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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Posted (edited)

It ever stops being fun to laugh at the Doc.... of course he had a problem with Jaleel White marrying a white woman recently

heyyyy that reminded me of those old days of "Family Matters"----it was silly to me that Steve was so hung up on Laura Winslow when she was juust "ok"/average at best....and later this girl Myra shows up who is the clear, SUPERIOR choice on every possible level *and* she was genuinely into him.  Laura could not compete with Myra at all; it wasn't even close.  In reality Laura would've been ditched asap with zero chance of recovering Steve's attention.

Edited by MillionX
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3 hours ago, MillionX said:

It ever stops being fun to laugh at the Doc.... of course he had a problem with Jaleel White marrying a white woman recently

heyyyy that reminded me of those old days of "Family Matters"----it was silly to me that Steve was so hung up on Laura Winslow when she was juust "ok"/average at best....and later this girl Myra shows up who is the clear, SUPERIOR choice on every possible level *and* she was genuinely into him.  Laura could not compete with Myra at all; it wasn't even close.  In reality Laura would've been ditched asap with zero chance of recovering Steve's attention.

As much as I agree with you regarding Laura vs Myra...The main issue you seem to be omitting or forgetting is that Myra was a NUTJOB.  Myra for all her hotness had red flags blatantly laid out for anyone to see.  She was definitely someone I'd be afraid to sleep soundly around as the chance of her stabbing or chloroforming my ass in my sleep would be high over some percieved slight or jealousy.

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Posted (edited)

So with Mortal 1 Kombat were they trying to make a Marvel VS game or something?


Also, check out this unblockable Sindel Comeback!!!






This came up. engine VS engine. Stockfish basically said, "Oh you got a king? Let me fix that for ya." Basically playing without a king.



Edited by Jion_Wansu
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I saw some more commentary of the "man in forest vs. bear in forest" topic on facebook recently.....yeah I still can't get enough of laughing at the shocking stupidity of the man-hating feminazis (and their pathetic allies) on that shit.  It's delicious and satisfying....just like anything else that ends up making them look bad and foolish.

"all the bear will do is kill me" ---oh, like you're so sure it's going to be a quick death?  Personally, I'd rank that as one of the absolute worst ways to die, to be ripped apart and eaten by a large powerful animal... it's probably close to being set on fire or placed into a torture device.  Silly of us to apply cold logic and reason to a hypothetical scenario, I suppose. (*frequency of interaction, for instance---how many times in life does a person interact with other humans [every day for life] vs. how many times in life you will be anywhere close to a bear.)

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Trump Gets Booed Out of the Building in Stunning Speech to Libertarian National Convention


I will be a true friend to Libertarians in the White House…We want Libertarian votes because you stand for what we stand for, and don’t waste a vote…I think you should vote for me or at least nominate me, and we should win together.


‘Keep Getting Your 3 Percent!’ Trump Absolutely LOSES IT On Audience After Getting Lustily Booed During Shocking Libertarian Convention Speech











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Posted (edited)

Yeah I saw vids and clips of that happening and it was pretty wild.  People there were reporting that Trump and his crew tried to take over a a room at the conventiont and had people planted in seats that were actually reserved for Libertarian delegates and they tried to refuse to move out of them.  Supposedly Robert Kennedy handed out those stupid noisy rubber chickens at the convention and Trump's secret service were confiscating them from various people because they were using them while he was speaking.

Edited by Sonichuman
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11 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Yeah I saw vids and clips of that happening and it was pretty wild.  People there were reporting that Trump and his crew tried to take over a a room at the convention that and had people planted in seats that were actually reserved for Libertarian delegates and they tried to refuse to move out of them.  Supposedly Robert Kennedy handed out those stupid noisy rubber chickens at the convention and Trump were confiscating them from various people because they were using them while he was speaking.

Trump must not be very confident in his chances of winning and is trying to shore up every vote possible because I don't know why he'd bother stopping by a libertarian convention otherwise. Dude isn't anything close to being a libertarian, I don't know what he thought was going to happen there.

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1 hour ago, DoctaMario said:

Trump must not be very confident in his chances of winning and is trying to shore up every vote possible because I don't know why he'd bother stopping by a libertarian convention otherwise. Dude isn't anything close to being a libertarian, I don't know what he thought was going to happen there.


He still believes he'll get the majority of their votes




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Transformers' Greatest Moments:


The Blitzwing Toy Awards


Tank: G1 (1985)



Yes, the nosecone is visible from the front. However, the cockpit window colors are gray which dont make it stick out THAT bad unlike Legacy.

There is less tech detail but I think that helps it. Titans Return has the purple heel pieces visible , and  the folded up wings  at the back which make it too busy.

Simple is better.


Jet: Titans Return (2017)



Yes, it has tank chunks underneath the wings. However , those pieces are less tall than 2022 Legacy and are spaced out evenly along he sides of the plane. 

The stickers are no as good as the G1 quality wise but they dont clash too much. The 2022 one looks like it has a giant big mac cut in half and attached to the underside of the wings. G1 is good, but this is better.


Robot :Legacy (2022)




A little short, 6.75 inches and the shade of purple is a bit too dark. However, he looks he closest to the animation with nice silver highlights throughout the body.

He has wrist rotation, waist joint, and ankle joints in addition to the standard ones. He comes with 2 guns, 1 sword, and 2 hulk hands. The hulk hands are dumb and dont add anything imo.  The main negative about this toy is the price at $55. In the last 5 years, triple changers have moved from $35 to $55 which sucks.

While there is more engineering, I think $42-$45 would be the optimum price.  This is still my favorite overall BW figure. The robot is great, the tank is good, and the jet is mediocre


Complete ASSThrilling 30.  (2013)


This is the first Classics/Generations BW. It is mediocre, but there are numerous design problems/Quality Control issues that make it much worse.

The flip change face gimmick gets stuck and makes the face look rubbery.

The head has difficulty staying recessed in the body for transformation.

The left shoulder piece doesn't lock in to the assembly (It can be fixed with sandpaper but I don want to do that)

The tank turret rotates in an odd way (off center) and the difference in the tan parts is extremely noticeable.



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1 hour ago, Lantis said:

LOL "I couldn't become the candidate for this party because I'm already the candidate for this other party"



Does a man not walk into a Costco hoping for free samples after having a filling meal at a Popeye's? Keep your judgements to yourself, you radical!

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2 hours ago, AriesWarlock said:




He still believes he'll get the majority of their votes




He'll probably get the majority of certain groups of libertarians' votes, but there are a lot of different versions of libertarian under that tent I guess. Im surprised they didn't put their own candidate on the ballot in light of Dave Smith not running.

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I assume Trump is worried about the votes diluting to third parties, it is looking like a tight race if the polls are to be believed.


Former President Donald Trump was loudly and consistently booed throughout his speech Saturday at the Libertarian Party’s national convention, particularly when he asked attendees to “nominate me or at least vote for me.”


Trump left the stage after 34 minutes, marking one of his shortest campaign speeches to date.


Trump’s stop at the convention marked an unconventional one for a presumptive Republican nominee, but it is illustrative of his campaign’s intensifying concern over third-party candidates. The outreach to Libertarians follows weeks of stepped-up attacks by Trump aimed at Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose high-profile independent White House bid is increasingly viewed by the former president’s advisers as a potential problem in an election expected to be decided by a narrow margin in a handful of states.

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Posted (edited)

The problem with that story and situation of the kid finding all that money---- cameras are everywhere these days; quite an unfortunate thing there...... so that issue alone gives me pause when my immediate thought would be to pocket at least *some* of that money and walk away....especially by an ATM?---there's definitely a camera that saw you there, unfortunately....and to make matters worse, there's likely more than 1 camera in the when that money comes up missing, they already have footage of you being there at the time.  


...if it were a bag of $130,000 just on the side of an old dirt road or in a field out in the middle of nowhere though... NO cameras?  Oh yeah that's mine asap.....though probably not *all* of it though... but I'd take "my cut" and leave the rest. Maybe later there the story would be of how someone found a bag of 15,000.

Edited by MillionX
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