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The Metroid Thread: The E.M.M.I. just want a hug! (Dread Available Now)

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10 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

they put it up digitally for the Wii U eshop.

Hol up, so that was literally the Wii version? 480p and all? I thought it was a legit Digital-Only port.

3 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Yes...they just took the Metroid Prime Trilogy and stuck it on the Wii U eshop as a digital download.  That's it.

My L in that case. Thanks for the info bro. 👍

22 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Metroid Zero Mission and Fusion are on the Wii U eShop.  Looks like I'm hooking my Wii U up again!

You aren't the only one has been doing that.  Apparently Zero Mission and Fusion took the top 2 spots for sales on the Wii U eshop this past week.  Metroid Prime Trilogy took 4th.


6 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

You aren't the only one has been doing that.  Apparently Zero Mission and Fusion took the top 2 spots for sales on the Wii U eshop this past week.  Metroid Prime Trilogy took 4th.

Man...Nintendo is making a massive oversight not releasing those games for Switch. Even just the two GBA games. There are so many more people who own a Switch than a Wii U. What the hell are they thinking?


Is there even *any* Metroid game on the Switch?


Btw, if y'all never played Zero Mission, game's worth dusting off a Wii U. Just an incredibly fun game, straight up.


Got too curious and looked up Samus Returns's Gallery.




That last one legit made me hit the KG face. 




They really nailed the transition. Eerie stuff. The SR Chozo got got too. They dropped in that planet thinking shyt was sweet and got mauled by the X, their own Metroids, and then their own reinforcements. Dang!


Posted (edited)
20 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I believe Metroid 1 and Super Metroid are on the system through NSO.

You can also get Metroid, Return of Samus (game boy) and Super Metroid off the 3DS eShop. 

Edited by iStu X
5 hours ago, Volt said:

Got too curious and looked up Samus Returns's Gallery.


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That last one legit made me hit the KG face. 




They really nailed the transition. Eerie stuff. The SR Chozo got got too. They dropped in that planet thinking shyt was sweet and got mauled by the X, their own Metroids, and then their own reinforcements. Dang!



Chozo get wrecked far too often for a civilization as advance as they are. Have some goddamn failsafe



After getting a permanent jailbreak on my vita I started my playthough of Fusion. It a shame Fusion isn't a survival horror game because the tension and dread it creates is phenomenal. Being linear is what made this game contentious with the fanbase but it was something that never bothered me. As far as gameplay and atmosphere I like it more than Super. 


I much prefer Supers atmosphere but it's also a really different kind of atmosphere. I also do prefer my Metroid games be more open but it's not a requirement. My only real knock on Fusion is the narrative breaks up the pace and the game holds your hand a little too much for a while but that's honestly really it. Fusion is pretty great game over all. 


What are the odds Samus Returns gets a Switch port? Would really like to play it on the big screen but seems unlikely, not the biggest fan of handheld gaming. 


If push comes to shove, I'll just hunker down and buy it on 3DS before Dread comes out 

3 hours ago, HD-Man said:

What are the odds Samus Returns gets a Switch port? Would really like to play it on the big screen but seems unlikely, not the biggest fan of handheld gaming. 


If push comes to shove, I'll just hunker down and buy it on 3DS before Dread comes out 

I'd honestly emulate it if I were you. Citra runs the game extremely well.


27 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

Metroid 2 should if gotten the Zero Mission treatment. 

Isn't that AM2R fan-made remake based on Zero Mission's-style? Maybe that's an option too, but I honestly haven't even taken a look at it.

Posted (edited)

Finished Fusion 

james franco GIF


It was great playing through this one again. I hope that Nintendo doesn't give up on story focus Metroid. Other M was shit but they got it right with this one. Dread should be fine if they take their story cues from this and Zero Mission. 


On to Zero Mission. 

Edited by Hawkingbird



Definitely could've gotten it under 6 hours, but messed around for a loooong while in Chozodia trying to find a power bomb tile I've seen earlier that turned out to be a shortcut to Crateria that I already took to get back to Chozodia anyway.


Already playing Samus Returns, Got to Area 2.

Posted (edited)
On 6/28/2021 at 7:32 AM, Hawkingbird said:

Not likely. Nintendo usually doesn't port their handheld games to consoles. They haven't porter any 3DS game to the switch yet.

To be that guy...

Miitopia and Sushi Striker (which started as a 3DS game but was simultaneously released on Switch in a obvious port). 


Not one to one but it all depends on what they are ports nonetheless.

Edited by Wellman

OK, that free aiming feature for the Omega Canon is dope, love the camera angle on it. Slightly disappointed the EMMI are stuck to their zones and don't chase your through other doors, but I get it


Dread is coming along nicely 

13 hours ago, HD-Man said:

OK, that free aiming feature for the Omega Canon is dope, love the camera angle on it. Slightly disappointed the EMMI are stuck to their zones and don't chase your through other doors, but I get it

Treehouse stream showed that the EMMI areas are pretty big, so I'm cool with that.


Really hoping that there are items and stuff down there that would force exploration instead of it being "Get to the exit before the EMMI gets you".


Dropping Samus Returns.


That game is just a slog.


Every enemy is a damage sponge that deals a chunk of damage, the Metroids are repetitive and incredibly spongey. You shoot them for minutes on end, and if they bump into you, you're losing at least half a tank, and that's the Alpha Metroids, the flying spider things are definitely hitting harder. Random mooks in Areas 2 and 3 take like 5 missiles to kill.


It's just not a fun experience. If you don't mind that, odds are you'll like it, but I just can't. Fortunately Dread seems to be much faster-paced, so I'm still looking forward to that.

1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:

You can always use the counter to kill enemies quick. Even if you don't want to just use missiles on the regular enemies and hit Metroid with Aeion infused super missiles. 

Same problem, different solution. I'd need to sit still and bait that attack.


What got me the best results was the good old Ice Beam/Missile combo. Melee on freeze works too, but you gotta be in range.


Sadly, it only really works on mooks and since I got the Wave Beam, sniping them through platforms is something that, while slower, is a bit better for me since it deals with most armored things as well.


Things just got too much health in this. I'm probably going straight to Super Metroid to see what the fuss is all about.


I started my playthough of Zero Mission. This one is weird for me to playthrough again. There are power ups I feel should not be power ups at all (long beam, power grip) and I finding the game very easy. There's chozo statues everything to fill your health and ammo. I already beat Ridley even though I'm sure I'm suppose to fight Kraid before getting to him. For the game where Samus defeated the space pirates they have yet to show up as regular enemies in this game. All been local wildlife. Only space pirates have been the dead bodies piled because of the Metroids. 



32 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I already beat Ridley even though I'm sure I'm suppose to fight Kraid before getting to him.

I don't even...


Oh well, it is Metroid. Doesn't surprise me you can sequence break the hell out of it.


Yeah, Zero Mission is kind of on the easier side, game is kind of bs-free like that. I appreciate how smooth the experience was tbh, it's an incredibly consistent game.


In other news, started Super Metroid.


That game definitely has that untangible quality you feel when you're playing a masterpiece. Only got to the Bomb upgrade so far, but the game just feels good.


Did not appreciate me trying to curl in the Bomb Chozo's hands and it turning into a whole ass boss tho. I wanted more health, not less! 🤣

14 hours ago, Volt said:

Dropping Samus Returns.


That game is just a slog.


Every enemy is a damage sponge that deals a chunk of damage, the Metroids are repetitive and incredibly spongey. You shoot them for minutes on end, and if they bump into you, you're losing at least half a tank, and that's the Alpha Metroids, the flying spider things are definitely hitting harder. Random mooks in Areas 2 and 3 take like 5 missiles to kill.


It's just not a fun experience. If you don't mind that, odds are you'll like it, but I just can't. Fortunately Dread seems to be much faster-paced, so I'm still looking forward to that.

You really have to use the counter to do good damage early on. That feeling does change once you get the plasma beam, and of course the screw attack, at which point your ability to mow through things feels more like previous titles. It's still a good bit more challenging than the old ones in terms of combat, which I really enjoyed.

6 minutes ago, Camacho said:

You really have to use the counter to do good damage early on. That feeling does change once you get the plasma beam, and of course the screw attack, at which point your ability to mow through things feels more like previous titles. It's still a good bit more challenging than the old ones in terms of combat, which I really enjoyed.

I legit thought the charge beam jumping attack was bugged, then I accidentally got a kill with it and got confused. Only when I tried going through a swarm of these bugs that Beam Burst plants in Area 3 release I understood what was happening.


I killed a bunch of em and got hit anyway. Then I realized why the charge jump wasn't working. I was dealing damage, but not enough to kill the random things, so I was essentially leaping into hitboxes.


The random enemies are spongey like that.


At some point you gotta call shenanigans. That's just silly. It's not even that the charge beam is super weak, everything just got crazy HP so the counter is more rewarding. The whole balance is wacky because of it.

Posted (edited)

Its not wacky. You just keep expecting it be like the old games. Its tuned to that new mechanic, they put the emphasis there as its your key mechanic for dealing out big damage. They literally want you to focus on it. Balance isn't wacky it's just tuned to prioritize the new counter mechanic since it's the key new feature to combat. 


Now wether you like that or not is a different issue. I have my positives and negatives about it as well but personally I think the spongier enemies are a plus over all as combat actually matters, kind of like it did in Fusion where as in most Metroid games combats a pretty serious after thought. Enemies are nuisances more then actual threats of any kind on most of this series, even most of the bosses are push overs. 

Edited by RSG3

Finished Zero Mission. I really like the end sequence with Samus in her Zero Suit that turns it into a stealth game. It was a refreshing change. When you get the power suit back and mow down the pirates is great. OP as fuck, the heroic music plays and some pirates start finding from you. So kick ass. Though the boss fight with Mecha Ridley was ass. By far the easiest final boss I've encountered in this series. 


Onto AM2R

Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Here's hoping it doesn't unlock a new skin and hardest difficulty mode. 

It’s probably one or the other tbh. I’m leaning more towards hidden difficulty mode 

Edited by iStu X

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