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4 hours ago, MillionX said:

Ok yeah; I forgot about this game on my wishlist until the sale but it will be mine for sure... it's already cheap normally but that sale price seems like a steal


This is a very fun game with a good variety of play styles to choose from. My only gripe about it is that the screen eventually fills up with so many minions and enemies it becomes difficult to tell which is which.


I was thinking about picking up Death Must Die. It is in early access and the developer has already made a bunch of updates.



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Oh yeah I already like what I see from "Death Must Die"...that's as good as bought right there.


Boneraiser is definitely a good one....really a bit of a steal at such a low price (currently on sale for 3.99; normally it is only 4.99)... I'm loving it already; I unlocked a dash, and it can be upgraded to include invincibility frames...and upgraded again with a longer dash...I have quite a few minions unlocked and the variety of monsters on your side is cool....and of course there's a variety of looks to unlock for your character.  Yeah this is the real deal here if one likes this sort of thing; more people should check it out.

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20 hours ago, MillionX said:

Castlevania Mirror of Fate HD was also just 3 bucks; I got that one on the Steam Deck, and so far it's alright.. I'm tempted to get Lords of Shadow 2 on Steam as well though I had it on ps3....  but still it was such an odd thing with that game... at first I was loving it, and then they committed one of the great sins of game design... forced stealth sections.


It's just stupid/silly---the player is in the role of Dracula here....but you *have* to sneak around in those areas....even though he should be able to easily rip those big armored guys to pieces even with his powers not yet at 100%.  It's very simple what they had to do there, and it could've easily been a top-rank vampire power fantasy game for me... just go all in on it being a DMC or God of War kind of thing but with the Castlevania IP....get that forced stealth shyte out of here, or make it purely if Drac is noticed that just means it's time to simply fight and destroy those silly them who's really on at the top of the food chain there.


It started off awesome too, now that I am remembering... soldiers show up in the castle, foolishly thinking they ever had a chance.


...and again I'm now realizing it's a real shame that Konami owns this's another one I wish were "rescued" and made relevant by a better company.

I need to give both of those another chance. I put a ton of hours into LoS1 and I actually played the LoS2 demo a bunch before it came out, but was kind of disappointed by how it turned out. Mirror of Fate was a pretty decent game too, but I only wound up playing it once. Might be time to dig out my old PS3

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haha I just looked at that vid on Ultra Vortek--- so the game has POOPALITIES finishing moves!  That earns a few bonus points from me at least...turning your victims into a pile of shit on the floor. 🤣  


Not many remember this but there was also a piss fatality in Primal Rage, actually----the big monkey "Chaos" has a finisher where he takes a piss on the opponent to kill them.  It was great that this skated under the radar of controversy at the time, simply because the adults who would normally be in an uproar about things like Mortal Kombat or Doom, Postal, etc. back then just had no idea that game existed.

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Them's Fightin' Herds to end active development, Story Mode canceled and facing fan backlash along with refund requests

What started as an unofficial My Little Pony fighting game over a decade ago managed to evolve into something more, but it seems that too is going to be coming to an end.


Developers Mane6 and publisher Modus Games recently announced that Them's Fightin' Herds is going to be ending active development sooner than anticipated, including the cancelation of the crowdfunded Story Mode — and unsurprisingly led to backlash from fans and backers.


The team shared an update to their Steam store page and community Discord for the game where they discuss the future of Them's Fightin' Herds and say what players were hoping to not hear.

After giving an overview of the third DLC character Nidra, Mane6 also revealed the fourth and final addition to the Season 1 Pass being Baihe and presumably the game's only season.

"As we look forward to the release of Nidra and Baihe, let's talk about what comes next," reads the official update. "After the Season 1 Pass is complete, we will be ceasing active development on TFH. We will still be able to release small patches to address game-breaking bugs, but no new content will be produced. Unfortunately, that includes Story Mode.

Story Mode has always been an ambitious feature and one we truly desired to implement. We know how much our fans have been looking forward to Story Mode chapters, and we hope you understand how much we looked forward to working on and releasing them."



So while they did release chapter one and plan on putting out what work they have done on chapter two, it sounds like that's going to be it for the game.

This led to unhappy owners to take to the Steam reviews and turn the recent ratings from Very Positive to Mostly Negative as well as voicing their complaints on social media and the original Indiegogo page.

Story Mode was the final stretch goal for in their crowdfunding campaign asking for $560,000 and ended up receiving a total of $586,346 from backers.

That ended all the way back in 2017 with the game eventually leaving early access on PC in 2020 and then consoles finally just over a year ago.

Mane6 was purchased by Modus Games in 2022 as well, which had fans hopeful that meant the fighting game would continue to receive regular funding from the publisher, but that apparently is no longer the case.




As to whether it was the developer or publisher who ultimately decided to pull the plug on this project spanning over a decade, we may never truly know — though many are probably going to have their assumptions.


It has left potentially over 10,000 backers and even more thousands of players feeling like they quite literally did not get what they paid for upwards of 7 years ago if not more.


They weren't clear what backer tiers and rewards had yet to be fulfilled after all this time, but multiple comments on the Indiegogo page suggest that could include the promised exclusive Crowdfunded Physical Edition players had to spend $100+ for.

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While thats very true, it's also true that's its not as hard as they are making it seem like it is and we kind of have accept the fact that when it comes to internet engineering Japan is dog shit at it. They just are, that little island has given them reason to not keep up with most of the rest of the world in this department and it shows.....HARD. 

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Boneraiser Minions---oh yeah it already seems like my character and crew is getting ridiculously powerful.. a favorite summon is the Demonic Warlock; I'm on a run now and have a level 3 one on the field; he's tearing the enemies up easily.

*edit-- ha, this is so there's bosses; I was coastin' until a boss "High Wizard" showed up; I was dodging the shots for a while but he eventually got me; my demon warlock and 2 other warlocks were getting some good shots on him though.


2nd attempt; just killed "High Wizard" easily that time with my loyal demonic warlock in action once again.


Dead Cells - a while ago I had a good one going on with 29 points on Brutality, but died in the High Peak Castle... the brutality build has become my favorite now that I've noticed how good the "tainted flask" passive is now...with this many points you only need 6 elite kills to refill a health flask, which of course is huge in the high difficulties since there's no extra healing, and food (and food shops) is always rare.

The mimic -- reading up on some things; there IS a "tell"... if you see a room with a bloodied, panicked npc character rambling like he barely survived an encounter with something....he's referring to the mimic creature so it's somewhere on the no shops in the area can be trusted.  Really, the mimic in this game is one of the most dangerous "regular" enemies I've ever seen in anything.

Edited by MillionX
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Q&A with Geoff about behind the scenes stuff with TGA


Some interesting questions here and there...along with some dumb questions.  There's been some controversy about Dave the Diver being put in the indie category and essentially he said he's not the one deciding games that go into the categories for the rewards, it's mostly the judges/jury from the publications that determine the games that go into the categories.  They also were thinking about showing the vote percentage for games and were actually testing that with the player's voice award last year but it ended up being a shitshow (paraphrasing...he didn't exactly say that but considering what he was saying and alluding to..I'm pretty sure the petty war between Sonic fans and Genshin fans last year was not a pleasant experience and killed this).

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14 hours ago, RSG3 said:

While thats very true, it's also true that's its not as hard as they are making it seem like it is and we kind of have accept the fact that when it comes to internet engineering Japan is dog shit at it. They just are, that little island has given them reason to not keep up with most of the rest of the world in this department and it shows.....HARD. 


It is way harder than you think.

Specially when you have a lot of mechanics and potential game states to store and make possible predictions.


This has nothing to do with "japan internet engineering" being dog shit, but that each game has its own rules that need to be taken in consideration.


And this is without adding the hardware optimizations needed to be done.


Just as an example, my potato 2012 hp omni can handle ggac, but once the rollback is in the equation that shit not only struggles but is impossible to play due the hardware requirements because the rollback implementation was brute forced.


The fact that so far the dbfz update is only for ps5 and the ggxrd rollback has stayed only on pc shows is complex issue with many moving parts specially for games with more movement options, mechanics, interactions, etc.


I bet that a great problem they have been dealing with is random teleportation and dash interactions like what you see on many racing games that use rollback netccode.


Also the great amount of western games with dogshit internet netcode even to this day say hi, like destiny.


Netcodes are very hard to make and usually you see games with supposed good netcode being designed around it from the start for a reason.




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20 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Didn't NRS implement rollback netcode into MK X in record time?

It took them almost a year.

And like Darc said it was super expensive since they basically had to make the game twice to have a tailored for the game netcode instead of brute forcing it.


They were also working on it months prior the games release iirc.


Also, mkx has less whack on screen movement that reduces the amount of states to store for predictions due possible interactions.

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So yeah--


I've become a bit obsessed with this game Boneraiser Minions now... not sure if that addiction will be on par with Dead Cells (recently hit the 600 hour mark on Switch)... 

The latest run; I had the Daemonic Warlock on the field and another demonic summon as well; I already forgot what that was but another option came up to summon a new one; it merged the 2 into a cool super demon called Zogzeich (; at first I thought I made a mistake because this took away the demon warlock but ohhh this was a worthy sacrifice... that level 3 demon was putting in serious work, setting enemies on fire, and it looked awesome.  Sheeeittt, that one gets a regular spot in my crew whenever it's an option to be summoned then.  Daemonic Warlock and Zogzeich are already standing out as some serious MVPs.


random vid on this greatness I just found


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short thread of Koshiro responding to musician who has never heard SoR 2 before

The video in question is Charles Cornell who is another pretty good musician youtuber who sometimes dabbles in analysing VG music.  He found out about SoR 2 through people responding about "Slickback/Jubi Slide" chords

As far as I can tell this is the first time he's actually listened to anything from the 16 bit era so it really is great hearing people's thoughts on music that they never grew up with and realizing "How the fuck does this shit slap this hard?

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Oh yeah, I almost feel bad for those folks that were "born too late" to enjoy certain things when new... Actraiser and then Streets of Rage soundtracks were game-changers so to speak, when it came to videogame music.  Nothing else was on such a level at the time so it was amazing.


I still have that music on CDs and saved as mp3s now; it's still in my regular playlists.

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4 hours ago, RegH81 said:

Yo @iStu XI see you double dipped on Star Ocean the Second Story R. I really wanna get it on Switch but I imagine most of the time you put in for it was for the PS5 version. But if you did play any of the Switch version, how is it?

Ive been playing the PS5 version almost exclusively. I’ve only put in a few hours on the switch version. The only thing I’ve noticed really is that there are a lot of load times (see: screen transitions) in the switch version but they’re very small incremental load times that don’t effect me or take me out of the gameplay really. Which is the opposite of what happened to me when I played Cristales

I also doubt they’ll really matter much as you progress further into the game due to all the fast travel. 

the only other thing I can think of that might effect the switch version is there will likely be some in-battle slowdown as you unlock more characters/moves/assault gems 

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