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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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7 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Hasan is a weird dude. His logical tracks can be pretty damn odd. He will demonstrate a good grasp and understanding of a concept and then completely blow it 5 minutes later. It's very strange. 

Hasan is to socialism what Hot Topic is to punk🤣 He's also pretty wealthy from what I understand too.

Edited by DoctaMario
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Just now, BB_Hoody said:

Hey which would ya rather deal with? Your  son wanting to get into a life of crime? Or your daughter wanting to get into sex work? And how would you go about getting them to choose different?

Personally, a life of crime because it would likely result to him getting shot or put in jail, so the possibility of him wrecking himself due to his own false conquest in life makes it a much easier choice. Sex work is different because girls who pick a life of degrading themselves grew up in a terrible house hold, the one who got into sex work is the unhappier one who is more likely to grow old in despair and with a destroyed soul. 

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8 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Hey which would ya rather deal with? Your  son wanting to get into a life of crime? Or your daughter wanting to get into sex work? And how would you go about getting them to choose different?

Sex Work. It can be done legally and safely, and can make someone a whole lot of money if done right. 


Crime is a one stop shop to dying or going to prison. I'm good with that, thanks. 

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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

Sex Work. It can be done legally and safely, and can make someone a whole lot of money if done right. 


Crime is a one stop shop to dying or going to prison. I'm good with that, thanks. 

Ok so would you try to get her to consider another way of life? Or you'd encourage her on this course? If the later. Why? 

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7 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Ok so would you try to get her to consider another way of life? Or you'd encourage her on this course? If the later. Why? 

I mean I would encourage a different line of work because sex work is dangerous. I think it can be done safely and all that jazz but it's still dangerous. I would rather she does something else. 


But she's also a full grown adult at this point, it's her life to make decisions in. My role at that point is to give the best advice I can....and then support her in the decision she makes, long as that decision isn't one that conflicts massively with my moral code...Like crime. 


But I also think sex work should be 100% legal. It would be better for both parties if it was. Dudes who can't get their nut off have somewhere to go, probably end up with less gun toting incel Dylan Roof mother fuckers. 


And for the women it makes it possible to open a location of business, have security for the girls, proper medical care for the girls so they don't spread disease, and besr of all it puts every single Pimp out of the job.


For me basically one of the worst things you can be is a fucking thief. It's why I'm not impressed with Billionairs, thieves don't impress me. 

Edited by RSG3
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25 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Hey which would ya rather deal with? Your  son wanting to get into a life of crime? Or your daughter wanting to get into sex work? And how would you go about getting them to choose different?

I'm going to hack the question and say I'd prefer my son go into a life of WHITE COLLAR crime, because we all know those guys get to just keep on keeping on unless they're stealing from other 1%ers 😂

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Remember ya can persuade them from this life. I guess the point of my question is which challenge would you rather take on, and how would ya go about changing their mind about their course of action?


Me personally I'd to deal with daughter interested in sex work. Young women wanting to be promiscuous or getting into sex work for fast money is actually easier to deal with. There are proven ways to keep women from wanting that life style.


But a young man who feels like he has to do the most to get respect and/or is impatient and feels like he needs big money now? That's a long and tough battle to get through to him. 





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20 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Remember ya can persuade them from this life

No, you can't always do this. They won't always listen to you and it's silly to think they will. Hypotheticals kind of suck because they tend to work on misleading ideas about human behaivor, or some kind of assumption about how things will turn out. It's really silly to think either of those situations is easier or harder to deal with then the other one. It's not. Plenty or men and women get into money making schemes to cover other problems, like drugs. My uncle was in and out of prison his entire life till the day he died because of drugs. Had nothing to do with "gettin dat money " or "respect" or whatever and everything to do with making the shakes stop. Lots of women get into sex work the same as well as many many other reasons. I don't know what makes you think talking a girl out of sex work is easier then talking a dude out of crime. What makes you think this?


You're an interesting fellow BB. You strike me as really smart but also really naive at the same time. 


Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, BB_Hoody said:

Hey which would ya rather deal with? Your  son wanting to get into a life of crime? Or your daughter wanting to get into sex work? And how would you go about getting them to choose different?

I wouldn't be able to handle either situation with more modern constructs authetically, which is just one of reasons why I've never or will ever children in the first place, given my more nihilistic look on life growing up. 


The result of my "what if" parenthood rubbed off to either case, those children would be very similar to me. They would feel like they don't belong in society and be more inclined to being watched based off of their words and actions or cross lines with the law.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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38 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

No, you can't always do this. They won't always listen to you and it's silly to think they will. Hypotheticals kind of suck because they tend to work on misleading ideas about human behaivor, or some kind of assumption about how things will turn out. It's really silly to think either of those situations is easier or harder to deal with then the other one. It's not. Plenty or men and women get into money making schemes to cover other problems, like drugs. My uncle was in and out of prison his entire life till the day he died because of drugs. Had nothing to do with "gettin dat money " or "respect" or whatever and everything to do with making the shakes stop. Lots of women get into sex work the same as well as many many other reasons. I don't know what makes you think talking a girl out of sex work is easier then talking a dude out of crime. What makes you think this?


You're an interesting fellow BB. You strike me as really smart but also really naive at the same time. 


Ok my post was poorly worded. I should've specified you can try to persuade them. Because yes nothing is guaranteed. My own biases from where I grew up, and what I've seen and experienced plays a factor in how I present such questions and some of my takes. I'll work on trying to set bias aside and be more general.


And why I think the potentially promiscuous young woman interested in sex work is easier to talk out of getting into that life? Just my limited experience. Most young women view it as the fastest and easiest track to financial independence. And aren't thinking about how it could effect them if they wanted to pursue a mate or pursue other work outside of sex work.


If they're sat down and talked to and informed about it. And provided with a stable home to where money isn't too much of a worry, and dad is around being a good role model for what to look for in a man. They tend not to pursue that life. 


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1 hour ago, BB_Hoody said:

Hey which would ya rather deal with? Your  son wanting to get into a life of crime? Or your daughter wanting to get into sex work? And how would you go about getting them to choose different?

As bad as it sounds... the daughter getting into sex work doesn't sound quite as bad as the other option to me, if it's "just" porn for instance....and from there it could be something as tame as foot or leg fetish vids where she doesn't even need to show her face.  


A son getting into a life of crime means he would either end up dead or in prison very soon, so fuck that.  Also it would be a great source of shame imo if my son were to become just another "Deebo" stereotype which is basically what the world expects out of this "tribe" factor in this is simply because for most of my life now I've hated them with an especially strong passion... the "Pookie & Ray-Ray".... the trash of the race that keeps everyone else's expectations of us so damn low.  If I could "Order 66" exterminate a particular shitty component of the tribe they are the obvious top choice to be eliminated from the game permanently.  

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31 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

If they're sat down and talked to and informed about it. And provided with a stable home to where money isn't too much of a worry, and dad is around being a good role model for what to look for in a man. They tend not to pursue that life. 

If they are in a financially stable position they wouldn't be looking at sex work in the first place more often then not.Sex work tends to be a response to financial instability. It's what makes Andrew Tate a predator when he recruits strippers for his cam shows. He's predating on desperate people to con them into a situation they think is going to be better for them. It's not. 


Look how you gonna convince someone the sex work is a bad idea for their future when they don't see a future for themselves in the first place without the income the sex work brings? Destitution doesn't land you a mate either. Hell why are you assuming they are worried about a mate in the first place and not shelter, food, clothing, a vehicle?  


I might sound like a jerk with this and I don't mean to, but your conversations about these subjects always seem to boil down to you thinking women are only after Mates and they have no other issues, complications, and things in their lives besides the pursuit of male companionship. You always seem to boil it down to "Well she's gonna have a hard time finding a man later in life" like that's the only goal in life women have. It's really not. 


Edit: Also I think the transition out of porn is seriously over blown. I can get on YouTube and look up Sphere Hunter. She's a YouTube reviewer doing well for herself and she started out in Trans porn. Sasha Grey has made Hollywood movies and also streams and makes good money doing it. 


You can transition your career out of porn, it's perfectly doable, porn is no career death scentence, unless your a politician I guess? Kim K turned a shitty porn video in a billion dollar empire lol. 

Edited by RSG3
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35 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

If they are in a financially stable position they wouldn't be looking at sex work in the first place more often then not.Sex work tends to be a response to financial instability. It's what makes Andrew Tate a predator when he recruits strippers for his cam shows. He's predating on desperate people to con them into a situation they think is going to be better for them. It's not. 


Look how you gonna convince someone the sex work is a bad idea for their future when they don't see a future for themselves in the first place without the income the sex work brings? Destitution doesn't land you a mate either. Hell why are you assuming they are worried about a mate in the first place and not shelter, food, clothing, a vehicle?  


I might sound like a jerk with this and I don't mean to, but your conversations about these subjects always seem to boil down to you thinking women are only after Mates and they have no other issues, complications, and things in their lives besides the pursuit of male companionship. You always seem to boil it down to "Well she's gonna have a hard time finding a man later in life" like that's the only goal in life women have. It's really not. 

Thats the thing. They're not worried about a mate. As you said they're just worried about right now. And a lot of women who didn't care to have a mate at the time. May change their tune when they're older and stable. 


But at that point. She will have developed behaviors, tendencies etc. That would have a lot of men deem her unfit to be a wife. Then she'll have to cope with likely living her life single if that's not what she wants. 


Due to choices she made while operating in survival mode. And let's take men or dating put of the equation. Sex work is terrible on the psyche of most women. It causes women to no longer view their womanhood as a portal that brings life into the world. And instead as a money making machine.


This causes many, sense of self worth  to go to shit. Because due to the nature of the work they chose. And we do spend a good chunk of our time working. Most of her interactions with people, mainly men. Are transactional. How many women in that line of work find actual comradery, pride in their work, develop a bond with customers etc? Doing that for years will fuck someone up.




Edited by BB_Hoody
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10 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Thats the thing. They're not worried about a mate. As you said they're just worried about right now. And a lot of women who didn't care to have a mate at the time. May change their tune when they're older and stable. 

They are worried about right now because right now is what's important. Not the future. They are concerned with food, shelter, clothing, transport. Without those things there is no future to even be worried about. Why would they be concerned about what may come if they are gonna starve/freeze/what have you before they even get to that point BB? 


12 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

It causes women to no longer view their womanhood as a portal that brings life into the world.

That's because it's not. This view is honestly kind of fucking gross to me, your reducing women down to baby making machines. Her vagina is not a fucking portal bro. Why does she have to loom st her body the way yoyr looking at it? Why are we assuming she even wants kids, a mate, whatever assumption your making about this hypothetical woman?


14 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

This causes many, sense of self worth  to go to shit.

Being poor, starving, freezing and destitute also makes people's self worth fo to shit BB. 

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1 minute ago, RSG3 said:

They are worried about right now because right now is what's important. Not the future. They are concerned with food, shelter, clothing, transport. Without those things there is no future to even be worried about. Why would they be concerned about what may come if they are gonna starve/freeze/what have you before they even get to that point BB? 


That's because it's not. This view is honestly kind of fucking gross to me, your reducing women down to baby making machines. Her vagina is not a fucking portal bro. Why does she have to loom st her body the way yoyr looking at it? Why are we assuming she even wants kids, a mate, whatever assumption your making about this hypothetical woman?


Being poor, starving, freezing and destitute also makes people's self worth fo to shit BB. 

I'm not saying they shouldn't do anything to survive. I'm saying that this course of action. Can effect them later, should they then desire other things in life. So they should be persuaded and shown  another route. 


As for how you feel about my view on a woman's vag? We'll just have to disagree on that. Which is fine as long as you don't hate and talk down to me just because we differ on this. I would hate for us to no longer be cool over a difference of views.  And I'm not saying a woman had to make babbies. But the ability to bring life into the world is there. That's amazing and shouldn't be viewed as whatever imo.


Yes being in financial hard times, not knowing where your next meal is coming from, etc. Would have the same effect. The difference? Financial hard times don't have to stay that way. With work, and help from others. That can change. But years of sex work? That stays with a woman forever. Wether she gets out of it or not. And her behavior, and tendencies will show it.

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1 hour ago, BB_Hoody said:

Remember ya can persuade them from this life. I guess the point of my question is which challenge would you rather take on, and how would ya go about changing their mind about their course of action?


Me personally I'd to deal with daughter interested in sex work. Young women wanting to be promiscuous or getting into sex work for fast money is actually easier to deal with. There are proven ways to keep women from wanting that life style.


But a young man who feels like he has to do the most to get respect and/or is impatient and feels like he needs big money now? That's a long and tough battle to get through to him. 


But, the issue is now after you deal with them how are they going to deal with themselves. The criminal would either be in jail or will try to build penance for himself after coming to a realization from whatever you said to him, this is not going to be the same for a sex-worker. What Jay-Z said "You can teach a bad girl to be good, but when a girl's gone bad shes gone forever." is true

Sex workers are exposed to all kinds of horrible men, whether customers or pimps, which results to them getting degraded in various ways. Getting cummed in the face, spitted on, pissed on, physical/verbal abuse, these girls have a small chance of being the same ever again.

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33 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

I'm not saying they shouldn't do anything to survive. I'm saying that this course of action. Can effect them later, should they then desire other things in life. So they should be persuaded and shown  another route. 

Every course of action effects you later in life. This isn't a good position imo. Plenty of people with "respectable" jobs ended up with shitty futures. Lots of things can effect you later in life. You need better then this to convince someone to take a different route. 


33 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

Which is fine as long as you don't hate and talk down to me just because we differ on this.

Naw I don't hate you or anything. Like I said earlier and a time before, I think you are naive. I think you have a young man's mind about how the world works and how men and women actually work. It's part of why I don't like Fresh & Fit, they are too young to be giving anyone meaningful advice, their advice is total fucking trash built up around the little circle of the world they live in. I've lived all over the US, people are complicated and do and feel complicated things for complicated reasons and the boiling down of human behaivor to these silly archetypes is just nonsense. It's like those women are unhappy polls are fucking dumb because the entire fucking world is unhappy, and they are u happy for a whole multitude of reasons and acting like we all suffer from the same depressions is fucking goofy and naive. I talk to you seriously about these things when most others don't because I do like you BB. I think youre smart, driven, and ambitious, but I also think you could be smarter, or at least have a wider world view about the subjects you bring up, especially in regards to women/human behaivor. I think in that particular field you're not as smart...hope that makes sense. 


33 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

That stays with a woman forever.

How do you know? What deep experience in the sex field and with sex workers do you have to make such a confident claim BB?

Edited by RSG3
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25 minutes ago, RSG3 said:



How do you know? What deep experience in the sex field and with sex workers do you have to make such a confident claim BB?


I appreciate that you're willing to engage with me. Only through experience, conversations with those who have said experience, and having an open mind willing to hear other views and ideas can we learn. 


Lastly. To answer your question. A young woman I met in Oklahoma City when I lived there working a contract. She was my neighbor, right across fron my door. Just moved in. I introduced myself and helped her dad with moving some furniture into her apartment.


A few days later I saw her in passing. She invited me into her home and we chilled getting to know each other. I liked her, she looked good and I figured she liked me to cuz she invited me in. So I asked her out.


She said she isn't trying to date right now. That's cool. I at least shot my shot. But then she hits me with this. "But if you ever get tired of self serving, I'm right here. Just 50 an hour" Told her nah I'm good on that. And asked her why she moving like this? You got a dad in your life that seems to care.


She said "Yeah but love and care don't pay the bills. My dad loves me but he always struggled to do for me and my mom" Doing this got me paid to where I got my own place and car now. I asked her if she likes what she does. How long she trying to do this?


She tells me she don't know. She likes the money and attention. But she knows they don't really care about her. And that this is the most money she ever made working and did and seen too much to go back to working a regular job, or being in a relationship.







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9 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

I appreciate that you're willing to engage with me. Only through experience, conversations with those who have said experience, and having an open mind willing to hear other views and ideas can we learn. 

Talking is one of the most harmless, yet long term beneficial things humans can do between one another 👍


That girl.spunds like she has her shit together. She works an honest job and makes good money at it, and she knows where she stands in the eyes of clients. 


Like honestly if I had this convo with my daughter it would basically be that I would rather she do something else but if she's going to do it then I would talk to her about the reality of it which is your clients don't give a shit about you, get your money and get them gone. Run your business yourself, say no to every single Pimp. So on and so fourth. 


But I also think we should legalize it, make it an actual industry with standards, would eliminate the vast vast majority of the dangers associated with that job. 

Edited by RSG3
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9 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Hasan is to socialism what Hot Topic is to punk🤣 He's also pretty wealthy from what I understand too.


worse, he is the type of dude that is ideology driven before reason or logic, so if he sees something that contradicts what he believes in, he then starts to do mental gymnastics to try to rationalize it, or simply deny it.


He is a massive retarded douche.

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4 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I think you have a young man's mind about how the world works and how men and women actually work

How do you know? What deep experience in the sex field and with sex workers do you have to make such a confident claim BB?

 Why would you ask that question? You don't need "deep experiences with sex workers" to make that claim, you just need to know about people.  No woman is just going to resort to degrading herself or lowering her value by giving their bodies as easy meat to some stranger unless their circumstances are something they can't figure out to solve.  


I've lived all over the US, people are complicated and do and feel complicated things for complicated reasons and the boiling down of human behaivor to these silly archetypes is just nonsense. It's like those women are unhappy polls are fucking dumb because the entire fucking world is unhappy

You'll understand this if you grew up in low income areas or stayed in countries that have a  high % of poverty where kids grow up abused and pimped by their own parents. These girls grow up with no understanding on how it is like when someone actually cares about them outside for physical pleasure like some kind of meat. Their life isn't another result of "people are complicated".

Think of this, try asking a few here who have daughters if they would ever consider pimping them if they come to a  "complicated" situation such as being poor as fuck. Not only would they still refuse but I bet if they could imagine how horrible they would feel doing that and would likely rather give their own bodies to feed their kids instead of ruining them over your whole: "They are worried about right now because right now is what's important. Not the future" reasoning. 

Edited by zatalcon3
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8 minutes ago, zatalcon3 said:

I bet you if you asked a few here who have daughters if they would ever consider pimping them if they come to a  "complicated" situation where they are poor as fuck

Well yeah, that's a non-starter obviously. BB just proposed a retarded hypothetical question. Neither option is great.


Would you rather eat a bowl full of shit or drink a vomit milkshake with one of those oversized Slurpee straws?


Both contain chunks.

Edited by Chadouken
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9 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Well yeah, that's a non-starter obviously. BB just proposed a retarded hypothetical question. Neither option is great.


Would you rather eat a bowl full of shit or drink a vomit milkshake with one of those oversized Slurpee straws?


Seeing that scatshop is a thing, I am sure some people will do it gladly without the need of being paid, and some will pay gladly t see them anyway....

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