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The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!

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I would settle for DR not eating inputs. I think it's perfectly doable to react to them with a long range normal, provided it actually comes out when you press the button. Cr. fw. xx DR is still annoying, but I can live with it. 


What baffles is me how people complained endlessly about SFIV's FA (never mind FADC) but seem perfectly fine with DI. Two hits of armor and safe on block? Who the hell thought that was a good idea? 


And yeah, parries in 2D games will never be a good idea. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

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2 hours ago, Vhozite said:

Oh I think parry is a terrible mechanic

So maybe you do see where I'm coming from with it being scrubby to mash it out? It's a hail mary a lot of the times. (And since I didn't mention this earlier, I made the assumption that people understood that it was being used while holding down+back lol)

Edited by elliephil
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6 hours ago, Volta said:

I would settle for DR not eating inputs. I think it's perfectly doable to react to them with a long range normal, provided it actually comes out when you press the button. Cr. fw. xx DR is still annoying, but I can live with it. 



It’s frustrating as fuck and on top of it dr seems to put me into some weird ass  twilight zone where if I manage to get a light button to come out it’s too early whiffs and I eat the drive rush or bigger button it doesn’t come out in time and I eat the drive rush lol.


 Patch notes seem to only be small tweaks but that was already confirmed that we’re not getting a balance patch until after cpt I’m pretty sure.

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6 hours ago, elliephil said:

So maybe you do see where I'm coming from with it being scrubby to mash it out? It's a hail mary a lot of the times. (And since I didn't mention this earlier, I made the assumption that people understood that it was being used while holding down+back lol)

I understand why you and Sonero don’t like (I don’t either) but I disagree that it’s scrubby to do so. I’ll never agree that a player shouldn’t abuse a dumb mechanic. In fact if you think a mechanic is poorly designed/implemented I think the correct thing to do is to abuse it as much as possible so Capcom/other players see the issue as much as possible. 

If you really want to know what I think…you (not you like Ellie) can’t be mad when people don’t block when the game gives you 100 alternatives to that action and blocking is a terrible place to be anyway. The community wants every game to be as aggressive as possible with long combos and crazy offense bc “fun” but also spent 75% of SFV’s lifespan begging for a defensive mechanic and dick eats SF3 as the best game ever made. What we have now is what mfs asked for. 

Edited by Vhozite
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14 hours ago, Vhozite said:

If you really want to know what I think…you (not you like Ellie) can’t be mad when people don’t block when the game gives you 100 alternatives to that action and blocking is a terrible place to be anyway.

This is very true with sf6. Blocking seems like the least favored option and why I think sf6 gets given the "scrubby" label.

Edited by elliephil
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1 hour ago, delete_me said:

Wait, did I miss it or did they actually not adjust Zangief's slower burnout recovery? So that is a conscious design choice after all? So weird.

They fixed that one already. I think it was in the first bug fix patch. They addressed it pretty quickly. Capcom seems to pretty good about addressing critical issues this go around.

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Early impressions from labbing A.K.I. as someone who's very bad at labbing stuff.


  • Her only plus button is fHK, what used to be F.A.N.G's stHK, it's +2 on block. Literally everything else is minus, but generally also pretty safe. Like, even standing Heavy Kick is just -3, and her sweep (which is done with punch, not kick) is -8, which I think is on the safer end of things as far sweeps are concerned (Not that you'll ever be able to make that sweep safe because she moves forward a ton with it).
  • QCF+HP seems like her best special. It's an anti-air, it leads to juggle on anti-airs if the opponent is already poisoned, it combos from everything, it moves A.K.I. forward so it has a little more horizontal range than you'd expect for a fully vertical move, upon landing it on a grounded opponent you're +44, and that's without Toxic Blossom. You're massively plus and your opponent isn't thrown very far at all, in fact if they don't recover backward they'll be within range of her command grab and with time for A.K.I. to waste. If you double dash after you're +6, since A.K.I.'s forward dash is 19 frames long, and I've messed around to see what you could do there. It feels like you could have a lot of options to try to sneak in or that are very much real, but I'm not an expert at all.
  • Her overhead and especially her command grab are on the slower end. It says it's 23 frames of startup, but I think it's not counting the frames of getting into the stance, so overall it seems the fastest the command grab can come out is 33 frames. Her overhead is 24 frames, which I think is also pretty slow. Fortunately it seems you get a bunch of situations where you have a lot of frame advantage to threaten with them.
  • Her EX Slide is indeed completely invincible for the entire duration to both fireballs and strikes. There seems to be a case where she turns vulnerable by looking at the in-game training tools, and it's when you touch your opponent toward the end of the animation, too late to cross on the other side. So, when used defensively you should be fine, that seems to be an issue if you were to try to use that move to get in your opponent's face rather than run away from him.
  • The way I'm thinking I could play her is use her fireball into command dash/Drive Rush to open people up and poison them, find a good opening and then try to snowball them. At least conceptually that's how I'm envisioning her gameplan, but I haven't gone online yet because her combo routes are complicated and I hate not knowing what I'm doing when playing online, so I'm practicing in trials and training mode.
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7 hours ago, delete_me said:

Ah, my bad, haven't really been keeping up.

It's bunch things going on in gaming right now. Things are easy to miss. I hadn't played SF6 in a while because I've been enamored with BG3. So much so that I got late start on my new CP2077 run and I'm not far enough into to go game to start the Phantom Liberty DLC. I burned through the MK1 story quickly at least. 


TLDR; Too many games out. It's understandable. 

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4 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Not even 24 hours and we already starting the “corner with full resources optimal situation DP punish OMG SO MUCH DAMAGE” vids?


God I hate x videos 

Yeah I get your annoyance with them. I saw an A.K.I video yesterday that did like 7200 damage but it took all her drive gauge and all three bars. At least when Desk makes combo videos they look interesting and show you quirks to a combo system that may not be readily apparent.

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Most out of pocket FGC moments,



Starts off with a Smash clip.


I'll give it to them that it was 10/10 disrespectful but c'mon.


The MvC2 clip after the Skullgirls one is a classic.  The funniest part of it is that not only did he do it that time, he came back and did a separate glitch.

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9 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

It's bunch things going on in gaming right now. Things are easy to miss. I hadn't played SF6 in a while because I've been enamored with BG3. So much so that I got late start on my new CP2077 run and I'm not far enough into to go game to start the Phantom Liberty DLC. I burned through the MK1 story quickly at least. 


TLDR; Too many games out. It's understandable. 

BG3 is sooo good. Game wasn't even on my radar and now I can't stop playing lol.

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I need to apologize to SF6 for shit talking the music. While I still think it’s a bit of an acquired taste, some of these songs are now banger status for me. 

One thing about game music is that I tend not to like until I’ve played the game enough to associate the music with something specific like a character, stage, boss fight, etc. Now I can listen to the soundtrack on Spotify in the car and be hype for SF6 even when I’m not playing.

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FANG's poison damage was really good in the last game. The people saying it should've been better were never on the wrong end of a blockstring against FANG when he was poisoned. That guy would drain your lifebar between poison ticking down and grey damage accumulating.


In this game AKI's poison is the only thing that is actively dealing "chip damage" while you have drive meter.


C'mon now.

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Looking at the way A.K.I.'s combos work, I think we can forget raw Drive Rush ever changing in cost. She needs raw Drive Rush for most of her Toxic Bloom combos, and a change in cost there would massively impact her combo routes. Like, basically every time you pop you want to rush into the combo extension for big damage and oki. Her go-to wall-splat after Drive Impact requires a raw Drive Rush after QCB+HP.


With the way they married A.K.I. to raw Drive Rush they made it kinda difficult to do stuff like altering the cost without greatly affecting her functionality.

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Anyone having any weird gameplay shit happening since the Aki patch?


One thing I'm noticing happening since then is that with Dee Jay, when I hit someone with a punish counter DI, when I do sometimes the other player just flips out.  This has happened probably a dozen times since the patch came out.  I can't recall this ever happening prior to this either.

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