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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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1 hour ago, BornWinner said:


Lol man juris so fun, like it's fun how in this version she always has stocks, she can stock 3, she has a barless projectile that while  is super short she can at least use it close to you, she can use bars for it, she reloads extremely fast, almost fast enough to have fireball wars with fireball characters. Not to mention her combo enders also add stocks lol. Was she always like this? 

Edited by Maravilla
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29 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

She was not, and it was painful 😩


Non-Juri related, did you guys know there's a website called Love Her Feet. Com? 👀

I imagine her stores were weaker somehow? And no I'm not into feet but I was on the verge of maining her these past weeks, it was between juri, ryu and jp and I chose ryu! 

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MK stan culture is so fucking aids. It's just a bunch of yass queen who listen to sexxy red and bottom gays calling Kitana a bad bitch. Holy fuck nuke MK.


Finding the prefect color and corresponding title to use with it is one of my favorite SF past times. I got the perfect combination with Lily. I love her white/gold alt for her default outfit. Also who wants to play me this weekend? I could use a thrashing. Hawk already gave me the Marisa work but I thought you guys were all sweating the game.


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Finally found some time to play today. I was already on the brink of Master, so I figured, what better time than now to make the last push to get Jimmy among the Master ranks.


In the final match, I played this really solid Ken player who played a great turtling game. It went down to the last round before I closed it out with a DR headbutt, st. short, medium ball>CA3. I had never landed that combo outside of training mode so needless to say, I felt pretty smug about that.




More importantly though, after a long grind, your esteemed fellow forum member is now finally Mast... Uh...? Diamond 5...? 


Goddamnit, there's a Diamond 5?!

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28 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Idc if it’s salt xx drive rush is insanely strong.  You cannot convince me that shit is balanced compared to characters who don’t have it. 

Jamie has one and I think it's great against certain characters.   Then I fight Ken, Ryu, Chun, Juri and Cammy and theirs goes twice as far lol.  

Edited by HeavensCloud
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43 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Idc if it’s salt xx drive rush is insanely strong.  You cannot convince me that shit is balanced compared to characters who don’t have it. 

A low that goes further than it looks, is a big combo on hit or plus on block's crazy. If you pick a character like Luke you can basically make an entire strategy around this one scenario 


I'm on to Cammy now ( got Ken to master, but I'm not actually playing a fighting game with him, he plays himself) , but she's seriously strong. 


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2 minutes ago, Totalsagat said:

I'm on to Cammy now ( got Ken to master, but I'm not actually playing a fighting game with him, he plays himself) , but she's seriously strong. 


Cammy Is really good even though her frame data would make her look like some kind of dog water. The thing that surprises me the most about playing her is how dogshit her divekick is compared to previous games and how bad it still makes people.



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11 minutes ago, Sonero said:


Cammy Is really good even though her frame data would make her look like some kind of dog water. The thing that surprises me the most about playing her is how dogshit her divekick is compared to previous games and how bad it still makes people.




You don't really need it though , but having it there is pretty good and ex dk is very strong imo. 


Her mobility and buttons are insane. If you have good funds, you can basically start knocking off decent players immediately with her. 

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One thing I can appreciate about going from 5 to 6 is how much slower dashes are. Mfs trying to dash in and I’ll jab check that shit almost everytime lol. We spent the last 7ish year trying not to get violated by 15-16f dashes in 5 your obvious 20f SF6 dash ain’t surprising me bro XD


Anyways I finally had time and opportunity to sit down and play and I climb from Diamond 1 to comfortably into Diamond 3. Had lots of fun and Masters is in reach.

Also good heavens I need to learn the Jamie matchup. 

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1 hour ago, Totalsagat said:


You don't really need it though , but having it there is pretty good and ex dk is very strong imo. 


Her mobility and buttons are insane. If you have good funds, you can basically start knocking off decent players immediately with her. 

Is she basically juri without a projectile? 

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1 hour ago, Totalsagat said:

You don't really need it though , but having it there is pretty good and ex dk is very strong imo. 


Her mobility and buttons are insane. If you have good funds, you can basically start knocking off decent players immediately with her. 


I wouldn't call her mobility insane. Her dash had me like "okay its a new game, can't be giving crazy dashes to people", then I saw what Juri and Luke do for a dash and immediately got tight.


I have zero complaints though. She does a few things at a very high level. Then she has just enough odd mix to sprinkle in when you need to clutch somebody out. They should let her have an overhead though. 👀

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5 hours ago, Sonero said:


I wouldn't call her mobility insane. Her dash had me like "okay its a new game, can't be giving crazy dashes to people", then I saw what Juri and Luke do for a dash and immediately got tight.


I have zero complaints though. She does a few things at a very high level. Then she has just enough odd mix to sprinkle in when you need to clutch somebody out. They should let her have an overhead though. 👀

Her walk speed is crazy though. I feel like I'm actually playing a fighting game again with her and not just doing *Dragon lash or * condorspire 😅

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It cannot be overstated how helpful taking an hour to lab a character you want to beat is. Taking some time to learn Jamie and a lot of stuff is a lot more clear now. 

My 2 cents on the character is that I actually think he’s pretty neat, but also not as bad as people were saying he was in the first month lol. 

Edited by Vhozite
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Very late to the party but I watched some of those Endingwalker sets from the recent UK tournament and his IDGAF playstyle was absolutely hilarious, like Jyobin incarnate. The commentators also had a lot of fun with it. I don't want to take away anything from him of course, he's a great player, but it's pretty obvious Ryu simply doesn't work as a neutral controlling zoner/footsie archetype anymore with all the powercreep going on around him, so you just have to embrace the YOLO and laugh at how it's diametrically opposed to what his personality is about.

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2 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

I found enjoyment in being a bully in battle hub. Dominating the obvious scrubs that pollute chat beings a special kind of joy. Same feeling I got when I acted as a gatekeeper to celestial in Strive when I was good enough to do it.

I got my first ragequit last night since forever by a Ken named Velveteen Rabbit. Kind of crazy how little people pull the plug in SF6 compared to SFV. 


I guess everyone is letting out their anger in battlehub instead 😂

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2 hours ago, HeavensCloud said:

I got my first ragequit last night since forever by a Ken named Velveteen Rabbit. Kind of crazy how little people pull the plug in SF6 compared to SFV. 


I guess everyone is letting out their anger in battlehub instead 😂

When I got on battle hub this morning I saw someone dox themselves in the chat over a dispute. So much dumb shit happens there

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2 hours ago, Dragonfave723 said:

I was expecting for at least some of her moves to be charge, the fireballs most likely.

Great, because I wanted to learn a charge character finally.


All charge characters in this game are hybrid anyway, if Guile got motion moves expect everyone else to be the same.

I guess this has to do with the fact that characters in SFVI tend to have a lot of moves and also need to be relatively mobile due to the Drive Rush system, and charge specials are either hold backward then forward plus punch or kick or hold downward and then upward plus punch or kick. Can't really have more than 4 specials with that.


Also, you could probably guess that by the fact that she has a triple crouch jab string in her combos, that stuff pretty much exists to give you the time to charge specials.

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8 hours ago, Phantom_Miria said:

Also, you could probably guess that by the fact that she has a triple crouch jab string in her combos, that stuff pretty much exists to give you the time to charge specials.

One of the weirdest changes coming from SFV to SF6 is how common 3 hit light confirms are. Like on a character like Chun who needs to charge for SBK I understand but you have characters like Cammy doing it like???

It’s not broken or anything it just feels weird to see. 

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Lol just discovered got yellow card, no idea how (did'nt even got notification, 🟨 just appeared on the profile banner)


Don't talk trash (or talk at all beside lazy "Gg" at the end), don't ragequit not even if i'm on big lose streak


My connection is shit and even if usually don't lag may occasionally fall during a match, but i play Battle Hub, not even ranked stuff lol


Edited by CESTUS III
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3 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Lol just discovered got yellow card, no idea how (did'nt even got notification, 🟨 just appeared on the profile banner)


Don't talk trash (or talk at all beside lazy "Gg" at the end), don't ragequit not even if i'm on big lose streak


My connection is shit and even if usually don't lag may occasionally fall during a match, but i play Battle Hub, not even ranked stuff lol


If the connection falls frequently enough the game has no way to tell it apart from a ragequit, so that's probably why you're getting a yellow card.

It should go away on its own after a while though.

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