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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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7 hours ago, Jurassic said:

I know it was played out as a completely separate entity in WCW, but looking back on the NWO, it was bizarre how many wrestlers were involved, the factions etc.

My theory to that were biblical scriptures where the world loses it's predictability, turning the last days into infinite severe chaos?


Considering the group was formed a couple of years before the year 2000, when alot of people at the time thought the resurrection of Jesus was going to take place. I figured they've seen that as a cash in deal. Thus, how the NWO was founded and the story behind blasphemous temptation of the flesh (wickedness), metaphorically on how the regime steadily grew in numbers.

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1 minute ago, Emptyeyes_ said:

My theory to that were biblical scriptures where the world loses it's predictability, turning the last days into infinite severe chaos?


Considering the group was formed a couple of years before the year 2000, when alot of people at the time thought the resurrection of Jesus was going to take place. I figured they've seen that as a cash in deal. Thus, how the NWO was founded and the story behind blasphemous temptation of the flesh (wickedness), metaphorically on how the regime steadily grew in numbers.


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6 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

dude, just yesterday I was thinking how stupid I was for not to going see Terrorizer like two years ago on a FREE show in my city now that they had broken up. And now I find out this!

Wasn't it earlier this year that they said Terrorizer was done? It felt like it wasn't even that long ago that we were mourning the fact that Terrorizer was finished. I think the last time Terrorizer was near me was probably 5 years ago and they were opening for another band. Here's to hoping they come to either New England, upstate NY, or Toronto lol

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1 minute ago, elliephil said:

Wasn't it earlier this year that they said Terrorizer was done? It felt like it wasn't even that long ago that we were mourning the fact that Terrorizer was finished. I think the last time Terrorizer was near me was probably 5 years ago and they were opening for another band. Here's to hoping they come to either New England, upstate NY, or Toronto lol


Yeah, apparently Pete Sandoval could not juggle this band and another one. But this new version of the band will have different band members, so maybe that will make it easier for the band to stay active. Maybe you'll get to see them again.

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2 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Dumb people leaving their car unlocked with the keys in.

This is unfortunately not just a TX thing since I can confirm I've seen this dumb shit multiple times here in VA.  I have a friend who is a cop and he tells me gets calls about people getting their cars stolen all the time because they went into the store and left their car running with the doors unlocked.  People don't seem to grasp how quickly someone can get into your car and put it in drive.  Its like 10 secs tops.  Not even Usain Bolt is going ro be fast enough to get out of the store and get to the car to do......??????  once the thief is on the driver's seat.  I mean I guess you can try to shoot him/her if you have the gun on you and hope you scare em off or hit him but you're damaging your own car when in an easily avoidable situation.

Edited by Sonichuman
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eh, those car thieves should just get shot to death right there on the spot.  We need a rise in vigilante justice since the actual American justice system will never step up to solve the problems.  It's up to ordinary citizens to just kill the trash.  Kill that garbage and then take a  piss on his corpse right there at the gas station.


Y'know---it's really too bad that there can't be someone like the Punisher or at least a Batman for real.... because in real life we all know actual vigilante or "antihero" superhero types would ultimately get killed one day; no way they could go on playing the hero indefinitely....eventually heroes like that would get caught up by some thug's random bullet spray, unfortunately. (*with Batman; after realizing he has bullet-proof/resistant body-armor on usually... they'd figure to aim for his face and head since the costume design foolishly leaves the bottom half of his face exposed.  The Batman Beyond costume idea makes more sense as it is complete coverage.  Punisher is even worse off since he has no mask/helm at all.)

Edited by MillionX
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17 minutes ago, VirginDefiler said:

was thinkin to myself, just now.


why does mike myers wear a mask, when everybody knows its micheal myers under it?



and why is jason also wearing a mask when eveybody knows its jason.

they would make for terrible superheroes. aside from the hobby of murdering i mean.

I think Jason just wears a mask cuz he ugly, he seems like a very self conscious guy. Traumatized from not getting no bitches as a youth

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In Jason's case, he grew up as a disfigured, "special" boy and was of course bullied for that... masks were likely just to hide his horrible face; perhaps finding some level of comfort in doing so.  Michael had some fascination with putting a costume on as a small child when he went into "kill mode" starting with his sister.... though I'm not quite as familiar with the lore of the Halloween films; I still haven't caught up on the latest ones in that series. (and I heard the last Halloween film was awful or at least terribly divisive of the fandom---effectively the "Last Jedi" of the franchise, causing a split and probably some irreparable damage to the IP.)  

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5 hours ago, MillionX said:

eh, those car thieves should just get shot to death right there on the spot.  We need a rise in vigilante justice since the actual American justice system will never step up to solve the problems.  It's up to ordinary citizens to just kill the trash.  Kill that garbage and then take a  piss on his corpse right there at the gas station.


Y'know---it's really too bad that there can't be someone like the Punisher or at least a Batman for real.... because in real life we all know actual vigilante or "antihero" superhero types would ultimately get killed one day; no way they could go on playing the hero indefinitely....eventually heroes like that would get caught up by some thug's random bullet spray, unfortunately. (*with Batman; after realizing he has bullet-proof/resistant body-armor on usually... they'd figure to aim for his face and head since the costume design foolishly leaves the bottom half of his face exposed.  The Batman Beyond costume idea makes more sense as it is complete coverage.  Punisher is even worse off since he has no mask/helm at all.)


Funny you should mention that...



The Rain City Superhero Movement was a Seattle-based organization active in the U.S. state of Washington between 2011 and 2014.






Phoenix Jones and Purple Reign



4 hours ago, HD-Man said:

I think Jason just wears a mask cuz he ugly, he seems like a very self conscious guy. Traumatized from not getting no bitches as a youth


4 hours ago, MillionX said:

In Jason's case, he grew up as a disfigured, "special" boy and was of course bullied for that... masks were likely just to hide his horrible face; perhaps finding some level of comfort in doing so.  Michael had some fascination with putting a costume on as a small child when he went into "kill mode" starting with his sister.... though I'm not quite as familiar with the lore of the Halloween films; I still haven't caught up on the latest ones in that series. (and I heard the last Halloween film was awful or at least terribly divisive of the fandom---effectively the "Last Jedi" of the franchise, causing a split and probably some irreparable damage to the IP.)  


Too bad we won't get a Jason VS Michael VS Freddy VS (whoever the distant 4th place horror villian is).

Edited by Jion_Wansu
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ha, wow man---so now YouTube automatically pops up a message when you post a comment with certain terms; effectively asking "Are you sure...?" because some things might be considered against community guidelines or something.... weak.  I guess the they're concerned that the term "hoodrat" (the only *possibly questionable* word I used) might offend some little sorry chumps out there.


At least so far, they still surprisingly allow the option to post the comment anyway though.  ha, that option probably won't last long, I bet.... and we'll be in a new era where youtube comments are all sanitized and "rated G for General Audiences".  Oh how fun and exciting.

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6 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

^ This post I think came about cause some are finding out that a lot of the effects done in the Sentai/Power Rangers series have been practical effects and not CG.  There's a video floating around showing a yellow ranger flipping onto some stairs attacking enemies with practical sparks coming out as attacks land.

People thought the explosions/pyro was CGI in the Sentai/Power Ranger shows? That surprises me. They were clearly practical effects. *shrugs*

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4 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:



Called the Continuity/Cooperations Plan, this was first published in 1980s but has been continuously updated. This enormous document describes a plan for how, in case of an apocalyptic scenario, the IRS can resume tax collection in just 12 hours. Yes, it will be that quick.Feb 1, 2023

I's great that they have a plan and are prepared for contingency I guess but at the same time it's also incredibly tone deaf lol.


"Yeeeaah I know your family got vaped and your suffering from nuclear fallout but we're gonna need you to pay your dues in the next couple of weeks"


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Wow. I'll be working at home someday. Heat exhaustion Thursday was pretty dangerous prior to fully recovering about 48 hours later.


The ER said that my employee health department were perfectly accountable withholding that "no go outside cleaning" meeting from me. It took another manager who didn't work over me to tell me to come inside to work, where the main manager didn't care, but was too late. Decided to move on from that contract.


I'll never rush a money bulid up for another house ever again. I would say I'm at more fault for that.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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Sheeeeittt, the moment I saw "Aussie girl..." and I had to hit play asap simply because that particular accent is such sweet magic in my ears.  They could read the ingredients label on a box of cereal and it would mesmerize me with the hotness.


On another note---shockingly, I finally found it.... someone out there actually converted the entire Passions series to DVD...

Yep, I'm tempted.  It was legendary--- one of the most bizarre shows ever produced for daytime tv.   Just off the top of my head...this show had...

  • A centuries-old witch named "Tabitha" with a midget doll companion that came to life sometimes and drank martinis with her.  Also...Tabitha had literal demons in her closet.
  • A zombie clone (spawned from Tabitha's witchcraft, if I recall) of a girl, and an angel...
  • An evil wealthy patriarch that went on a hunt for the Holy Grail so he could gain immortality...he also had cameras somehow all over the town so he could always see what everyone was up to at any time.  Also---they presented him like Dr. Claw; for a long time you never saw his face.
  • A hermaphrodite character that was also a masked serial killer, played by the former Blue Ranger from the Power Rangers Wild Force season.
  • Despite being hundreds of years old; the witch Tabitha gave birth to a baby girl at some point, and of course this daughter would have witchcraft powers too... she conjured a giant live turkey one time on a Thanksgiving episode.


These are just some of the notable points I remember; as you can see, this was amazing entertainment for many reasons.



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12 hours ago, MillionX said:

I already saw this earlier; the premiere happens today.  Guts vs. Dimitri.  Heh, I am not familiar with the Fire Emblem world so this is my first time even hearing about that character. 


Never thought about the two of them clashing. Dimitri is inhumanly strong, but I don't know about putting him against Guts.

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BREAKING: Trump Indicted Again as Georgia D.A. Charges Him Over 2020 Election Actions

Fani Willis Announces Indictment Against Trump and 18 Others for a ‘Criminal Conspiracy’ to Overturn 2020 Election

District Attorney Fani Willis Gives Trump Deadline to Surrender

Read the full indictment here.


Is this the end for Trump?

Edited by AriesWarlock
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23 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

BREAKING: Trump Indicted Again as Georgia D.A. Charges Him Over 2020 Election Actions

Fani Willis Announces Indictment Against Trump and 18 Others for a ‘Criminal Conspiracy’ to Overturn 2020 Election

District Attorney Fani Willis Gives Trump Deadline to Surrender

Read the full indictment here.


Is this the end for Trump?

Hahahahaha, serious question? All the shit that dudes done already. Why would this matter? If Trump shot someone in the head on live TV in broad daylight, people would still make excuses for him.

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