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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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hell yeah; I wouldn't even have to order a dvd... I just found a youtube channel  that has the entire series of Passions.  So apparently nbc doesn't give a shit (ha, like see what happens if someone were to upload whole episodes of "Days.." or Chicago PD or any other major thing... their channel would be struck down SO fast), I guess; this has been on youtube for at least 5 years, I see....entire episodes 😆  Oh yes I'm watching this starting from episode 1....I never caught the first few episodes.  

The picture quality is terrible though, sadly... they are in "240".


As with any other soap opera, the lineup of fine ass was ridiculous--- Susan Lucci's daughter was on there as "Gwen".  Lindsay Korman-Hartley as "Theresa Lopez-Fitzgerald", MacKenzie Westmore as "Sheridan Crane", some fine older woman as "Pilar" (Theresa's mom)


I'll look up Port Charles later as well---that was another wild one that had a vampire in the storylines... and I think one dude was a werewolf later.  

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haha, yeah they are at their best when they start including some crazy supernatural things, I'd say... that's far more interesting/entertaining than the usual "relationship drama" that is expected on that kind of show.


General Hospital had an evil family (the Cassadines) that wanted to freeze or take over the world with a weather-control machine at one point, I vaguely remember.  Days of Our Lives has also featured behavioral/mind-control shenanigans. (e.g.--Marlena was also mind-controlled into being a masked serial killer for a while).... also they brought back the Devil and his tactics of possessing people just a couple of years ago.... a shame that NBC moved that over to Peacock+; I'm not really inclined to pay for another streaming service... I would only have gotten it for Chicago PD and Days and that's not enough, really (and besides, I'm caught up on the Chicago show now)

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..I was just thinking about Stranger Things again--- the situation with that show is even worse now with the actors and writers striking at the moment, since that delays things further.  Imagine how old the "kids" will look in season 5 when they finally get around to filming that.  I'll bet some of the cast might even feel a bit embarrassed at that point to be probably the oldest people in recent show/movie history trying to portray a character that's still a "kid".  This will be on par with some of the folks on the original Beverly Hills 90210. (e.g.-- Gabrielle Carteris was 29, playing a high-school character when the original 90210 debuted in 1990....Luke Perry as "Dylan" was about to turn 24 at the time.)


It should add a level of unintended comedy to see what happens with this show for the final season.  I think the storyline was already planned out so I doubt they'd change course and do a "time-skip" so the characters are aged up to match what the actors look like now.  heh, I'm looking forward to this possible disaster... even though I have enjoyed it as a legitimately great show up to this point.

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2 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

i'd get the beserk branding on my neck. if i was THAT weebish.

which im not.




anymore. 😕

Berserk brand is perfect imo.  I prefer stuff like that that's clearly IYKYK instead of it being being blatant.  If you had the brand on your neck, nobody would know what that is unless they've watched the anime or read the manga.

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I finally watched the rest of that Phoenix Jones vid... amazing that there's people that actually did the superhero gig for real.  I never imagined I would see such a thing play out in reality.


Of course it's just a horrible deal as long as you are a "regular" human.  I would not even consider it unless I had acquired superhuman abilities/powers, y'know like Flash-level speed, physical invulnerability+strength+etc like a Kryptonian, or perhaps insane healing/regen like the Hulk, or whatever else that gives me clear advantages.

*and his costume has that same fatal flaw of the lower part of his face being exposed like Batman and other heroes.... nah, couldn't be me.  The smart thing is that at least he wore some apparently good body-armor and has a good background with fight training.

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Hell yeah I'm all for that continuance of physical media, even if the majority of people would prefer (foolishly, imo) to never own stuff.  That new Predator movie was surprisingly entertaining; that will be added to my collection asap when it's out.


There's also a collection of the other Predator movies I saw at Best Buy recently, so oh yeah... I intend to have the entire franchise in glorious 4k.

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Well well... so there was a panel reunion special of the actors from that show Passions, on this little youtube channel:


I saw that Chrystee Pharris was on there and I had forgotten about her until now... she was one of the actresses to play "Simone" (I think she was Simone #2)... she still looks pretty good, actually..


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