the law goes into effect. 1,200 jobs eliminated overnight.


Other fast-food chains in California have announced price hikes on the menu.



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X-men's Greatest Moments:


"Dreams Fade"     (X-men  vol. II    #25)    (1993)

(IMO Fabian Nicieza's best issue as writer of Vol.2)





The climax of the "Fatal Attractions"  crossover, this issue features Xavier and some x-men heading to Avalon (Magnus' space station) in order to take down M after he unleashes an EMP on earth killing thousands of people.


The first of two shocking events..



Logan will learn hat he has bone claws afterwards and leaves the team for 2 years! He will return just after Age of Apocalypse story.

However, he does not regain the adamantium for 6 years! 


The second shocking event...


In retaliation for Wolverine's attack, Xavier wipes Magneto's mind!





In terms of ramifications on future stories, it's hard to think of too many issues that shake things up as dramatically as this one does. It will be years, nearly to the end of the decade, before both Wolverine and Magneto are back to a status quo resembling where they were at prior to this issue. Removing Magneto from the board so soon after bringing him back may seem curious, but it makes a certain amount of sense: the character had grown so big in stature in-universe and external thematic importance during his absence, it would be difficult to leave him around as a perpetual threat. Shutting down his mind enables him to continue to exist as a martyr while keeping him in a position where he can more easily be brought back without leaving readers constantly wondering why the X-Men are doing anything other than fighting Magneto.


Removing Wolverine from the board, meanwhile, is straight-up bonkers, from a commercial perspective, and a rather daring creative move, especially in 1993 at, arguably, the height of the franchise's commercial prowess. It's even more mind-boggling now than it was then that Marvel would sign off on removing Wolverine from multiple titles for an extended period of time. At a time when Marvel had a successful animated series starring the X-Men on Saturday mornings, they just removed their bread-and-butter character from the comic books titled "X-Men". And while he will return to the team sooner than Magneto returns as a credible, consistent threat, it will be much longer (arguably too long) after that before the character returns to something entirely resembling his portrayal prior to this issue...


And in pushing Xavier to the limit, Nicieza bridges the gap between him and Magneto, hardening the one while softening the other. Reading this as a kid, the extent to which Xavier crosses the line here never really hit me (even with Xavier wiping out Magneto's mind). Jean is practically begging Xavier not to make her attack Magneto's mind in this way, yet he pushes on until he's nearly ranting himself. Though it wasn't even a half-formed idea in the mind of Scott Lobdell yet, a very direct line can be drawn from this issue to Onslaught (even without that story making said line head-shakingly literal). One of the better moments in Uncanny #304 came when Magneto challenged Xavier to walk his path, since Magneto had already tried walking Xavier's. Here, Xavier essentially does that, employing a savagery and "ends justify the means"-ness on par with Magneto at his worst, not in defense of mutants, but to attack his old friend.



Edited by DangerousJ
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I didn't have this on my bingo card for 2023. A 21ft bronze tall statue of Shakira was unveiled in Columbia. @MillionXYou responsible for this fam 😉

Edited by Darc_Requiem
Statue is 21' not 20' tall
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Trump Blasts ‘Home Alone 2’ Director, Claims His Cameo In the Film ‘Took off Like a Rocket’ and Made the Movie a Hit



Former President Donald Trump hit back at “Home Alone” and “Home Alone 2” Director Chris Columbus on Wednesday, refuting claims he bullied his way into the film and declaring his cameo is the reason the film was a hit.


“30 years ago (how time flies!), Director Chris Columbus, and others, were begging me to make a cameo appearance in Home Alone 2. They rented the Plaza Hotel in New York, which I owned at the time. I was very busy, and didn’t want to do it. They were very nice, but above all, persistent. I agreed, and the rest is history! That little cameo took off like a rocket, and the movie was a big success, and still is, especially around Christmas time,” Trump wrote on Truth Social, adding:



People call me whenever it is aired. Now, however, 30 years later, Columbus (what was his real name?) put out a statement that I bullied myself into the movie.


Nothing could be further from the truth. That cameo helped make the movie a success, but if they felt bullied, or didn’t want me, why did they put me in, and keep me there, for over 30 years?

Because I was, and still am, great for the movie, that’s why! Just another Hollywood guy from the past looking for a quick fix of Trump publicity for himself!


Trump famously sold the landmark Plaza Hotel in 1995 at an $85 million loss to a Saudi prince and Asian investors. The GOP frontrunner’s screed came days after Columbus told Business Insider that Trump pushed his way into the film. “We paid the fee, but he also said, ‘The only way you can use the Plaza is if I’m in the movie,’” Columbus said of renting the hotel for the film. “So we agreed to put him in the movie.”


“People cheered when Trump showed up on-screen,” Columbus said of the test screenings for the film. “So I said to my editor, ‘Leave him in the movie. It’s a moment for the audience.’ But he did bully his way into the movie.” Notably, the first “Home Alone” was a massive hit with audiences taking in over $476 million worldwide in 1990 — without a cameo from Trump.

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It's so fucking bizarre that anyone would say "I was in a movie for 7 seconds and I'm the reason the movie was successful".  Literally 7 seconds out of a 2 hours movie where he gives a kid directions.    You weren't advertised as being in the movie, nobody knew you were in it unless they heard it from someone else and or watched it.  And the Director said people cheered?   I mean...ok but that's even more weird to me.  This was pre Apprentice Trump showing up in a movie.  I know he had some celebrity status and he was still "rich" at the time but who were these people that cheered?  Home Alone was a younger skewed movie and a family oriented I'd imagine at least half of the audience who saw the movie when it came out were kids.  And I'm pretty certain most kids didn't know who he was at the time of release.  It's just weird lol.


"It's down the hall and to the left"

"YEEEEAAAAAAHHH!!! YOU TELL'EM TRUMP!!!" ~ Random movie goer in the theater in 1992.

Edited by Sonichuman
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2 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

They don't tolerate crime in Asian countries

"Women fuck around in a different country, quickly find out"

Hot Fuzz Shame GIF


Really dumb that the dude tweeting this had to make this about White Guilt, DEI, or CRT when if it was any foreign woman from a dif country acting in that manner they would have gotten hemmed up.  It's really dumb how we still refuse to learn this lesson about acting entitled in another country cause it feels like a never ending story.


"Chaotic Brawl in a grocery store"

Don't know wtf is going on without context prior to what happened cause I think I understand the people who involved and then red hat is having a whole fight with another chick off screen




Secratary of State for Colorado just stated that Trump was back on the ballot...which...I'm not sure how that works now since their own Supreme Court took him off.  And now Maine is in talking about possibly removing him off the ballot. US Supreme Court really gonna need to step in and make a decision.


Edit:  Oh yeah and Nicki Haley gets tossed a fairly soft question (She herself even said the question was easy to answer before giving her answer) about the Civil War and leaves out a glaring obvious reason.


Edited by Sonichuman
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Well, someone at work mentioned this story earlier... that woman Gypsy Rose got released today apparently


man, what a sad, dumb sap her old boyfriend was... so he apparently killed her abusive mom for her.  They both of course were convicted over this shit...since he's the one that actually did the murder he's now stuck with a life sentence with no chance of parole.  Now--- she already moved on and was going to get married to some other dude recently.


Imagine being such a silly fool as to actually commit murder for your girlfriend... you both get time for it but she's out now and moving on with someone else while you will have to sit in prison for the rest of your life; no chance of getting out.  That's one of the biggest Ls I've seen in the news cycle in quite a while.  


There's a lot going on in that story though; I'll have to watch whatever special that was about it...but man, he threw his life away, ultimately for nothing but this life prison sentence.  

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....Dr. Umar has been showing up more in my twitter feed recently and I'm trying my best to ignore it but every time he pops up, he's saying some wild ass shit that I don't agree with or just....Wild shit.

I don't even know what to do with this conspiracy theory other than to immediately put it in the trash.  This really feels like some Hotep conspiracy shit.


Side note:  MJ was actually supposedly in talks to buy Marvel back in the 90's which I didn't know and just decided to google on a whim, the conspiracy part of this is the assumption that Disney slandered MJ to prevent the deal from going down.  I don't know where his basis on that is coming from.


Edited by Sonichuman
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13 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

....Dr. Umar has been showing up more in my twitter feed recently and I'm trying my best to ignore it but every time he pops up, he's saying some wild ass shit that I don't agree with or just....Wild shit.

I don't even know what to do with this conspiracy theory other than to immediately put it in the trash.  This really feels like some Hotep conspiracy shit.


Side note:  MJ was actually supposedly in talks to buy Marvel back in the 90's which I didn't know and just decided to google on a whim, the conspiracy part of this is the assumption that Disney slandered MJ to prevent the deal from going down.  I don't know where his basis on that is coming from.


Dr. Umar is a clown and another shining example of "Andrew Tate-ism" where you say a bunch of dumb shit but dummies will still dig through for a couple nuggets. He's not as bad as Tate, but I will NEVER understand why people listen to him.

Edited by axeman61
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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

Dr. Umar is a clown and another shining example of "Andrew Tate-ism" where you say a bunch of dumb shit but dummies will still dig through for a couple nuggets. He's not as bad as Tate, but I will NEVER understand why people listen to him.

Probably because some of his points resonate with certain people and instead of saying a "broken clock is right twice a day" they just go with everything he says.  I was faintly aware of him because of the meme gif that's associated with him but he's been popping up in my feed after talking shit about Kobe Bryant's wife and Eminem.  I can't say much about he's been saying about his wife but that comment about Em rubbed me completely the wrong way and I feel if it was anyone else of a dif race saying similar like that to a dif race in a different topic, they'd have gotten canceled for it.


And the fact that people are defending that and not seeing it that different context is fucking blowing me.

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@SonichumanDr. Umar is racist. Fuck em'. He comes off as one of those racist brothers that say dumb shit like "black people can't racist." Do you hate or discriminate against someone purely because of their ethnicity? That means your racist. I wish their was a "that means you're racist" gif in the vain of the Law & Order "that means your gay" gif. It's would be perfect for Dr. Umar and people of his ilk. 

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I mainly know him as one of the usual "hotep" type of dudes.... also he's hardcore against interracial dating for black of those guys that will instantly look down on or wish to immediately banish anyone from this "tribe" for daring to be involved with a non-black woman (especially if the woman in question is white, of course)


Part of me does indeed love the fact that people like him exists though; it's a constant source of easy entertainment to point and laugh about, pretty much anytime he says something.


Oh there's also some school he was wanting to build...and he would keep getting occasionally roasted for taking so damn long with that; did he ever finish that, I wonder....that's funny if the school *still* isn't built...

Edited by MillionX
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Well, in one of the final trips to Best Buy for physical media... today I found the Predator franchise collection--- parts 1 and 2 + "Predators" and "The Predator". (*again that annoys me when they decide to NOT just go with numerical designations for things... like watch how the next Xbox will simply be called "The Xbox" or "New Xbox")


I also noticed they still have those ASUS ROG Ally systems... if I didn't already have a Steam Deck I'd be tempted to get that... or the Legion Go whenever it's out.

Edited by MillionX
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Remember that time they got comedian "Flex" to play Michael Jackson?  Double Toasted crew just had fun taking a look at that one... hilarious that Flex was in "white-face" to play MJ in the later years...

what in the they didn't even have the rights to the music for this movie....I shouldn't be surprised considering the pitiful budget but damn....

Edited by MillionX
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