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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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do u know who adair is? most likely no. sadly i do. he is the most controversial person in the ufo community. he makes the wildest hardest to believe claims. and i discounted him as a fraud n hoaxter. taking advantage. just an all round conman.

sadly, rick doty says he has official documents in his possession that show who attended area51 from 1980 to 1990.

guess what. david adair's name appears on these documents. thats not good for the rest of us.


bob lazar's name also appears on the same documents.

if u got the courage to listen to adair's claims that greed n corruption from military contractors and 1% are keeping us in a tech n science shroud of darkness n ignorance..go ahead but be forewarned. his claims are gonna be disturbing to you. they disturbed me so much i didnt wanna believe the wildness of his claims. but its apparently true. he was at area 51 multiple times.

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9 hours ago, HD-Man said:

Father's Day in the black community deadass makes me want to help fund the klan to get rid of these ignorant niggas. Always bitter babymomma nonsense.


i love my ppl and but goddamn it😂🤦🏾‍♂️

Father's Day for me just depressing because my father is no longer here. He's not around because he died. When he was here, he actually did his job. I actually had both my parents growing up and it's ashame that more can't say the same.

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3 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

@Darc_Requiemhate to hear that, fam. My pops wasnt around much, part of which cuz he stayed in another state. He died while I was in high school. Wouldve killed to have a father growing up, you miss out on so much, especially as a boy

Sorry man. Not having to a dad around had to be rough. My dad was hard on me, but I think that's a good thing. It kept me out of trouble. Most trouble I ever got into was after my dad passed away because I wasn't handling it well.

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my dad died, before he died.

in Nam.

alcoholism from ptsd finished what the Cong couldnt.

rip daddy.

damn war. damn money making scheme for military contractors. we lost that war. but military industrial complex won. that 10 year long war made them so much money. irks me they took out the kennedy boys to make it even happen. 

the power of money.

its why ive come to realize the enemy of ufo disclosure isnt the pentagon or the intelligence agencies. its the military contractors. i dont just mean boeing raytheon lockheed. i mean apple. ibm. ms, motorolla, bell atlantic. ALL THE TECH companies. all of em have been invited to area 51 to reverse engineer "foreign technology"

they all see it. they all know what theyre looking at. no one says a word cuz...

youre getting an exclusive 1st look at shit that if you figure it out before anyone you get first dibbs on the next new hot jump in tech 3g 4g 5g thing you know, youve made billions n billions. trillions.


you can out yourself. and the military. you can whip out and show what youve been lent. which will reveal the truth. but. you make no money. if u gotta share the tech with everyone cuz you outed it.

now youre gonna haveta share the info. 

the tech.

and you dont get that edge that lead in tech.

its. hard to break that level of greed. ambition. self interests.

but yea. eisenhower warned us all. we didnt listen. 

we fucked up.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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My old man's still here, tho sometimes I wonder if he wishes he wasn't lol. He was towing my step mother's car last week with a friend when it rolled off the ramp backwards (was barely on the ramp apprantly) and he tripped and it rolled over his leg. 


My Dad's over 60, his friend is over 60 and it was just them. FUCKING WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! For starts you make good money, why don't you have fucking AAA? Beyond that I'm here, voulda called, your other son is here, could called, or better yet you just spent the week painting your step daughter and her husband's new house why the fuck isn't at least her husband also out there with you helping tow this stupid ass Hundai? 


Anyway my dad's still alive and I got a stupid, but funny, but also kind of infuriating story when I called to wish him a happy father's day lol.


Like old man had a stroke last year, wtf are you doing? 

Edited by RSG3
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Just now, Lantis said:

My father died when I was 8 years old in a work accident. It was the reason why we all moved to Mexico. My dad was only 36 years old at the time


Now that I'm about to be a dad myself, I tend to think of him more than usual

How many weeks gestation is your baby?

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I hear ya @RSG3: my old man is 70+ and he just doesn't listen to anyone anymore. Doc told em to take his meds because he has high bp issue: nope. Told em to take it easy driving in the highway since his reflex ain't the same anymore: nope. Cut down on red meat due to high bp: nope.  Doesn't like being told what to do at this point but if you don't listen to his advice, there'd be hell to pay🤣



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11 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I really wish I could give my son a sibling and I'm pretty saddened that it isn't financially feasible right now.

Frankly it's a miracle you can manage the one. I think the rate of single kids is going to be the norm going forward for a while, that's if people have kids in the first place. 

Edited by RSG3
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7 minutes ago, NinetiesArcades said:

I hear ya @RSG3: my old man is 70+ and he just doesn't listen to anyone anymore. Doc told em to take his meds because he has high bp issue: nope. Told em to take it easy driving in the highway since his reflex ain't the same anymore: nope. Cut down on red meat due to high bp: nope.  Doesn't like being told what to do at this point but if you don't listen to his advice, there'd be hell to pay🤣



Haha my Dad's more lax then that. He listens to his doctor (especially since the stroke last year) and he'll give you advice but if you use it or not is whatever to him. My dad's really chill. His brain just thinks he's 35 but his body is actually 65. So he just does shit without thinking too hard about it and get in over his head. 


A funny version of that is about 10 years ago my dad was at a party with dancing and my dad's a showman and shit he's had a few bands over the years. Anyway guess he forgot he was 50 and got too into the song and did the splits. Couldn't drive his Manual Ford for like 3 weeks lmao. 


My Dad just forgets how old he is. 

Edited by RSG3
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It has been an odd thing to witness parents gradually turn into somewhat typical "old people" compared to how I remember them when I was a little kid.... my Dad has become one of those old people that drive slowly out there on the road.....every time I've seen a really slow driver in life, there's always that assumption---- either (a) this person doesn't know where they are or (b) it could just be a really old person since....that's just how they roll....perhaps due to slowed reflexes I suppose..


...reminds me of that scene at the beginning of Revenge of the Nerds when Luis asks Dad about how fast they're going and he says " the cruse control set to 35!" as they're getting passed by everyone on the highway.

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31 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

I really wish I could give my son a sibling and I'm pretty saddened that it isn't financially feasible right now.

Same here,  but I'm 44 and my wife will be 40 this year.  We got a late start,  and my daughter's birth was rough on my wife.  We're one and done. But having grown up with 3 other siblings,  I feel like she's going to miss out on that experience. 


Conversely,  it's likely she'll never have to turn on the oven because I can't afford the propane bill. I still remember when I walked into the living room of our single wide trailer with my heavy winter coat and my mom asked where the hell I thought I was going. I told her I was going to watch TV, and she slapped the shit out of me 😂


Yeah my dad wasn't around much when I was growing up. 

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We were theoretically one and done, but then  almost immediately unintentionally conceived twins right after our son was born.  Could NOT afford it, but it did send us up a spiral of seeking out more and more gainful employment which has worked out kind of baller.  Rough first couple of years though.


My dad is 72 and still a coke head from what I hear.  Like where does a 72 year old even find the energy to do coke?  Oh, yeah.

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46 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Frankly it's a miracle you can manage the one. I think the rate of single kids is going to be the norm going forward for a while, that's if people have kids in the first place. 

I've been trying to get higher in the company to try to make it happen and have hit a roadblock currently.  Wife has also been trying to find a way out of the job she's currently in for something better and has just been getting deflated by rejection letters. 

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57 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

The water ad is funny


I sighed upon looking at that water ad and decided to take a look at the price for it versus something like...Deer Park.  They're selling a 24 pack of this "anti woke" water for 21.00  @  16.09 oz  (Also a can cooler that says "This drink ain't woke" on side for $35 and spray bottle that labeled "Trigger Sprayer".  I figured the Trigger Sprayer was what I thought it was but decided to click on it just to make sure I got space on my bingo card correct an was).  Wal Mart is selling a pack of 35 deer park 16.9 oz for 6.98 on their website currently.  That's a heck of a mark up for .....uh....*clicks video again* "symbolize your commitment to values like Freedom, Individuality, and Self Reliance".  

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5 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Father's Day for me just depressing because my father is no longer here. He's not around because he died. When he was here, he actually did his job. I actually had both my parents growing up and it's ashame that more can't say the same.

My dad died back in January so yesterday was hard for mom and I. Depression set in for both of us and I got a bit squishy. So now I'm trying to drop weight all over again and soldier on.

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3 hours ago, Sonero said:

Was talking to one of the youths in the scene about how difference between their gen and ours. had to dig up one of the old GD gems to show him how fucking weird old FGC really was so:


This shit is still funny AF.


Showing off a Magnetix thread is always a reminder to use birth control.

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3 minutes ago, Red Rock Candy said:

My dad died back in January so yesterday was hard for mom and I. Depression set in for both of us and I got a bit squishy. So now I'm trying to drop weight all over again and soldier on.

Just make sure you talk to each other and don't bottle things up. I was so worried about my mom and brother that I didn't think about grieving myself. I got out pocket for a while.

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1 minute ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Just make sure you talk to each other and don't bottle things up. I was so worried about my mom and brother that I didn't think about grieving myself. I got out pocket for a while.

I hadn't talked to my mom in a long ass time and had no intention to for legitimate reasons when she passed literally two days before CB 2019. I had a full on meltdown, and basically had Xiaohai and other friends like holding my head above water during it.


Definitely second what you're saying. No matter what, you still gotta grieve.

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Yesterday was Eid and Father's Day. Big celebratory day here. My dad's around. Always has been.


We decided to make my long-distance relationship official (again). Official-er, I guess. This time, my fiance and her parents got the grandparents from their side and the grandparents on my side to get on a call together and meet.


Side note: It's weird that never having been with her again since the relationship started is simultaneously weird and normal; I'm engaged to someone I haven't physically been in a room with since the relationship began, but that this is also kind of normal for our culture. Sometimes, men and women don't meet until their wedding day. That's a little extreme, and at least I've known her since I was a kid. I'm okay with that and I'd rather meet with her before the wedding, but it is strange.


Anyway, I had all four grandparents there from my side, along with my two parents. She had just her parents and her grandparents on her mom's side. It's a big deal. Her paternal side had no representation apart from the father himself. What eventually became an excellent connection of two families eventually revealed itself to be a depressing reflection of the lack of my FIL's representation. We don't work like Western families, and since we're the first grandkids of the eldest sons to get married, we are literally the first time either side of both families is getting a chance to see this. We're the first to get engaged for our parents and our grandparents, and my sweet FIL doesn't have his parents to show me off to. He has no sons, and so I'm going to do my best to keep his daughter happy and to give him a son that he doesn't have. He's all alone, and I want to be there for him.


I joined SRK forums when I was 15, I think. In under 18 months, I will hopefully have sat my entrance exams for law school and will hopefully be on my way in my career. I might lose a father or grandfather on the way there. Your stories keep me humble and grateful for the people I have in my life.

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