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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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1 hour ago, -PVL93- said:

Do we expect any news from Tokyo game show next week? Obviously they've already shown AKI, we know her release date, but Capcom typically have a decent presence at the event and we're still waiting for those costumes from the EVO panel 



-More AKI gameplay

-Show the first 4 DLC costumes (Guile, Deejay, Juri and Marisa) with ingame graphic

-Possible announcement of Baki collab

-Possible announcement of brand mini-collab (now there's one with a snacks brand iirc)

-Possible show of new WTM expansion with AKI introduction, they did'nt with Rashid but he did'nt added much

-Would love get Ed teaser too, but December is still so far away


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On 9/16/2023 at 12:28 PM, Pair of Rooks said:

Who here getting master with all characters?


This wouldn't be as hard as you think since you're getting put in Diamond right off the bat and most people you play are just in pure autopilot. I'm on my 4th and honestly I hardly even play it that much. 


I think they should change the way the battle lounge works because's the just the  same people ( maybe if you're lucky you've got a pool of more than 30....) . Wait times are way longer than they should be.


Battlelounge you have all these hundreds of people gathered up in one place yet it's still all over the shop. Feels wasted. 


They should have a Masters lounge, Diamond lounge , Platinum lounge , ( anyone can play in any lounge, it's just a tagging system). That way I don't have to keep bodying new players trying to find a match or just people one and done because they feel outmatched. Maybe a Diamond wants to practice vs better players etc 


What about Character specific lounges ? There's so many great ideas , but I'm still finding it's me that's got to do the work ( ask on discord etc) . 


They nearly got it right , but it's not there yet. 

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14 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

Who really asks for that outside of smashers?


Nah, casuals love unlocking characters. There are people who apparently love unlocking characters.


They can honestly fuck off with all that. The bullshit dopamine hit you guys get over a one time thing just gets in the way of trying to actually play. Its dumb.



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4 hours ago, Totalsagat said:


This wouldn't be as hard as you think since you're getting put in Diamond right off the bat and most people you play are just in pure autopilot. I'm on my 4th and honestly I hardly even play it that much. 


I think they should change the way the battle lounge works because's the just the  same people ( maybe if you're lucky you've got a pool of more than 30....) . Wait times are way longer than they should be.


Battlelounge you have all these hundreds of people gathered up in one place yet it's still all over the shop. Feels wasted. 


They should have a Masters lounge, Diamond lounge , Platinum lounge , ( anyone can play in any lounge, it's just a tagging system). That way I don't have to keep bodying new players trying to find a match or just people one and done because they feel outmatched. Maybe a Diamond wants to practice vs better players etc 


What about Character specific lounges ? There's so many great ideas , but I'm still finding it's me that's got to do the work ( ask on discord etc) . 


They nearly got it right , but it's not there yet. 

Yeah, as much as the ranked grind can get tiresome fighting the same players, battle hub just isn't it unfortunately.  Connections are all over the place, as is skill level (with most players being at lower skill levels).  I feel like I'm wasting my time there.  Specialized lounges with 4/5 bar connections and players around a similar skill level would be the way to go.  Right now it's like the Wild Wild West.  

Edited by HeavensCloud
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You know, I was a bit salty the other day because I played like shyt.


Then I realized...I felt this same exact way playing SFV early on. Well, a bit later. I was pretty ass early on.


Looking at some of my fav players, many of them have been getting their asses handed to them in ranked as well. They'd be at 2k MR and then suddenly back down in the 1900s. I was watching Brian F's stream yesterday and he was getting smoked ALL day.


I'm obviously not on their level, so it should be no surprise that the 1800-1900 is a sticking point for me. It's expected.


I guess my main point is that this isn't a race. I need to stop acting like it is. MR gets reset every 3 months anyway. Improvement remains. 


Overall, I''m still playing more Battle Hub matches. I feel like I can unwind and try out new stuff there.


That TMNT song was getting on my last fukkin nerves, but I'm used to it now. 

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Just now, elliephil said:

New game bad, old game good really happened with sfv wow


I get drive rush is annoying AF. Honestly buttons into drive rush (specially when you can confirm them now with a one button input) might be the most off putting in the game. With all that, this is still leagues better than 5.


Dudes losing all match but got a v-trigger that gives them bullshit mix and then act like they outplayed you? Yeah, dope, don't need that back in my life ever again.


I feel like outside of the way some special moves work, and figuring out what to do with Drive Rush in neutral (Maybe have it cost a bar and a half?), there aren't really any major problems with the game. There's some instances where I think doing parries is better than blocking. In some ways it maybe that at its core blocking should be the safest option defensively, and if doing something else is better than it could point to there being issues; the logic here is that doing stuff on defense should always be riskier than blocking, and if doing stuff is safer and better than blocking then the stuff isn't all that risky.


This is still leagues better than 5 by a lot.

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14 hours ago, Sonero said:


Nah, casuals love unlocking characters. There are people who apparently love unlocking characters.


They can honestly fuck off with all that. The bullshit dopamine hit you guys get over a one time thing just gets in the way of trying to actually play. Its dumb.



The worst part is when you do unlock characters, apparently that shit's tied to WB servers so for example if you completed the story but couldn't auth - you gotta wait until the servers went back up. Also I couldn't confirm it but looks like DLC characters suffer the same fate, so at the moment I have no fucking idea how people are supposed to hold locals and majors without having a ps5 or xbsx connected to network at all times just so players get to use the entire roster. It's brain dead stupid but not unexpected from a company like Warner Bros - and judging by the news from these last couple of years they're burning money quick and will either have to sell off franchises to stay afloat or go fucking bankrupt 

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7 hours ago, Sonero said:


I get drive rush is annoying AF. Honestly buttons into drive rush (specially when you can confirm them now with a one button input) might be the most off putting in the game. With all that, this is still leagues better than 5.




What about Mortal Kombat 1? Doe sit feel like the old school VS games?

Edited by Jion_Wansu
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45 minutes ago, delete_me said:

Yeah, I thought I was reading that incorrectly. Basically rewriting history with that post. Next up: "I hate how strict links are in SF6, I want the lenient timing from SFIV back."

I'm waiting for someone to say that the netcode was better. There were lost souls that would fight for delay based behalf when most games were making the transition to rollback

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I don't know wtf happened that people started telling themselves SF5 was really good towards the end. It never got any more pleasant to play. They just toned down the damage and called it a life. For all the changes they did to the game,  they couldn't fix the unpleasant part of it because the unpleasant part of the game were the main ideas of the game.


With 6...System mechanic wise they may have to address the situation with parry (where mashing it during combos is basically a 0 risk proposition) and what to do with drive rush. The biggest issue with Drive Rush is still really that you both move forward and get plus frames.


The other big issue with it is that If you force yourself in with Drive Rush, hit or block you immediately start building back up that bar. So there's very little risk on forcing your way in as far as spending meter. Probably should cost two bars and have delay on regaining drive meter. Won't help people who play like nuts constantly but it'll make a big impact at higher levels. Yeah it affects some combos but that's life. All that will do is lower damage a tad bit (and people have been complaining about damage so there we are).


I don't know that there are many problematic special moves out side of JP and some Ken stuff.

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1 hour ago, Dragonfave723 said:

A.K.I. Guide


Y'know, she obviously has some callbacks to what's his face with the poison and what not, but after watching this breakdown she kinda reminds me of Gen, at least how he played in SFIV. I think guys like Xian might actually like AKI.


And she certainly has a lot of cool tools. The poison Retribution is awesome but a strike invincible command grab to avoid corner shenanigans is nice. And the fact that she can get auto poison oki off Level 2 is nice too.


Not gonna lie I really hope this character ends up stupid good, she looks like a lot of fun.


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7 hours ago, Sonero said:

don't know wtf happened that people started telling themselves SF5 was really good towards the end. It never got any more pleasant to play. They just toned down the damage and called it a life. For all the changes they did to the game,  they couldn't fix the unpleasant part of it because the unpleasant part of the game were the main ideas of the game

You should know by now it's part of the street fighter cycle 


Current game is out for long, people say it's wack, new one releases, everybody's hype, honeymoon phase, then players are beginning to hate on the current game and getting nostalgic about the previous 


I've been calling it months and months ago that we'd unironically get folks saying V is better than 6, and it seems to be kicking in almost 4 months later 

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