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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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16 hours ago, axeman61 said:

Literally every time I think "I'm not getting paid enough", some report that a company is laying off hundreds comes out. I don't know what sign the universe is trying to give me. Is it trying to say "go for it; you might not be there tomorrow" or "stay where you are"?


I don't know what your industry is, but unless your whole sector is wildly laying people off go for the money.


Tenure won't necessarily protect anyone from layoffs, and hopefully a place that is actively hiring has enough business growth to actually want to retain you for the next several years at least (doesn't hurt to do some googling around if you get an offer).

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5 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:



Sometimes Kanye makes perfect sense among his ramblings

Yeah he has a point for once. That said Israel is out here doing mustache twirling villain shit. That situation with the 6 year old girl that called for help made my blood boil. Her family of 6 was fleeing the fighting  when the IDF shot up her families vehicle. She calls for help, an ambulance gets sent, and the IDF blew it up. Like who does this type of shit man... 

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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20 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Ppl sleep on Mardi Gras in Mobile. Our shit is way better than New Orleans. You liable to get snacks to feed you and all your whole family, miniature liquor bottles, and a 40 inch TV. Fuck some beads 😂


My mum in law is from there and she was telling me just yesterday that Mobile has a pretty off the hook celebration which was news to me.

9 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Happy Eddie Murphy GIF by Laff

Martin Lawrence Lol GIF by Martin

Not Funny Lol GIF by WWE

There are a lot of words an emotions swirling right now...The main one being Are they fucking serious!?

Few people have the setup to really be able to take advantage of Atmos so I don't understand keeping that behind a paywall. Can't say the same for Dolby Vision, whatever that is, but this is just Amazon being amazon.

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Black guys, Ive always wondered: 

Why did the name "Tyrone" become so popular in the last 20 something years?

IS there a tv/movie character named Tyrone that was popular? Something from music?

It originated in Ireland and as far as I know has no connections to Africa.


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18 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:




Black guys, Ive always wondered: 

Why did the name "Tyrone" become so popular in the last 20 something years?

IS there a tv/movie character named Tyrone that was popular? Something from music?

It originated in Ireland and as far as I know has no connections to Africa.


I didn't know that name was just popular with us in the past 20 and thought it had been longer to be honest.  Erykah Badu probably helped further popularize the name (super debateable considering the context) but that's it.  Out of the people I've met personally in lifetime I think I knew 1 Tyrone.  I always hear about others but they usually weren't in my orbit which now that I think about is kind of weird.  We don't even have a Tyrone at my job either so...yeah that's all I got.

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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:




Black guys, Ive always wondered: 

Why did the name "Tyrone" become so popular in the last 20 something years?

IS there a tv/movie character named Tyrone that was popular? Something from music?

It originated in Ireland and as far as I know has no connections to Africa.


It probably has something to do with Erykah Badu

Edit: And in classic Megashock tradition, I was too slowed by @Sonichuman😅

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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3 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

It probably has something to do with Erykah Badu

Edit: And in classic Megashock tradition, I was too slowed by @Sonichuman😅

It been popular longer than 20 years, I had classmates growing up named Tyrone. And since the Badu song isn't exactly complimentary I'd be surprised if that was why it got popular unless you got a bunch of women out there trying to boy-named-sue their sons lol

Edited by DoctaMario
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Yeah Tyrone was the stereotypical black name back when my generation was kids in the 80s, and likely a bit before that even in the late 70s.... Erykah Badu just brought it back in style with that song.... I like that song, btw; I heard it on the radio this morning on the way to work.


Back in the 80s at least, the biggest stereotype names were probably Tyrone and of course the infamous "Leroy" (which probably had a brief resurgence in relevance thanks to the "Leeroyyyyyy Jenkins!" meme, I bet)... also Lamont, and for *decades* now--- "Keesha" and all it's countless variations.  I lost count of how many "Keeshas" I've known in school and later on in adulthood as co-workers.  (*at least 4 of them are in mind right now that I know from work.... only 1 of those 4 is a real cutie I'd go for, btw.)


Yesterday I heard one of my top-ranked songs of all time on the way in to work---"Let's Dance" from the musical god known as David Bowie.... I can't ever get enough of that one.  If I made a "favorite/top 100 songs of all time", that's always been a strong contender for my #1 spot in the rankings.  I could listen to it on repeat forever.

It works as perfect background for certain games I loved too... like imo you haven't lived until you're blastin' this song when playing the Bloody Palace mode in a Devil May Cry.

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On 2/13/2024 at 7:32 PM, Dayaan said:

Anyway, that means that when we make up tomorrow it's going to be extremely romantic, and the day after will be even better.


This was all a part of my strategy 🤮 !


It was hella romantic. Like I said, I was very busy today, so she went out with a friend. I got to call them between classes and her friend loves me, which is a great new addition to my friend group. We're exchanging numbers tomorrow, I think, so she will get added to the larger group chat.


All of this is because I am a genius planner, who now has some guaranteed dessert and gifts tomorrow. If I could impart some of my game to you guys, you'd all be elevated to new heights. God bless America. 

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7 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Man...Jon Stewart makes some criticism about Biden and people fucking lose their minds.  It's like they didn't even watch or hear the whole episode and only heard the stuff he said about Biden and nothing else lol

Link in DM?

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8 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

It been popular longer than 20 years, I had classmates growing up named Tyrone. And since the Badu song isn't exactly complimentary I'd be surprised if that was why it got popular unless you got a bunch of women out there trying to boy-named-sue their sons lol

My parents almost named me Tyrone, but decided against it. Seeing as how I look a LOT more like my mom's side of the family than my dad's, that would have made middle school hilarious.

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ah yes, see that iteration of X-men is the real deal for me---the blue/gold outfits taking me back to the days of the old Saturday morning cartoon.  I was late to the game on comics in general so that show was where I started caring about X-men, really. (*it was not until after the cartoon that I started getting into some of the books---so like the mid to late 90s era)  It's a relief to see new animation in this era where they want to just keep making poor live-action shyte out of cartoons and comics so often.


...and yeah, it irked me in the old movies that they put them in black leather outfits, since back then studios were scared of how potentially silly bright colorful outfits might* look in live action. (**---as with everything...that's really only if it's done poorly.  Other superhero movies later proved it can be done just fine in reasonably comic accurate outfits and colors.)


...and imagine how cool it will be when/if Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister show up in this new show!!!

The Wire GIF


Edited by MillionX
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