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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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3 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:


Interesting... but that trailer seems to show us almost all of what the movie has going on there.  I realize it's a tough balance though with how much to show off in a trailer.


*on another note---Millie grew up to be significantly better looking than what I expected.

...and that reminds me; they just recently started shooting the last part of Stranger Things....hahaha that will be so awkward to see how old those people look now, still playing "kid" characters on the show.  They waited a bit too long to finally wrap that show up.

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I like how the mom says she got rid of her vinyl and wound up just buying a lot of that music again. She learned her lesson the first time, but some teenager who hasn't ever owned physical media won't get that lesson until it's too late.


I love Spotify, but I've run into situations where a song I want to hear has some sort of licensing issue so it's unavailable even if the rest of the record is. So I'm with the mom, I decided to keep all my CDs as well and have even bought quite a bit of vinyl lately.

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I'm curious which path you all would take if the X-gene and that whole scenario was real.  More than likely I'd be one of those mutants that sides with Magneto if the choice was between him or going to Professor Xavier's school....even though ultimately that's a reckless path to become the enemy of "normal" humanity.  ....but if I could track down Mr. Sinister and Apocalypse to side with them though, even better. would suck to be cursed with a lame mutant power though; obviously not all of them are winners.  Imagine being like Warren Worthington III, and all you got were those big goofy angel wings...that character wasn't cool until Apocalypse "fixed" him.


**edit---yeah on the physical media front--- I'm never getting rid of my cd/dvd/blu-ray etc. collection....they would  only get thrown away if the disc itself is damaged and worthless for that reason.  It amazes me that so many people (seemingly most people) don't care about owning things.  When you have a real copy of your favorite thing----it no longer matters if the internet is down today, or if the company that owns the IP of that thing suddenly goes away or gets bought out, shut down or whatever.  You always have that copy of it.  Not that long ago I was playing Phantasy Star Online on Gamecube again....because it still works after 20+ years.  We won't be able to say the same about a lot of popular games today in the year 2044.  


....oh yeah, also in that big CD/DVD pack I was looking through the other day---I also have the DVD of the movie Coffy, featuring Pam Grier in her prime. It's pretty sad that people today are content to be 100% reliant on an internet connection and what various streaming services have in their catalogue *at the moment* (which could go away tomorrow for whatever reason)....that you pay for indefinitely instead of just that 1 time disc purchase.  

Edited by MillionX
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57 minutes ago, MillionX said:

I'm curious which path you all would take if the X-gene and that whole scenario was real.  More than likely I'd be one of those mutants that sides with Magneto if the choice was between him or going to Professor Xavier's school....even though ultimately that's a reckless path to become the enemy of "normal" humanity.  ....but if I could track down Mr. Sinister and Apocalypse to side with them though, even better.

Become one of Sinister's marauders.


You get paid, and get cloned/resurrected if you die. Probably get to do your own stuff on the side.



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56 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I like how the mom says she got rid of her vinyl and wound up just buying a lot of that music again. She learned her lesson the first time, but some teenager who hasn't ever owned physical media won't get that lesson until it's too late.


I love Spotify, but I've run into situations where a song I want to hear has some sort of licensing issue so it's unavailable even if the rest of the record is. So I'm with the mom, I decided to keep all my CDs as well and have even bought quite a bit of vinyl lately.

I'm close to the opposite end. I see the value in keeping stuff, no doubt. But being able to play damn near everything right now on Spotify makes up for the times where something is behind a legal wall. Those times are so rare for me. Then again, I'm not a music buff.


Frankly, I'd have a more "keep your stuff" attitude about DVDs/Blu-Rays. I don't care for them myself, but the splitting up of EVERYTHING you get nowadays is getting annoying.

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Oh and then there's the mutant power choice I forgot to mention.... my ideal choices are the usual superpowers I've always wanted, if we're talking simple things...any of these would be good---- superhuman speed/agility, psychic abilities (doesn't have to be top-rank like Xavier either; give me some "mid" level psychic ability and that would be awesome to me), or some level of super-durability like the Colossus "metal skin" ability, "ghostly" phasing, or cool shadow/darkness-based abilities.....any 1 or 2 of these things would be my preferred choice of X-gene power.  


...ooh, and shapeshifting....also that perfect animal ability mimicry like Beastboy and Vixen have (*preferably like Vixen in that I can have the animal abilities without needing to change form like Beastboy does....but as a mutant power; Vixen needs a magical totem thing for this power.)  ...but out of all these things, the psychic powers rank as the top most wanted thing, so that as a combo with at least 1 other thing would be golden.


...actually, that animal mimicry power is a good "cheat code", btw... because it's tons of super powers in one deal.  Imagine you could generate electric/shock attacks like an eel, mimic the venomous bite of a black mamba snake, have color-change camouflage like a chameleon or octopus, gain superior vision like a bird of prey, or fly, have the strength of a gorilla, speed of a cheetah, etc. etc.  Animal mimicry is another one of those top-rank power choices.

Edited by MillionX
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ooh, Perri Nemiroff just went live with her Madame Web review....I definitely look forward to checking that out later, because she seems to always try to skew positive; has a hard time being harsh on anything from what I've seen of her vids/commentary.  John Campea didn't appear to hold back in his "fresh out of theater" quick review/impression of it.  Another one (also formerly of the old Collider crew) Kristian already has a vid just posted "Is Madam Web Really that Bad"....ohhh yeah this should be a fun watch.  Harloff seems a bit more even than the others though; he doesn't seem to have much of a problem saying a certain movie or show sucked.  


...such a strange idea to use that character as a main character in a movie in the first place, imo.


The powers again though----now imagine animal mimicry going to that next level by including abilities of the insect kingdom.  Now you're really talking game-breaker stuff all in 1 power.  With the strength of a dung beetle, you could push or pull/lift a bit over 1,100 x your own weight.  Then there's stuff like stingers, neurotoxin effects, amazing levels of speed and reaction time, and weird stuff like the bombardier beetle's ability to produce a super-hot liquid spray as a defense mechanism, or the bio-luminescence of a firefly, or the tardigrade's ability to survive nearly anything.

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Transformer's Greatest Moments:


(If you're a Star Trek TNG fan, this is the "Best of Both Worlds" of Transformers...)

The greatest cliff hanger/ season ender of all time!



Beast Wars Megatron shooting G1 Optimus  in the head and destroying history!

The Agenda Part III (1998)


(courtesy of

Guest-starring a character from Generation 1, the drama and stakes were upped with every twist, finally culminating in the revelation of the Ark, and the knowledge that we weren't just nodding to the original series - we were right in its backstory. And that laid out the threat posed by the first credible Megatron on an even bigger scale than ever before.


With his plans to manipulate the future gradually falling apart, his loyal minions defeated, the odds stacking up and his back well and truly against the wall, he goes for the ultimate gamble. Seeming to cut and run, he easily escapes the Maximals. But retreat is not this Predacon's style; instead he breezes into the Ark, monologues like a Transmetal Hans Gruber and – pursuing good guys utterly helpless to prevent it – proceeds to shoot the dormant Optimus Prime in the head before the Autobot leader has a chance to awaken on Earth, thus changing the entire history of the war.


For the second successive year, Megatron has won. Time itself starts to unravel; the Maximals begin to fade in and out of existence... "The Autobots lose! Evil triumphs! And you... you no longer exist!"





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Ya'll been seeing this videos that people been putting up from the Sora AI beta?   It still clearly has some kinks but shit is getting more and more real with each iteration of AI...

This looks scarily good...Biggest glaring problem though is the double left paw lol.  I had to watch the video a few times cause something was fucking bothering me about the paw and I finally caught it upon watching it for the 4th time.  Most of the stuff rendered from it is fucking insane.  All of it has this air of "something is off" but it takes awhile to catch it.

Maaaannnn...I do not like this....I'm amazed.  Tech has gotten this far but I really fear what is going to happen when AI is fully unleashed without thought or regulation.

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9 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Ya'll been seeing this videos that people been putting up from the Sora AI beta?   It still clearly has some kinks but shit is getting more and more real with each iteration of AI...

This looks scarily good...Biggest glaring problem though is the double left paw lol.  I had to watch the video a few times cause something was fucking bothering me about the paw and I finally caught it upon watching it for the 4th time.  Most of the stuff rendered from it is fucking insane.  All of it has this air of "something is off" but it takes awhile to catch it.

Maaaannnn...I do not like this....I'm amazed.  Tech has gotten this far but I really fear what is going to happen when AI is fully unleashed without thought or regulation.

Revelation 13:15 "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause to be killed as many as would not worship the image of the beast."


In this verse the English word "image" was translated from the Greek word "icon". 

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9 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Ya'll been seeing this videos that people been putting up from the Sora AI beta?   It still clearly has some kinks but shit is getting more and more real with each iteration of AI...

This looks scarily good...Biggest glaring problem though is the double left paw lol.  I had to watch the video a few times cause something was fucking bothering me about the paw and I finally caught it upon watching it for the 4th time.  Most of the stuff rendered from it is fucking insane.  All of it has this air of "something is off" but it takes awhile to catch it.

Maaaannnn...I do not like this....I'm amazed.  Tech has gotten this far but I really fear what is going to happen when AI is fully unleashed without thought or regulation.

I think they're going to have to legislate that watermarks be somehow included in every pic or video made with AI. But of course if a government or company uses it they'll probably find some way around that.


I was reading a Twitter thread about this that Marques Brownlee made and there were people who were talking about how misinformation might become a problem when this tech gets out, but that they were super excited about the proliferation of AI, which seem like incompatible views to have to me. It's like being pro life and people death penalty at the same time.


All I know is that unless something is done before this tech is widespread, you won't even be able to believe your own eyes anymore and it'll be exhausting trying to figure out what's AI snd what isn't, and that itself will become another thing people will fight about.

Edited by DoctaMario
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Labeling something that is near required to survive for most things in life as "White Supremacy" is sus AF.  It feels like something that's so incredibly stupid that there actually might actually be something more sinister behind the objective like trying to keep who would listen to that garbage dumb.  I'm going to assume it's nothing  that deep and it's just surface level.

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33 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Labeling something that is near required to survive for most things in life as "White Supremacy" is sus AF.  It feels like something that's so incredibly stupid that there actually might actually be something more sinister behind the objective like trying to keep who would listen to that garbage dumb.  I'm going to assume it's nothing  that deep and it's just surface level.

Good thing we have conservative talk radio to tell us about it.

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57 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Probability of being a Trump supporter: 99.993%





I never could have imagined the discourse would balloon out this much over IP that's been established and been forthright on what it is since day 1.  I almost want to refuse that this dude watched or read X-men and legit thought "this is just about giant robots & aliens".  It sounds like a fucking parody or troll account but it isn't.  And then the sub discourse surrounding Morph is even more "WTF are we doing here?"

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6 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I think they're going to have to legislate that watermarks be somehow included in every pic or video made with AI. But of course if a government or company uses it they'll probably find some way around that.


I was reading a Twitter thread about this that Marques Brownlee made and there were people who were talking about how misinformation might become a problem when this tech gets out, but that they were super excited about the proliferation of AI, which seem like incompatible views to have to me. It's like being pro life and people death penalty at the same time.


All I know is that unless something is done before this tech is widespread, you won't even be able to believe your own eyes anymore and it'll be exhausting trying to figure out what's AI snd what isn't, and that itself will become another thing people will fight about.


And on the flipside, the criminals can get off scott free due to claiming that this is not real it's just AI especially with the fake porn stuff that's made by AI like deep fakes and such. Soon we will be living in The Terminator and The Matrix world!!!

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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Labeling something that is near required to survive for most things in life as "White Supremacy" is sus AF.  It feels like something that's so incredibly stupid that there actually might actually be something more sinister behind the objective like trying to keep who would listen to that garbage dumb.  I'm going to assume it's nothing  that deep and it's just surface level.

It's not sus, it's straight up racist. They're implying that minorities are too stupid to learn how to read. 

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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I never could have imagined the discourse would balloon out this much over IP that's been established and been forthright on what it is since day 1.  I almost want to refuse that this dude watched or read X-men and legit thought "this is just about giant robots & aliens".  It sounds like a fucking parody or troll account but it isn't.  And then the sub discourse surrounding Morph is even more "WTF are we doing here?"

Algorithm engagement. That's what. Somehow, someway, losers like that get paid off the anger that comes his way. Whether it be ads or new members. Used to be, if you verbally shit your pants, you'd just get laughed at and that will be that. Now, everybody has an echo chamber AND them getting dunked on is beneficial. Not that much, but enough to make it worth it. It's worth it to shit your pants and be a public loser if you have no other skills these days. If you gather a crowd, that is.


I just really wish we had a way to stop rewarding all these all these professional pants-shitters.

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19 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

It's not sus, it's straight up racist. They're implying that minorities are too stupid to learn how to read. 

I don't think that's what's going on here based on the context.  This feels more like one of those cases where you're trying to be so woke that you end up circling around to being offensive.  To be honest this almost sounds like something a random hotep would say off the cuff.


Some of the stuff on that worksheet that they sent out I don't even necessarily disagree with but also think this is a bit much and probably too far.  Like...some of the concepts being brought in here should probably be relegated to like a college course if they're trying to go that deep into this stuff and then there's some stuff that feels out of pocket like this comment.


Ramsey says her advice is about becoming an ally and “doing the right thing.” She explains you shouldn’t “get defensive” by denying you’re oppressing marginalized people, even if you’re not actually oppressing marginalized people.

There's a difference between teaching people history and showing why racism is systemic and then going  "YOU ARE THE PROBLEM EVEN IF YOU AREN'T THE PROBLEM".  I don't agree with that.  That's potentially harming the cause imo.

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16 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:



yes yessss that's exactly why the mechanical bull-ride was invented.  Oh yes I recorded that clip.


Oh yeah that other post also reminded me there was a woman on social media recently going on about how being on time for things was a product of "white supremacy" as well.  As I've said before, I love that the "hotep" types out there exist....similar to the flat-earth believers, it's always fun to laugh about whatever  nonsense they're saying lately.  I don't think some people are aware that there are indeed people out there that are like Martin Lawrence's character in Boomerang, that make *everything* out to be racist or some element of "white supremacy".

Edited by MillionX
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7 hours ago, IcyBlackDeep said:

Good thing we have conservative talk radio to tell us about it.

The problem is that rightoids are the only ones willing to call stuff like this out. Why is non conservative media NOT sounding the alarm about something like this that will only cause an even bigger achievement gap between different groups if it isn't course corrected for?

Edited by DoctaMario
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Ya'll want to see a murder?

To preface this people reeeeeally need to watch who they're talking to on Twitter because you never know who might see your post and respond. 

To start off this guy is arrogant enough to want to be credited for an AI prompt because when someone else used the same prompt they got more likes.  Of course dude got heat for this post.


So then this happens

Spit Take GIF

Dude then tries to switch to Spanish to shit talk and it does not go well.  I don't know what they're saying but I know dude is definitely on the back foot and people are CLOWNING this man.

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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Dude then tries to switch to Spanish to shit talk and it does not go well.  I don't know what they're saying but I know dude is definitely on the back foot and people are CLOWNING this man.


Something along the lines of


-I can do better, I can animate it, because I´ve been ANIMATING FOR ONE PIECE YOU IDIOT (ONE PIECE GUY)


- I don't care. You are not the only one who knows how to animate drawings


- but I am one who can, and not you. Big thief (ONE PIECE GUY)


- I don't know how to animate? Ha, ha. I have created a bunch of animations, smart guy. And no only with AI. Also for international brands. Ignorance is bold.


-  Well it doesn't look like it, kid. With the tantrums you throw your professionalism falls short and the thief thing is visible from afar (ONE PIECE GUY)


- How easy it is to insult from behind the computer screen, huh? Ha, ha. That way everybody is brave.


- If you don't like the heat, kid, get out of the kitchen. Us adults who know how to illustrate and anime are talking. (ONE PIECE GUY)


- While you keep trolling, I will create art with AI
And clearly you get paid to cry too, I'm going to stop wasting my time with you, but I know you're dying inside to know that no matter how fast you write proms. You will never be a professional artist (ONE PIECE GUY)
the guy considers himself a modern Picasso.
Someone needs to slap him.
Edited by AriesWarlock
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9 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:


the guy considers himself a modern Picasso.
Someone needs to slap him.

So this AI artist feels they own prompts and are entitled to credit for whatever gets generated? Is this a common AI community thing?

Then I saw this tweet:


It wouldn't surprise me if he wrote a tweet stating his shit doesn't stink. I agree, he needs to be slapped.

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Jeff Landry, our new governor from Louisiana announced a state of emergency for nola police shortage. One must understand why that is, of why they keep walking away from the blue collar. Lol. 


To think, that those people reached out to me on a job board concerning a law enforcement position. I've already exposed them in court without them touching me, provided the amount of eye contact on me in that department in the fall afterwards . I will not join those desperate mfers.


All too amusing.

Edited by Emptyeyes_
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1 hour ago, Jurassic said:

So this AI artist feels they own prompts and are entitled to credit for whatever gets generated? Is this a common AI community thing?

Then I saw this tweet:


It wouldn't surprise me if he wrote a tweet stating his shit doesn't stink. I agree, he needs to be slapped.

The thing is, people using AI software and prompts to make pictures or videos aren't artists because they themselves aren't going through the artistic process. Part of that process involves improving skills so that there's less of a gulf between the mental picture you have of the piece you want to make and what your skills will allow for you to create. Jimi Hendrix used to talk about how frustrated he'd get that the songs he recorded didn't match how he heard them in his mind.


At best, these AI "creators" are doing the equivalent of putting paint on a pallette for the real artist to use because in this case, the software is the artist, not the person feeding it prompts. Which isn't to say that AI art isn't art, just that the human in the equation isn't the artist.

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