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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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Well... even the narrator in BG3 is quite nice on the eyes


Really, for a while I thought it was Claudia Black (one of the sexiest voices of all time, btw; also just generally hot as well... Claudia was "Sam" in Gears of War games, and Dahlia in The Originals along with several other tv/movie roles) the game she sounds  like a younger version of her.

Edited by MillionX
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Edited by Sonichuman
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Dont ps5 come with SSD?


Space is always an issue for me.  Im like the guys that hoard physical games but I hoard digital games.  I'm downloading Starfield now...fuckin' game is like 130gb installed.  Sheez


Here is this so you can actually see my hoarding.



Bet you cant guess what drive Starfield is going on?  lol

Edited by Faltimar the Dark
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Borderlands 3 eventually coming to Switch has been some surprising news... I was thinking it would be unlikely the system can even handle it.  

It's still quite a shame what happened with that game though--- the story is awful and the jokes are rather lame at this point...and the lazy ass decision to just not add any extra characters via DLC (this is a bit surprising though, considering the unchecked greed of most modern companies in this'd think they would've had an extra character or 2 already designed but held back to add later for extra $$).... but the gameplay...specifically the faster pace of combat and other little details---it is the best the series has ever had.  Basically, the optimal B3 experience is to just disregard most or all character dialogue and the story entirely and just have fun shooting things and using your "action skill" powers.

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the closure of Volition...surprisingly Cyael just briefly mentioned it in a recent vid... I was thinking he'd take a bit more time with that.


Of course YongYea has a vid on it now... I'd love to see what's going on in the minds of those people who wanted to take SR in this disastrous new "more sensitive" (gotta make sure we're not punching down y'know!) direction... surely at least some of them now realize it was a bad call... haha, fuckin sanitized, raggedy ass game.... 


Edited by MillionX
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I pirated that game.  But before I got around to installing and playing it I kept reading about it.  Not on purpose but I'd scroll by stuff that was talkin' about the game.  So bad.  I didnt even bother to install it.  I didnt even save it with my hoard of games, I just deleted that shit.  Even though I pirated it I feel like I was ripped off and that those guys owe me something for the bandwidth I wasted.  🤣

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1 minute ago, DoctaMario said:

Why did it die, was it the typical fgc get hyped to high heaven and then quit a month later or was there actually something wrong with it?


Nah, nothing wrong with it.

For what it seems, the community is just much more active on playstation than on pc. (which is usually the case for all fgs)

I assume people just got accustomed to a game needing to be updated regularly to stick with it.

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35 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Why did it die, was it the typical fgc get hyped to high heaven and then quit a month later or was there actually something wrong with it?

Modern Fighters seem to need a roadmap for content and consistent communication or they fade away. People are quick to throw out the "dead game" moniker these days.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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13 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

The game faded quick. On PC it dropped to double digits are 3 months. The game was more bullshit than fun so I can see why it dropped fast.


My issue is that many people see at the PC numbers and are quick to say that a game is dead because that.

Outside Skullgirls and games that are only there, historically console numbers dwarf the pc numbers 70/30 most of the time, and some games even 90/10, with games like Tekken 7, DBFZ and SFV having numbers around 66/34.


Like I said, the game is much more active on PS4/PS5, so is not dead as people like to say.

Edited by Hecatom
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Hey look, it sucks that people are out of work. That said Volition developed a product it's fan base didn't want. The fanbase told them that they aren't into it. And instead of considering the feedback, they doubled down on the new direction. Not only that, in several cases, they attacked their fanbase. The game predictably tanked and now the studio is no more. I feel for the 9 to 5 people that had no say in the game's direction and were just doing their jobs. However the decision makers and PR people got what they deserve. The epidemic of companies attacking their customers, their products bombing, and the subsequent "surprised Pikachu face" from them has gotten old. Did they skip Business 101?

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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5 hours ago, MillionX said:

I also just got Final Fantasy 16; I haven't started it up yet though... if only I had the time to play all this greatness in my collection.

I actually just beat FFXVI about 30 minutes ago. 

+ Remixes of original tracks are godlike 

+ The game is absolutely stunning to look at. 

+ Summons have always been one of my favorite things about FF. So having a story HEAVILY, heavily based around them was a treat

+ The summon designs are very true to the characters but breathe a fresh new take on each of them. 

+ Top to bottom incredible voice acting. Everything more-or-less flowed naturally in terms of dialogue and convos. There’s some cringe here and there but it’s an RPG. So 🤷🏻

+ so many great characters. There’s next to no wrong choice in terms of favorite character. All the designs are great too. 
+ How many nods, tributes and Easter eggs there are to the FF’s that came before it

+ Story for the most part is amazing. 

- Combat is incredibly boring. Despite how many different styles of combat you have access to the combat portion of the gameplay loop is very one dimensional and boring. 
- Lack of enemy variety. I know this is just kind of a thing with JRPG’s as almost every enemy is a pallet swap of another but this was the first next Gen core FF entry. they should have came out swinging and they didn’t. 
- Lack of item variety 
- Lack of difficulty curve. This game is not hard. At all. 
- No real RPG elements. 
- Crafting is very boring and doesn’t really add anything to the game. Outside of the crafting materials needed to make the ultimate gear You’re always given the crafting materials needed as soon as the best equipment becomes available to you. 
- Hunts/Notorious Marks are back. Unfortunately there's nothing really fun or interesting about them. You don't really get any major rewards for them either outside a very few of them.  
- The characters all feel very lively and interactive but the environments absolutely do not. 
- A lot of the side quests that pertained to world building, relationship building, etc came too little and waaay too late. So it makes the story feel very rushed, and disjointed. 
- Active Time Lore. I hated it. I love exposition dumps. I don’t want to have to do shit like this to get the full story. 

= Eikons fights would be amazing if it wasn’t for all the god damn QTE’s. 

Like, as much as like there’s just as much I don’t like about it. If I thought about it, there’s probably even more I dislike. So for now I’m at a right down the middle 6/10. 

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It's a miracle... they actually managed to pull this out of development hell?!?!

From this little bit that is shown, I guess it's not a complete overhaul.  I was concerned that it was either canceled or in the off-chance it was still around....was being completely redesigned, but there it is.


I still wish they had 3rd person perspective as an option though.

ah, Gametrailers just posted this


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