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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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I think I came to the conclusion that I don't really like the Drive system? Not entirely sure yet, but the constant "poke into double-forward" playstyle isn't doing it for me, it's very odd to play a game like this. Obviously that's super subjective but I wonder if there are characters who can still be effective without it. Dhalsim maybe with his strong OD specials?

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3 hours ago, delete_me said:

Obviously that's super subjective but I wonder if there are characters who can still be effective without it.

I’m the same as you I prefer characters who don’t need to Drive Rush much. I have much more fun using Overdrives and DI (even when it doesn’t work) so I like saving meter for that.

Drive Reversal is probably my least favorite mechanic. 

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24 minutes ago, Reticently said:

Ken and Kimberly don't really need Drive Rushes.  Command runs, multiple practical target combos,, and specials that natively let them extend combos.  It all makes Drive Rush cancels a little redundant outside of maybe some optimized punishes.

I disagree with Kimberly. She needs drive rush for her approach and getting oki midscreen. The Kimberly I've played can't get her mixups going without the safety that drive rush provides.


Ken can use drive rush in the same Ryu does.

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2 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

I disagree with Kimberly. She needs drive rush for her approach and getting oki midscreen. The Kimberly I've played can't get her mixups going without the safety that drive rush provides.


Ken can use drive rush in the same Ryu does.

Think of my answer less of a "shouldn't use DR" and more of a "doesn't have to use DR to function at the intermediate level".  Kim certainly has other approach tools, maybe not as strong but still.  And mid-screen oki is great to have, but she can also just focus on pushing to corner where her oki doesn't need DR.


I don't see any character being able to ignore DR completely if one is trying to push into higher levels of play, so maybe it just comes down to what you consider intermediate.

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13 hours ago, Reticently said:

I don't see any character being able to ignore DR completely if one is trying to push into higher levels of play, so maybe it just comes down to what you consider intermediate.

It's the mid-combo extensions I dislike and Manon basically has to use those at every opportunity because she has no Medium or Heavy Links. The way I play on controller it's a really uncomfortable motion to use so often, but I'm okay with spending the bar for oki or getting some plus frames in neutral. I just don't want it to be totally omnipresent during gameplay.


There's also a chance the game just isn't for me but figuring that out will take a few more weeks. I also don't know what the intermediate rank is right now but I'm 100% convinced I'll never get out of Platinum.

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1 hour ago, CESTUS III said:

Posting  some pics of what got done so far


I still consider this stuff pretty in "beta" phase waiting the good items, but at least got something to show 😄


On some lot of reinterpretation going on lol

Again, consider almost none of these complete, but we have to start somewhere



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Could Jean Reno / Tom (from Alex SF3 ending) be one of the DLC characters?  : r/StreetFighter



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Fei Long

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Victor Ortega

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Forgive the shit quality of cuts/pics, but again this stuff is not definitive, so at the moment we go like that lol


Even just getting stuff that already is on WTM but they keept locked would improve a lot



Hell you talking bout !! Really cool stuff there i'm very impressed!!  Don't know what you looking for again considering the current gear we have to work with. Gotta know where the heck did you get that stuff for Lee??!! I've been looking everywhere for that stuff!!

Edited by Counterstrike
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24 minutes ago, Counterstrike said:

Gotta know where the heck did you get that stuff for Lee??!! I've been looking everywhere for that stuff!!

Wich parts?


Going by memory iirc


hat -> beat up people in china town area

jacket -> beat up people in china town area

pants -> one of the Nayshall shop

kung fu shoes -> same shop as above

bracelet -> fuck up Kalima following mission achievements

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Light Light Shock confirms are shockingly similar to light light SK or light light straight or light light slice confirms with the other four lords.  That and for whatever reason Blanka downbacks to anti-air better than freaking Guile because people like jumping on Blanka more than Guile even though Blanka has and air throw in addition to vertiball. 


Bring back the Four Lords please. I feel dirty that Blanka is my main. Despite his legacy of being a gimmicks character, Blanka plays patient fortress almost as good as Honda in SF6.

Edited by Psychoblue
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So, my early impressions on some of the matchups in this game so far.


  • I feel like Manon is probably winning the Zangief matchup, possibly even rather decisively, at least as far as my experience with the Giefs I've played go. The way I play that matchup is that I can basically zone Zangief out with my normals, Manon got the god anti-air to shut down any jump-in, if he ever whiffs a big button I can punish with stHK and then combo in QCBxMK, sending him way back and undoing whatever progress he made in trying to walk me into the corner, and then on top of that I also get to mix Zangief whenever I land a vacuum target combo or he gets too comfortable with me getting in range of light command grab. The things to check out is that Zangief can still kill you very fast with a few guesses, if he actually manages to walk you to the corner it can get scary, and most importantly one needs to check how much each Zangief likes to throw out Drive Impact, because Manon's heavy buttons are the best to keep Zangief away and potentially mix him with stHPxxHP, but they're also very vulnerable to Drive Impact.
  • In the Cammy matchup I'm pretty satisfied by how EX Wheel Kick manages to handle divekicks. It has enough air invincibility to bust even a low divekick that almost hit, it hits far away enough to punish divekicks that would have whiffed in front of you, and it hits high enough to hit Cammy out of the air even if she doesn't go for divekick by tries to mix it with regular jump-in or late divekick. French long legs saved the day again.
  • I've grown to enjoy the JP matchup a lot, and I also like fighting Guile, probably because I'm a freak who likes to fight zoners. Especially with JP it feels like the more I play against him the more he feels pretty approachable and counterable. Strong, sure, but nothing impossible. In contrast I haven't met many Guiles, and the few I met I usually beat.
  • There are very few Jamie online apparently, so the few that I meet end up steamrolling me because I have no idea when to check his pressure, handle his gimmicks, and Jamie looks like a character who specializes in punishing people who press at the wrong moment and converting off single jabs. I've grown a little more accustomed to him now, but I need way more practice.
  • Ken is a fucking bitch, I'm happy his life is in ruins. 😠
  • It's very funny when you meet a Honda players who doesn't rematch because you manage to land semi-consistent perfect parry and get free medals off it in a single round, although the more solid ones are harder to deal with.
  • Manon's worst matchup so far seems definitely to be the Manon one. I rate it roughly 7-3 or even 8-2 in Manon's disadvantage. Aside from the fact that the whole thing looks like two flamingos in a mating ritual, it's really infuriating when I'm there trying to play honest footsies and perform my clever mixups with my exquisitely looking French supermodel while that other Sideshow Bob-looking motherfucker is out there just throwing out random long-ass buttons and forcing unfair braindead guesses. Really infuriating. Fuck Manon, it's Manon's worst matchup. Capcom pls, nerf Manon and buff Manon instead. 😔
Edited by Phantom_Miria
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7 hours ago, Daemos said:

we’re all waiting for the Season 2 Bison announcement 

Not necessarily waiting on Bison but yeah…I love the universal mechanics and general design direction in 6 but I’m just fooling around in WT until I find a character I want to main. Doesn’t help I’m busy irl and don’t have as much time to play anyway. 

8 hours ago, Hawkingbird said:

Anyone want to get a lobby going this weekend?

Im down but like I said I’m busy. I’ll try to make it for a bit tho 

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