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The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!

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The SF2 naming convention is insanely confusing and thankfully Capcom steered clear from that mess with later installments in the series, especially V (and hopefully 6)


Cuz my god, how do you from 

Street Fighter II

to Champion Edition 

to Turbo 

to Super Street Fighter II

to Super Street Fighter II Turbo 

to Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix 

to Ultra Street Fighter II


It's confusing as Champ Edition and Turbo don't immediately make it clear which one is newer (unless you're in the know), then Super doesn't have Turbo in its name anymore, but later there's another revision *with Turbo*

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Shout out to @EvilCanadianfor reigniting my interest in Marisa with his preview video. Actual information on what she can do vs 10 minutes of raw gladius and jump-ins.



Manon + Marisa is looking like the combo for me, but I’m still keeping an eye on Lily and Cammy at launch. Kinda looking to branch out from my usual style of play. 

Edited by Vhozite
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How does SF6 perform on Series S? Due to its low price point compared to PC and the other two consoles I could see that being an alternative for some mid-size tournaments if the game runs well on the system (which it should considering it's cross-gen, but you never know).

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5 minutes ago, delete_me said:

How does SF6 perform on Series S? Due to its low price point compared to PC and the other two consoles I could see that being an alternative for some mid-size tournaments if the game runs well on the system (which it should considering it's cross-gen, but you never know).

There are two major problems running everything on XBSS vs PS5


1) the two systems might differ in input lag, though I think there's a setting in SF6 menus to artificially add some delay (like to simulate online) 


2) accessory compatibility. A lot of these sticks, hitboxes, game pads etc are certified officially for PlayStation systems while xbox kinda gets the short end of the stick, primarily because of how many fighting games released on PS4 only and never even as much as hinted at an xbox one version 

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1 hour ago, Edmund said:

I've heard of FGC translated but today's the first time I've heard of FGC translated Alpha. Are the channels and content done by different people? 





Also, 22 more days to sf6. What games are you all playing in the meantime? Am playing Nioh 2 with my friends and it's been a blast. 


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1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:

I'm still doing runs on RE4R, need to finish up Tales of Arise and started playing Jack Move. I tried out Idol Showdown since it's free.



RE4R is just a godlike game! I enjoyed it so much. 

My friends took about 7 hours playtime to finish the game on normal but I took a whopping 27 hours and 33 minutes to finish the game lol. 



And I died like 70 over times!! 

Edited by Edmund
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3 hours ago, Edmund said:

I've heard of FGC translated but today's the first time I've heard of FGC translated Alpha. Are the channels and content done by different people? 





Also, 22 more days to sf6. What games are you all playing in the meantime? Am playing Nioh 2 with my friends and it's been a blast. 

It's run by the same person. I'm playing SFV, Crises Core Reunion, Megaman Battle Network Collection.

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1 hour ago, EvilCanadian said:

The capcom trip really made it clear to me how different my "brand" is than everyone else's


In a fun twist, your Honda vid made me want to get into him more. Same as you, played him since I was a brat at the arcades mashing, but the potential for bullshit in 6 feels... powerful.


3 hours ago, Edmund said:

Also, 22 more days to sf6. What games are you all playing in the meantime? Am playing Nioh 2 with my friends and it's been a blast. 

I'm struggling to find games I want to play. I stare at my Steam list, and end up just talking shit to friends, every night. Tempted to restart Valkyria Chronicles 4, and it feels a slog to get back into DQXI.


Edit: I'm even tempted to start DOS2 again, and start BG3, even though that'll be out of early access in a few months. Decision paralysis is real.

Edited by JustBooming
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1 hour ago, Neclord said:

Yea too bad they aren't cheap. My current 165 hz monitor unfortunately doesn't have 2.1, only 2.0.

9 hours ago, EvilCanadian said:

you need to turn VRR on to not have tearing at 120hz, but you need a hdmi 2.1 compatible monitor for that


DisplayPort is the better standard. On most monitors DisplayPort is usually the more featured of the two ports, since HDMI tends to lag behind.  If you're lucky your monitor will be able to do it through DP.

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16 hours ago, -PVL93- said:

There are two major problems running everything on XBSS vs PS5


1) the two systems might differ in input lag, though I think there's a setting in SF6 menus to artificially add some delay (like to simulate online) 


2) accessory compatibility. A lot of these sticks, hitboxes, game pads etc are certified officially for PlayStation systems while xbox kinda gets the short end of the stick, primarily because of how many fighting games released on PS4 only and never even as much as hinted at an xbox one version 


I was convinced these sticks would be omnicompatible. Can't believe they're still limited to one system even to this day.


As for input lag I think you should generally go with the platform that has the lowest one and not look at any other criteria, but I don't know if we have any info on that yet for SF6. Maybe there's parity between systems, would be welcome for a change.


But it's nuts how much of a foothold Xbox lost with their last system when you consider that Xbox360 was basically the standard across the board until SFxTekken came along with exclusive content.

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2 hours ago, delete_me said:

As for input lag I think you should generally go with the platform that has the lowest one and not look at any other criteria, but I don't know if we have any info on that yet for SF6.

Iirc SF6 is 2 frames apart between PS4 and ps5. Series S is more powerful than the former but weaker than the latter so it might land somewhere inbetween? I don't remember if noodals did testing for xbox 


2 hours ago, delete_me said:

But it's nuts how much of a foothold Xbox lost with their last system when you consider that Xbox360 was basically the standard across the board

IMO Xrd coming exclusively to PS4 was when it was the beginning of the end of 360 dominance as the main competitive platform, then it only was settled further with Ultra and MKX. Ever since 2015-2016 xbox completely fell behind, not to mention pretty much all jp titles releasing only on PlayStation. Hell Tekken 7 ran at sub-HD resolution on xbox one and Namco never patched that version for one X or series X compatibility 

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3 hours ago, delete_me said:

As for input lag I think you should generally go with the platform that has the lowest one and not look at any other criteria, but I don't know if we have any info on that yet for SF6. Maybe there's parity between systems, would be welcome for a change.

Someone made an input lag chart using the demo. It's hardly conclusive.

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