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Watched Raya:



The Good:


- Sisu steals the show with the humor for me, Awkwafina (that's how you spell it?) was for me my fave part. Kellie doing Raya did great and they both have good chemistry with their voice work and it shows for me.

- I loved the world they had as there's a lot going on. 

- It's an adventure story that's theme is trust and doesn't try to shoehorn in things like a love story subplot

- this movie can easily expand into a series

- the supporting characters were all unique and fun (that baby lol)


The Bad:


- the movie (according to my Thai Fiancée) does a poor job of repping the cultures Disney claimed they wanted to represent mainly because to her, it felt like Disney was treating all SouthEast Asian culture as one thing and it's not. Disney never named the countries they researched and I think that's because of fear that they're favoring one country/culture over another. 

- the culture is there for the backdrop but never gets expanded upon because there's a lot going on and yet...the story feels very connect the dots

- the overall story felt the story seems like it NEEDS a series to flesh out things much more

- weak villain in fact it wasn't really a villain at all, just a confused young woman with trust issues. The conflict could have been retooled better

- it did more telling than showing which was a bit unfortunate (to me since I liked the world that is created)




- Worth 30? for me no buuuut I did it for my girl and her family

- No songs/singing so take that how you will

- Some peeps say the dragon gives off an Elsa vibe in terms of design so take that how you will

Overall, watch it when it's available to everyone on Disney+

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About to go into Book 4 after finish 3.  Zaheer is a bad ass.  Don't know how a I feel about him being a pretty much a Airbending master after getting it randomly with no training but considering the amount of research he's clearly done into airbenders I got over it.  Dude suffocating the Earth Queen by using airbending was gangsta AF.  One of the things that liked about Book 3 was that it answered of question of mine regarding "What is a more advanced form of Airbending?"  cause Earth, Water, and Fire have their like lvl 2 and lvl 3 stuff but Air didn't seem to have anything and I was curious if they ever would.

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1 hour ago, Sonichuman said:

About to go into Book 4 after finish 3.  Zaheer is a bad ass.  Don't know how a I feel about him being a pretty much a Airbending master after getting it randomly with no training but considering the amount of research he's clearly done into airbenders I got over it.  Dude suffocating the Earth Queen by using airbending was gangsta AF.  One of the things that liked about Book 3 was that it answered of question of mine regarding "What is a more advanced form of Airbending?"  cause Earth, Water, and Fire have their like lvl 2 and lvl 3 stuff but Air didn't seem to have anything and I was curious if they ever would.

Zaheer is one of the best villains in any animated series. He’s a fucking bad ass and Henry Rollins did an outstanding job bringing him to life. Season 3 is far and away my favorite season of korra. 

Edited by iStu X
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You know.

With how much hollywood and the media love to push for "diversity" and recycle the 80s properties i find interesting that no one has tried to revive Bravestarr.

Which tbh, is a blessing if we think how they keep fucking up everything we loved from when we were kids 🤣


I remember always wanting to have his powers and playing with my cousins to be like him.

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I finished Korra. 




I definitely liked it but I can see how a good chunk of people didn't find it as good as ATLA.  I agree that 3+4 were easily the best. I still liked some aspects of 1 + 2 specifically Amon and the lore that 2 brought to the table pertaining to the Avatar.  Korra definitely got better but good lord was the first 2 seasons of her aggravating.  And her and Mako's relationship was mostly annoying due to her cause it just felt like she was just looking to pick a fight for no reason.  What Mako did to Asami was kinda fucked though when Korra couldn't remember.  She did not deserve that. 


Is it me or did it feel like Korra took a ton of L's during this series?  I mean she eventually wins but I really didn't get the feel that she was like all powerful at times when it felt like she was getting bodied every other episode. 


Season 1 was also kind of annoying by how fucking OP they made bloodbending.  That shit was crazy.  I did not like how they gave an ability that only the avatar had through the Avatar state just by being proficient at bloodbending.  That door is open and now and can't be closed making water benders potentially more powerful than anyone should someone decide to follow in Amon's footsteps.


Kuvira is batshit lol.  That was crazy how she went from just someone that was part of Zaofu to full blown dictator.  I didn't find her as much of a threat as Zaheer and in some aspects Amon since when she bodied Korra she was still weak but she was fucking ruthless.  No qualms with killing or erasing anybody without hesitation.


I will say one other thing that I liked about this series is that they actually had her learn advanced bending technique.  I would have thought you know...being the Avatar means you're supposed to actually master all the elements so when Toph invented metal bending and Aang got bodied by lightning bending I thought he would have taken at least an interest in trying to learn it...or hell even at least knowing how bloodbending works so you can fight against it.  If the next avatar doesn't at least learn more advanced bending then I'm gonna be pretty disappointed.


I'm seeing that there are comics that take place after Book 4 so now I'm gonna track those down.




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The main issue was Korra was meant to be a mere 10-12ish season and that was it...then Nick wanted more so the team scrambled to make more story, it's why parts of the story pacing felt off in the 1-2 seasons. part 3 was to me good and 4 was ok...


Asami is great and my fave character next to Bolin. I have more to say but I wonder if I should bring up two contrasting videos on why Korra is both better and worse than you think. 

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5 hours ago, TheInfernoman said:

The main issue was Korra was meant to be a mere 10-12ish season and that was it...then Nick wanted more so the team scrambled to make more story, it's why parts of the story pacing felt off in the 1-2 seasons. part 3 was to me good and 4 was ok...


Asami is great and my fave character next to Bolin. I have more to say but I wonder if I should bring up two contrasting videos on why Korra is both better and worse than you think. 

Sure why not? 

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I watched Raya and the last Dragon in the theatre yesterday.



Animation/art design

Voice acting, esp Kelly Marie and Awkwafina

The melange of Asian "elements" to make a interesting fantasy world

The main villain wasn't a stock evil guy, but a conflicted woman.



It has the Disney tropes- cute animals and kids doing cute stuff.

Some of the gang could use a little more characterization.


Overall: 8/10


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I never read Invincible but I heard a lot of great things about it. I'm going into this show completely blind.



Mark's dad being evil is something I didn't see coming at all. I guess that origin he told them about his race helping less developed worlds was horse shit. A planet full of Zods.


Anyway meaningful changes this show making compared to the comic? The only one I'm aware of is the race lifting of some characters. 

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8 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I watched all three available episodes of Invincible 


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Robot is evil too!? I guess I can understand where this probably comes from. Robot probably got tired of being disregarded as a mere machine and is going Skynet on everyone. 


L M F A O. read da comics 

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2 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

I never read Invincible but I heard a lot of great things about it. I'm going into this show completely blind.


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Mark's dad being evil is something I didn't see coming at all. I guess that origin he told them about his race helping less developed worlds was horse shit. A planet full of Zods.


Anyway meaningful changes this show making compared to the comic? The only one I'm aware of is the race lifting of some characters. 

Marks race is saiyan x kryptionians 

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I watch DOTA Dragon Blood. It's a pretty good dark fantasy show but it's nothing remarkable. The characters are likable, the action was good when it had it and the plot is easy to follow for the most part. I'm not familiar with the games at all so I don't know if there's any lore that could make the plot easier to understand or if the leads are characters from the games. I will say this, it definitely did better than the trash that was the Dragon's Dogma show. If there's a second season I'll watch it. 

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