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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Black gay people make the best potato salad..

According to ASHY LARRY!


I just got back from Dave Chappelle in Tampa!


The no phone thing was odd,but worked out ok.


The show was from 7-10 pm in the same arena I saw Smashing Pumpkins last year but unlike that one , I saw this in the nosebleeds.

SP was on ground level only 60 feet away.


There were 3 comics before

Chris ?

Marshall Brandon

Donell Rawlings aka Ashy Larry


Dave was on for between 1 hr to 90 minutes.


He talked about:


Chris/Will Smith slap and his own tackle last year

Madison Cawthorn

Strip club /Floyd Mayweather

little about trans and handicapped folks

An Indian kid he met in elementary school named Raj


It was pretty good but not an all time classic like the early 2000/2004 specials -Killing them Softly and For What it's Worth


Dave and ASHY Larry -8/10

The first two -7/10.


The crowd was fun though these women sure like to go to concessions and bathroom so much that they miss so much of the performances. Oh well -Their loss


Edited by DangerousJ
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That reminds me---the unfortunate downside to that advancement of tech means that most things will become more difficult to whenever a person sees what previously they'd say is a UFO/UAP----these days that could easily just be a drone someone got from Best Buy a few days ago.  With a setup like that "ghost" could also make it so people think they're seeing the "Mothman" flying around too.  Anything could just be explained away now as possibly being a drone.  It's tech that even the average working/middle class person can easily afford at this point.

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Girlfriend and I’s one year anniversary is today. It’s a small feat but we’ve done a lot and grown a lot as people thanks to each other over this short year. I’m looking forward to many more together. 

She got me a much needed new wallet, a hello kitty coffee mug, painted me a picture of Fuecoco (one of my favorite Pokemon) and got me Spider-Man 2 for PS5. 

I got her a mug, a cute plush, an electric tea kettle and Skyrim Anniversary edition for PS4/5. I made us breakfast this morning. Egg in a basket with some turkey bacon and I’m making dinner and dessert tonight as well. 


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2 hours ago, iStu X said:

Girlfriend and I’s one year anniversary is today. It’s a small feat but we’ve done a lot and grown a lot as people thanks to each other over this short year. I’m looking forward to many more together. 

She got me a much needed new wallet, a hello kitty coffee mug, painted me a picture of Fuecoco (one of my favorite Pokemon) and got me Spider-Man 2 for PS5. 

I got her a mug, a cute plush, an electric tea kettle and Skyrim Anniversary edition for PS4/5. I made us breakfast this morning. Egg in a basket with some turkey bacon and I’m making dinner and dessert tonight as well. 


Dang dude, I just celebrated my 7th wedding anniversary with my wife. I brought home flowers 😂 

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Regarding the SBF / FTX trial, SBF hasn't done a good job trying to defend himself.


The New York Post wrote that Bankman-Fried answered with some variation of "I can't recall" over 100 times on Monday. But Sassoon "presented jurors with a mountain of tweets, emails, and podcast clips revealing that the MIT grad did in fact say dozens of things he claimed not to have recalled," the article said.


Bankman-Fried previously testified with his own lawyer asking questions. When asked about Alameda borrowing money from FTX, he said he believed that borrowing was allowed under FTX's terms of service. But he acknowledged that he only "skimmed over" parts of the terms.


On Friday, the defendant "gave long, rambling answers to the questions posed by defense attorney Mark Cohen," The Washington Post wrote. "On multiple occasions... Kaplan asked him to stop talking. At other times, Kaplan rephrased Cohen's questions to elicit more direct answers from Bankman-Fried."

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Looking ahead to Thanksgiving, there's a farm out here in rich people country that's selling organic free range "Heritage" turkeys for like $200+.  They're apparently early domestic breeds that are a lot closer to wild turkeys that the modern domestic franken-turkeys are.


I'm on the fence about getting one.  I'm down to find out what they're like, but $200 is a really expensive way to possibly fuck up Thanksgiving cooking a different kind of bird for the first time.

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  • Fast-food workers in California will start making at least $20 an hour in April due to a compromise between the restaurant industry and labor groups.
  • Both McDonald’s and Chipotle Mexican Grill said customers in California will pay more to offset the rise in labor costs as a result.
  • McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski said the minimum wage hike could help the burger chain gain market share in California in the long term.
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54 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Looks like Youtube updated their threat on the ad blocker.  It's giving me 3 videos with blocked ads to remove the adblocker or it's going to block the video.  Which makes me curious what would happen if I took it off, played a video and then put it back on.  Curious as to how this threat fully works.  I may actually start looking for dif ad blocker for my comp.


the youtube ad blocker notice is triggered when u first enter the youtube website with adblocker active.

before you enter youtube. turn off the ad blocker.

after youre in...turn it back on and it wont trigger the youtube adblock detector.

in other words it only detects adblock being on when u enter youtube. not at any other time.

its what ive been doing for days. its annoying but its the solution for now until adblock plus and ublock origin updates its way around this annoyance.

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I'm watching that 4k Night of the Demons finally... this is such a great trip down memory lane... to a time when the horror slasher genre *regularly* had good fan-service catering specifically to a straight male audience....naked scenes and violence; you could always count on this genre for that....something that sadly went away many years ago.  I doubt that's ever coming back, actually (even the dialogue in this movie would be considered too harsh and "problematic" by a lot of the weak ass chumps in the entertainment industry now).... good thing physical media and old recordings of these things still exists for now, at least.

Edited by MillionX
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