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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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5 hours ago, RSG3 said:

It's the sprite size man, it has to be, all of FF1s sprites are HUGE. Like Art of Fighting huge. It almost gets in the way of the gameplay honestly, but man they do look good. 

Lol I loved the look of Art Of Fighting also! I never thought the sprites got in the way of the gameplay, if anything it gives you a better view of the action in FF1.

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13 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Lol I loved the look of Art Of Fighting also! I never thought the sprites got in the way of the gameplay, if anything it gives you a better view of the action in FF1.

They're so large they over lap at times and it makes the action a little hard to read when shit gets busy. Only a little tho, like a nit pick kind of complaint. 


Art Of Fighting looks dope till the zoom in/out becomes a thing. Like when your spaced apart just enough the game isn't sure what to do so it zooms in and out a few times. Kinda makes my eyes hurt. Another nit pick at best tho, I love the huge sprites regardless. 

Edited by RSG3
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I just shit my pants.


Well, it was a shart, to be clear. I took my car to the dealership for service this morning and they had free burritos made to order. I got a chorizo egg burrito, and my stomach isn't used to that shit after a couple weeks of dieting. My wife and I just got out of Oppenheimer. During the Trinity scene, that burrito came back to haunt me. There was damn near a second nuclear explosion in that theater.

Edited by Chadouken
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4 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

That's some crazy shit.  My man holds you over a black hole and just lets it suck you in from the feet up in pieces.


Cool trailer. Geras looks good, but he seems smaller and less threatening than in MK11.

I thought the fact that time was restarted was going to be something Liu Kang would keep to himself, but I guess not.

I wonder why Kitana is not a goddess or something. In MK11, Raiden tells Liu Kang he will need someone (Kitana), and together sculp the new timeline. For some reason she got rebooted.



edit: actually, nevermind. I was told Aftermath makes the Kitana ending not canon:



Edited by AriesWarlock
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4 hours ago, purbeast said:

I really really hate the sound design in Mortal Kombat.  The sound effects are just so god damn generic and something out of the Matrix from 20 years ago.  It's like they just put absolutely no effort into it.

Tooooootally disagree. The sounds in MK are distinctive and always have been. You can say what you want about any other aspect of MK as a franchise, but their sound design has always been distinctive and on point and I'm sure you remember instances of walking into a loud as fuck arcade and being able to hear an mK1 or 2 machine over the din of everything else because you can hear just the sounds of MK games and know they're from Mk.


If anything, this is one place where SF6 is actually worse than previous SF games. They use the same sound effect for hits, blocks, etc. It's like they didn't even try.

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I think the announcer for MK has been pretty on point and characters voices, but things like hit crunch effects "feel" awful to me, projectiles don't sound nice when thrown or on hit, body slams don't sound or feel crunchy from an audio perspective. 


Like their voice work is great but everything else is kinda meh imo. I really hate the weird hit effect they have used for some years now. 


MK was certainly always loud thats for sure. 

Edited by RSG3
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I like seeing stuff like this

It's not something that's easily noticeable when you're fighting in the game but you can really see the subtle changes in face animation as the characters lose stamina and even gain stamina back in burnout.  They really didn't have to go as far as they did but they gave a separate change for each block of stamina lost.  Ryu is completely cool and collected and you can slowly start to see him breathing harder and harder as he losing stamina and DeeJay's smile just slowly starts fading off his face lol.

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Well, during another marathon session of Diablo 4 today--- I spotted someone running around with a character name "BoooBooo"  Of course that amused me way more than it probably does for other people.  This reminds me to get back to my druid character "Turdak" (Turdak, the Crap Beast!) some time soon once I get my necro fully geared up and into Torment difficulty.... currently my necro is still just level 58.  


Blood Lance build continues to be incredible, imo... and the great thing is that it appears to skate under the radar in terms of nerfs... though at the moment the team is probably reluctant to nerf anything else for a while considering how bad the fan backlash was recently.... but yeah, fortunately the bonespear build was so ridiculous it took the top priority as something that needed to be toned down a bit.  Blood Lance got adjusted as well about 2 patches ago but it was mainly because it was actually lagging the server (apparently too many calculations going on; too many extra blood lances spawning)

Edited by MillionX
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I think I have made the dumbest mistake, in that I started playing Yugi/Master Duel again after stopping for who knows how long (enough from going from the top rank level to the very bottom) 😅


I only remember that there was a deck with some stupid birds that was the meta that tilted me to no end when I encountered one

Edited by Hecatom
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7 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Tooooootally disagree. The sounds in MK are distinctive and always have been. You can say what you want about any other aspect of MK as a franchise, but their sound design has always been distinctive and on point and I'm sure you remember instances of walking into a loud as fuck arcade and being able to hear an mK1 or 2 machine over the din of everything else because you can hear just the sounds of MK games and know they're from Mk.


If anything, this is one place where SF6 is actually worse than previous SF games. They use the same sound effect for hits, blocks, etc. It's like they didn't even try.

The sound in MK WAS distinct.  Back in the arcade days as you mentioned.  I am talking about the recent games like MK9+. They totally forgot about it and it's an afterthought now.  The music is completely forgettable and has been for ages.  It muted on top of that so you hardly hear it.  Same with the effects.  They just sound like something you'd find on the internet for free.  It's just bad.


I think SF6 sound is good.  SF5 was pretty bad, but you can tell they put more emphasis on it in SF6, especially with the music.  IMO there is a lot of memorable music now.  The damn song that is on while in the menus is great.  Same with the character select screen.  DJ's theme on his level may be the best song in the game, but there are a lot of songs I like.

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2 hours ago, purbeast said:

The sound in MK WAS distinct.  Back in the arcade days as you mentioned.  I am talking about the recent games like MK9+. They totally forgot about it and it's an afterthought now.  The music is completely forgettable and has been for ages.  It muted on top of that so you hardly hear it.  Same with the effects.  They just sound like something you'd find on the internet for free.  It's just bad.


I think SF6 sound is good.  SF5 was pretty bad, but you can tell they put more emphasis on it in SF6, especially with the music.  IMO there is a lot of memorable music now.  The damn song that is on while in the menus is great.  Same with the character select screen.  DJ's theme on his level may be the best song in the game, but there are a lot of songs I like.

Interesting. I'll have to check out SF6's music more because I wasn't terribly impressed with what I heard in the demo, but I agree with you for the most part on MK's music. Imo it seems like they've been going for more of a cinematic feel with the games since MK9 and the sound design reflects that includinf the music being more of a layer of sound that enhances the scene rather than being something that's supposed to stick out. The hits sound like the type of body blow sound effects you'd hear in a movie fight scene, and while it's up for interpretation as to whether that's good or bad, I like it and think it's distinctive.

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I'm one of the people that actually likes the majority of SF6's OST.  I feel a lot of people are either being too hard on it or just don't like stuff that has an urban/hip hop feel to it anytime I'm seeing people in my twitter feed shitting on the music.  Third Strike had a ton of dissenters with it's music when it came out too and it took awhile for people to come around and realize it wasn't nearly as bad as they thought it was and I'm pretty sure the same thing is going to happen with SF6.  Menu theme is thick cheese but cheese isn't a bad thing...sometimes you just gotta embrace it lol.  The character themes are just not going to stand up to Shimomura's originals or even the tracks done by Yamamoto, Alph Lyla, etc...some of those themes are so ingrained in our brains and are so well done and perfect to embody the characters that ti's hard to think think of any other themes that stand up to them...this even means the music from the EX series. 


If I had to choose 5 standouts from SF6's OST right now:

It really doesn't matter if Cammy is putting me through the ringer by being a nuisance with her mix, if this track is playing then I'm instantly feeling myself bobbing my head.

This track FEELS so big and Russian that it's undeniably Gief.

This track also feels a ton like ken especially in terms of instrumentation and arrangement.  Electric guitar always feels like it fits Ken the most and while it's not at the center and being completely bombastic, it's still there underlying with the beat and helping to propel the energy forward.

Everyone mentions this theme when talking about the good stuff in SF6's OST.  I can't deny it.

This track starts getting excessively funky at 1:42.  


There's definitely some others aand there are some other tracks that I haven't heard too much of yet at the moment so my top 5 will likely change once I actually get the OST in my posession and I hear more as I fight other characters.  Honorable mention goes to E.Honda, Manon and Juri's themes.  Honda, Manon, and Juri's themes fit crazy well for their characters.  Juri's is a bit too manic at times for my taste but that's one of the reasons I'd say it fits her so well...and I'd be lying if I didn't catch myself nodding to some sections.

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1 minute ago, Lantis said:

I might be the only fan of the JP theme in SF 6



Kinda like a RPG boss in that it starts simple enough, but then steps up the tempo in a malicious way

I haven't fought enough JP's and when I did I was probably too fucking pissed about getting zoned out at the moment to have a real listen to the music.  This does sound like belongs to a big boss in a very like evil gracious manner.  Love the piano work in this too.  I'd definitely say this fits him.

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7 hours ago, DangerousJ said:

Incompetence, thy name is Activision....

We were just talking about this the other day in Rock's discord. This isn't as uncommon or rare as you think. It's a thing that happened on the regular during the 90's and 2000's. Especially with Japanese developers and ESPECIALLY Square and Konami. They'd delete/destroy/lose entire builds, asset tools, modeling programs, you name it from their harddrives and servers.


Its why a lot of games from those era's will never get true remakes or re-releases because trying to recreate all that old technology on new technology is just too hard if not impossible. The holes in the code are too big to patch. 

Edited by iStu X
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Luke Stephens gave the new SR a shot after the latest patches and of course this game is still an embarrassment

Some may go on to remember this for also having one of the most lame, cornball black dudes ever in a game.  That character is almost on a "Steve Urkel" level of goofy chump status (and the same fashion sense, apparently)....astounding that whoever wrote this most likely thought that would be a relatable character.  Actually, he's arguably worse because Urkel at least had his cool "Stefan" persona in a later season.  This character is a goddamn dork from top to bottom, man.


At least Neenah looks pretty damn good, imo...and the graphics look decent...and that's about the only positive I could say about it, really.  

Edited by MillionX
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50 minutes ago, iStu X said:

We were just talking about this the other day in Rock's discord. This isn't as uncommon or rare as you think. It's a thing that happened on the regular during the 90's and 2000's. Especially with Japanese developers and ESPECIALLY Square and Konami. They'd delete/destroy/lose entire builds, asset tools, modeling programs, you name it from their harddrives and servers.


Its why a lot of games from those era's will never get true remakes or re-releases because trying to recreate all that old technology on new technology is just too hard if not impossible. The holes in the code are too big to patch. 

*cries in House Of The Dead 1's lost source code*


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5 hours ago, iStu X said:

We were just talking about this the other day in Rock's discord. This isn't as uncommon or rare as you think. It's a thing that happened on the regular during the 90's and 2000's. Especially with Japanese developers and ESPECIALLY Square and Konami. They'd delete/destroy/lose entire builds, asset tools, modeling programs, you name it from their harddrives and servers.


Its why a lot of games from those era's will never get true remakes or re-releases because trying to recreate all that old technology on new technology is just too hard if not impossible. The holes in the code are too big to patch. 

It's why the demand for remakes is justified (the Crash Bandicoot style ones) even if it can be kind of annoying. 


Panzer Dragoon Sagas entire source code is lost apparantly....smh. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, iStu X said:

We were just talking about this the other day in Rock's discord. This isn't as uncommon or rare as you think. It's a thing that happened on the regular during the 90's and 2000's. Especially with Japanese developers and ESPECIALLY Square and Konami. They'd delete/destroy/lose entire builds, asset tools, modeling programs, you name it from their harddrives and servers.


Its why a lot of games from those era's will never get true remakes or re-releases because trying to recreate all that old technology on new technology is just too hard if not impossible. The holes in the code are too big to patch. 

It's the reason it took them so long to re-release Final Fantasy 8. They lost the source code the PS1 game. IIRC they basically rebuilt the game from the PC versions code base.

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On 7/29/2023 at 6:31 PM, DoctaMario said:

I love this guy. It's like you can't even believe he's real but he is and he gets all dressed up and does his pimp walk to go play fucking Donkey Kong 😂


Every time I see a video about him, I'm half tempted to order.a bottle of that hot sauce he sells lol


What is amusing is to find out that Triforce is shilling for him, lol.

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