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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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I was one of the spoiled kids that had both SNES and Genesis hooked up to the same tv in my room.  I had around the same amount of games for both systems....towards the end of that era I was playing the SNES slightly more often though.


**whoah hold on...--- so in Lies of P you unlock an item early on called.... "the P organ"?!?  I just heard it mentioned while watching this video.  haha I should make a character and name it that--- "Pee Organ" 🤣(**haha watching the reactions in Asmon's live chat make it even funnier to me; you can't just casually mention a name like that and expect the audience to let that least not an audience of people like me that forever have a kid's sense of humor)

but seriously, I do plan on getting this game though.

Edited by MillionX
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6 hours ago, BornWinner said:

I just killed a guy to take 2nd place in F-Zero 99 and let out the most visceral scream I’ve done in years. 

You guys are right, this game makes a psycho out of you.

I was in Winan's Coffee & Chocolates next to my job before work and KO'd some poor SOB JUST before they would have crossed the finish line. The dopamine rush I got from ruining that player's day was THE BEST. That legit felt more satisfying than any punishment I could inflict on someone in Splatoon 3 or Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. Like, I'm ready to be a super villain after that one act of cruelty.


james franco GIF

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The remaining courses in F-Zero will be added in two batches in late september and mid october respectively:


I think that's good enough. No reason to drag this out like some live service nonsense, just let newbies get accustomed to them and then send in the next wave.

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That whole "we are going to buy Nintendo in the future" thing feels pretty arrogant.  I mean I get it, yall got big dick money but the idea of thinking you could at some point coerce them into being bought without a hostile takeover is EXTREMELY LAUGHABLE.  And the fact that he fully knows about their cash pile and he still says something like that is wild.  Also add to the fact that most Japanese companies a fairly prideful and don't like being bought out by foreign entities and that makes the chance of this happening at least in our life times slim to none.  Nitendo would have to fuck up so bad over the course of close to at a minimum 25 years before the thought of being purchased would even be a blip on the radar.  Dude going to be on his deathbed asking "Did we buy Nintendo yet?"


And THEN add onto the fact that FTC jumped their ass about buying Activision and despite them fucking up in court, this shit would be a crazy ass red flag.  FTC may have did a horrible job the first go round but I'd imagine a baby in a suit could probably handle the case of why M$ buying Nintendo would be bad for business.



Also find it quite funny that M$ has learned nothing from the start of Xbone clearly.  Go ahead and hit people with that refresh and make all of your consoles digital only lol.

Edited by Sonichuman
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Sarah Bond, Microsoft’s VP of gaming business development, responded to the discussion later in the month with a breakdown of major third-party games expected to arrive throughout 2022 and early 2023 that could make a big splash on Game Pass. Those included everything from Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga to Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, including an analysis of how many hours each game was likely to be played on Game Pass, how much it would cost to get the game on the service, and whether the publisher who owned it would be likely to make a deal.


Here’s the full list of estimates:

  • Lego Star Wars: $35 million
  • Dying Light 2: $50 million
  • Cities: Skylines 2: unknown
  • Red Dead Redemption 2: $5 million per month
  • Dragon Ball: The Breakers: $20 million
  • Just Dance: $5 million
  • Return to Monkey Island: $5 million
  • Wreckfest 2: $10-$14 million
  • Baldur’s Gate 3: $5 million
  • Gotham Knights: $50 million
  • Assassin’s Creed Mirage: $100 million
  • Suicide Squad: $250 million
  • Star Wars Jedi: Survivor: $300 million
  • Mortal Kombat 1: $250 million
  • Grand Theft Auto V: $12-$15 million per month
  • Blood Runner: $5 million
  • Net Crisis Glitch Busters: $5 million

The estimates vary wildly depending on the size of the release as well as whether it would be day-and-date on the service. Notably, some games like Assassin’s Creed Mirage and Suicide Squad ended up getting delayed (the latter still doesn’t have a new release date). It’s also funny to see Baldur’s Gate 3, one of the biggest games of 2023, low-balled at just $5 million (it’s out on PlayStation 5 now but delayed on Xbox due to issues with the Series S version).


Bond also notes that games like Suicide Squad and Mortal Kombat were unlikely to come to Game Pass due to corporate tumult at Warner Bros. following the merger with Discovery. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor also appeared to be off the table. Gotham Knights and Assassin’s Creed Mirage were considered much more viable and cost-effective deals. And indeed, while not day-and-date, Lego Star Wars did end up coming to Game Pass on Deceber 1 of last year.


Edited by AriesWarlock
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12 hours ago, RSG3 said:

More like it's taking Phil a long time to realize Nintnedo has zero interest in anyone else's hardware. 

I get it though. I mean the way he sees Nintendo, I see Serena Williams. She just has to see it is better for everyone if she leaves her rich husband and settles down with a man that is willing to be a loyal house husband with a substantial comic book collection like myself.

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2 hours ago, Lantis said:

I think there are features in SOTN that would be IMPOSSIBLE to think they weren't jacked from Super Metroid so I'm not sure if I should believe that....

The map system and the way its laid out alone is kinda sus.  Its not out of the realm of possibility though...maybe someone else on the team who played SM figured it would be a good idea to borrow the map?

Edited by Sonichuman
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3 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I feel like Lextorias latest video might speak to you lol

Yea I felt that. We are pretty much in full agreement. Pretty much every one of those genre labels drives me some level of batty lol. 


I also totally believe Iga didn't know about Super Metroid, follow enough of his interviews and he's a weirdly insulated gamer. He's played stuff but he's also not played a lot of stuff. A lot of the new ideas to games like SOTN and later games where other team members ideas. Igas true strength is how open to collaboration and ideas he is. He doesnt have tons of them himself but he's super open to people's input. 

Edited by RSG3
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Microsoft tried to buy Nintendo, but got laughed out of the room
The company wanted Nintendo's software for the original Xbox.



Somehow, it’s already been two decades since Microsoft first announced the Xbox, its foray into console gaming. Specifically, the Xbox was unveiled at CES in 2001 — to commemorate that launch, Bloomberg has published an in-depth oral history of how the console came to be. It’s a fascinating read, but one particular passage stands out: details on Microsoft’s efforts to secure games for the brand-new console. While the company implored third-party developers to work on the Xbox, Microsoft also considered using its considerable financial might to buy developers. And Microsoft set its sights high, approaching Nintendo about an acquisition.


Microsoft was laughed out of the room, says Kevin Bachus, a director for third-party relations on the Xbox project. “They just laughed their asses off,” Bachus said to Bloomberg. “Like, imagine an hour of somebody just laughing at you. That was kind of how that meeting went.”


Microsoft’s specific pitch did make some amount of sense. At the time, Nintendo was lagging behind Sony badly from a hardware perspective. So Microsoft figured it could take on hardware production and leave Nintendo to focus on the software. “We actually had Nintendo in our building in January 2000 to work through the details of a joint venture where we gave them all the technical specs of the Xbox,” said head of business development Bob Mcbreen. “The pitch was their hardware stunk, and compared to Sony PlayStation, it did. So the idea was, ‘Listen, you’re much better at the game portions of it with Mario and all that stuff. Why don’t you let us take care of the hardware?’ But it didn’t work out.”


While this is certainly the most notable of Microsoft’s failed acquisitions, there were a few other notable developers who passed on the company’s overtures. EA was the first company that Microsoft reached out to; the software giant passed with a more simple “no, thanks.” Microsoft also was meeting with Square (now known as Square Enix) and Mortal Kombat developer Midway.


One acquisition that did go through gave Microsoft what’s been the flagship franchise for the Xbox since day one. At the time, Bungie was a little-known developer, but Halo: Combat Evolved arrived alongside the first Xbox in November of 2001 and was met with immediate acclaim. It’s not a stretch to say the game gave the Xbox immediate legitimacy and helped it carve out a significant chunk of the gaming market despite the dominance of Sony and Nintendo. For more on how the first Xbox came to be, Dina Bass’s oral history at Bloomberg is a must-read.




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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

Aren't SOTN and Super Metroid the games that birthed the Metroidvania genre?

Just that term, "metroidvania".


Played a bit of Lies of P last night.  So far I dont really care much for it.


Gonna try out Horizon Chase 2 and NASCAR Arcade Rush in a bit here.  I still havent found a racing game that I'd rather play than Paradise. 

Edited by Faltimar the Dark
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25 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

Just that term, "metroidvania".


Played a bit of Lies of P last night.  So far I dont really care much for it.


Gonna try out Horizon Chase 2 and NASCAR Arcade Rush in a bit here.  I still havent found a racing game that I'd rather play than Paradise. 

Did you like Bloodborne? I'm interested in LoP, but would like to hear more opinions from BB fans. 

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1 minute ago, Hawkingbird said:

It's a shame the music in MK1 is muted because the music is pretty good when you know it's there.

When I went over to my cousin's house to play it friday night, I was thinking the same thing.  I had completely forgotten to try to hear the music until near the end of the night cause the music levels were so so low.  The sound effects and everything else is high but the could have stood to try to at least put the music a couple steps.  I just got the game today and I gotta load it up and I'm likely gonna mess with the levels in the options menu.

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54 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I hear it's an AA bloodborne. Good but you can feel the budget, which is whatever to me. 


FightingCowboy had a good review for it. No spoilers or anything. 


But wouldn't AA mean that the quality is almost great?

By the way you phrase it it, you would think is a B game 😅


Related tangent

Not that we would know nowdays with how AAA has lost its meaning seeing the terrible quality of many games released in terrible shape, incomplete, etc.

Sometimes it feels more like a descriptor on how much money went to them, but not the quality to expect about them 😕

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