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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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1 hour ago, HD-Man said:

Yep, exactly. Mfers saw like 40 seconds of CGI that's probably not at all indicative of the what the final product will be and went nuclear 😂


Leopards don't change their spots.

Those trifling hoes you hang out with are more likely to get married than Capcom making a competent game.


When you fuck up your last 3 fighters in the last decade, it's time to throw in the towel.



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36 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Hype doesn't work the way it used to. If this were the 90s or early 00s, that trailer probably would have been hype, but the market's changed.

People always expect too much.. Even people saying gg strive trailer was good. Do you even remember what the community was saying.. They were not that hyped lmfao. They were confused and bewildered. 


Its just not the same no more. 

Edited by Maxx
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11 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:


Leopards don't change their spots.

Those trifling hoes you hang out with are more likely to get married than Capcom making a competent game.


When you fuck up your last 3 fighters in the last decade, it's time to throw in the towel.



SF5 was a fuck up but they turned it around and probably learned from that, SF x T was a complete failure, MvC Infinite wasn't really Capcom's fault, and SF4 helped revive fighters 


So idk, they're inconsistent but not just outright terrible. Guess we gotta wait and see🤷🏾‍♂️



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57 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Lmfao at comparing mk to any fighting game reveal trailers.


It isn't that its wack compared to MK. Its wack compared to other Capcom games. SFxT reveal:



SF6 reveal was ass period. People are giving capcom extra passes on this for no good reason. It doesn't measure up to other capcom reveals, it doesn't measure up to other games in the genre, hell it doesn't even measure up to past Capcom reveals.


There's no metric to compare this wet fart to that makes it look good.




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10 minutes ago, iStu X said:

SFxT was only a failure cause of shady business practices that were the norm in late aughts and 2010’s. The actual game is fantastic. Especially once all the patches roll out and we got v. 2013. I still firmly believe it’s the best fighter capcom has put out since CvS2. 

I should've clarified more on that part, my bad. But In agreement, Sf X Tekken was fire, DLC shenanigans aside. It was legit fun with the increase speed and options they gave you

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18 minutes ago, Sonero said:


It isn't that its wack compared to MK. Its wack compared to other Capcom games. SFxT reveal:



SF6 reveal was ass period. People are giving capcom extra passes on this for no good reason. It doesn't measure up to other capcom reveals, it doesn't measure up to other games in the genre, hell it doesn't even measure up to past Capcom reveals.


There's no metric to compare this wet fart to that makes it look good.




I am giving it a pass because its a cinematic and the scene has lost its fucking shit. 6 seconds into it dropping. 


-mad ryu is older 

-mad he has a beard 

-mad luke continues

-mad its a cinematic 

-mad no gameplay

-mad its a teaser

-mad at the art

-mad they think it wont have weirdo characters


This scene stays mad for no reason all day long. 


Someone compared this reveal to mk that's why i brought up mk

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16 minutes ago, Maxx said:

I am giving it a pass because its a cinematic and the scene has lost its fucking shit. 6 seconds into it dropping. 


-mad ryu is older 

-mad he has a beard 

-mad luke continues

-mad its a cinematic 

-mad no gameplay

-mad its a teaser

-mad at the art

-mad they think it wont have weirdo characters


This scene stays mad for no reason all day long. 


Someone compared this reveal to mk that's why i brought up mk

The Luke one baffles me because Capcom said he'd be in the next game before he even dropped in SFV. People have meme'd him being the "future of SF" ever since. Personally I'm not fan of teasers in general. For me it's not a reveal unless I see gameplay. That said Capcom set themselves up for this.  The countdown was a big mistake. People outside the FGC bubble actually thought it was going to be RE related.

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1 minute ago, Darc_Requiem said:

The Luke one baffles me because Capcom said he'd be in the next game before he even dropped in SFV. People have meme'd him being the "future of SF" ever since. Personally I'm not fan of teasers in general. For me it's not a reveal unless I see gameplay. That said Capcom set themselves up for this.  The countdown was a big mistake. People outside the FGC bubble actually thought it was going to be RE related.

The countdown was fine imo. It got people talking even people who dont even play games like that. 

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5 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Fair point Maxx 

Like a friend of mine who doesnt even play fighters was tweeting curious if its a new street fighter. I legit had a record scratch moment loke you like fighting games?? Lmfao


That franchise will always have a stranglehold om the scene just like mortal kombat. They are jjst too influential to the scene. Even though realistically tekken overtook sf within the scene has king, mainstream wise street fighter is still tops. 

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3 minutes ago, iStu X said:

i want necro back. 😞

I was surprised he never made it into SFV. (I mean, there's a lot of characters that could have been there but weren't)


Plus he had that cameo on the Halloween stage. I'm always curious to know how developers decide on little cameos like that. Asset dump? Ruined plans? Inside joke? 🤔 

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35 minutes ago, Maxx said:

I am giving it a pass because its a cinematic and the scene has lost its fucking shit. 6 seconds into it dropping. 




Someone compared this reveal to mk that's why i brought up mk


I brought up MK because I went back to look at all the other reveals. Based on the reveal videos of multiple top flight FGs, this reveal is bad. Then I posted the reveal trailer for other Capcom trailers, and this reveal is still bad. Then I looked at old reveal trailers, and this reveal is still bad.


This isn't good by any standard. Waiting a whole week for that is even shittier.  This is literally Announcement of an Announcement tier. Its bad compared to games in its genres, games produced by the same company and compared to reveal/announcement trailers for other games of its generation period.


There's no metric by which this was good. The countdown getting people talking means fuck all. Adele said she likes being a woman and that got people talking. Now we're all talking about how capcom can't reveal things in a way that makes it fun.


It wasn't a good reveal for something people already knew was happening. It was an even bigger disappointment based on what other companies have been setting the bar at.

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4 minutes ago, Sonero said:


I brought up MK because I went back to look at all the other reveals. Based on the reveal videos of multiple top flight FGs, this reveal is bad. Then I posted the reveal trailer for other Capcom trailers, and this reveal is still bad. Then I looked at old reveal trailers, and this reveal is still bad.


This isn't good by any standard. Waiting a whole week for that is even shittier.  This is literally Announcement of an Announcement tier. Its bad compared to games in its genres, games produced by the same company and compared to reveal/announcement trailers for other games of its generation period.


There's no metric by which this was good. The countdown getting people talking means fuck all. Adele said she likes being a woman and that got people talking. Now we're all talking about how capcom can't reveal things in a way that makes it fun.


It wasn't a good reveal for something people already knew was happening. It was an even bigger disappointment based on what other companies have been setting the bar at.

Its a teaser, not a full length trailer. Lets be real this is probably the first time i can remember since 09, where a capcom fighter didnt leak. We legit had no clue what it was. More than likely they did this to create hype.. Which it did. Everyone and their mother came out trying to guess what it could be. A teaser is supposed to create hype and discourse and it absolutely did that.


Nobody knew if sf6 was being announced. We hoped it was because of the timing but people were guessing dlcs for non foghting games.. And that isnt just a few people i saw doing it. 





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8 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Dude people were waiting for any announcement on SF 6 ever since they announced Season 5 of SF V as the final one. Even moreso when Luke was revealed and promoting him as the new face of the franchise moving forward

And? Again no one was sure if thissss announcement was for street fighter. We knew A announcement was coming eventually. But again this is the first time i can remenber where a capcom fighter didnt leak

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1 hour ago, Maxx said:

Its a teaser, not a full length trailer.


Bro, it doesn't even match up to others teasers or reveals for a lot of other games. Doesn't match up to teasers in its own genres.


Hell Chadouken had to dig up a hellaciously bad one and even Nintendo fixed doing that nonsense.


They legit had a countdown for a popcorn fart. It was a bad teaser from the division of a company that spent all of SF5's life span with bad communication.

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2 hours ago, HD-Man said:

 and SF4 helped revive fighters 



People keep repeating this but that is far from the truth.

If we are objective, SF4 didnt revive shit.

All the companies making fighting games would have done their own shit regardless of sf4 being a thing or not.


ASW, French Bread, Namco, SNK, all of them were working on their own shit by the time that sf4 was announced.

Smaller companies like Examu were doing their own thing.


What people attribute to SF4 was more a thing of the technologies making the spread of fighting game events and games in general be more accessible for everyone.

Consoles with online capabilities, online game modes being a standard, youtube, streaming sites like twitch, better internet connections, etc.


All of those had more impact than SF4, without them the "revive" wouldn't have been a thing.


The only game that SF4 had an impact on was MVC3/UMVC3 and arguably MK9, and even MK9 is debatable, since that game iterates a lot from MK vs DC 

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6 minutes ago, Hecatom said:



People keep repeating this but that is far from the truth.

If we are objective, SF4 didnt revive shit.

All the companies making fighting games would have done their own shit regardless of sf4 being a thing or not.


ASW, French Bread, Namco, SNK, all of them were working on their own shit by the time that sf4 was announced.

Smaller companies like Examu were doing their own thing.


What people attribute to SF4 was more a thing of the technologies making the spread of fighting game events and games in general be more accessible for everyone.

Consoles with online capabilities, online game modes being a standard, youtube, streaming sites like twitch, better internet connections, etc.


All of those had more impact than SF4, without them the "revive" wouldn't have been a thing.


The only game that SF4 had an impact on was MVC3/UMVC3 and arguably MK9, and even MK9 is debatable, since that game iterates a lot from MK vs DC 

This is top tier revisionist history. Are you fucking with me? Sf absolutely was at the forefront of the fgc revival

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1 hour ago, Lantis said:

That Capcom managed to salvage that dumpster fire that was SF V was an achievement in itself (although failing to change the netcode will always nag me). You can't tell me kicking Ono out wasn't the best decision they ever made.


Ono wasn't kicked out.


Quoting myself


5 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

The thing with Ono is that since he was the face of SF and capcom, it is easy to blame him for everything we don't like about the games, but that is not only unfair but kind of a dumb position to have.


Games like SF and MVC are done by committee in big companies like capcom, is not only Ono taking the shots and deciding what is in and what not.

He was the producer of the game (SFIV series), aka, the manager.

His work was more in line on procuring that every team did their work accordingly and to release the product in time and within the budget.


Be the middle man between the people working on the game and the execs, and the one to ensure that there was a balance on what those who are motivated by profit and those who are motivated on making a good game.


People like to shit on him, but i am sure that the reason why the games didnt turn into absolute shit was because he was and still is a really passionate person about those games.


Capcom was willing to let those series die, rot and be forgotten, but it was his drive that keep pushing them into the forefront as important ips to be worked on.


Like i said, he was the visible face, so it is easy to pile on him, like how with the shitshow that SFV and MVCI were, people liked to blame all of it on him, but he was neither the producer or director of those games.


Instead having a more manager like position between the teams working on the games, and the top execs, and later being moved into a lateral position managing the esports side.


And lets be honest here, with the state that SFV launched, if it wasnt for the esports scene, it would have died, and that while it was in part due the grassroots community, he also had a hand, since he helped organize the events in a bigger manner for those who were part of the capcom pro tour.


I would argue that having Ono involved with the fgs of capcom was actually a blessing, one that sadly many people are unaware or are unwilling to see.




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UMVC3 had an awesome reveal showing at the Comic cons. People went nuts when Strider returned and that leaked through out every FG forum in less than 2 min of its announcement. 


Megaman X fans were pissed as fuck though, and I remember there was a lot of backlash with some other characters being brought in. Even AngryJoe made a hate video dissing capcom for choosing rocket raccoon, who no one knew about during the time. I never liked him after that to be honest, he is very ugly.




Edited by zatalcon3
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1 minute ago, Maxx said:

This is top tier revisionist history. Are you fucking with me? Sf absolutely was at the forefront of the fgc revival


It was the forefront of the usa fgc events.

People want to attribute the "revival"  of fgs like if everyone magically started playing them all thanks to sf


Companies were still doing their own thing.

Players were still doing events.


SF didnt magically make all of this happen.


Saying that it revived the genre IS revisionist history.

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Just now, Hecatom said:


It was the forefront of the usa fgc events.

People want to attribute the "revival"  of fgs like if everyone magically started playing them all thanks to sf


Companies were still doing their own thing.

Players were still doing events.


SF didnt magically make all of this happen.


Saying that it revived the genre IS revisionist history.

Sf was at the forefront of all the fgc events worldwide. Anime fighters have always been on the lower tier of the popularity poll world wide. 


Its literally only in the past few years tekken took its place as king of the fgc. 


Companies doing their own thing is not indicative of the popularity of the scene as a whole. It was in a low point in terms of mainstream awareness and eyes. 


Sf and tekken slaughtered the numbers in terms of sales compared to other popular ip. 

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3 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Sf was at the forefront of all the fgc events worldwide. Anime fighters have always been on the lower tier of the popularity poll world wide. 


Its literally only in the past few years tekken took its place as king of the fgc. 


Companies doing their own thing is not indicative of the popularity of the scene as a whole. It was in a low point in terms of mainstream awareness and eyes. 


Sf and tekken slaughtered the numbers in terms of sales compared to other popular ip. 


And you talk about revisionist history, lmao.


SF4 wasnt the fore front of all events, it depended from event to event and from contry to country.


There were majors where SF4 was neither the main event or the game with more entrants.


Case in point, Tekken had comparable numbers in many events, and in most events in japan, sf4 was not even part of the line up.

You want to talk about the mainstream awareness but want to ignore all the technologies that facilitated said awareness, mmmmkay 🤣


Those have a major impact on the growth of the scene than SF4, without them sf4 being out would have meant shit.

Having online gameplay, better internet connection, social media, youtube, twitch, smartphones, etc, all of those facilitated the growth.


This boom wasnt isolated to fgs, it happened in all nerd/geekdom, dnd, magic, etc.

We suddenly had easy access to an easy way to see events live or see them online at later dates.


It become the norm to go online to talk about video games.

A change in culture about we as players consumed and played our hobby.


SF4 had the benefit of be there at the right time, and now people want to oversell its impact.

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5 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Some people cited SF4 as the reason for some of the stuff they did. For example, Ed Boon credited SF4 for showing him that classic 2D gameplay was viable.


So really SF4 was a blight on the FGC because it brought out shitty MK games, wack ass injustice and now there are furries everywhere.


Bring back the dark ages, please!


I know, and is why i said arguably, because while true, it influenced that part of the game, if we look at mk9, outside of that, it is a iteration of mk vs dc in most of its gameplay mechanics.

Even the character designs and graphics look like a direct continuation of mk vs dc.


Hell, MK vs DC was less of a 3d fighter than previous mks at the time, so there was already a trend into that direction.




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4 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


And you talk about revisionist history, lmao.


SF4 wasnt the fore front of all events, it depended from event to event and from contry to country.


There were majors where SF4 was neither the main event or the game with more entrants.


Case in point, Tekken had comparable numbers in many events, and in most events in japan, sf4 was not even part of the line up.

You want to talk about the mainstream awareness but want to ignore all the technologies that facilitated said awareness, mmmmkay 🤣


Those have a major impact on the growth of the scene than SF4, without them sf4 being out would have meant shit.

Having online gameplay, better internet connection, social media, youtube, twitch, smartphones, etc, all of those facilitated the growth.


This boom wasnt isolated to fgs, it happened in all nerd/geekdom, dnd, magic, etc.

We suddenly had easy access to an easy way to see events live or see them online at later dates.


It become the norm to go online to talk about video games.

A change in culture about we as players consumed and played our hobby.


SF4 had the benefit of be there at the right time, and now people want to oversell its impact.

Were you legit online during this era? Becauss it really doesnt feel like it. Capcom had srk scrubbed to make way for the new era. They pushed fgc into the mainstream eyes for espn. All of the big marketing push for thr sf4 era. Sf4 brought so many people back into the fgc and brought in new players. Good or bad thats why we have an era called the 09ers.


I am only talking about fgc stuff nothing else. Stay on topic. 

Edited by Maxx
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1 minute ago, HD-Man said:

Oversell what? Fighting games, especially 2D fighters was NOT popping like that til SF4 came and renewed interest in the genre. U tripping, fam. I understand you hate Capcom but you out of pocket 😂


I don't hate capcom bro.

I am just pointing out that people do oversell the impact of sf4 while ignoring the true facilitators of the growth of the scene.

Remove them, and SF4 being out would have mean nothing, since we would have still the same scenario as before.

Not easy access to a larger pool of players.

Not easy access to tech.

Not easy access to view events around the globe.



Gaming as whole became bigger.

There was a change in culture on how people playing video games and consumed media about them

How we discussed them.


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3 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Were you legit online during this era? Becauss it really doesnt feel like it. Capcom had srk scrubbed to make way for the new era. They pushed fgc into the mainstream eyes for espn. All of the big marketing push for thr sf4 era. Sf4 brought so many people back into the fgc and brought in new players. Good or bad thats why we have an era called the 09ers.


I am only talking about fgc stuff nothing else. Stay on topic. 


I am staying in topic.

Im laying my argument and you simply want to ignore it/dismiss it.


The impact of all of those things i mentioned were more important to the growth of the scene and the true factor behind the revival of the genre than sfiv.


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