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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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8 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Apparently this happened on twitter

Also found the thread where this happened


Oh God Reaction GIF


Just another reminder why Iwata was a 1 in a million CEO.

This Sebastian keeps arguing in bad faith. He wants customers to care about Valve's 30% cut when that's not a cost that affects them. He argues that a lower percentage would make games cheaper but Epic store proves that's not the case as devs still charge full price for their games (Epic takes 12%). Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar and Bethesda showed that publisher owned launchers isn't it. There isn't enough out there to support his side. 

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5 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

This Sebastian keeps arguing in bad faith. He wants customers to care about Valve's 30% cut when that's not a cost that affects them. He argues that a lower percentage would make games cheaper but Epic store proves that's not the case as devs still charge full price for their games (Epic takes 12%). Ubisoft, EA, Rockstar and Bethesda showed that publisher owned launchers isn't it. There isn't enough out there to support his side. 

He's not though. Gamers refusing to buy games on other stores is why Steam can charge 30% because they know they have a majority share of PC gaming sales. Devs would make more money if people were willing to buy their games in other stores. I get why steam is popular, but they're still kind of scummy themselves.


Monopolies are bad unless people like the company creating it I guess.

Edited by DoctaMario
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41 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

He's not though. Gamers refusing to buy games on other stores is why Steam can charge 30% because they know they have a majority share of PC gaming sales. Devs would make more money if people were willing to buy their games in other stores. I get why steam is popular, but they're still kind of scummy themselves.


Monopolies are bad unless people like the company creating it I guess.

He keeps bringing up the 30% because he believes that devs would charge less for games if the platform takes a lesser cut. As I said, the Epic store takes a lesser cut (12%) and none of that has been passed to the costumer. Epic is still not as feature rich as Steam is so what's the benefit for the customer to chose it over Steam? I'm all for competition but as long as the comp is ass I'm staying where I am. 

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48 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

He keeps bringing up the 30% because he believes that devs would charge less for games if the platform takes a lesser cut. As I said, the Epic store takes a lesser cut (12%) and none of that has been passed to the costumer. Epic is still not as feature rich as Steam is so what's the benefit for the customer to chose it over Steam? I'm all for competition but as long as the comp is ass I'm staying where I am. 

Well nobody really buys from Epic so it doesnt matter what the price is. Even if there was a good competitor to Steam, people would stick with Steam because they have all their games there and convenience always wins out over quality.


Although a point against what he's saying is that steam has sales so often that the retail price almost doesn't matter either. At some point the game you want will go on sale so you'll never really have to pay full price.

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3 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

Well nobody really buys from Epic so it doesnt matter what the price is. Even if there was a good competitor to Steam, people would stick with Steam because they have all their games there and convenience always wins out over quality.


Although a point against what he's saying is that steam has sales so often that the retail price almost doesn't matter either. At some point the game you want will go on sale so you'll never really have to pay full price.

The price does matter as that's his main point against the 30%. 


Yeah, people having their library on Steam is why they will stick with it. For those who are willing to step outside of Steam the competition is undercooked. They don't have Steam's community features, storage options, remote access, streaming capabilities, marketplace, workshop, etc. Battle net is the closest to matching it but that's exclusively Blizzard. 

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3 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Can someone tell me if this link works to download Death Cargo?


I uploaded to my private discord server.

I will make a a torrent tomorrow, since I am not at home right now.

Seems to be working for me.

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ive been playing sea of stars but im about ready to switch this story mode relic on because the encounters are starting to remind me of xenosaga  2 where its not hard but every enemy feels like they either have too much health or deals too much damage and its making combat a slog.

Edited by nickmanx5
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On 9/21/2023 at 8:00 AM, Hawkingbird said:

Alan Lee does a really good imitation of Tagawa in MK1. He manages to nail all the good stuff


On 9/21/2023 at 9:53 AM, axeman61 said:

He sounds perfectly like a younger Cary, to the point I wonder why they didn't just get Cary. He must have been either expensive or committed elsewhere.


Either way, if you want more of what Cary brought to Shang last game, you'll get that.



The question you must ask is...



On 9/30/2023 at 1:45 AM, Hecatom said:

I just found out that anything related to death cargo has been scrapped from the internet...

... Should I upload the demo to preserve it? 🤣🤔


Someone archived the SRK forums last year before it went off Internet called archive supercombo gg or something

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We’re back baaaaayyyyybeeeee

When I took it to the tech repair place earlier this afternoon they did a quick diagnostic check in the back on it and it worked perfectly fine. 

when they told Me that I was super confused. They said it likely just got temporarily overheater or some dust particles or something just irritated the insides which cause the pop and shut down. 

I think I looked skeptical cause he was like “here I’ll show you.” He then hooked it up on their display tv out in their lobby and I played on it for about 15 minutes and everything was fine. He asked how long ago everything happened. I told him early last week and hadn’t touched it since. He said that was smart. 😂


so. Saved myself 2 weeks of waiting and about $200



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GI Interview with Pikmin 4 devs




Game Informer: In 2015, Shigeru Miyamoto said in an interview that Pikmin 4 development was “very close to completion.” Was that statement inaccurate at the time?

Kando: After the development for Pikmin 3 ended, we started development for Pikmin 4 as a small team.

As we made several attempts and tried out various things, there were moments when we could see the game take shape, but since we had to prioritize other projects, we weren't able to create the development team framework needed to complete the game. But the fruits of our labor during that time lead to the result of what Pikmin 4 is today.

Hiramuki: We know the fans were worried since Pikmin 4 was taking a long time, but thanks to their patience, we were able to make a game that is enjoyable for many people.



In the Ask the Developer interviews for Pikmin 4, Shigeru Miyamoto said, “My words carry a lot of weight, people would get flustered if I said something even remotely random.” Do you have an example a strange or random bit of feedback Miyamoto offered during Pikmin 4’s development? I imagine it is scary to have Miyamoto look at your game and offer feedback. How do you feel about that process of working with a legend like Miyamoto?

Kando: I always feel honored to be able to work with Mr. Miyamoto. With that said, I hope people don't take this the wrong way, but we don't work on a game with the goal of “to make Mr. Miyamoto happy.”

The important thing is how deep of a discussion we can have about the game, and those discussions are the times when we see how thoroughly we thought through the game design. So in that sense, yes, we do get nervous going into a discussion with Mr. Miyamoto.

Hiramuki: So, here are some examples of Mr. Miyamoto's feedback for the game:

The scene where Captain Shepherd slides down after she's rescued, and the dialogue between Collin and her in the beginning of the game, both of those incorporate some of Mr. Miyamoto’s ideas.

Lines like "Collin... You look different since the last time I saw you. Did you do something new with your hair?" or "And you're sure we have enough emergency rations, Collin? We have no idea how long we'll be stuck on this planet" is some of that dialogue that came from talking with Mr. Miyamoto.

Also, the scene where the first treasure, a GBA, drops and pops open was something that Mr. Miyamoto put a lot of care and thought into.


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BG3--- so I finally made my way through the goblin camp and of course sided with Minthara.... it was such a delicious moment to betray the Tieflings back at that camp.  Oh yes, it was a slaughter.  Of course once you've made the choice, all 4 dialogue options are great "bad guy" lines...with a sinister smile on your character's face


Zevlor: "'re with them, aren't you?!"

Me: "at least you'll die before the goblins find the children."


Ol' Zev put up a brave effort trying to fight... but of course he and the others stood no chance against us.  

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12 hours ago, iStu X said:

We’re back baaaaayyyyybeeeee

When I took it to the tech repair place earlier this afternoon they did a quick diagnostic check in the back on it and it worked perfectly fine. 

when they told Me that I was super confused. They said it likely just got temporarily overheater or some dust particles or something just irritated the insides which cause the pop and shut down. 

I think I looked skeptical cause he was like “here I’ll show you.” He then hooked it up on their display tv out in their lobby and I played on it for about 15 minutes and everything was fine. He asked how long ago everything happened. I told him early last week and hadn’t touched it since. He said that was smart. 😂


so. Saved myself 2 weeks of waiting and about $200



What he said actually makes a lot of sense.  Most components now a days have some sort of relay or something in the circuitry that will trip when stuff is starting to get too hot and it basically shuts everything off.  Relays also make a physical "click" sound when they switch over, similar to like how if you first turn a TV on or something, sometimes you hear a clicking sound.  But you said it made a popping sound which to me sounds like it is louder than that, but perhaps it is the same type of functionality, and it stays tripped until your PS5 got below a certain temperature.


It's kind of similar to how most modern PCs will shut itself down if the CPU is getting too hot as a way to keep itself from burning up the CPU before it is too late, except it's at the PSU level. 


But if it IS overheating, that does mean you need to figure out why that is happening.  Maybe take a compressed air can to the vents on the PS5 and see if any crap blows out of it.


At least that is my theory and I'm sticking to it!


(not an electronics expert by any means but have dabbled a bit into it)

Edited by purbeast
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6 hours ago, MillionX said:

BG3--- so I finally made my way through the goblin camp and of course sided with Minthara.... it was such a delicious moment to betray the Tieflings back at that camp.  Oh yes, it was a slaughter.  Of course once you've made the choice, all 4 dialogue options are great "bad guy" lines...with a sinister smile on your character's face


Zevlor: "'re with them, aren't you?!"

Me: "at least you'll die before the goblins find the children."


Ol' Zev put up a brave effort trying to fight... but of course he and the others stood no chance against us.  

I haven't done that yet. Maybe in the future. I didn't like losing three companions in exchange for one. I'll tag this...


In order to get Minthara you have to lose Karlach, Wyll, and Halsin. Karlach is my favorite companion in the game. So that was a non starter.

EDITL: That reminds me when it comes to a certain windmill...


Did anyone else pull the wrong lever by mistake and send Barcus Wroot flying through the air 🤣


Edited by Darc_Requiem
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8 hours ago, MillionX said:

BG3--- so I finally made my way through the goblin camp and of course sided with Minthara.... it was such a delicious moment to betray the Tieflings back at that camp.  Oh yes, it was a slaughter.  Of course once you've made the choice, all 4 dialogue options are great "bad guy" lines...with a sinister smile on your character's face


Zevlor: "'re with them, aren't you?!"

Me: "at least you'll die before the goblins find the children."


Ol' Zev put up a brave effort trying to fight... but of course he and the others stood no chance against us.  

I'm actually saved in the goblins camp right now- just got there last night. I killed all the goblins leading up to the main area. And then I got the bard in trouble because I out-barded him 😄

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35 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Bungie tries to promote inclusivity in an  incredibly stupid way 


several Latino and Hispanic people call them out on how disrespectful the post is


bungie hides those replies and blocks those users. 




It's always these types. They all for "inclusion" but once people they want to acknowledge doesn't play ball they will discard their feelings on the matter and press on. Malcolm X warned us all.

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