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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread

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18 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

Holy F, I just realized since I joined SRK (only 3.5 years ago), I’ve went by KingCrimson, OldManRage, PlusFrames, and now Mattatsu... Any ideas for what my next name should be? Lol

I only recognise KingCrimson. But i second the cornflakes notion. 


Also kinda weak how we only limited to the one reaction/post

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7 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

Will do! Also King Crimson is the name of an awesome 70’s Prog Rock band, as well as some anime character, so maybe that's where you heard it? There’s also an SFV player called mistah crimson.

Fun fact: The King Crimson character would've been named after the band. The writer likes his western music throwbacks. 

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My area was scheduled to get our state's first Round1 arcade this month, and I was really looking forward to go to my first arcade in like a decade to play fighting games in their proper cabinets and music games with their big, flashy machines.


Just wanted to tell that story so that posting the following doesn't feel so naked

Edit: Do tweets not show preview thumbnails?  And I can't directly upload images into the post and need to link it offsite?  And I can't link directly to twitter images?😕


Edit2: Changed browsers--preview pics are just fine.   Oop.

Edited by Saikyotic
Added complaint for minor inconveniences
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Well, today Dad's rambling was a bit over 5 hours.  The funny thing is he is actually self-aware on this, and will often say "anyway, I've been rambling for far too long as usual haha" and it sounds like he's about to bring things to a close....but then another tangent springs to mind and that might be another hour right there.  Tonight's "conversation" was on par with your average Peter Jackson film, man.


then shortly after that, one of the youtube channels I subscribe to (Solotv84) just *had* to go live with a particularly spicy discussion and stay on for 3 hours.


...yeah, sure would've been nice to play some of my games today while I still had some energy for it.... but so much for that plan... I still want to do a little somethin in ESO since my character is a newly turned vampire; I had also planned to dig into some Hyrule Warriors today but nope, so much for that. 😄 

Edited by MillionX
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33 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

Frames changed his name again? I'm still calling you frames.

Its all good bro. I used to go by PlusFrames (like when i made that account), but have been going by Mattatsu (or just Matt) for at least the last year in other places (PSN, Twitter, etc), so I figured i might as well just make this Mattatsu as well... Until I become Cornflakes that is 😆


i like PlusFrames a lot, but i didn't consider how many other people already went by that when i made it

Edited by Mattatsu
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3 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

 Tell him to come here.

He knows what's up, he's just chilling on discord for now. He's gonna show up eventually. 


Also, I like how big everyone's avi is here. discourse always had me confused when people had avi's that had similar colors cause I would just remember people as "orange" or "blue" cause you can't actually see anything

Edited by KingTubb
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24 minutes ago, KingTubb said:

He knows what's up, he's just chilling on discord for now. He's gonna show up eventually. 


Also, I like how big everyone's avi is here. discourse always had me confused when people had avi's that had similar colors cause I would just remember people as "orange" or "blue" cause you can't actually see anything

Sprite gif master race

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Just now, Vhozite said:
33 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

Star Trek vs Star Wars

Was having trouble quoting and could figure out how to delete my post.


lol I love both of these but as pure view material Star Trek is way better. I like Star Wars mostly from the books, video games, and tv shows. 

Movies are legendary sci-fi, but as a movie lover most are terrible cinema.

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Just now, Mattatsu said:

@Volt, was just thinking, why not use SRK as an image dump? Not sure if it’ll hold up forever, but you can cram their servers in the meantime lol

Thought about that.


Initially I planned on uploading my multiple gif/emotes folders to some Google Drive.

Then I remembered I could do a channel on the Discord for it.

And then I thought about just yeeting them in SRK because lol why not? 

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8 minutes ago, Mattatsu said:

@Vhozite Have you scanned for viruses and malware, removed cookies, and cleaned up your registry/startup programs and processes? Also, i hear Google Chrome eats up a lot of disk for some reason. Are you using that to browse?

Nah I’m Firefox all day. I scanned for Malware a few times and never found anything. I’ll try that other stuff.


@Skort I would’ve expected you to be a borg queen guy



I’m partial to 7 of 9 myself 

Edited by Vhozite
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1 minute ago, Illwill88 said:

Luckily I saw all the drama first, otherwise dang you forgot me again lol. 


I'm going to have to do something to be more memorable maybe I'll become some sort of villain somehow or something, maybe a big troll idk...

I got the tags from the mass @ I did on the beginning of the thread.


The same posts where I had already forgotten you. 🤣


Edmund posted about me forgetting Big T and I was like: "Hol up..." 🤣

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5 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

Luckily I saw all the drama first, otherwise dang you forgot me again lol. 


I'm going to have to do something to be more memorable maybe I'll become some sort of villain somehow or something, maybe a big troll idk...

You’re already memorable Bolt is just a tweaker

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