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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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I watched the first clip of them chasing off that fat thief several times... that is hilarious.  It's most likely been several years since he has had to move that fast.  He probably didn't intend to burn so many calories that day but there ya go....he finally got some exercise.


*Fox--- Nicole Saphier is on the morning show right now...not sure I've seen this one before but as per the usual Fox standard she is a SMOKESHOW. 

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Most of you will say "tinfoil hat" but within the last 2 weeks, there have been some severe storms that caused wind damage, hail damage, and flooding. Now if this isn't strange then I don't know what is. Examples are Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Spain, China, Japan, Germany, Nevada, California, Florida, etc. all with the last 2 weeks. Footage is on youtube...

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7 hours ago, Chadouken said:

That's awful to hear. I fucking hate that song All Star, but anyone drinking themselves to death is a terrible way to die.  Alcohol is such a destructive force. Hope he finds peace before he goes.

Yeah, All Star has grown to be one of my most hated songs ever. After the first Shrek movie it seemed to be everywhere, and I guess it got another boost recently for being used in viral videos (where people get whacked/fall down in funny ways)


But still another proof that alcohol can be a fickle demon

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3 hours ago, Jion_Wansu said:

Most of you will say "tinfoil hat" but within the last 2 weeks, there have been some severe storms that caused wind damage, hail damage, and flooding. Now if this isn't strange then I don't know what is. Examples are Saudi Arabia, Mexico, Spain, China, Japan, Germany, Nevada, California, Florida, etc. all with the last 2 weeks. Footage is on youtube...

It's almost like Global Warming and the changing weather patterns that come with it are real or something. 

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On 9/4/2023 at 12:28 AM, RSG3 said:

Nobody is lacing my weed with more expensive drugs, that's bad for business, bad for profit, and bad for their consumer base. Believe it or not but drug dealers aren't actually trying to kill their source of income 👍

I've always found it perplexing how drug dealers operate. If I were in that line of work my products wouldn't just be for drug addicts but also to individuals pursuing rapid weight loss.

Why exert so much time and effort at the gym and oppressing yourself with a girlyman diet when you can just smoke crack and have your weight reduce at an increasing weight? This save them time and also generates extra revenue for the dealers. It's a win win.

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49 minutes ago, MillionX said:

A great example of how ridiculous reddit in general can be

I still like browsing there for laughs though, basically.  

Reddit mods are absolutely the worst kind of people. I like Reddit, to my chagrin, but it would worth seeing the site go down in flames to see the career mod types no longer have the thing that makes them powerful and able to do the kind of goofy shit like he's talking about.

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The typical reddit mod is the kind of person I'd love to watch just get beat up and stuffed into a locker (again, like they probably always did) back in high school.  

Apparently I'm not on the "good side" of 1 or more of these sissies so a certain post I made recently was automatically deleted....even though it was a simple post discussing a tv show.  haha, such  pathetic low-IQ scum.  

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2 hours ago, Reticently said:

Reddit is kind of like that deadly puffer fish that's eaten in Japan:  if you can keep yourself to a very specific and narrow cross section it's delicious, but the rest of it...

It is, but the problem is that a lot of the shit that happens in bigger subs eventually starts to spill over into smaller ones. It also recently came to light that once a sub hits 100k members, it's ripe for being taken over by the usual reddit janny suspects and eventually destroyed because the mods impose their will on it.

Edited by DoctaMario
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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

The typical reddit mod is the kind of person I'd love to watch just get beat up and stuffed into a locker (again, like they probably always did) back in high school.  

Apparently I'm not on the "good side" of 1 or more of these sissies so a certain post I made recently was automatically deleted....even though it was a simple post discussing a tv show.  haha, such  pathetic low-IQ scum.  

Before the API changed, there was a site called reveddit that you could punch your name into and it would you all the posts you made that were deleted or shadow banned. There's a lot of stuff that gets deleted/censored for seemingly no reason at all, not just stuff that goes against the rules of the site/sub. Some of the things I posted that got deleted/shadowed, I couldn't come up with a legit reason why that would be the case because they were often innocuous. So you're definitely not one in that respect.

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Big-O had one of greatest soundtracks ever produced... unfortunately I don't remember where the CDs are; I actually had it on CD...good thing is that I made mp3 copies at least....but I was suddenly in the mood to listen to that again, and of course youtube has all of it

in the category of anime soundtracks I'd put this right up in that same top rank as the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack.  It was pure excellence.

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6 hours ago, Reticently said:

Reddit is kind of like that deadly puffer fish that's eaten in Japan:  if you can keep yourself to a very specific and narrow cross section it's delicious, but the rest of it...

Yeah, I find it oddly good for food recommendations when I'm in a city I've never been. Searching "best pizza in _ reddit" has led me to a few top 10 spots.


But there's a lot of dogshit on the site in general and it can be tough to parse through it.

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Seems I need to be strong and see this court case through as a petitioner. I wish that specific people didn't see me a usable to their own life's predispositions no matter who I've gotten close to, but they expect you to follow those mutual agreements. Should you decide to opt-out of those mutual agreements, they show their real self to you, presenting a danger to you and themselves. Maybe I should've listened to my former psychiatrist by leaving to state last year, to start over somewhere else. Granted, once this is over. 

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I mean if the agreement is mutual and you're  backing out after the fact then you're the one revealing your true colors. If Mutual Agreement is what you mean then you're the one being revealed here, revealed as a liar who doesn't keep his agreements. Your also revealing yourself as someone who bitches about people on the internet for being rightfully upset about something you did. 


Is mutual agreement what you really mean? 

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that last picture... even after all these years I'm always tempted to laugh at how lame that character "Angel" from Marvel is.  The augmentation/upgrade he got from Apocalypse was the only time he was cool.


...which reminds me; sure would be nice if we could get a series with Mr. Sinister as the main villain... which would naturally lead up to Apocalypse as the true "final boss" that Sinister was working with.  This would be more ideal if Disney had absolutely nothing to do with it, of course... the hype and greatness immediately went right off a cliff after Endgame.


the memories... yeah my favorite episodes of the old cartoon were anything involving Sinister and/or Apocalypse.

Edited by MillionX
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57 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Umm yeah? That is why they're called MUTUAL

Yeah. I regretted loving these people. 


1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

I mean if the agreement is mutual and you're  backing out after the fact then you're the one revealing your true colors. If Mutual Agreement is what you mean then you're the one being revealed here, revealed as a liar who doesn't keep his agreements. Your also revealing yourself as someone who bitches about people on the internet for being rightfully upset about something you did. 


Is mutual agreement what you really mean? 

It's more like catering to people where your heart says one thing about caring for them and its feels good, but your brain tells you that they weren't good for you to begin with. So, it's complicated. 


I just do better alone.

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If you have a serious controlling problem where i should submit to you without respecting my boundaries, I'll cut you off. That's the point.


Though I have take responsibility for giving benefit of the doubt, constantly. I'm not good with that level of authority anymore. 

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It's not about controlling you, it's about you honoring you're  commitments which you are apparantly not doing and thats somehow their fault or something? 


I would say don't make agreements with people if you don't want to follow through, they will always be upset you broke the agreement. 

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11 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

It's not about controlling you, it's about you honoring you're  commitments which you are apparantly not doing and thats somehow their fault or something? 

No. It's perfectly my fault for following said commitments in the first place, knowing that it doesn't benefit me but only them. I've only excused it, due to how I've felt about them, but they have a hard time loving me back. It's a compromising situation where I'm to blame for it, knowing that I was inept in handling the situation. However, them threatening me wasn't the answer to solve things. 


Cases like this, no good will come of it. It was feelings over logic. I attract the worst people, but I'm my own enemy to love them back.

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She should change her name to Stretch Armstrong cause holy fuck thats a reach. 


Edit: Did a quick google seaech for laughs and found


This section on Portable AC units made me laugh. 


Although Willis Carrier is largely credited with inventing the modern air conditioner, Frederick Jones, an African-American, invented the first portable air conditioning unit. His invention was used largely in field military hospitals keeping wounded soldiers comfortable while they recovered from injuries sustained while fighting. Jones had at least 60 patents on various inventions including refrigeration for food transport trucks.


Fuckin Uncle Tom Ass helping soldiers survive their injuries and shit in comfort 🤣

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4 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Sounds like you're only giving us half the story. 

Money, emotional support, and errands. Something that I didn't feel reward in doing sadly, but felt optimistism beforehand. Love just isn't for me. I've tried to understand it, but failed to do so. I've hurt others around me for opting out as a result. The people that I was with knew about it, but still wanted to keep me around, because it was convenient for what I could do for them.


You have two extremes here. One is with me who "conceited that love is inconvenient" as a result of "forfeiting my commitments" versus the other side who says they "love you, but manipulate you and use you at the sametime". Same people that I wanted to change, but it wasn't my place to. They are the type that can't take no for an answer, no matter how many times you cut them off prior. You can only say "no" so much to where you get compromised as an outcome. This is what I've explained in my replies to DoctaMario from the dating topic about being looked as property after they've gotten so use to you. 


So, it's a very buried alive situation here, and since they were plotting violence, I've blocked that with a restraining order.


The information on there is so catastrophic by me, ratting people out from my triggers, from my agitation to the fallout where it can ruin their lives, if not already. 


I just should've left this state. Even my health department told me I'm on my own and they feel in danger of the situation, should any of the people I was with saw them.


I just should be alone forever, at this point. My lack of control from my own emotional state, over my mind? Incompetence.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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