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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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3 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Cuz fights at school are so brand new Katrina.  

She's not saying they're brand new, she's saying nothing's being done about the fights that are happening, which is why they keep happening. And her ecomonic situation is making it difficult to protect her kid from a situation the school should already be taking care of.

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46 minutes ago, Lantis said:

He of all people should have known that when you fuck with Putin, you find out. He shouldn't pulled his little coup unless he knew for damn certain Putin wasn't going survive it. The bad thing is he fucked around and got 9 other people on that plane killed as collateral damage. Did he really think going "my bad" and turning around would keep Putin from clapping his ass?

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4 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

She's not saying they're brand new, she's saying nothing's being done about the fights that are happening, which is why they keep happening. And her ecomonic situation is making it difficult to protect her kid from a situation the school should already be taking care of.

As we watch a bunch of adults in that very video, one of them in unform, breaking up the fight lol. 

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A ranking of horror icons I was just watching...

The top ranks that immediately pop up in my mind are always Pinhead, Jason, and Freddy Kruegar; the popular unholy trinity there (with Pennywise being extremely close to top rank as well).......even though I'd agree that most of the Hellraiser franchise is terribly disappointing...and that other dude who played him in one of the later films just looked silly.  It's fortunate that the recent reboot effectively rescued that franchise.

It surprises me he ranked "Billy" from Black Christmas that high... for being an old "classic" I was barely able to get through that movie, and of course he doesn't have any supernatural powers so naturally that's not helping his case against the rest of the competition out there, imo.

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54 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Did you intentionally try to miss the point or was that accidental?

Assuming malice is certainly the simpler option for you I guess.  Maybe you did a shitty job making your point if I didn't get it like you are saying. 


 You said she said nothing was being done about the fights. We literally watched adults in the video do something about the fight. So what point are you making?  The school isn't doing anything about fighting in general? What do you want them to do? They've already implemented a bunch of punishments for fighting nationwide in schools, they had huge punishments for fighting when I was in HS and people tlstill fought.


What do you want them to do about the fighting Mario? 


Edited by RSG3
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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

He of all people should have known that when you fuck with Putin, you find out. He shouldn't pulled his little coup unless he knew for damn certain Putin wasn't going survive it. The bad thing is he fucked around and got 9 other people on that plane killed as collateral damage. Did he really think going "my bad" and turning around would keep Putin from clapping his ass?

What surprises me the most is that he was bold/stupid enough to believe he could travel on a plane without exposing himself. The guy should have taken a clue as to perpetually have eyes behind his back but nope

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8 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Remember kids, you don't have to be black to be a coon..


My peeps wildin'



The only one who really seems to actually want to win the presidency from everything I've seen so far is Chris Christie.  He's the only one so far who's trying to address the elephant while everyone else is like "What elephant?  There's no elephant!" While they're being smushed up against the wall by it.


Edit: Vivek says he wants to be President...Nah..not like that you're not. lol.


Edit 2:  I take it back Nikki is actually addressing the Elephant too apparently.  Well well well!

Edited by Sonichuman
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3 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Assuming malice is certainly the simpler option for you I guess.  Maybe you did a shitty job making your point if I didn't get it like you are saying. 


 You said she said nothing was being done about the fights. We literally watched adults in the video do something about the fight. So what point are you making?  The school isn't doing anything about fighting in general? What do you want them to do? They've already implemented a bunch of punishments for fighting nationwide in schools, they had huge punishments for fighting when I was in HS and people tlstill fought.


What do you want them to do about the fighting Mario? 


I'm not "assuming malice" I just know you don't read things very closely before you respond.


If there are gang fights going on on school grounds, how is it "doing something" to just break it up, move it along,  and treat it like it's just some disagreement between two kids? Having adults break up the fight is the bare fucking minimum, especially if it's gang related, and if that's the case, cops need to be brought in because God knows what the hell else these scumbags will do that other kids who aren't involved will get caught up in.


I can't believe you actually watched that video and are like " ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ seems fine to me." Where tf did you grow up that that seems normal to you?

Edited by DoctaMario
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26 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

can't believe you actually watched that video and are like " ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ seems fine to me." Where tf did you grow up that that seems normal to you?

Two hours from the Mexican Boarder, like I grew up with bloods and crips and the Mexican cartels doing business downtown and shit. 


So yea like that didn't look so out of pocket as to act like the schools are spiraling out of control. Sounds like real Grade A 90s era fear mongering in fact. 


Also what are the cops going to do, they've proven themselves to be useless unless they get to shoot people, it's weird to me to ask for them to send cops into schools with how cops have been behaving lately. 


Say they arrest the kids, then what? 

Edited by RSG3
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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

read an article with a US General that gave him 60 to 90 days to live. That article was from 58 days ago.


1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

I really curious what the deal was that Putin struck with this guy cause it sounds like that episode of Family Guy where Brian told Stewie he was going to hit him to get him back but the caveat was that he was never going to know when it was going to happen. 



This is an old video during the coup


That guy was someone wack also 




Edited by Shakunetsu
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7 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

seems like it was a mistake for trump to miss the debate. he prob thought dont need to cuz they cant compete but they ended up ganging up on him pointing out his bullshit.

Some of them actually did.   Almost everyone said something about him based on those clips cept for Vivek.  Vivek is too busy with his head between Trump's cheeks and just going for easy low hanging fruit to get the crowd on his side.  The only ones there though that actually seem to want to be President are Nikki and Chris Christie though.  They really did not care how many boos they got from people it looked like, they kept at it.  Hats off to them. 

I wonder if Trump actually does ever come to one of the later debates and Vivek is there are they just going to be giving each other Blowjobs while shitting on the other members?  At least until it gets to a point that Trump inevitably has to start talking shit about him.  I'm convinced though that Trump could say really anything he wanted to in front of that crowd and it wouldn't have to be anything on topic and the crowd would cheer for him.

Edited by Sonichuman
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It amazes me how the Democrats have Biden and Harris as front-runners for President, basically the worst duo in US history and the Republicans still can't seem to find a candidate who doesn't look worse. Trump obliterates these guys easily, but he's not going to beat Biden, because the machine has worked his image out too much. He can't sway the Biden voters who chose him simply out of hate for him, despite knowing Sleepy Joe is a horrible pick himself. With what's going on the world right now, the US needs a better class of politicians ASAP. 4 more years of Biden would signal a clear downfall of US hegemony over the world. You guys need a strong hand with some strong policies and conviction to actually do something, cause these lukewarm corrupt grifters are burying the entire place and dragging the whole western world with them.

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One upgrade we could get out of the upcoming election is finally getting back to it being someone who isn't old enough to have known Cain and Abel personally.  

2024 is taking too damn long, man; I'd like to jump into a time machine to see what's going to happen sooner rather than later.


On another note entirely; I still have Passions and Port Charles up on other tabs for the past few days now... up to episode 7 of Passions.  Youtube is just too strong... those are 2 of the 6 tabs I currently have open, btw.  There's another on that "Taken" series and another tab about Mindflayer/Illithid lore.

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10 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Two hours from the Mexican Boarder, like I grew up with bloods and crips and the Mexican cartels doing business downtown and shit. 


So yea like that didn't look so out of pocket as to act like the schools are spiraling out of control. Sounds like real Grade A 90s era fear mongering in fact. 


Also what are the cops going to do, they've proven themselves to be useless unless they get to shoot people, it's weird to me to ask for them to send cops into schools with how cops have been behaving lately. 


Say they arrest the kids, then what? 

So because gangs are operating/fighting in the downtown, that makes it normal for it to also be happening in schools too? Man what a black pilled take this is...


Getting some of these kids into a mentoring program would probably help some of them. You can't reach all of them but just letting them fight it out in schools isn't the way. Eventually they're going to be bringing guns/other weapons to school which makes for the potential that other kids who aren't involved in the gang shit to get hurt too.


I have to wonder if you'd have the same " ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ What can you do?" attitude if your gf's kid were going to a school where this type of thing was happening on the regular.

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1 hour ago, VirginDefiler said:

maga heads celebrating trump's popularity of 74 million views...then i realized the tucker vid only has 225k likes. which is indicative of how many people actually watched it. cuz most of the 74 million views is peeps that scrolled past it without actually watchin it lol. 


There were probably a lot of democrat voters watching it too I'll bet


I watched the debate and from where I'm sitting, Haley and DeSantis are the only serious candidates. Vivek talks a good game but there's definitely something very used car salesman about him, Pence is everything people hate about Republicans, and the rest of the group is like "who?"

Edited by DoctaMario
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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

So because gangs are operating/fighting in the downtown, that makes it normal for it to also be happening in schools too? Man what a black pilled take this is...

I guess more so for me then for you. The fuck is a black pill? That another shitty Matrix reference the Youtubers don't understand like Red/Blue pill?


1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

I have to wonder if you'd have the same " ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ What can you do?" attitude if your gf's kid were going to a school where this type of thing was happening on the regular.

There was a fight at her school 3 days ago even tho school just started. So much for that assumption of yours. A kid was caught with a knife at her school last year. Notice how m not posting Doom and Gloom fear mongering nonsense about how the school systems are crumbling. I got in fights when I was in school multiple times growing up, I was bullied at every school I went to and the only way to get those fuckers to stop was to Smash their fucking faces in. Frankly I think the lack of fist fighting in society has been something of a cancerous rot. It's why people feel so fucking bold to say the meanest most disgusting shit to and about other people, because they know society has lost its fucking balls and will cry that they got punched in the mouth for the heinous shit they've said or done. A prime example is all the people crying because that dumb ass broad got her face smashed in with chair in Montgomery Alabama. She thought cuz she was a woman she had Cart Blanche to run into a fucking brawl and not get fucked up and it turns out large chunks of society think she should have been able to do that to. Nope, fuck that shit, she learned that day. She'll think twice before inserting herself into a situation she shouldn't be in. Maybe people would think about about the way they carry themselves if they knew they could very well get socked in the mouth for their fuckery. 


You know maybe if we stopped bandaid fixing with the cops and instead actually addressed our real societal ills people wouldn't be so fucking miserable as to want to fight everyone all the time. Maybe they would be in a position where others can't shit on them constantly and make their lives miserable. I had to bust my fair share of mouths because we lived on food stamps, or my clothes where old and raggedy growing up, or whatever fucking thing about me being poor the kids decided to go pick on that day.


And the thing is we've done your suggestions. Therapy, arrests, juvie records, my dad lived 15 minutes from the local Juvie hall where the "trouble" kids got sent to to get the help your talking about. Didn't fix the problem, kids still fought at school pretty regularly. 


Call it whatever pill take you like, I really don't care, your suggestions have been done for like 40 years and kids are still fighting so it didn't fix the "problem." My hot take is kids being able to fist fight eachother leads to less school murders. 


Edit: I think Vivek talks an awful game, every time he opens his mouth I'm even more convinced not to vote for fucking ever. He seems like he doesn't understand how anything actually works. I have my doubts he could pass the civics test he's proposing being a requirement to vote. 

Edited by RSG3
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19 minutes ago, Reticently said:

Not that there's a slam dunk alternative yet, but maybe in 2023 we should be trying to get away from cramming kids into schools like they're livestock in a factory farm.  Tensions wouldn't get so high so often if the whole process wasn't already fucking miserable at baseline.

Yea it seems to me we'd have a lot more success if we fixed the actual problems we have instead of ignoring them and looking to strong men authoritarianism to fix it when that has never worked. We keep bandaiding our problems when the problems aren't scabs and nicks, it's full blown artery destruction, we're bleeding out and people don't want to address the gaping wound for some reason. 

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3 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I guess more so for me then for you. The fuck is a black pill? That another shitty Matrix reference the Youtubers don't understand like Red/Blue pill?


There was a fight at her school 3 days ago even tho school just started. So much for that assumption of yours. A kid was caught with a knife at her school last year. Notice how m not posting Doom and Gloom fear mongering nonsense about how the school systems are crumbling. I got in fights when I was in school multiple times growing up, I was bullied at every school I went to and the only way to get those fuckers to stop was to Smash their fucking faces in. Frankly I think the lack of fist fighting in society has been something of a cancerous rot. It's why people feel so fucking bold to say the meanest most disgusting shit to and about other people, because they know society has lost its fucking balls and will cry that they got punched in the mouth for the heinous shit they've said or done. A prime example is all the people crying because that dumb ass broad got her face smashed in with chair in Montgomery Alabama. She thought cuz she was a woman she had Cart Blanche to run into a fucking brawl and not get fucked up and it turns out large chunks of society think she should have been able to do that to. Nope, fuck that shit, she learned that day. She'll think twice before inserting herself into a situation she shouldn't be in. Maybe people would think about about the way they carry themselves if they knew they could very well get socked in the mouth for their fuckery. 


You know maybe if we stopped bandaid fixing with the cops and instead actually addressed our real societal ills people wouldn't be so fucking miserable as to want to fight everyone all the time. Maybe they would be in a position where others can't shit on them constantly and make their lives miserable. I had to bust my fair share of mouths because we lived on food stamps, or my clothes where old and raggedy growing up, or whatever fucking thing about me being poor the kids decided to go pick on that day.


And the thing is we've done your suggestions. Therapy, arrests, juvie records, my dad lived 15 minutes from the local Juvie hall where the "trouble" kids got sent to to get the help your talking about. Didn't fix the problem, kids still fought at school pretty regularly. 


Call it whatever pill take you like, I really don't care, your suggestions have been done for like 40 years and kids are still fighting so it didn't fix the "problem." My hot take is kids being able to fist fight eachother leads to less school murders. 


Edit: I think Vivek talks an awful game, every time he opens his mouth I'm even more convinced not to vote for fucking ever. He seems like he doesn't understand how anything actually works. I have my doubts he could pass the civics test he's proposing being a requirement to vote. 


If what the kids told that woman about the fight being related to gang activity is true, then that's a seriously problem. Gang activity leads to fights, and while I agree that fist fighting in and of itself isn't necessarily the worst thing, when there's gang activity involved, those fist fights can escalate and weapons get involved either to harm someone else or protect one's self from other people. Gang activity isn't and shouldn't be acceptable in schools (or anywhere really, but especially in schools) and it's incumbent on the administrators to figure out a way to tamp it down rather than just shrugging it off.


I really do think that getting especially boys in these situations some mentoring would help them a lot because many of them probably have shitty/nonexistent male influences in their lives and having a positive male role model can really help a young cat out in a lot of ways. Putting them in jail/juvie for extended periods of time just leads them further down the road to basically being feral and should only be a last resort imo. But even at high school age, there's a chance for some of these kids to turn their lives around, especially kids who join gangs as a means of support they aren't getting elsewhere.


As for Vivek, I'm not saying he's a good candidate. He says things people want to hear, but like Trump, he's probably full of shit on a lot of those counts. Democracy only really works if there's a follow through on the part of the candidates to do the will of the voters, and right now I'd say there's a massive disconnect there.

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Cops make gang situations way way worse. Mentoring is one thing we could do that would help a lot yea, I agree with that. Gang activity shouldn't be acceptable in schools but sending in the cops doesn't make it better it usually makes it worse. 


I'm honestly beginning to suspect Vivek is just there to either test the waters and see how receptive the public is to his bat shit positions, or he's there to make the rest of those goofball looks less insane. He doesn't feel like a legit candidate to me. 

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Speaking of Vivek

Vivek Ramaswamy Called the ‘Climate Change Agenda’ a ‘Hoax’ on Wednesday. A Year Ago He Said It Was an ‘Important Question.’


Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy made a show of calling the “climate change agenda” a “hoax” during Wednesday night’s debate.

“Let us be honest as Republicans, I’m the only person on the stage who isn’t bought and paid for so I can say this: The climate change agenda is a hoax. The climate change agenda is a hoax,” he argued with no shortage of self-righteousness.

But in the past, Ramaswamy has been far less strident in his rhetoric, and far more open to debates about how the issue should be addressed.


In February 2021, he delivered congressional testimony during which he argued that “fighting climate change” is not a “bad goal,” and professed not to “offer a judgment one way or another about whether staving off climate change is a worthy social goal for this body to elevate above other societal considerations.”


And last August, Ramaswamy meekly argued that finding the solution to climate change should be a task for “the political process.”

“Leave it to the political process to sort out important questions. I’m not discounting important questions, like how and whether we combat climate change, and when and what timeframe we do it,” said Ramaswamy. “But those are questions in which every citizen has an equal stake and an equal voice, where someone cloistered in the corner office of Manhattan should not dictate the way an entire industry behaves, settling that question through force rather than through debate.”

In another conversation that same month, he called climate change “one of the most fundamental societal discussions we ought to be having.”

“I think that the point here is if you’re an alternative energy company you’re going to have an important role to play in America’s energy future. Be the best version of yourself. But I also think that oil and gas is going to play an important role in getting there too. And at the end of the day it will be malpractice to enter the decarbonization revolution without an alternative to fill the void, that’s exactly what’s happened,” said Ramaswamy.


As recently as this March, Ramaswamy was far less dismissive of climate change action.

“Climate change is also real, by the way. We’re talking about the climatism piece of this. When I talk about climatism and COVIDism, I’m not denying the underlying reality of COVID. I’m not denying the underlying reality that global surface temperatures are going up, and in part due to human activity,” he told CBS’s Major Garrett.

Edited by AriesWarlock
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