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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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42 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I haven't played the CC remake but the original it seemed the whole point was fleshing out Cloud a bit more, showing his origins, and what his motivations are for doing what he does in FF7. In that regard I think it was pretty successful. I think they probably erred towards not biting off more than they could chew story wise, but I agree that what you said would have been an interesting addition to the game.


Hell, I don't really even like RPGs but crisis core made me care enough about the characters that I actually played through FF7 after I finished it.

Well I still really like the game and I think it succeeds in what it tries to do more often then it fails at it, I just think it does kinda fail at it more then I would really like. I do agree I think the point of CC was to flesh out Cloud, Zack, and Sephiroth and they mostly succeed, but like, I would have liked a lot more screen time between Cloud and Zack. They are apparantly best friends but all we really get to see is them bond over being backwoods boys. That's kind of it. Instead of more scenes between these two, we get a ton of scenes between Zack and a Fan Fiction Turk that hasn't been seen or mentioned since. Fucking Kunsel got a shout out in the remake but no word of Cissne or however her name is spelled. And almost everything surrounding Genesis and Hollander is just time that could have been spent on Wutai and shit that matters to world building and long term narrative. 


I don't think CCs story is awful I just think it wastes a lot of time on stuff people don't actually care about, like Genesis and Hollander, or they do a bad job of giving me any reason to care because most of the stuff these new characters do barely makes any sense in the first place. Like Angeals kind of stupid and almost everything he does makes no god damn sense. Hollander is actually plain stupid and over stays his welcome by a lot imo. 


I just think Crisis Core has tons of room for more human stories and interactions and instead we get this messy ass clone story that barely makes sense to the series wider scope with characters who all act fucking weird in order to make this weird clone story work. All we really needed was a story about two war buddies learning they backed the wrong horse. Instead we got this story that makes FF7s already wonky ass science fiction even more wonky and confusing and hard to follow lol. 


The remake to Crisis Core was excellent by the way. The graphical bump is fantastic, they barely changed anything mechanically. It's got more in common with a remaster then a remake honestly. If you liked Crisis Core on PSP you'll love this because it's Crisis Core but on a huge screen, with enough buttons for proper action game play. They got rid of the materia bar and it's now all hot keys and shit. So much faster and smoother. The game play is smoother to, they cleaned up all of Zacks animations so they flow smoothly instead of choppy and chunky like on PSP. 


One mechanical change they did make was to Zacks Buster Sword. You can hold Square for a special attack kinda like Clouds in the Remake when youre in Operator Mode. That's about it for changes tho. It's honestly Crisis Core but with QOL. If you liked CC, you'll like this. 

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26 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Skull and Bones is apparently a fucking disaster. A lot of people who can’t give full reviews yet are saying it just feels like a bad assassins creed game and the pirates of the Caribbean world in KH3 has better ship battle mechanics than S&B’s does lol. 

Someone else just simply stated “If you think people are tearing Suicide Squad apart than just wait”

Which should surprise no one. They only released the game because they essentially had too. They took a bunch of money from Singapore. So the game was getting released no matter what. Otherwise we'd have a Curt Schilling 38 Studios clusterfuck on a larger scale.

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22 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Saw somewhere that Nintendo is bumping their next console to 2025. Anybody else hear this? 

Yes.  I'm seeing the rumors.  I just haven't really said anything about them because depending on how things roll in the next couple of months will determine if any of it is real or not like what I was saying previously.  So far part of the rumors that have been swirling around have come true and that's regarding M$ putting games on other platforms namely the Switch.  I'd been seeing rumors that lead to believe that NIntendo was going to do their direct this week which would have coincided with M$'s announcement.  The direct that supposed to be coming up is a Partner Direct.  Which Pyoro actually has come out and said is happening now.

Take note he's not saying FF7 Rebirth isn't coming to Switch...he had to clear that up lol.  If the Partner Showcase happens as the rumors have been going on then the % chance of the Switch 2 reveal happening in March goes up. 

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Out of morbid curiosity again---I checked some stats for Redfall to see how many people were playing lately---- it was a total of 20 people on as of a little while ago.... 64 players at most in the past 24 hours. 🤣  I also check the reddit forum on occasion to see what the few remaining fans are talking about lately....especially that topic of wondering if they will finish the extra content for the Bite Back edition or have to do refunds....or are they just hoping people forget about it so they don't have to bother either way.  I'd bet it's that 3rd option.  Eventually when it hits absolute zero fans playing at any given time.... they're safe to move on without any flak since at that point everyone has forgotten and no longer cares.

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I'm hoping the plan for BlazBlue Entropy Effect is eventually to add most or all of the Blaz Blue cast to it... this is pretty damn great, imo...because since fighting games are mostly focused on having a big cast of cool characters, adding that to another genre like sidescrolling action/roguelike makes for one hell of a good concept that appeals to me.  Currently, I started with Jin Kisaragi as my first unlocked character....and Hakumen will likely be my next one.

Edited by MillionX
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BG3---so I'm in this palace looking area with lots of the Githyanki... On my way out, another room had quite a few in there, but they stood no chance against the power of that "Hunger of Hadar" spell.  Some of them barely got a chance to do anything about it, other than trying to leave that darkness.....this is one of the coolest spells I've ever had fun with in an rpg... every time they take a turn doing anything...they take damage.  Some of them never made it out of the darkness.


ha, all that's left is smoldering dead bodies... some are corroded with the acid damage.  The power of the Darkness will break them all.


ooh, there's a "nautiloid" tank in this next probably an illithid tadpole I could absorb, perhaps... more power, yes....

hell yeah this room is a goldmine!  There was at least 4 or 5 tadpoles in here... I let Astarion have 1 but my main character took the rest; now I have the amazing "Cull the Weak" passive.

Edited by MillionX
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J's been going through Classic Mega Man. I was surprised to find out year's later the Doc Robot stages were something players took issues with. I always just rolled with it. Also, J saying he prefers MM3 over MM2 music is something I was not expect but I'm here for it. Sure to get under some MM2 fans, I'm sure.

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As someone whose favorite classic Megaman game is Megaman 2, Megaman 2 is hella over rated. It deserves it but it's also pretty hand jobbed by the community. There are lots of reasons to like some of the other games more. Megam 2 is just one of the very first video games I ever beat and it set a standard for video game endings for me and all sorts of other shit. Megam 3s OST is fire and I don't blame anyone for loving it. 


I don't hate the Doc stages despite how filler they clearly are, I'm more annoyed by the Doc Robots who don't fit the robots patyers they are standing for making them way harder. Not being able to jump over them makes them so hard. 

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

As someone whose favorite classic Megaman game is Megaman 2, Megaman 2 is hella over rated. It deserves it but it's also pretty hand jobbed by the community. There are lots of reasons to like some of the other games more. Megam 2 is just one of the very first video games I ever beat and it set a standard for video game endings for me and all sorts of other shit. Megam 3s OST is fire and I don't blame anyone for loving it. 


I don't hate the Doc stages despite how filler they clearly are, I'm more annoyed by the Doc Robots who don't fit the robots patyers they are standing for making them way harder. Not being able to jump over them makes them so hard. 

I second this. MM 2 is a great game, but I feel like the sequels improved on the formula, but everyone just decided to stick with MM 2 for whatever reason.


It aint VGF but this track from MM 4 slaps so hard



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BG3 - the battle earlier against the druids put that sinister idea into my imagination... a combo of another "area hazard" type of spell (like maybe Darkness or that one that summons plant growth) on top of Hunger of Hadar is going to be completely insane once I set that up.  


I made it through the rest of that palace... I played this game from afternoon to late night yesterday....probably should've stopped at certain points just to reflect on many cool moments happened in those adventures.  One point had the opportunity for my warlock character to invoke his patron!  Also I found the Gith "egg" to take back to some old lady.... I did a bit of back and forth there with saves to see whether it was worth it to just complete the quest or kill the old woman.  She gives 75 exp (easy kill since she's alone)... but if you complete the quest the payout is 230-something gold.  I stuck with the option of just giving her the egg to get that sweet gold payout.


In the palace area, Hunger of Hadar was once again just crushing them....seems best to cast at a distance but of course most of it between us and the enemies, so they face the problem of needing to go through the darkened area trying to get close enough to attack.  Sometimes enemies can successfully "super jump" out of it; that seems silly to me but I guess otherwise the spell is that much more OP.....but even still, there's the ways of knocking them right back in there.  Anyway, yeah---at level 5 if you're a warlock----Hunger of Hadar is THE main thing to get.

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6 hours ago, MillionX said:

Also I found the Gith "egg" to take back to some old lady.... I did a bit of back and forth there with saves to see whether it was worth it to just complete the quest or kill the old woman.  She gives 75 exp (easy kill since she's alone)... but if you complete the quest the payout is 230-something gold.  I stuck with the option of just giving her the egg to get that sweet gold payout.

I'm pretty sure I got the payout, and then I killed her for the XP 😂

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13 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Thought this response regarding ever present "female body" debate was interesting


The longer I live, the more I realize that that line "All the girls walk by dressed up for each other" from Van Morrison's song 'Wild Night' is true. Women are tiddy lookers just as much as guys are, it's just a matter of whether or not they'll admit to it lol


Men, in the last 30 years especially, have been socialized to believe that if they find a character design hot, then it must be sexist somehow. So I'm not surprised that guys were arguing with her about her own fucking designs lol

Edited by DoctaMario
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I couldn’t imagine being apart of a gaming company where 30 games an entire division were behind all being rejected over 12 years. It’s like Xbox just doesn’t want to succeed. 

(the topic at hand is about someone mentioning that a Halo ODST game that’s nearly a 1:1 of Helldivers 2 was pitched to Xbox and was rejected outright) 


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I find it hilarious that he says this while ensuring that Palworld didn't came out to PS4/PS5 for a while.

And unlike with Helldivers which Sony paid for the development from the start, they only ponyhated it to block it from being on other platforms


He really wants to be seem as a pro gamers dude, while doing all the shit behind everyones back that he "dennounces"

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