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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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On 10/12/2023 at 5:42 PM, Chadouken said:

Best Buy getting rid of vidja too, or just movies?


On 10/12/2023 at 5:53 PM, iStu X said:

From the sounds of it it’s everything physical media. Games, movies, vinyl, etc. 


Would that mean that in a few years from now or decades from now a copy of a Dragon Ball Z DVD or blu-ray will be worth $1,000 or more? Supply/demand.


On 10/13/2023 at 12:11 PM, AriesWarlock said:

Every Franchise Xbox Now Owns After Buying Activision

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  • 3D Ultra Pinball
  • Call of Duty
  • Call to Power
  • Crash Bandicoot
  • Dark Reign
  • Diablo
  • Extreme PaintBrawl
  • Front Page Sports Baseball
  • Gabriel Knight
  • Geometry Wars
  • Guitar Hero
  • Gun
  • Hearthstone
  • Heavy Gear
  • Heretic
  • Heroes of the Storm
  • Hexen
  • Interstate ‘76
  • King’s Quest
  • Laura Bow Mystery Series
  • Lost Vikings, The
  • Matt Hoffman’s Pro BMX
  • Overwatch
  • Phantasmagoria
  • Pitfall
  • Police Quest
  • Prototype
  • Quest for Glory
  • SWAT
  • Singularity
  • Skylanders
  • Soldier of Fortune
  • Space Quest
  • Spyro
  • StarCraft
  • Tenchu (only the games released before Activision sold the rights to From Software in 2004)
  • Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater
  • True Crime
  • Ultimate Soccer Manager
  • Warcraft
  • World of Warcraft
  • Zork


  • AlphaBetty Saga
  • Blossom Blast Saga
  • Bubble Saga
  • Bubble Witch Saga
  • Candy Crush Saga
  • Diamond Digger Saga
  • Farm Heroes Saga
  • Hoop de Loop Saga
  • Papa Pear Saga
  • Paradise Bay
  • Pepper Panic Saga
  • Pet Rescue Saga
  • Pyramid Solitaire Saga
  • Rebel Riders
  • Scrubby Dubby Saga
  • Shuffle Cats

Bethesda / Zenimax

  • Commander Keen
  • Deathloop
  • Dishonored
  • Doom
  • Elder Scrolls
  • Fallout
  • Hi-Fi Rush
  • Prey
  • Quake
  • Rage
  • Redfall
  • Starfield
  • The Evil Within
  • Wolfenstein

Xbox / Microsoft

  • Age of Empires
  • Age of Mythology
  • Banjo-Kazooie
  • Bard’s Tale, The
  • Battletoads
  • Blinx: The Time Sweeper
  • Blue Dragon
  • Conker
  • Costume Quest
  • Crackdown
  • Crimson Skies
  • Fable
  • Forza
  • Gears of War
  • Halo
  • Killer Instinct
  • Kinect Sports
  • Microsoft Flight Simulator
  • Midtown Madness
  • Minecraft
  • Perfect Dark
  • Pillars of Eternity
  • Project Gotham Racing
  • Psychonauts
  • R.C. Pro-Am
  • Rise of Nations
  • Sabreman
  • State of Decay
  • Thunder (Hydro Thunder, Arctic Thunder, etc.)
  • Viva Pinata
  • Wasteland
  • Zoo Tycoon






lol King's Quest and Zork. I remember Zork and Rogue (text based games). Where's Karateka| They should remake Karateka but with different characters and maybe a 2-player mode. The boss of that game is also named Akuma.

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1 hour ago, Jion_Wansu said:


Would that mean that in a few years from now or decades from now a copy of a Dragon Ball Z DVD or blu-ray will be worth $1,000 or more? Supply/demand.

I mean that would always be the case if they are in good enough condition. But this attempt to do away with physical media does push up the timeline. 


Kind of like how certain Saturn and PlayStation games are crazy expensive today even used. I guess I should go ahead and buy that second Blu Ray player come Black Friday cause obviously corporations have decided digital only is where they plan to take things.

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Ok I've gone all in on Baldur's Gate this weekend; played a ton and I'm still in the early game, actually.... on my Warlock character "Alastor"... I reset some things via that character "Withers" at the camp...  I hate that this just didn't occur to me before noticing it in a youtube vid---- there's one of your patron's "gifts" that allows you a special, better kind of dark vision that includes seeing thru darkness that was created via magical means as with that you can cast "Darkness" around it acts as a supernatural "shield" aura of sorts, since enemies cannot successfully make ranged attacks into or out of the dark shroud you conjured.  If enemies are close enough to be enveloped in the darkness with you, they're also at a disadvantage since it blinds them....also it lasts for 10 turns.

Oh yeah... this guy's vid showed me the way...


Another simple thing I noticed recently on my own though... I have a summoned imp creature now.... there's other choices to summon but so far that imp is the top rank shit--- because he can become invisible.  So...this makes him the perfect "scout" that can also get in some cheap attacks out of nowhere before enemies know what's up.  I just beat a group of enemies that were killing me earlier by keeping my main character and the crew further back out of sight... while moving Imp to scout things out while invisible.  (it doesn't look like invisibility runs out apparently?! It goes away if you happen to take damage, I think...and of course if he attacks.....but the thing is... some lesser enemies can be taken out by the imp's attack...but I was able to become invisible again and move to another was hilarious because the enemy didn't get to do anything about it...since Imp was invisible again.)

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BG3--- (Alastor is a level 4 warlock now)


Ok, so I tried fighting the Phase Spider Matriarch again... earlier, I was successful in recruiting those 3 ogres to be some hired goons....figured this was a good time and oh yes it was.  The strange thing is... the Spider Matriarch just kinda disappeared....perhaps it ran off in fear?!  There was so much going on I don't even recall when it happened...just after a while it wasn't there anymore, and I don't think any of my crew knocked her off the side into the chasm.  Anyway, that made for a surprisingly easy battle then since she the dark amethyst is mine now, and oh yeah... I already have the necromancy book with me.


At first I tried my cheap method of using the Imp to scout around while invisible, taking cheapshots at the regular spiders to get them out of the way... this doesn't work though since they can heal themselves.


At first the Ogre Squad goons were in it for flesh of the victims as payment... I managed to roll a 20 in that persuasion moment of the conversation with them earlier.  They agreed to be of use again after this (Astarian was the one speaking with them this time, instead of my main character Alastor)....for coin this time; 500 gold was alright since I've stacked quite a bit at this point.


edit---ok yeah... that's what happened then... I jumped down the pit to the "Underdark" and that's where the body of the big Matriarch spider was, so at some point in the chaos the ogres must've knocked her off the side.


*ohhh I have so many character ideas to make though...  Warlock is definitely my main jam, oh yeah... if I ever play an actual tabletop D&D session with some folks that's absolutely the gameplan; warlock all day every damn day, man.

Edited by MillionX
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16 hours ago, Camacho said:

Just finished another playthrough of Super Metroid, as I've done dozens of times before. Almost 30 years later and it still holds up great- what a masterpiece. 

I've been meaning to play through Super Metroid. I started a game of it like 15 years ago on an emu and just never finished it, but my buddy is really into the game and speedruns it and that's got me thinking about actually finishing it this time around.

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It's still one of the greatest intro sequences I've ever played in gaming history....  I was just listening to the music and had to look it up again.   I still remember that first time playing this legendary game, and being amazed at how perfectly this set the tone for all the crazy epic shit that would follow


There's so many unforgettable moments overall in that game.  Whenever that topic of "favorite game of all time...?" comes up, Bayonetta is always one of the top ranks that are in mind immediately.  It is also one of the only games where once I reached the grand finale, it was a bittersweet thing reveling in the moment of how cool that just was....but also lamenting the fact that I had reached the end; like your favorite thrill ride at an amusement don't really want it to ever end.

Edited by MillionX
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Spider-man 2 reviews are hitting today.  Taking glancing at some of the title for some of them while listening to one currently...sounds like Spider-man 2 is legit going to give Balder's Gate 3 and TotK a run for their money for GotY.  I'm pretty sure most of us expected it but it's nice to see it happening.



Edit 2


god damn Insomniac.  RT is in EVERY mode in this game.  They went in with the confidence of not giving people the ability to not turn it off.

Edited by Sonichuman
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Side-scrolling beat ’em up game Vengeance of Mr. Peppermint for PC launches October 23


Here is an overview of the game, via Freedom Games:




Vengeance of Mr. Peppermint is a hardcore, side-scrolling beat ’em up inspired by classic Korean crime dramas. As Mr. Peppermint, a hard-boiled detective driven to the extreme, find out who gives orders at the top of the crime ladder, and enact brutal, bloody vengeance. Countless criminals infest a seedy underbelly, with a sinister cult poisoning the guts of this corpse of a city. Destroy anyone in Peppermint’s way with anything he can get his hands on. Wade through mountains of corpses, wipe blood off the edges of Peppermint’s suit, and beware that this detective might be his own worst enemy.


The Bad Detective

Long ago, a serial killer kidnapped two siblings, a brother and a sister. The boy miraculously managed to escape, but the girl was not so lucky… Twenty years later, the boy, now a man, has become a detective just like his father, believing that law and order are the foundation of society. Yet, his grief and pain have driven him to the brink of madness, peering into the abyss of rage. Now, with red-hot clarity, he must punish the murderer responsible for his sister’s death, no matter how many people stand in his path.


See the Devil

Peppermint’s obsession with revenge transforms him into a killing machine. Use incredibly precise controls to choreograph combos and carry out brutal fatalities. Improvise weapons in the environment and pummel enemies into a fine red mist like hooks, meat processors, or ovens…anything can bring a goon’s criminal career to a brutally spectacular end.


Sympathy for Peppermint

A rampage of revenge can take its toll on Mr. Peppermint. The crueler his actions, the more twisted the story unfolds and his psyche crumbles. Paradoxes and inconsistencies appear. Unanswered questions manifest. As this once dedicated detective spirals out of control, question who is really the serial killer…





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1 hour ago, Chadouken said:

Holy shit, I just got into the dumbest argument with some PC elitist friends who claimed Nintendo is the most non-innovative and stuck-in-the-past gaming company, and they've never done anything to push the industry forward.


My response was a naked dude spreading his asshole out for the camera.

I mean...Nintendo innovates so much regardless of whether its for better or worse.   It's kind of weird even someone who is a PC gamer to even say something along those lines cause PC has barely done anything innovative at all for the industry.  Do we even count VR?  That's not saying it's necessarily a bad thing though cause some will argue that all they need is a mouse and keyboard and and really powerful rig and they're good to go on whatever so its a "if it ain't broke don't fix it" deal but it's still not innovating anything.




In other news Epic decides to be even more shitty apparently


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16 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I mean...Nintendo innovates so much regardless of whether its for better or worse.   It's kind of weird even someone who is a PC gamer to even say something along those lines cause PC has barely done anything innovative at all for the industry.  Do we even count VR?  That's not saying it's necessarily a bad thing though cause some will argue that all they need is a mouse and keyboard and and really powerful rig and they're good to go on whatever so its a "if it ain't broke don't fix it" deal but it's still not innovating anything.




In other news Epic decides to be even more shitty apparently


Songtradr is almost as shitty as Epic, so Bandcamp didn't have a prayer

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Diablo 4 new season started today.... of course I made a necromancer once again....just played for a short time and got to level 15 so far.  The way they have it in seasons where you start already with stat points is great....right from the start I had 10 points to work with.  Man, if only they let you choose sides in Diablo stories....I want to side with Lord Zir and the vamps.


It's tough competing for my time though since I'm still addicted to Baldur's Gate 3 at the moment; I just started playing a 3rd character on there earlier today....another warlock; I forgot if I made that one as a "Dark Urge" or not though but this one I named "Julian" is a Tiefling. (inspired by yet another soap opera villain, btw)  For this one I intend to get Wyll in the crew....I bet he's not as popular as the other characters that can join your crew, but he's a fellow warlock so naturally that's alright with me.

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BG3---I am wondering now what happens if you keep helping the mindflayer on the ship in the beginning part... I already know it's possible to at least get the flaming sword from that dude he's fighting, but on the latest new character I had Shadowheart cast "Guidance" on the mindflayer to help him out....but he was still getting his ass whooped though...was almost dead by the time we made it over to the ship control panel. (*edit---How?!  Really; from how they are written up in the lore, they shouldn't lose to most other beings in battle; the Gith are one exception since they developed resistance to the psionic/psychic abilities.)

The unfortunate thing here is that this section has a time limit on it via the "turns" have to make it to the control panel before that ends (because the ship is obviously going down in flames)


Diablo 4--- once again the problems of online-only gaming are on display for all to see (while gamers foolishly continue to not care, btw...since they love this dystopian reality of never owning anything).... I was going to get on after work yesterday just for a short time with D4 to get some more levels and progress the season challenges a bit....of course the game servers decided "Nah." as there is an error code a lot of players are getting, so the game was unplayable....yet another thing where console-version Diablo 3 is the vastly superior choice.  It isn't completely reliable on an internet connection for everything.

  Also---even if you were able to get on yesterday, some of the season challenges aren't progressing properly anyway, I saw confirmed in an article later....I noticed earlier when I completed a cellar and it just didn't count even though that is one of the 1st chapter challenges.

Edited by MillionX
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5 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

This is extremely vague but I think most would be surprised if there wasn't a sequel to DBFZ at some point.  So I don't know maybe they're going to release rollback finally with a patch then either then or shortly after announced whatever the "new release" is that Hiroki is working on.

im gonna guess its either a naruto or one piece fighting game.

cuz it seems silly to give dbfz 1 rollback while revealing dbfz2. for that just work on dbfz2 with rollback instead of wasting time with dbfz1+rollback imo

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