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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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28 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I'm not the biggest proponent of how the public school system operates these, but education is one of the only things standing between some of these kids as they are and them becoming basically feral.

Yea I'm jot exactly sure they should be paid either and there's aldeffinitly a debate to be had over that since they are floating rhe idea but


28 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

And while the whole "paying rapists not to rape" sounds alarmist and ridiculous on its face

Is absolutly ridiculous on its face and is one of the weakest attempts at the slippery slope argument I have ever seen. 


@DoctaMario I do not know why I sperated these posts into two posts, they where one post when I posted it, something weird hapoened on mobile, but i did finish reading your post lol. 

Edited by RSG3
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30 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

No I'm not. I didnt act like anything. I said they are forced to work. Thats all I said. I never said it was for some labor camp for profit company you literally made that up. I said they are forced to go and work by the compelling of law which as an adult you don't actually have to deal with. My boss can't get me arrested for not going. I gotta tell you this doesn't compelling me to read the rest of the post Mario you've literally made up a strawman position for me dude

I bet if someone paid you to read the rest of my post rather than just reading the first sentence and hitting reply you might have?


Edit: just saw your other post lol. This site doesn't play nice with mobile


I dunno, I think education needs to change fundamentally. The way it's been worked for awhile but we need to go somewhere else with it and parents need to do better and stop being afraid of their kids and/or so self centered that they're barely parents.

Edited by DoctaMario
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4 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I bet if someone paid you to read the rest of my post rather than just reading the first sentence and hitting reply you might have?


Edit: just saw your other post lol. This site doesn't play nice with mobile


4 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I dunno, I think education needs to change fundamentally. The way it's been worked for awhile but we need to go somewhere else with it.

I agree 100%, the current model no longer works on many fundamental levels, and I don't think paying kids is going to fix it, but whatever new model we come up with might include paying kids. It's far down the list of reforms to make, but ruling it out of hand seems pretty silly, especially when we do in fact force the majority of kids to go while also forcing them to bring/buy lunches, and supplies, and other things for school we aren't compensating them for at all but with an arguable shoddy education...


There's a debate to be had that's all I'm saying, well and that it won't lead to paying rapists lol. 

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Transformers' Greatest Moments:


The introduction of Marvel Comics Shockwave! (Marvel US #4-6)


At the end of the 4 issue mini series, Sparkplug had helped the Autobots by secretly poisoning the fuel the Decepticons consumed.

However, the Autobots are knocked out by an explosion and a mysterious ray gun hovers over them and transforms,  revealing ...




Shockwave strings up the Autobots like  slabs of beef, takes over the Decepticons because logic dictates Megatron's ways led to their downfall, and makes Megatron his beyotch.







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I really liked both. but i liked legacy alot more than the 1st. that said. no daft punk hurts. but i can live with it. 


what i do hope for, is that they dont just copy the imagry of the 2nd, or 1st one but do something different looking style wise. something new. updated. not just blue lights vs orange lighted stuff. i didnt dislike the look of legacy, i just dont want them to copy/paste legacy visuals all over again. obviously it has to still remain neonic just not like previous 2 films.



in honor of the good news:



Edited by VirginDefiler
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i myself didnt find out till just now. but i do remember reading like..years ago that jared leto is a huuuge tron fan, and was pushing and hounding disney that he wanted to make and star in tron 3. so im gonna assume one of the big reasons why disney went with the go ahead was thanks to jared. he helped make tron 3 a reality. 

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This would be another thing I'd go back in time to observe... the ancient times of the Sapiens vs. Neanderthals...even though it's sounding like things were lopsided for quite a while:


Oh on another note---I was checking out the reviews of that show about Anne Boleyn....of course there is not a single positive one I've seen so's a delicious non-stop roast session in these reviews; I'm loving it: (and not all of them are focused on how stupid it is to race-swap a real person from history, btw)

Edited by MillionX
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That so crazy I can't help but laugh at the stupidity of the situation--- someone earning over 600k a year and still "struggling".  They're making the right kind of money to win the game....yet *still* playing the game horribly wrong in some way, basically.  ...likely trying to live like they are a true multi-millionaire; living way above their means.


*I'm finally watching season 3 of The Boys---- I caught that cool little Easter egg where there's a commercial in the background about "Robert Singer for President"---and of course it looks like that same actor that was "Bobby Singer" in Supernatural.

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They're trying to live too far above their means, OR they have a drug habit. Or multiple baby-mommas.


There's no way you're struggling as a single human being earning 600K a year. Even after taxes that has to be, bare minimum, 20K a month. I live very comfortably with all my bills paid and PLENTY left over at like 4.5K a month post-tax.

Edited by axeman61
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I'm double posting, but I found this and it pissed me off a bit. It's a VERY long article, so, here's the TLDR:

-Daphne Dorman was a transgender comedian whose story was told by Dave Chappelle at the end of The Closer. Chappelle claims that when Sticks and Stones came out, Daphne defended him against other transgender people, was dragged for days, and killed herself. He doesn't straight-up say they killed her, but it's heavily implied by the context.


-The article proves, with receipts, that there was no dragging of Daphne by her transgender peers around that time. She killed herself for a variety of different reasons (custody battle, job loss, etc), but there was never a twitter mob piling on to her.


I... don't know. I heard before Daphne had other problems besides a twitter mob, but I somehow assumed that there was a mob still. That there wasn't makes me look at The Closer even worse than I already did. The Daphne story is almost the sole highlight from it, and now I'm wondering if Dave knew the truth when he implicitly said her community killed her. It's possible he didn't, but if he did, that takes away a bit of my overall respect for him. I still see him as a GOAT, but this is low.

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I have to admit there is some curiosity about the ridiculous premise of that Suicide Squad game.... not enough to ever spend a dime on it of course, but---how in the world could those losers stand a chance against one of the most legendary OP super teams in comics history?  The only one they'd have a legitimate shot at killing is Batman, if any of the Batman fanboys could get off his nutsack and be realistic about the matter for 5 seconds instead of thinking "prep-time beats everything" as they worship him like an unbeatable god. 

Flash and the others can move and act way faster than they can even *think* about doing something....and that's on top of having all these ridiculous powers, like heat vision or having nearly indestructible bodies, godlike strength, etc. etc....if Green Lantern is in there, that's a guy that can create a light "construct" of anything... the list just goes on for days with how bad a matchup this is....and it looks like they're being controlled by Brainiac.  C'mon man that's instant game over right from the start.  It just appears so lopsided it's actually funny to me.

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3 hours ago, Jion_Wansu said:

Well, they always say it's not how much money you get but how much money you keep and learning how to own money...



On another note. Out of all of the fighting games from past to present do you all still consider the "big 4", the greatest of all time, the following:









I used to love 3s but the more I learned about it, the less I liked it, especially after reading the Viscant parry posts (which he was right about, and even as a chagrined 3s player the first time I read them, I knew he was right.) 


Still all 4 of those are great games and I still don't think Capcom has topped SF2

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11 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:


What do they say? I've never read them.

The tl;Dr is that he says SF2 is like a chess game in that you can force an opponent into a bad situation where their only options are bad ones which will, most of the time, lead them to hang themselves (mind games.) But because in SF3 there's an overriding element of the game (parries) that allow a player in that situation to potentially escape without really giving anything up, that the mind game in SF3 is basically just "I thought you were going to do A but you did B" and that parrying is, to the detriment of the overall gameplay, the best option in a lot of situations.


They're an interesting read if you can hunt them down.

Edited by DoctaMario
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6 hours ago, Jion_Wansu said:

On another note. Out of all of the fighting games from past to present do you all still consider the "big 4", the greatest of all time, the following:









Third Strike and Super Turbo will always be special, and MvC2 is fun. Though I believe Garou needs to be on the list as peak SNK representation.

Edited by Jurassic
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