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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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That sucks for the poor folks who bought into the Series S under the assumption it would always have versions of the Series X games. 


But given how different the two actually were it makes sense, before a true system life time they would have to drop that requirement as games grew into the newer technology. Who knows maybe they can use all that Cloud tech for games that developers can't or don't get running natively.

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50 minutes ago, Wellman said:

That sucks for the poor folks who bought into the Series S under the assumption it would always have versions of the Series X games. 


But given how different the two actually were it makes sense, before a true system life time they would have to drop that requirement as games grew into the newer technology. Who knows maybe they can use all that Cloud tech for games that developers can't or don't get running natively.

Not excusing it, because it was what MS promised, but It was clear from Day 1 that the Series S wasn't going to be able to this. It's inferior to the One X in many aspects (rasterization performance, total RAM, memory bandwidth), so how was it going to be capable of putting out 1080p versions of Series X games?

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Grime is pretty cool.  Part 2 looks to be pretty cool.



That sony "handheld" is a fuckin' joke.  200 dollars for a tablet that cant do anything but stream your ps5 games...I wont feel sorry for anyone that bought that fucker a year from now when sony announces they're abandoning it.

-Grapple Dog is pretty fun.  Part 2 will probably be fun too.

-This one looks kinda neat.  If you head over to the discord you might be able to get a beta code there.  I did.  I'm gonna check it out later today maybe.  Looks fun.


Edited by Faltimar the Dark
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3 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

There's an obnoxious amount of easter eggs in the new stages. From the playmates toys, to the original archie comics, other continuities and more. I love it. So excited for this dlc. 


edit: the dlc is only $8 too. That's so good for the amount of content you're getting. 

Edited by iStu X
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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

Long Twitter thread on the work they Larian put into dialogue in BG3

No wonder some devs feeling threatened by this game.  They went above and beyond.

What's sad to me about the conversation is it was started by an Indi dev asking people not to expect this output from Indi developers as a norm because Larian isn't a typical Indi Dev and everyone lost their shit acted like Activision and EA started the convo. 


It was a good convo to have and got mired by people freaking out like they always do. 

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Ohhh playing an evil character is so fun... my character purposely stood by and allowed some kid to get bit by a snake with lethal venom....later said to another character something along the lines of that's what she gets; she shouldn't have been stealing.  Then another character looked on in disgust as I went to loot the kid's corpse....didn't find any loot off the body though.


Oh...and I just found her parents... it's possible that I can lie to their face about what happened.... 🤣

*yep I lied to them...told them the woman would release their daughter their hopes are up for nothing as they wait for her, unaware that she's gone. I'm trying to set up things to where I get to betray both the druids and the tieflings all at once here...

That thing with the kid was surprising though; most games won't dare allow any situation where a child character gets hurt or's one of those great "taboo" things when it comes to games.

Edited by MillionX
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BG3--ooh, I also just remembered from watching a live-stream earlier that there is a magic spell that lets you speak to the's a shame I didn't have that at the time so I could also speak to the little girl that was killed by the snake.  I am not sure if it works on all dead characters but that might be interesting.  

*also I've made the decision to go ahead with a certain major "evil"/negative decision with this first character, assuming it allows for it.  There is quite an interesting future in the works for our "hero" Stefano, the mysterious Drow sorcerer.


I am wondering now about how far will the upcoming Fable let players go in terms of being an evil character....heh, there's some vile shit you can do in BG3....and I remember that most people would probably be shocked to see some of the things that are possible in old Fable games.

Edited by MillionX
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Ok yeah Soulframe looks amazing...a shame it is more than likely online-only.


*ah yep---"massively multiplayer online" and "free-to-play" so it's another one that's effectively gimped by the forced connection....unfortunately like most major games these days.  There's no hope of ever stopping it either, because the majority of gamers from various generations don't care and haven't cared in quite some time's kind of like when you would be inclined to vote 1 way but the rest of your entire city/state/etc is definitely going to vote the other way.  In that scenario, your opinion, vote, boycott whatever really doesn't mean shit since everyone else in the world is fully on board with it, cheering it on.


At least "free" to play kinda takes a bit of the sting out of something like that, with Warframe... online-only but I never paid 1 cent for but had some fun.  That one still is shocking how good it was despite being a "free to play" thing...seemed good enough to have been a regular full priced game, imo.

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