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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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48 minutes ago, JustBrowsing said:

Do you have a massive music collection? I had one backed up to OneDrive, in their designated music folder, and that caused me no end of problems, the search indexer just seemed to get hooked on crawling that data.

Define massive? My music folder is like 1200-1300 songs, but I never have an issue accessing it

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15 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Define massive?

Mine's about 4,000 songs, and it was specifically being in OneDrive\Music that was my issue. Was driving me mad for weeks.


Edit: accessing wasn't the issue, it was Windows Search spending all its time trying to make sense of the collection (and failing)

Edited by JustBrowsing
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1 minute ago, KingTubb said:

I figured most people just do streaming services at this point 🤷‍♀️

Between apple music and spotify, why have music downloaded at home? Except some of your favorites for it the internet goes out

I suppose, but i’m too cheap for spotify lol.

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3 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

I suppose, but i’m too cheap for spotify lol.

It ends up saving me money. Before I got apple music, I was spending anywhere from $10-$30 a month on music, depending on what new stuff came out. Now I spend $10 a month and can download almost anything I'd ever want to listen to. 

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34 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

2020 and people still keeping MP3s on their computer. 



Truthfully I pirate the majority of my music. It’s free, quick, is still there when the internet is down, and I don’t have to worry about something being taken down/edited. 

On the rare occasion I can’t find something from my regular music source I’ll just buy it straight from the Apple Store. Usually happens with older stuff.


I’d be open to using a streaming service for music but I don’t trust.them

Edited by Vhozite
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Just now, Beekmeer said:

I have my music ripped as FLAC files and stored on a separate NAS so I can access it from multiple computers. I probably have about 2.5TB of music on there, and I haven't actually finished ripping my entire collection yet.

I've been meaning to go over to FLAC but the space concerns just haven't made it worth it to me yet.  I've got many many terabytes of video but still feel gross about a single album taking over 1GB in FLAC.  Still on that 320kbps mp3 life.

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Just now, misterBee said:

I've been meaning to go over to FLAC but the space concerns just haven't made it worth it to me yet.  I've got many many terabytes of video but still feel gross about a single album taking over 1GB in FLAC.  Still on that 320kbps mp3 life.

When I started ripping my collection a few years ago I decided to go with FLAC over mp3 so I'd hopefully never have to do it again. Space was a bit of a concern, but I recently upgraded to a four bay NAS with two mirrored 6TB drives and two free bays, so I've got room to expand now.

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3 minutes ago, Beekmeer said:

When I started ripping my collection a few years ago I decided to go with FLAC over mp3 so I'd hopefully never have to do it again. Space was a bit of a concern, but I recently upgraded to a four bay NAS with two mirrored 6TB drives and two free bays, so I've got room to expand now.

I haven't gone NAS yet either.  Still prefer individual drives just shared over network.  If I go for a disk enclosure I'd prefer JBOD because RAID still scares me.

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17 minutes ago, Volt said:

There's absolutely no way I'm burning through mobile data on music streaming.


Besides, it's so convenient to have mp3s on hand that I don't even bother checking those streaming services.

Bro same. I’m so paranoid about over using mobile data because the speed slows to dial-up EarthLink shit when you go over


Using less bandwidth sine I don’t watch porn anymore, but still. I’m a data hoarder.

Edited by Vhozite
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Streaming is convenient sure, but I'll always prefer to actually have things...ideally physical versions but actual downloads are fine with me too.  Streaming as your only thing is a bad gameplan, imo...we've seen many examples at this point of things suddenly being removed for various reasons....sometimes stupid reasons too, like some soft son of a bitch figured certain scenes of a thing like Boondocks was "problematic" in the modern era.  That concept still disgusts  me each time I think about it....even though I'm "safe" on that particular show because I have access to the dvd set of season 1 at least.  When you actually have the discs or files in your collection, the companies can't do anything about it.


I've had all my collection of music saved either in CDs from that "old era" or mp3s or other digital files.... no worries for anything being "de-listed" or censored, or that I can't get online at the moment, etc... I have access to it all the time, perfectly uninterrupted.  


my usual example---I still like watching my vampire shows like The Originals or True Blood on streaming services...but I also have those shows on blu-ray and dvd.  So if they ever get removed for whatever reason, I still have them.  I was just thinking the other day how it's possible that Vampire Diaries would either be significantly changed or just removed altogether due to certain situations that might be seen as "problematic" today or in the near future. (e.g.--Damon Salvatore being a soldier in the Confederate army, or that time in season 1 where he compelled Caroline to be his sexual plaything for a while)  Too bad for them I already own a copy of the show in its original form.

Edited by MillionX
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I always want physical stuff, but the clutter of it and the effort involved is too much work for my lazy ass.


Like last week I was gonna reinstall SFV, then I remembered I had the physical disc, and I I was all like "fuck it"


Then frames reminded me that it was the PS+ game last month, so I redownloaded cause I didn't have to track down the disc lol 

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6 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

I always want physical stuff, but the clutter of it and the effort involved is too much work for my lazy ass.

I only get my absolute favorite stuff physical. Still need to get a physical release of Star Wars. 

I wish I didn’t miss the golden age of everything being on Netflix. Trying to get into streaming services because pirating media besides music is tedious. But fuck it seems like everything I want to see is on a separate platform, and I refuse to sub to more than two of these damn services. 

Edited by Vhozite
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4 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

I only get my absolute favorite stuff physical. Still need to get a physical release of Star Wars. 

Off-topic I guess, but i hope they eventually release HD versions of the original trilogy in their original form (Hans shoots first).


There are awesome copies you can download where someone went through a crazy amount of effort to piece them all together, but I’d love to own a physical copy of them.

Edited by Mattatsu
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y'know, there's something about that particular thing that never sits right with me... when they go back and change something, like the scene with Han Solo....or lately Darryl Hannah in Splash (*I hear they digitally lengthened her hair so it covered up her butt!).  Whatever the original form of the show or movie should stay that way.  Things should only change if there's a "remake" with "creative liberties" happening later in the future, imo.

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19 minutes ago, Angel said:

Wait so someone said something about pertho's mom?  Is she okay? 


Yep, some nut took a thread conversations to PM. Messaged me at random while I was at my mom's house. Told him I didnt want to talk about his bullshit because my daughter had just broken her arm and my mom had cancer (was just browsing SRK to chill).



Then he sent me a fucked up PM comparing my mom's cancer to SRK. Its all on the lounge. Dude sent me non-apology after she died blaming me for misinterpreting that PM.


Then some other stuff and BAM, back to having pages.

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2 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Check out the South Park Pandemic Special if you haven't yet.  HBO Max has every South Park episode- unedited. It's fucking great!

In this modern pansy-ass era, it's surprising that South Park still manages to survive unscathed... I'm wondering how long it can last though...that day when it's in the headlines "Various episodes of South Park pulled from HBO Max due to modern sensibilities..."... you know this is probably soon.

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1 minute ago, Sonero said:


Yep, some nut took a thread conversations to PM. Messaged me at random while I was at my mom's house. Told him I didnt want to talk about his bullshit because my daughter had just broken her arm and my mom had cancer (was just browsing SRK to chill).



Then he sent me a fucked up PM comparing my mom's cancer to SRK. Its all on the lounge. Dude sent me non-apology after she died blaming me for misinterpreting that PM.


Then some other stuff and BAM, back to having pages.

Oh wow is this pertho?  I am really sorry to hear that brother.     I hope the rest of the family is holding up and pulling together.    We are living in some tough times and they require us to be stronger for the generation that is going to inherit this mess.   Having one less beacon of light that I am sure your mother was to guide them is a tragedy to all and the world has become a dimmer place because of it.   

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Just now, MillionX said:

I'm wondering how long it can last though

They are kind of an anomaly.  They got away with dropping the N Bomb and came out unscathed.  I think it's because everyone recognizes they are extreme satire and social commentary, and nobody is safe from being made fun of.  I hope the keep it going as long as possible, but it looks like it will be just a few more specials from now on.  I believe they are under contract for another year or two.

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