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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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6 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Not taking sides, not defending her, nothing, I'm just saying sometimes yoy don't realize how hurt you are till the next day or two. 


That's all I'm saying, like everything else going here sus as fuck so my points hardly a major win in her corner or anything. 

The footage doesn't look good for the prosecution to me. The Uber driver already testified that she was the aggressor. Now you have footage of him trying to get away from her and her running after him for a couple of blocks in pursuit. Then you see her talking to some strangers. Eventually you see Majors walk by. She tried to approach him again and while we can't hear audio. It looks like he's telling her to get away/stay away from me . We have more footage of her jogging after him anyway. Then we have footage of her going to the club like nothing is wrong.


Now unless they have testimony from the strangers she went into the club with saying they saw injuries. It's going to be hard for them to prove their case. Because he supposedly broke her finger and nothing from time with the strangers out or her in the club indicates her finger is injured at all. The only thing they can hang their hat on, unless there some additional footage we haven't seen, is when he picks her up and tries to put her back in the Escalade. That's shaky at best IMO. For all the other stuff around the case, this footage is of the night in question. With Uber driver's testimony, it's not a he said/she said. It's a they said/she said.


Edit: The footage at his place is just him grabbing a blanket to cover her up. The police waking her up and accord their testimony she said "She didn't remember what happened last night" and "how'd I get here." Does anyone know at what point she said Majors assaulted her?

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On 12/12/2023 at 3:49 AM, Darc_Requiem said:

There won't be peace because Israel doesn't want it. I'm tired of people pretending otherwise. It takes two to tango and its not just Hamas, Zionists do not want peace. That's who is running the Israeli government. The best chance for peace was Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin. He signed the Oslo Accords* with Yaser Arafat the head of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Rabin was assassinated by a Zionist in 1995. Netanyahu is a Zionist. "From the river to the sea" is a part of their political charter. They don't want peace, they want to wipe out the Palestinians. And all you have to do is look at the comments they make in local Israeli media. They are in violation of multiple UN laws. They don't honor the Geneva Convention. Collective punishment is illegal. They've been doing so for years. They have control over the water, power, and fuel of Gaza. The don't allow any independent media into Gaza. Any media you see in Gaza has to be approved by the IDF and the IDF has to approve of the footage and what they broadcast before it be released. They have a "mowing the grass" policy where they periodically go into to Gaza and mow the grass. The grass being Palestinians. The IDF arms the illegal settlers in the West Bank. And the biggest one of all is them propping up Hamas** so they can have extremist foil that will allow them to commit a sorts of atrocities have people look the other way.  So they can prevent a two state solution from ever coming to fruition. They've already killed more civilians than Russia has in Ukraine. IDF estimates say 1/3 of Palestinians killed were Hamas***. There have been over 17,000 people killed so far which puts over 11,000 people as collateral damage by the IDF numbers. The IDF isn't exactly reliable but even taking them at their word makes the death toll for innocent civilians reprehensible.


The IDF claimed that Al-Shifa hospital was a Hamas command center. It's illegal to attack a hospital even during war. It has to be proven that it's military operation before you launch an attack. Which was not done. They strolled through the hospital filming "uncut" video as evidence. They pointed to a "terror schedule" on  the wall that ended up being a calendar in Arabic. They showed a hiding place for guns that was behind an MRI machine. Literally the worst place to hide metal arms and munitions in an active hospital. Then finally the showed a Hamas Laptop that viewers quickly realized was an IDF laptop. Suddenly that "uncut" video got pulled down, edited, and re-uploaded. That's not even getting into the fact that the "tunnels" under the Hospital were dug by Israel in their previous occupation of the hospital. Yet, they could not provide anything showing this headquarters. Despite all the coverage of Al-Shifa its one of several hospitals hit by the IDF.


They killed numerous UN aid workers, 102**** the last I heard. You can read about it the papers of course the articles read that they "died" in Gaza. No they were killed by Israel. Along with numerous reporters. In the initial days of the conflict, you'd get satellite photos showing before and after images. Of course Israel shut that down. It's kind of hard to say you are "trying to avoid" civilian casualties while leveling entire apartment complexes. I've dime ranted on this long enough.  :tldr:


TLDR: The ZIonist government of Israel doesn't want peace and are no better than Hamas. They indiscriminately kill civilians, propped up Hamas** in the first place. And are in violation of numerous international laws.







There will never be peace in the Middle East. Or should I say that there will never be peace on Earth.  For the Middle East there has been turmoil since probably before the Old Testament.


On 12/12/2023 at 6:25 PM, Hecatom said:



Any government would probably have 10 people and 1 pony (let alone 1 horse).


23 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:

Turkish Lawmaker Has Heart Attack Immediately After Declaring Israel Will Endure ‘The Wrath of Allah’


That's some Twisted Metal shit^

Coincidence or...


This event sounds straight out of the Old Testament. God, The Lord Almighty  strikes down where people stand all the time in the Old Testament.



A fine!


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9 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

There's been some footage released and a time line of events dealing with Johnathan Majors and Grace Jabbari.  Getting most of the info from this twitter thread

So far at this point it seems to point that Majors may not have even been  there when some of her injuries occurred, he was at a hotel.  Again everything is supposed/alleged right now.  She claimed that Majors injured her during the altercation in the car but they got video footage of her after and she isn't hurt.  She even went to the club with her friends.


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Can anyone else following this Majors case clarify some things for me. Is it true that the bartender at the club and group strangers she clubbed with saw no injuries? I seen this third hand but unlike the situation with Depp and Heard, I haven't really been following things to closely. I'm trying to see what the time line of events are. I know what the defense is saying. She was the aggressor and tried to off herself when Majors broke up with her. I know the prosecution is saying he's got history of violence, assaulted her in the Escalade, and "threw her back into the backseat of the vehicle like she was a football." Now I know that latter statement sus because that's not what the video just released shows.


Edit: Read @Sonichumanquoted tweet. If that is an accurate retelling of went down. It answers all my questions. The strangers and bartender didn't see any injuries on her at all. It seems like she's getting back at him for breaking up with her. Again IF that recap is accurate. 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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21 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I actually like some of her music, but she's one of those people you have to wonder if she actually has any friends with the some of the opinions she voices.



This is pure rumors, but some people who have worked on set for her videos say that she is not all there on her head, like she was high all the time or possibly with some mental disability.


But again rumors.

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54 minutes ago, Reticently said:

No idea what the full facts are on the Majors thing, but seeing some of those videos being released is a good reminder for everybody man or woman that it's imperative to gtfo of relationships that are spiraling out of control that hard.

I'll tell any man out there this. If a woman puts her hands on you. Leave, ghost her, cut off all contact with her. It won't end well for you otherwise. Don't end up like the dude that got murdered by the OnlyFans model. People knew she was abusive. And if his family didn't push the issue, the police wouldn't' have even charged her.

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This is bizarre/fascinating stuff if the wild story/details this guy happen to be true... I was watching this over the past few days since it's a rather long video...


I just want full disclosure of the alien situation to happen, one way or another, sometime soon in our lifetime... the alien/UAP stuff is far more interesting to me than anything else going on in the world, tbh.  


It often feels like that time when you're a kid at Christmas, wondering what's in the large gift boxes that "Santa" stashed under the tree....I just want to fast-forward to the part where it's all on the table and we know for sure what the deal is.

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As I keep checking out more of the alien/uap-related podcasts and info lately... I am curious if any of you guys have ever seen UFO?  Unfortunately, there's only been 1, maybe 2 occasions where I saw something in the night sky and I wasn't exactly sure of what I was looking at....and one of those was sadly just a glimpse of something.  Mom said there was one night where we both saw an apparent UFO but I don't remember... so of course the running joke there is that "they" must've erased my memory of that.


...that one detail though is another interesting thing--- assuming there are beings like that with amazing psychic abilities to make you "forget" about ever seeing or interacting with them... they could theoretically remain "invisible" to us forever, unless they *wanted* to be seen.  That's another reason psychic ability will always be an inherently game-breaking top tier power choice.... the power to cloud minds and make people just forget they saw or know something....along with implanting false memories to control the situation even more.

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One "mysterious thing" I'm *not* inclined to believe though---- sasquatch/bigfoot.  It just seems like after all this time and advancement of photography and video tech.... surely we'd have captured GOOD footage of such a creature by now, considering this is supposedly just another earth-native animal (with presumably no amazing supernatural abilities to help it remain undiscovered like invisibility, phasing, or memory-erasing psychic abilities) that's out would've been another new species that some zoologist discovered a long time ago.  There's been what, maybe 2 or 3 clips including that famous one from way back in the 70s or so that looked like a dude in some "Harry & the Hendersons" creature suit walking and looking back.  One would think random hunters would've seen them more often by now as well, and they'd be ready to kill/capture it as well....but we have nothing significant as far as I know.  


The Mothman is a more interesting, cooler mystery creature though; it would be nice if that one were real. 


There's nothing particularly fascinating about those 1 or 2 times I saw "something" in the sky though....just one of those random moments of seeing an unusual visual and trying to figure out what that is since it didn't appear to be a regular plane or helicopter.

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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

One "mysterious thing" I'm *not* inclined to believe though---- sasquatch/bigfoot.  It just seems like after all this time and advancement of photography and video tech.... surely we'd have captured GOOD footage of such a creature by now,

Well, that's the thing. Bigfoot IS BLURRY! And that makes him extra scary. We have an 8 ft tall, out-of-focus monster roaming the countryside. Watch out, he's fuzzy. 

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10 hours ago, Reticently said:

Lol, I'm not going quite that far- but it's such cheesy soft core shit that it's worth seeing in its own right.


Just google for  "Playboy 'Girls of the Internet'".


Way back I mentioned a girl that is in my graduating high school class (same school and stuff) did softcore as well back in the day


[removed the link for the person I mentioned; for those of you who saw her before I removed the link, congratulations 😄]


So, when will we see Hikaru Nakamura on Raw and Magnus Carlsen on Smackdown???








BAS getting owned in casuals; a squash match!!!





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On 12/14/2023 at 1:11 AM, Darc_Requiem said:

Doesn't means she's hot. A girl has to be pretty ugly for a dude to say "Would not smash"

Unless it's one of those "Meh, her elbows are too pointy and her left eyebrow is at a weird angle. 0.5/10 would not bang" type of guys


23 hours ago, VirginDefiler said:

i saw ufos 3x

once in the late 70s. 79. once in 95. and in 90.  ill talk about it later. im busy rn

fox tv GIF by Last Man Standing

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Anybody from Minnesota?





The current flag




Tribes criticized Minnesota's old state seal as racist. The new one includes Dakota language.

The State Emblems Redesign Commission unveiled the seal after making changes to the design earlier this week. 
old seal:
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I noticed a random pic of John Byrne art depicting Galactus fighting the Justice League; it was a cool picture of course....but yet another one of those situations where people like Green Arrow and Batman are just out of their element.  It's like that eye-roll moment in the JLU cartoon where Batman was showing actually dodging Darkseid's Omega c'monnnnn, bruh, get all the way out of here with that nonsense.  Darkseid and Galactus....we're obviously talking about GOD-level shit there....beings that can literally erase you from existence the moment they look at you.  Heroes like Batman and Green Arrow or Hawkeye, etc, are just humans.  I'm a fan of some of those characters as well (Batman, at least...not so much GA or Hawkeye) but some fanboys and writers as well get a bit carried away with what some characters can believably do.  If you're "just a dude" going up against a god or some other cosmically powerful entity... naw dawg you're not doing shit but getting vaporized/erased from reality in the next 2 seconds. "Prep Time!" isn't going to save you against everything.

Edited by MillionX
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