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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Posted (edited)
31 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

I am on the side that doesn't really mind to pay it, since I do play many of the free games and games on the library.
Plus my account is shared with my nephews (the sons of my sister and a the son of a female cousin) and my brother 😅

Plus I mostly buy my games on console since most of my friends are there, but I am expanding my collection on pc as well. 🙂 (To play with nude mods)


My biggest issue is that I don’t really play the free games. I did add Tunic and Ghostrunner 2 to my library this month, but I’d bet $100 I’ll never actually play them lol… I am really just having a hard time wanting to play a game that requires pad, but that’s personal and mostly because my big worn out hands don’t find pad to be very comfortable these days.


I’m also currently the only person using the console.


At the end of the day, I’m just grumpy that I have to pay $100 CAD a year to play a game online I already paid full price for, plus potentially hundreds in extra DLC. Especially when Steam players do it for free.


Though, I do also prefer playing games on console so I’m kinda stuck… I have a PC that’s close to on par with my PS5 and have made an effort to switch over, and while PC offers a lot more flexibility, I am just not a fan of PC gaming (if I didn’t grind 50 hours a week for my job on my work PC, at the same desk and monitor as my personal PC, I would probably be a lot more open to it, so instead, I just bitch about the price  on Twitter like everyone else 🤣)


Edited by Mattatsu
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3 minutes ago, Faltimar the Dark said:

I dont see the issue.  Just plug your preferred controller in and pretend you're on a console.  lol


I think he means he doesn't like playing said games on console with a pad.

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16 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Did they add the couch coop matchmaking option.
IIRC it was something that was not possible on the "Beta"

Nope. The most you can do locally currently is a regular match. You can’t even coop with the other player in the PvE mode. They only allow you to invite people online.

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Posted (edited)

ok yeah it's too good... things just keep getting better in TMNT: Shredder's Revenge as you keep leveling the characters up; I kinda forgot about that aspect of things.  Currently, Usagi has been one of my top picks; the combos are just so delicious there.... and with this game in general, really... air combos, quick-dash/attack shenanigans, a variety of supers, all the usual little details I love to see.  


I've also unlocked some more color options for Splinter, April, Karai and Casey Jones now.


Imagine if some other beloved old properties got a beatemup of this level of quality! Thundercats, Silverhawks, G1-era Transformers (everyone probably forgot about "Devastation" existing at this point, sadly), Power Rangers and GI Joe.... yes I'm aware there already is one for those recently (I forgot if the GI Joe one is out yet or not)....but it did not look like they were on par with the actual good stuff here like Shredder's Revenge and Streets of Rage 4.

Edited by MillionX
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I did not need that Kojima + Crown powerup = Bayonetta in my mind palace...that is CURSED.


8 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Valorant Studio Head Anna Donlon Tells Players To “Play Something Else. We Won’t Miss You” While Announcing New Player Behavior Policies



Upon listening to the whole video to understand the full context...this doesn't sound bad to me.  It sounds like she's just telling people who can't be adults that they're free to play something else in which case I can't fault anyone for saying something like that.  She even said that the most egregious people are a small percentage of the community.  Considering the changes that they're making to the game, ti's probably not going to matter if she said that cause the people she's specifically talking about in this video are likely gonna get slapped with a penalty anyway.  Don't be a shit piece and be a decent human being *shrugs*

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25 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I did not need that Kojima + Crown powerup = Bayonetta in my mind palace...that is CURSED.



Upon listening to the whole video to understand the full context...this doesn't sound bad to me.  It sounds like she's just telling people who can't be adults that they're free to play something else in which case I can't fault anyone for saying something like that.  She even said that the most egregious people are a small percentage of the community.  Considering the changes that they're making to the game, ti's probably not going to matter if she said that cause the people she's specifically talking about in this video are likely gonna get slapped with a penalty anyway.  Don't be a shit piece and be a decent human being *shrugs*

More studios need to be like this. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

I did not need that Kojima + Crown powerup = Bayonetta in my mind palace...that is CURSED.



Upon listening to the whole video to understand the full context...this doesn't sound bad to me.  It sounds like she's just telling people who can't be adults that they're free to play something else in which case I can't fault anyone for saying something like that.  She even said that the most egregious people are a small percentage of the community.  Considering the changes that they're making to the game, ti's probably not going to matter if she said that cause the people she's specifically talking about in this video are likely gonna get slapped with a penalty anyway.  Don't be a shit piece and be a decent human being *shrugs*

The problem is that type of system can and is abused.
You don't need to be be a literal pos to actually get in trouble.
It has already happened on other games with similar systems, like OW.

Most of this stuff can be easily resolved by people just using the block and mute option 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Hecatom
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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Hecatom said:

The problem is that type of system can and is abused.
You don't need to be be a literal pos to actually get in trouble.
It has already happened on other games with similar systems, like OW.

Most of this stuff can be easily resolved by people just using the block and mute option 🤷‍♂️

Block and Mute can help for a single person but it doesn't help when someone is clearly a toxic personality that the community would be better off not being around.  Yes systems can always be abused in much the same way that they can now when you hit someone with a double P and that person decides they're going to report you for Unsportsmanlike Conduct or whatever because they're salty as shit.  But just because something can be abused doesn't mean it can't have a net positive experience to the whole especially in a world now where people people can stream and record evidence of people being assholes or use it to show that they actually didn't do anything.  Most of the people that this is going to effect is going to be a small % in comparison to the whole.  If you're not being a dick then you have less of a chance falling victim to this especially if they're using more sophisticated voice recognition to catch keywords. 

Edited by Sonichuman
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Hecatom said:


Lol wut, most fan translations nowdays are way better than the garbage that "localizers" do.

Lol no they aren't. They are full of grammatical errors and many of them use cuss words in places they don't belong. Most are amature at best, some are amazing, and a good chunk are fucking terrible, just good enough to play the game and understand what's going on. So many of them use machine translation and you can tell. 

Edited by RSG3
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5 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Apparently NoA thought that Hyrule Warriors could potentially bring the Zelda franchise down and even thought it shouldn't release in NA


Thank god they were wrong.

Glad Reggie changed his mind. Hyrule Warriors was my jam for the Wii U I managed to 100%’ed it on 3DS and sank quite a bit of time into on the switch. It’s one of my favorite modern titles. 

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9 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Lol I play a lot of fan translations, most of them are OK at best to terrible at worst. 


Be interesting to see how that plays out. 

NIS America hired the fan translators for the official translation for the Legend of Heroes series. Going all the way back to the late 90s. Fan translations were usually better than the official ones. I played a lot JRPGs that were fan translated before they eventually got official localization, and the former were usually better than the latter. Which would add pop culture nonsense or put G rated language in place of what was said. Even then, those localization's are better than what we get now. 


Ironically the same nonsense that made localizations poor before are happening now just from different angle. In the past they'd remove or out right change queer characters. Ash from Streets of Rage immediately comes to mind or the whole Poison/Roxy changed to Billy/Sid debacle from the SNES version of Final Fight. Now they do the opposite. They'll make a straight androgynous character gay. Or they do weird stuff like make a gay character non binary like they did with Okino in 13 Sentinels.

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If you think 90s localizations are better then they are now then I'm not remotely surprised you're happy with the amature work of the majority of fan translations. Probably think "I are sick" and "Remus....Remus Bond" and "Spoony Bard" are brilliant localization decisions. 

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On 5/30/2024 at 8:28 PM, RSG3 said:

Same for the game having match marking but only in a couple, mostly quardened off missions, and not integrated into Bloody Palace at all. 


Even more confusing when DMC3SE on Switch has match making for Bloody Palace on the Switch. Bruh wtf? Not saying it's not dope in DMC3, it is, but 5 is the newer game, more people will be playing it, and it has more playable characters then 3 does. 


What the fuck Itsuno/Capcom? *Jackie Chan Meme*

Huh I had no idea dmc3se had matchmaking for bloody palace. I actually just started playing it this week on a whim and the game still holds up; I actually think it's better than 5 in a lot of ways. But I don't remember where anything is anymore. I spent a LOT of time wandering around the innards of that flying beast last night (mission 8 I think) because I couldn't remember where to go after spending hundreds of hours on the game over the course of my life 😂



On 5/31/2024 at 3:35 AM, AriesWarlock said:


I watched a video of the game play for the SH2 remake yesterday and I actually think it looks good. It still has vibes of the original but it does look better and I appreciate that because I loved the game. I think the models look fine too. I don't know what this guy is on about.

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Huh I had no idea dmc3se had matchmaking for bloody palace.

It's only in the Switch version of DMC3SE. No other version has it. I have no idea why. 


10 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I actually think it's better than 5 in a lot of ways

I think I'd have to play 5 again, it's not super fresh in my mind and I don't know it as well as the older games, but I remember enjoying the combat in 5 way more then 3 almost across the board. Everything in 5 is just more fun to fight then almost everything in 3, 3s enemy roster really brings the experience down for me. There are soooo many just bad enemies in 3 imo. It's why I say it has an amazing combo system but kinda mediocre combat. The actual combat mechanics of the game don't really get to shine until boss fights most of the time imo.  


Otherwise I was fine with DMC1 and 3s key hunt stuff but I also don't miss it at all in 5. The pace keeps up better in 5 imo due to less short term back tracking but thats a preference thing I thing. Same for setting. I REALLY like RedGrave City and seeing the actual world DMC inhabitants exist in, but the Clyphid Tree while I don't hate it, is a little samey and I feel the same way about Temin Ni Gru, it just has a kind samey feeling to it. DMC1 still shines the best in this regard imo. 


I'd probably need to play them close together to get a real opinion but I suspect I will like 5 as an over all package more probably. 


3 still has the best story for sure tho. 


Edit: As for Silen Hill 2 I think we've all learned recently that according to the internet videogames are only allowed to have super models in them. No normal people allowed. Only super attractive people. Otherwise "You have an insidious agenda!!!"

Edited by RSG3
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Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

It's only in the Switch version of DMC3SE. No other version has it. I have no idea why. 


I think I'd have to play 5 again, it's not super fresh in my mind and I don't know it as well as the older games, but I remember enjoying the combat in 5 way more then 3 almost across the board. Everything in 5 is just more fun to fight then almost everything in 3, 3s enemy roster really brings the experience down for me. There are soooo many just bad enemies in 3 imo. It's why I say it has an amazing combo system but kinda mediocre combat. The actual combat mechanics of the game don't really get to shine until boss fights most of the time imo.  



3 still has the best story for sure tho. 

Yeah I definitely agree with a lot of this especially RE 1 having the best levels. 5 was definitely fun and I liked the variety of play styles you had there with all the different characters,  but I'd have to play it again. It's been a long time since I went through it, though I remember Nero being my favorite of the group which was something because I thought he was pretty boring in 4.


I think the enemies in 3 are good but I remember you saying how it has the worst dmd mode and I agree with that. And I think the combat shines as you get into the harder levels and they have more life with Very Hard being the sweet spot.

Edited by DoctaMario
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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Yeah I definitely agree with a lot of this especially RE 1 having the best levels.

It's funny how this is still kinda technically correct lol. 


10 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

5 was definitely fun and I liked the variety of play styles you had there with all the different characters,  but I'd have to play it again. It's been a long time since I went through it, though I remember Nero being my favorite of the group which was something because I thought he was pretty boring in 4.

Nero gets soooooooo much kit in 5, he's a way more expansive character in 5 then he was in 4. What crazy is he gets even more shit in NG+. Them holding his DT till Mission 20 was specifically to get people to go to NG+ Hard and up imo and a brilliant move imo. He gets back everything he lost on top of everything he gained. It's amazing lol. 


10 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I think the enemies in 3 are good but I remember you saying how it has the worst dmd mode and I agree with that. And I think the combat shines as you get into the harder levels and they have more life with Very Hard being the sweet spot.

I Hate the Abyss and the Enigma, and the Fallen, and the Chess Peices....the lol. The Hells are dope but I think they would be cooler if they fused a couple of them into one enemy so they could have more expansive move sets. 


Yea I hate 3s DMD mode but to be fair I think only DMC1 has a good DMD mode. The rest are slogs of some form or another imo. I do agree that 3s Very Hard is the sweet spot. It feels just right. Stuff lives long enough for you to really style without being such damage sponges every fight turns into a long drawn out slog. Very Hard is just right. 

Edited by RSG3
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5 hours ago, RSG3 said:

If you think 90s localizations are better then they are now then I'm not remotely surprised you're happy with the amature work of the majority of fan translations. Probably think "I are sick" and "Remus....Remus Bond" and "Spoony Bard" are brilliant localization decisions. 

Your post doesn't make sense. The former sentence contradicts the latter. "Spoony Bard" was from the official Square translation handled by Ted Woosley (sp). It's an example of why the fan translations were better than what we given officially. You got things like "Spoony Bard" inserted into them. Fan translations had Tellah call him a "bastard" instead of a "Spoony Bard" which actually more accurate. Working Designs was especially prone to this. And with them being one of the chief localizers of JRPGs back in the day, they are the epitome why you can have a "professional" localization be truly amateur. If would be nice if goofy stuff like that was left in 90s/early 00s but it wasn't.


Side note: For their faults, I appreciate Working Designs because it allowed me to play Lunar 1 and 2 even if the translations had quirks.

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1 minute ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Your post doesn't make sense

No I was saying old translations from the 90s sucked and aren't better then the ones done now majority of the time.  We didn't have fan translations to compare them to back then. Wish Square would drop it but peopoe would complain lol. 


2 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Side note: For their faults, I appreciate Working Designs because it allowed me to play Lunar 1 and 2 even if the translations had quirks.

I liked em as a kid but they honestly kinda suck now. Old out dated sit com and rock references that add nothing to the gane at all and times really undermine it. 


Wouldn't trade getting to okay it as a kid tho, amatrue as fuck translation work or not. 

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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

I liked em as a kid but they honestly kinda suck now. Old out dated sit com and rock references that add nothing to the gane at all and times really undermine it. 

I have to give my best friend credit. I didn't mind them as much at the time but like you, my opinions changed as I got older. My best friend was calling it out from Day 1.

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Posted (edited)
54 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Wild AF


haha, another perfect example right there to shoot down old "Honesty is the best policy." nonsense.  It certainly was not beneficial for him to be honest in that situation.


Well, I just randomly saw on a facebook post that the ROG Ally X will be shown off tomorrow... I wasn't even aware they were making a new one

The Legion Go also still interests me:


Edited by MillionX
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