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Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.

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18 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

My issue with the Daenerys situation is the issue I had with Season 8 on the whole. Things happened too fast. Daenerys going off the rails hinted at throughout the series. He father was called the Mad King because he went off the rails and started burning people of alive. Her decent into madness was supposed to be a slow burn. GoT should have been 10 seasons like HBO wanted.

I agree but saying the descent was too quick is not the same as people saying her “turn” shouldn’t have happened at all. Season 8 is just her finally going mask off.

Edited by Vhozite
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27 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

I agree but saying the descent was too quick is not the same as people saying her “turn” shouldn’t have happened at all. Season 8 is just her finally going mask off.

Anyone not seeing her change coming wasn't paying attention. Even when she liberated the slaves she crucified all the masters to set an example. I'll never feel bad for slavers but decisions like that hint at someone's character. 

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9 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Man...her brother sold her to some Mongol raider, then the Mongol raider died, got turned into a zombie and she got set on fire by a big ol lizard.


I don't even what other ol' bullshit happened to her but that's enough to go kinda  crazy.

Don't forget about her finally falling in love again only to find out she's been banging her nephew.

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29 minutes ago, Sonero said:







Jon Snow (Aegon Targaryen) is the son of her deceased older brother Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark. That is makes him her nephew.


Side note: WTF is up the Targaryen's naming all there kids Aegon. It's confusing as hell. Jon Snow and his deceased half brother have the same damned name. 😑

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Don't forget about her finally falling in love again only to find out she's been banging her nephew.

I don't think she cared about the bloodline. In fact it probably gave him brownie points as it would keep the blood of the dragon strong.

He pretended to care but his own family (Starks) were incestuous as well. It's something Targs and Starks have in common, but Targs much more deliberate. It didn't make sense that he would be put off by her because of this in the show and diminish himself to repeating one line to her for til the end. That was the problem with her story. If Jon was going to end the romantic relationship it needed to be because of something stronger than "you're my aunt I can't" because he is older than her.

Edited by Daemos
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7 hours ago, Sonero said:





Ah, I thought everyone knew about at this point. Jon Snow was Ned's nephew not his son. He promised his sister on her deathbed that he'd look after him. Ned told no one about it. Not even his wife. She was shitty to Jon Snow for no reason.  His best friend King Robert, was engaged to his sister, he couldn't tell him.


The whole fall out from the original Game of Thrones series happened because of a lie. It was believed that Rhaegar kidnapped and raped Lyanna. That wasn't the case. Rhaegar had his marriage annulled.  Then married Lyanna and they ran off together. Since no one knew that the whole sequence of events that lead to the overthrowing of the Targaryen's happened.


The irony is that Rhaegar was next in line to be king. So Lyanna would have been queen and Jon (Aegon) would have been crown prince. Since he annulled his first marriage his two children from it would have been considered bastards. So there would have ended up being a war anyway. I don't think Dorn would have stood for him Rhaegar ditching his first wife like that. Robert wouldn't have been happy that his fiance' ditched him for Rhaegar. It would have been bedlam.


Side note: I really hope that George R.R. Martin doesn't say Jon's really name is Aegon in the books. Seriously more Aegons.


Edit: @DaemosOh Daenerys didn't care. Such things were  par for the course for Targaryens. Jon did though. He was more like Ned than any of his sons. He inherited that sense of honor.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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23 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

He was more like Ned than any of his sons. He inherited that sense of honor.

That's what I mean. The Starks in the books had no problems with incest (not sibling incest of course). I understand the killing part at the end, but not the no-fucking part.

Edited by Daemos
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9 minutes ago, Daemos said:

I'm not gonna use the dislike emoji, but I will show my slight disapproval like this.

You’re gay bro you’re not qualified to speak on this 😤


You only prefer Daenerys because she would be a brutal dictator like Bison


Edit 2: That gif is exactly why Ygritte is superior. Daenerys spends the entire series relying on others to do her dirty work while Ygritte was really bout that action with several confirmed kills.

Edited by Vhozite
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  • Sonero changed the title to Street Fighter 6 Lounge: Lack of Betas Got People Throning
51 minutes ago, Sonero said:

If John Stark married a black girl to move away from his family of inbreds...


It would track.



I think Darc was making a joke about The Little Mermaid. 

Either way the finest woman in GoT is black so Jon had his chance. 

Imagine being presented with this choice and choosing the broad with the sun allergy. TwinBlades ass draft pick logic.

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56 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

I think Darc was making a joke about The Little Mermaid. 


Jimmy Olsen

Irist West

Wally West



Isaac (Castlevania)

Barbara Gordon (Batgirl)

Andra (Masters of the Universe)

Bow (She-Ra)

Cyclone (DC, in the new Black Adam movie)

Josie (Riverdale)

Ripcord (G.I. Joe)

Alicia Masters (Fantastic Four)


Ariel is just the latest of many. More black people get ginger roles than actual gingers. 

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Before we moved off GoT, since I was at work and unable to post, I just want to say my biggest gripe with the show is how they ended Jaime Lannister's story.


Jaime in the books is my favorite fictional character in any story, book or film. The tale of a man who has been reviled throughout the realm for fifteen years and embraced it as his fate, loses his entire identity through his disfigurement. He then decides to find and restore his honor, not to impress anyone, but just for himself, and breaks away from his harmful family to  see if he can actually bring some order and justice to the world for once.


In the show, I enjoyed the performance by the actor the whole way through, but it really seems like the writers really gave up on his character after they ran out of source material. His story in books 3-5 is so internal and thoughtful that it seems like they just couldn't be bothered in seasons 6-8. They just completely undid his development and reverted him back to where he started, except with a more sympathetic perspective. The way his story ended in season 8 was absolutely pathetic.



Anyway. Hope there's a new Street Fighter trailer soon.

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Ok seriously last one...


She was an ethereal, glamorous beauty, and she would totally make a fine black woman in the 2032 remake.


edit -


There are rumors flying that she is coming back for House of The Dragon since she is technically alive in this period. YAY!


Edited by Daemos
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6 hours ago, Daemos said:

Ok seriously last one...


She was an ethereal, glamorous beauty, and she would totally make a fine black woman in the 2032 remake.


edit -

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There are rumors flying that she is coming back for House of The Dragon since she is technically alive in this period. YAY!


Yes but we'll she be naked though? I'm asking for friend. What do you mean you don't believe me? I can ask about stuff for @MillionX 😉


Side note: @VhoziteTo your earlier point about Ygritte. Who'd Kit Harrington (Jon Snow) marry after meeting her on Game of Thrones? Rose Leslie (Ygritte). 


Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Anyway do you guys think Capcom is planning on any surprise livestreams in November? 


We still need to see Deejay, Zangief, Manon, Marisa and Lily in action, plus Ed, Rashid, Akuma and AKI supposedly are all in season one of DLC 


Have a feeling the two remaining classics show up during The Game Awards in December, then the triple femme fatale feature at the end of Capcom Cup 2023, maybe even with a first DLC character tease / pre-order bonus for day 1 players 


Capcom kinda stopped doing character trailers at fgc events these recent years (in fact have they shown any trailers outside EVO and CapCup after Season 3?) and EVO Japan isn't happening until late March, so no majors to take the stage at either 



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2 hours ago, Shakunetsu said:



RatCasket was an SRKer. I don't think he necessarily understands what Sakurai was getting at. The moment somebody is getting comboed, that's usually the moment one person is no longer playing. By that point people really understand landing a hit and maximizing damage. All things considered, odds are Sakurai was thinking about ToDs and how he thinks they are trash.


So he took the parts that he felt were good in an FG, moving around in a 2D plane, amped that up those parts, made it harder to get guaranteed combos, gave them the ability to get out of them kind of and he made a game. The irony is that OG Smash is full of ToDs. And you know...that even how smashers want to spin it that Sakurai loved FGs but wanted to make simliarish gameplay in a different light altogether.


Either way, there's definitely a wide reward for what the reward should be for a hit per game. Some people think it should be decentish to "this hit can ultimately win the game". That's a different convo altogether. What isn't is that its clear Sakurai had a good handle on people getting shitcanned from one hit and tried his best to move away from it.



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5 minutes ago, Sonero said:

RatCasket was an SRKer. I don't think he necessarily understands what Sakurai was getting at. The moment somebody is getting comboed, that's usually the moment one person is no longer playing. By that point people really understand landing a hit and maximizing damage. All things considered, odds are Sakurai was thinking about ToDs and how he thinks they are trash.

You've nailed it man. Sakurai was a KOF player. He literally came up with the idea for Smash Brothers while bodying a noob a KOF. IIRC he saw how discouraged the dude was and wanted to come up with a game more friendly to the casual player.

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2 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

You've nailed it man. Sakurai was a KOF player. He literally came up with the idea for Smash Brothers while bodying a noob a KOF. IIRC he saw how discouraged the dude was and wanted to come up with a game more friendly to the casual player.


FGs have this problem with the way you deal with threats and situations. Once you get past a certain power level, even at high level it can be incredibly tedious to deal with things. Its basically happening in Strive in that they "buffed" everybody but didn't really address how shitty it is to play Ram/Nago/HC etc. Some stuff is just completely unpleasant except for the most dedicated. Even then it still gets some of those players tilted.


I suspect the patience for bullshit isn't that high among high level players either. Bonchan with Balrog in season 2 is a very good example of that.

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Because that's what they were saying from 09 to who knows how long. Big ol' topic from discussion. Guys really gotta start understand that there are some insanely out of pocket men who fuck it up for everybody.


Doesn't take a lot of people to fuck up a good situation. Hell BurnYourbra (Female SF4 Ken Player) got straight called a hard R after she beat somebody.


So yeah, we got some way strange weirdos running around. Is what it is.

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14 hours ago, -PVL93- said:

Anyway do you guys think Capcom is planning on any surprise livestreams in November? 


We still need to see Deejay, Zangief, Manon, Marisa and Lily in action, plus Ed, Rashid, Akuma and AKI supposedly are all in season one of DLC

Technically even more, JP and Cammy are start cast too


Launch cast still have 7 characters to show, without count those out of the trailer (4)

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I just came back from Defend the North. All the PC setups were a great sight. Most of the games were running on MSI laptops with an external monitor (also MSI). We had to connect our controllers to a brook converter (I'm guessing this is how they work around any stick PCBs that won't work if connected directly to the PC). They even had Smash running on Dolphin. I hope the Nintendo ninjas never find out.

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