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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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15 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Not sure if this counts as throwing a stone if Putin's memo does say this.  If anything its closer to "hey this person said this about you"

The irony is that Reid works for a nakedly propagandist "news" network that doesn't even try to hide the fact that they engage in propaganda. Even CNN tries to pretend they aren't a de facto arm of the administration, MSNBC doesn't even give that reach around. That's the part about not throwing stones.


This boils down to "This bad guy we don't like said this other guy we don't like because he says things we don't like to hear is an important part of bad guy being able to propagandize people according to this document we aren't going to show you that, trust us bro, exists and leaked from the Kremlin." 



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Dont really care about the Irony I care more about Tucker being a blatant Putin mouthpiece. Every news network engages in some level of propaganda, but Tuckers kissing Putins Chocolate Starfish and I'm pretty fucking over it at this point. Like yea we all know what MSNBC is about, but whatabouting about them doesn't change the fact Tuckers selling his entire platform out to Russia. 

Edited by RSG3
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9 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

The irony is that Reid works for a nakedly propagandist "news" network that doesn't even try to hide the fact that they engage in propaganda. Even CNN tries to pretend they aren't a de facto arm of the administration, MSNBC doesn't even give that reach around. That's the part about not throwing stones.


This boils down to "This bad guy we don't like said this other guy we don't like because he says things we don't like to hear is an important part of bad guy being able to propagandize people according to this document we aren't going to show you that, trust us bro, exists and leaked from the Kremlin." 



Here's the original source that shows parts of the memo.



EDIT - Wait, this really happened?


Perhaps an honest slip, but the clapback is hilarious:



Edited by OPTIMUS124
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51 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

The irony is that Reid works for a nakedly propagandist "news" network that doesn't even try to hide the fact that they engage in propaganda. Even CNN tries to pretend they aren't a de facto arm of the administration, MSNBC doesn't even give that reach around. That's the part about not throwing stones.


This boils down to "This bad guy we don't like said this other guy we don't like because he says things we don't like to hear is an important part of bad guy being able to propagandize people according to this document we aren't going to show you that, trust us bro, exists and leaked from the Kremlin." 



Imagine being a stand for FAUX News, who already being outted as a tool of Putin. 

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58 minutes ago, OPTIMUS124 said:

Here's the original source that shows parts of the memo.



EDIT - Wait, this really happened?


Perhaps an honest slip, but the clapback is hilarious:



I read it and I'm not surprised that Joy Reid and MSNBC are on some GW Bush "if you're not with us, you're against us" ish. As if being critical of:

-the US giving a billion dollars to Ukraine that could be better spent on the people here


-sending them a fuckton of weapons as a means of provocation


-picking a fight with a country has an ACTUAL army and nukes to boot


-and making people in Russia, Ukraine, and even here have to "tighten their belts" even more when a lot of people are already having trouble affording essentials is a bad take and means he's pro-Russia/Putin all the way. It's possible to dislike the actions of all sides here and the fact that "news" outlets try to act like that's not a thing makes my blood boil.


12 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

Imagine being a stand for FAUX News, who already being outted as a tool of Putin. 

Have they? Got a citation for that? I hate cable news of all stripes so if they are I don't care either way, but this idea that "my enemy's propaganda is worse than my propaganda" is retarded.

Edited by DoctaMario
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5 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I read it and I'm not surprised that Joy Reid and MSNBC are on some GW Bush "if you're not with us, you're against us" ish. As if being critical of:

-the US giving a billion dollars to Ukraine that could be better spent on the people here


-sending them a fuckton of weapons as a means of provocation


-picking a fight with a country has an ACTUAL army and nukes to boot


-and making people in Russia, Ukraine, and even here have to "tighten their belts" even more when a lot of people are already having trouble affording essentials is a bad take and means he's pro-Russia/Putin all the way. It's possible to dislike the actions of all sides here and the fact that "news" outlets try to act like that's not a thing makes my blood boil.


Have they? Got a citation for that? I hate cable news of all stripes so if they are I don't care either way, but this idea that "my enemy's propaganda is worse than my propaganda" is retarded.

The mental gymnastic here. 

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2 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

So no citation for that claim?

In civil cases, the plaintiff has the burden of proving his case by a preponderance of the evidence. 

I already presented what there, and you want SOURCES. Multiple articles are posted, some by me, some by others.
If you bothered to click on and read
You would find the following images



Sources Enough or you want to move goal posts some more?

Note it says "FOX news Такер" Такер is Tucker in Cyrillic or the Russian Alphabet.
You don't even need to translate the image. 

2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Who made this argument?

Just some strawman argument as "all media is bias", and as thus he going to distrust 99% of news sources to defend the one faux news network that been proven bias and wrong countless times, yet he wants us to have the burden of sources. 


Edited by DarkSakul
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38 minutes ago, DarkSakul said:

In civil cases, the plaintiff has the burden of proving his case by a preponderance of the evidence. 

I already presented what there, and you want SOURCES. Multiple articles are posted, some by me, some by others.
If you bothered to click on and read
You would find the following images



Sources Enough or you want to move goal posts some more?

Note it says "FOX news Такер" Такер is Tucker in Cyrillic or the Russian Alphabet.
You don't even need to translate the image. 

Just some strawman argument as "all media is bias", and as thus he going to distrust 99% of news sources to defend the one faux news network that been proven bias and wrong countless times, yet he wants us to have the burden of sources. 


Yes, and you are the plaintiff here.  You made the claim that Fox News itself is a tool for Putin and I'm asking you to back it up because that's what you said. I read the story and what it says is that Putin is using Carlson's broadcast clips in this one instance because he is critical of the US/NATO's actions (which in my option, is a reasonable take to have.) I read the story. You're trying to be a weasel as per usual.


Being critical of the US & NATO =/= being in favor of what Putin is doing. I know in your mind there are only two ways to think about anything, but that's not how the world works.



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3 minutes ago, J-ride said:

Establishing a no fly zone over Ukraine is some next level of crazy I cannot get behind.  I can't believe the people advocating for this understand what the consequences of that action would actually mean.  That means shooting down Russian planes and what do you think happens after that?

People really have a Call Of Duty level understanding of this whole situation. I guess when you haven't had a war on your own soil it's to be expected but some of the takes I've seen on Reddit especially are fucking astounding.

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U.S. Senate Candidate Herschel Walker Doubts Evolution By Pointing to Existence of Apes: ‘Think About It’



Georgia U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker questioned the theory of evolution on Sunday by pointing to the existence of apes.

Walker, a former NFL running back who has been endorsed by Donald Trump, appeared at Sugar Hill Church in Georgia where he donned his amateur theologian hat while speaking with pastor Chuck Allen.

Here’s how that went:



WALKER: Remember Adam was there. Remember, Adam came there and then Eve came. So, somebody had to start it out. So that means there had to be a God. It wasn’t just some bomb blew up and started it out. Then, I’ll tell you something else I heard. Now think about this, because at one time, science said that man came from apes. Did it not?

ALLEN: Every time I read or hear that, I think to myself, you just didn’t read the same Bible I did.

WALKER: Well, this is what’s interesting, though. If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it.

ALLEN: Now you’re getting too smart for us, Herschel.

WALKER: No, no, think about this. We have evolution that is, we’ve gotten so intelligent that if that is true, why are there still apes?



It may surprise both men to learn that humans are in fact apes or “great apes,” as they are members of the Hominidae family of primates. The existence of other kinds of apes is not some point against evolution. If anything, it is indicative of the way populations of species can change over time, sometimes into new species.

A poll conducted last month shows Walker with a huge lead among Republican primary voters. Seventy percent of respondents said Walker is their preferred choice. The second place candidate notched six percent.

The winner of the primary will face Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock in November.

Walker, who has also faced allegations of domestic violence, has not committed to any debates.

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47 minutes ago, Maxx said:

Brittney Griner: How can a US basketball star just vanish?

Putin can have people killed, outside his country, with polonium-210 in their tea. Disappearing someone inside his country is nothing to him. With the Russia going to war in Ukraine and the bulk of the world cutting them off, it's a really bad time to be an American in Russia. TLDR: She's screwed.

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5 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Disappearing someone inside his country is nothing to him.

Disappearing an American citizen should be a massive deal.


But it isn't. That's why its kinda crazy.  People made a bigger deal out of that one idiot that snuck into North Korean than people have of Griner.

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29 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Disappearing an American citizen should be a massive deal.


But it isn't. That's why its kinda crazy.  People made a bigger deal out of that one idiot that snuck into North Korean than people have of Griner.

While it certainly would be a bigger deal if it were a NBA player, people are more concerned with civilians getting shelled in Ukraine. 

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No, no it wouldn't. You aren't going to destabilize an entire geographic region because some numbnuts decided to take weed somewhere he or she shouldn't have.



BUT it would definitely be a bigger news stories if it weren't for Ukraine.  Should still be somewhat of a big news story.


She'll probably get thrown in as a sign of good faith or in some type if peace deal in a month or two.

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6 hours ago, Sonero said:

No, no it wouldn't. You aren't going to destabilize an entire geographic region because some numbnuts decided to take weed somewhere he or she shouldn't have.



BUT it would definitely be a bigger news stories if it weren't for Ukraine.  Should still be somewhat of a big news story.


She'll probably get thrown in as a sign of good faith or in some type if peace deal in a month or two.

What was she doing over there? Playing?

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Generally visiting countries with hostile diplomatic relationships is a bad idea because you might end up being used as a bargaining chip.  I went to Russia about 15 years ago and I didn't have any issues.  Though the local cops could tell I wasn't Russian by looking at me so I did get questioned a few times.  Russian cops are fucking serious though, and you'd better not fuck around because you will definitely find out.

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

What was she doing over there? Playing?


Yeah, apparently a lot of WNBA players go overseas to play during the off season. They also get paid more to do so.


But you know, don't bring drugs to other countries. Paul McCartney got punted from Japan over weed in the 80s; Malaysia executed some smugglers not too long ago. A lot of the world ain't trying to give people a pass over stuff like you kinda get in the US.



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