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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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6 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

I bet Immortals of Aveum is being played now is because of the addition of FSR3 or whatever.  I imagine the game would run like crap on ps5 and fsr3 would help with that.  If it were PC it would be simple...they removed denuvo. 

Its not a great game but its fun and its pretty...a bit cheesy.

It was one of the free games of psn+, so that probably helped.

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Something to consider between Remakes and Rebirth's sales numbers are the different times in the life cycles of their respective consoles.  Remake was in the later years of a consoles life cycle where the saturation is at its highest vs where Rebirth is in PS5's console life.

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23 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

I know that the 360 was the best xbox game console and all, but I kind of put a veil of doubt on saying that had an amazing finish, when many of the sales were driven due the high rate failure that the console had and that Xbox lost a lot of money on the repair services and guarantees that had to uphold.

With that context in mind, its numbers are not necessarily great all things considered, since it paints a picture where the number of sales doesn't reflect the number of actual owners by a considerable margin, when compared to the competition, since the failure rate was around 54.2 percent.

So if you take this in consideration, the Xbone sales numbers make a lot of sense and are more reflective of the actual number of players on the ecosystem, and shows the actual growth, or more like  lack of, on that generation, where many players felt burned out due the failure rate of the 360 and their atrocious pr nightmare with the launch the xbone.

Mat is talking about purely from a numbers perspective and not from a general consumer consensus on brand.  Because you are right that a chunk of those numbers are from people rebuying 360s cause the hardware was a piece of shit but the fact still remains that they did sell them.  Even with the console a PoS they had the perfect storm of Sony shitting the bed and Nintendo going fully into their blue ocean strategy that made it so they were able to get away with that travesty...this is on top of the solid lineup of games and exclusives the platform had until Sony was able to unfuck itself years down the line.  Its crappy way to look at it but that's the business.  Having the context helps but it still doesn't detract from the fact that 360 was still the strongest M$ has ever been to date and its probably not going to change anytime soon.

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9 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Mat is talking about purely from a numbers perspective and not from a general consumer consensus on brand.  Because you are right that a chunk of those numbers are from people rebuying 360s cause the hardware was a piece of shit but the fact still remains that they did sell them.  Even with the console a PoS they had the perfect storm of Sony shitting the bed and Nintendo going fully into their blue ocean strategy that made it so they were able to get away with that travesty...this is on top of the solid lineup of games and exclusives the platform had until Sony was able to unfuck itself years down the line.  Its crappy way to look at it but that's the business.  Having the context helps but it still doesn't detract from the fact that 360 was still the strongest M$ has ever been to date and its probably not going to change anytime soon.

I understand, but removing the context is misleading.
This is the same kind of situation that happens when we see box office numbers being reported, where you see X movie had lets say 400 million box office return and is reported that have 150 million production cost and people start claiming that it did well.
Ignoring the cut that theaters and distributors get, the pre production and post production costs and marketing costs.


Or when X movie is compared to a previous movie in the series ignoring the inflation when comparing box office numbers, or an even better metric, estimated ticket numbers based on average price at the time against the box office.

If we just see at the numbers without the context we get a wrong picture of the situation and end with the wrong conclusions and expectations.

To say that the 360 had an amazing finish paints a picture that doesn't reflect reality, since not only they ended 3rd on a gen where they had a great lead at the start, but also were the one that lost more money of the 3 at every step of each console sold.

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1 hour ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

I bet Immortals of Aveum is being played now is because of the addition of FSR3 or whatever.  I imagine the game would run like crap on ps5 and fsr3 would help with that.  If it were PC it would be simple...they removed denuvo. 

Its not a great game but its fun and its pretty...a bit cheesy.

That isn't it. I mentioned it in my post. NPD...erm Circana data is for April. The FRS3 update for Immortals of Avenum just dropped.


1 hour ago, Hecatom said:

I wonder if the issue is just that the games where PS exclusives, or if there is another layer to it.
To me it seems that it also doesn't help that their budgets get bloated to the point that numbers that would be considered good for many games (2 million in a month or 2) are considered mid to bad.


Then add that when considering the sales of remake on the same time frame, which was also an exclusive, it paints a drop of around 30%, which tells us that there can be other factors, like the current economy situation around the world, the kind of busy release window where it was released, etc.

Exclusivity is one of their issues. Part of the reason FFXV sold as well as it did was Xbox and PC sales. Square shot FFVII Remake in the foot twice. First they made it PS4 exclusive and then they made it Epic Game Store exclusive initally on PC. Yes exclusivity nets you a bag but it limits the reach of your games. So when the inevitable sequel drops it's sales potential can be stifled by the previous games availability. Side note: I'm curious how much longer larger studios will continue to take the Epic Game Store exclusivity money. It never really seems to work out for them in the long run. 


The best example, although not recent, is Sega. When they first went 3rd Party, they put number of their most sought after titles on Xbox because MS dropped a lot of cash into their lap. However it ended up biting them in the ass. The games didn't sell well. Their games sold best on Gamecube, then PS2, and Xbox was distant third. It really hurt them in the case of game like Shenmue 2. Given Shenmue's budget, Sega needed to put that game on any platform that could run it to try get their money back.


This isn't to say exclusivity is always bad thing. A smaller studio can benenfit from having only one platform to focus on. They may not have the resources to target a multiplatform release to begin with. So an exclusivity deal would net additional cash for something they'd have to do anyway just to get their game launched. 

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

It's pretty disappointing neither Trish or Lady made it into DMC5 SE as playable characters. They could just be the DMC4 iterations, I wouldn't have minded at all. 


That Trish walk animation is so good 👌 



I was really surprised. They clearly put a lot of work into both of their character models and nothing. I just figured it was a foregone conclusion.

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I was really surprised. They clearly put a lot of work into both of their character models and nothing. I just figured it was a foregone conclusion.

Same for the game having match marking but only in a couple, mostly quardened off missions, and not integrated into Bloody Palace at all. 


Even more confusing when DMC3SE on Switch has match making for Bloody Palace on the Switch. Bruh wtf? Not saying it's not dope in DMC3, it is, but 5 is the newer game, more people will be playing it, and it has more playable characters then 3 does. 


What the fuck Itsuno/Capcom? *Jackie Chan Meme*

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I was talkin' about this with some folk on Discord.  Owning Digital games.  I say that I do own them...most of them.  There are some that if they decided to remove it from everything, even my account, I wouldn't be able to play it anymore.  But every other game I have I can back up (and I do back up most) and play without having to be connected to the internet or Steam or Epic Games or some other stores.  They always say "but then you have to crack your own game" and I just say "So what, its my game and I can do what I want".  Its not even a crack...its just changing the steam_api with an emulator pseudo crack

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Posted (edited)

The state of play wasn’t bad. Nothing that was day one for me or a must have. But seemed like a good showing. The titles that did interest me like Ballad of Antara,  Infinity Nikki and Where the Winds Meet I’d need to know more about before I can say I’d play them. But a solid showing, I suppose. 

I’m surprised that they’re making a new Dynasty Warriors game, tbh. I know that was always KoeiTecmo’s bread and butter but DW9 seemingly killed the franchise. It’s nice to see a current gen comeback. It looks great too. 

Wife use to play overwatch a lot so Concord and Marvel Rivals excited her. As did Astro Bot but basically cause it’s cute as fuck. Which I’m inclined to agree. 

Edited by iStu X
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Posted (edited)

Since Stu is married now, does that make him a DILF?


Pretty cool that there is a Silent Hill 2 remake coming.

I played the original on Xbox 22 years ago. It was my first game that I bought for that console.

Edited by DangerousJ
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13 minutes ago, Hecatom said:




One of the more baffling changes in this was the removal of an option to switch your neutral and side attacks. To people familiar with Smash Bros, it would be like having your jab combo where you would do a smash attack and vice versa. It’s so clunky and I have no idea why they would get rid of it.


The grind and monetization is bad as well, but you all probably know that.

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On 5/23/2024 at 8:52 AM, Darc_Requiem said:

@Hecatom @Mattatsuit may be time to get the gang back together....wait does it have crossplay because i cancelled my PSN last year 🤔

I see Heca already responded, but yeah, unfortunately it doesn’t.


Can’t blame your for cancelling. The PSN price is ridiculous… Like so ridiculous that I feel like a sucker for paying it

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9 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

I see Heca already responded, but yeah, unfortunately it doesn’t.


Can’t blame your for cancelling. The PSN price is ridiculous… Like so ridiculous that I feel like a sucker for paying it

When they announced the price increase, I evaluated my subcription. I didn't play the free games, I'd stopped playing Destiny 2, and I buy my FGs on PC now. So there was no reason for me to keep PSN unless I wanted to play MK1 online. I barely MK1 at all offline or online. So there was no point. Honestly if it weren't for Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and Stellar Blade my PS5 would under a layer of dust.

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I've been on TMNT Shredder's Revenge regularly for the past few days now, on Steam Deck.  That DLC (I bought the bundle when it was on sale) is absolutely worth it....again, whoever it was that first thought about putting "Survival" modes into the beatemup genre----you have given us the best thing to be added to that genre in many years, imo.  It adds to that quick "pick up and play" factor that's usual for portable gaming sessions when you only have perhaps the break time at work or lunch hour or whatever little amount of downtime in the get in there and kick ass in style for a few minutes and that's that.  


There's some little unlocks as well, though I wish it was much more (like extra characters would be good)...the nice thing is some extra color options for the characters...looks like every now and then when you "complete" a crystal by getting a certain # of those in the mode....another cool thing is there's some powerups that change you into some of the villains!  So...yeah, you can get a powerup and suddenly you're mutated into being "Rocksteady" or Bebop, or Shredder.  Those are the only ones I've seen so far though.  I'd love to fight as Baxter Stockman (The Fly mutant version of course) or that robot Turtle character.


Some of the backgrounds are like a comic book as well, which reminds me of that old Genesis game "Comix Zone"....would be nice if Sega brought that one back for the modern era.

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Posted (edited)

Well, that's probably the beginning of the end for Valorant.  I'm not even sure what that game is but sayin' shit like that never goes over well.


So did sony announce what games will be coming to PC in the next months or something?  I saw that God of War Ragnarok has a Steam page now.  That's cool.  I like God of War.


Also, Selaco is out.  Play it.

Edited by Faltimar the Dark
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5 hours ago, Mattatsu said:

I see Heca already responded, but yeah, unfortunately it doesn’t.


Can’t blame your for cancelling. The PSN price is ridiculous… Like so ridiculous that I feel like a sucker for paying it

I am on the side that doesn't really mind to pay it, since I do play many of the free games and games on the library.
Plus my account is shared with my nephews (the sons of my sister and a the son of a female cousin) and my brother 😅

Plus I mostly buy my games on console since most of my friends are there, but I am expanding my collection on pc as well. 🙂 (To play with nude mods)


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