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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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7 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Had to have been one of the worst debates I ever saw last night too to bottom. The moderators were terrible too, they didn't even bother to try to keep them on topic most of the time. Outside of the comedy factory it was awful.


Biden was getting absolutely roasted by the CNN pundits after the debate, with a bunch of them saying they were getting texts from people high up in the party who were freaking out. I fully expect them to replace him with someone else at the convention, but the question is, who will that be and what does that mean for "democracy" since it won't be someone the voters picked?

apparently they can only pick either kamala or rfk cuz theyre the only 2 registered in al 50 state ballots for president.

idk if there are deadlines but im sure there is. they legally cant replace biden with anyone except rfk or kamala.



Cracking Up Lol GIF by HULU


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52 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

She gonna die alone...


Fuckin damn, 3 kids, she deffinitly dying alone if she doesn't change her standards. 


Edit: And she's a sex worker?!?! It's a wrap man. Jesus. Who does she think she is Julia Robert's in Pretty Woman? 

Remember a few pages back I said western women are trash and you gave me a FUKN THUMBS DOWN that really hurt my feelings but now you know I'm right.



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21 minutes ago, Red Rock Candy said:

Remember a few pages back I said western women are trash and you gave me a FUKN THUMBS DOWN that really hurt my feelings but now you know I'm right.



Yes because it was a dumb fucking thing to say and attributing all western women to her and other vapid women like that's the normal is brain dead retarded.


What you said is still fucking stupid lol. Acting like women on these podcasts represet western women is a brainworms take. 

Edited by RSG3
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3 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

apparently they can only pick either kamala or rfk cuz theyre the only 2 registered in al 50 state ballots for president.

idk if there are deadlines but im sure there is. they legally cant replace biden with anyone except rfk or kamala.

Between a non zero chance of a second donnie presidency and kamala replacing Joe if he croaks America is actually so cooked bruh 


Baffling situation all around 


I didn't know it could get this fucking bad for what is supposed to be the nation that sets an example on democracy to the rest of the globe 

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1 minute ago, -PVL93- said:

Between a non zero chance of a second donnie presidency and kamala replacing Joe if he croaks America is actually so cooked bruh 


Baffling situation all around 


I didn't know it could get this fucking bad for what is supposed to be the nation that sets an example on democracy to the rest of the globe 

Why are you guys allowed to own caracals?

They are wild animals 

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2 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Why are you guys allowed to own caracals?

They are wild animals 

Because this country is tarded 


For example, there's a YouTube channel of a girl living in a typical soviet style apartment building and she owns a cat, a lizard an and owl. AN OWL. She lives in Moscow btw 


Wtf are you doing having a wild nocturnal bird while crammed into a tiny 2-room/3-room flat? 

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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Yes because it was a dumb fucking thing to say and attributing all western women to her and other vapid women like that's the normal is brain dead retarded.


What you said is still fucking stupid lol. Acting like women on these podcasts represet western women is a brainworms take. 

It's wild how many women in this situation or similar. Think they can be that exception to the rule like Ciara or Kim Kardashian.  Some women see one woman who was hoein, become a house wife. And just run with that possibility.

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these arent memes, theyre real.

yea hes done. fucked up. but you mustve been living under a rock not to know hes been unfit for years.


time magazine having him lit walk off the cover page is fucked...up. 

with red background like. they blew him up.

the order got sent.



Edited by VirginDefiler
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so whos the dnc picking?



michelle obama??????

this is how, you paint yourself in a corner.

how he dnc, months ago, painted themselves into a corner.

that said gop did the same with trump.we still dont know if nyc judge is gonna sentence him to jail this july. like what if...

its not like he cant, he can and might. if hes petty. cuz trump really pissed him off all case long.


it be hilarious if both trump and biden both got removed. cuz if trump gets sentenced to jail its over for him too.  its all very crazy.

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I don't even follow dude like that, but his downfall has been LEGENDARY. It was all good just a week ago, and now everything is gone. The only brands left to leave him are whoever makes his sunglasses and vest.


To be fair, he probably has enough money to be set for life. But damn. The new million dollar plus checks are GONE. He'd better have saved what he had.

Edited by axeman61
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12 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

it be hilarious if both trump and biden both got removed. cuz if trump gets sentenced to jail its over for him too.  its all very crazy.

In regards to the debate, there was nothing there we don't already know. Biden is old and it showed, Trump lied and deflected. I read that Trump plans to put more responsibility on the states (first abortion, next education). I hope the next election cycle will be different, but I'm sure the next group of clowns will have their own issues too.



Edited by Jurassic
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We already know what we get with both of these guys.  Trump gets you an understaffed, absentee kleptocracy that rigs the judicial system and falls apart with any genuine crisis.  Biden is at risk for getting as mentally cooked as 2nd term Regan or either term Bush Jr, but at least the agencies get staffed and some of those people actually show up for work.  




Edited by Reticently
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16 hours ago, -PVL93- said:

Between a non zero chance of a second donnie presidency and kamala replacing Joe if he croaks America is actually so cooked bruh 


Baffling situation all around 


I didn't know it could get this fucking bad for what is supposed to be the nation that sets an example on democracy to the rest of the globe 

The problem is, the amount of democracy we have seems inversely proportionate to how much they talk about "saving democracy." They talk about it a lot these days and it seems like beyond the local or state level, democracy is all but dead. And a lot of people seem ok with everything short of stuffing ballot boxes to guarantee an outcome they agree with.


1 hour ago, Reticently said:

We already know what we get with both of these guys.  Trump gets you an understaffed, absentee kleptocracy that rigs the judicial system and falls apart with any genuine crisis.  Biden is at risk for getting as mentally cooked as 2nd term Regan or either term Bush Jr, but at least the agencies get staffed and some of those people actually show up for work.  




Trump didn't rig the judicial system as much as he took advantage of the shitty rules that Dems failed to. And if Biden gets elected, you can be sure it'll be like Reagan's second term, more than likely unelected people running the country.

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5 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Trump didn't rig the judicial system as much as he took advantage of the shitty rules that Dems failed to. And if Biden gets elected, you can be sure it'll be like Reagan's second term, more than likely unelected people running the country.

Much as I loath Reagan I hate this interpretation of how his last term went because I think it misunderstands what youre voting for. Youre not just voting for the President, youre voting for his team of which he is a part of, his team of people that will help in the Capacity of President.They do most of the work even when the President isn't an 80 year old man. 


Reagan's last term was absolutly run by people elected by the voters. You're voting for a whole cabinet, not just 1 person. This is seriously flawed thinking imo. It's part of why I won't vote for Trump, I know his cabinet will be staffed with sycophantic lunatics. It's not just him, it's his ENTIRE team. 

Edited by RSG3
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12 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Much as I loath Reagan I hate this interpretation of how his last term went because I think it misunderstands what youre voting for. Youre not just voting for the President, youre voting for his team of which he is a part of, his team of people that will help in the Capacity of President.They do most of the work even when the President isn't an 80 year old man. 


Reagan's last term was absolutly run by people elected by the voters. You're voting for a whole cabinet, not just 1 person. This is seriously flawed thinking imo. It's part of why I won't vote for Trump, I know his cabinet will be staffed with sycophantic lunatics. It's not just him, it's his ENTIRE team. 

Definitely a fair take. I guess my point is, if the person you elected doesn't have much input into governance, then it's kind of a bait and switch. And if they pick shitty people because they owed favors the electorate isn't aware of, same deal, like how Obama promised "hope and change" and then appointed a bunch of wall st ghouls to his cabinet.


I don't know how much input Biden is actually having In terms of policy given his mental state so that would worry me I guess.

Edited by DoctaMario
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Well, it sadly looks like one of my regular Walmarts here is set to dump their tv/movie section...I noticed quite a few things on "clearance" today... so at least I took advantage of it; I now have the complete series of Transformers, GI Joe and the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers....I may be getting some more stuff tomorrow while I still can.  

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15 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I don't know how much input Biden is actually having In terms of policy given his mental state so that would worry me I guess.

I don't either, and I'll be honest I kinda don't care. What I know is I haven't hated what him and his team have been doing the last 4 years and I'm willing to gamble on 4 more years of attacking inflation, student loan dept, union support, attempts however minor to fix the tax imbalance, as opposed to 4 more years of Trumps stupid bullshit thats the exact opposite of all of that + more. 


And I won't vote for a Kennedy for a whole host of reasons from I don't like anything about Robert to I really disapprove of political family dynasties like the Kennedy's and the Bush's. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

My wife's birthday is coming up and i need to get her a gift.  I wonder if she'd like a Blackstone grill  🤔 

Nah, she might not like that. She’d like something with thought put into it. You should go to a junkyard and pick up parts and a chassis for a 1992 Toyota Celica. That way she’ll be able to build a car in her free time. It’ll be her new hobby! You’ll be bringing fulfillment to her time. You could also help her and take a leading role, and invite the guys over to help too! It’s all about atmosphere. Grab some beers and watch a ball game while working on it! I’m sure she’d have fun. 

EDIT: Make sure to unscrew every screw that she torques in, and rescrew it yourself while showing her how to do it. This is educational. Trust. 

Edited by Dayaan
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In regards to our presidential candidates and government in general. We the American people have also got to take some responsibility for the sh1t show we're experiencing. Like the old saying goes. "People will do what you allow them to get away with."


We have become so complacent and self absorbed. That we just sit by and allow them to lie, cheat and steal from us. As long as our individual lives aren't too distrupted. We're not willing to get uncomfortable and take risk to step to our government and hold them accountable and make demands of them.


We're all talk and no bite. And our government is aware, and takes full advantage of this. They shouldn't feel comfortable putting their intrest before ours. They shouldn't feel like we serve them. It should be vice versa. They should have a healthy fear of pissing off The American people and not doing right by us.

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5 hours ago, Chadouken said:

My wife's birthday is coming up and i need to get her a gift.  I wonder if she'd like a Blackstone grill  🤔 

Funny you mention that- my wife's brother-in-law got one at the start of summer.  They had my wife over for dinner and my wife has been looking for an excuse to buy us one ever since.


I'm not exactly opposed to the idea, but I've already bought about $3,000 of new grills the year (a Big Green Egg for charcoal, and a fancy high-end infrared grill that I kind of regret not just getting a basic Napoleon instead of).

Edited by Reticently
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3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Trump didn't rig the judicial system

When I say "rig," I don't mean that the way he did it was illegal, so much as he made sure the courts for the next generation would be largely beholden to a very specific bias.


And whatever people think of the social implications of that bias, it also leads directly to some deeply stupid practical consequences (see the recent overturn of "Chevron").

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17 minutes ago, Reticently said:

When I say "rig," I don't mean that the way he did it was illegal, so much as he made sure the courts for the next generation would be largely beholden to a very specific bias.


And whatever people think of the social implications of that bias, it also leads directly to some deeply stupid practical consequences (see the recent overturn of "Chevron").

I think it's indicative of our system being broken that we're worried about the ideological biases of judges who are simply supposed to interpret the law as it is written.

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

judges who are simply supposed to interpret the law as it is written.

If interpreting the law was either simple or inconsequential, we wouldn't even have judges.


Especially seeing how recent years have made it apparent that "corporations are people" and "Federal agencies aren't allowed to make regulations" are to some people entirely reasonable interpretations.

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