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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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The fact I have to explain to the homie why its probably a good idea to to still buy physical copies of media instead of relying on digital is..something. it should be incredibly obvious at this point....but he's a bit younger so he's probably not thinking on that level


But I suppose you could argue its pointless since they are phasing out physical regardless 

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SEEMS LIKE OUR CAVEMAN ANCESTORS GODDAMN CAPS smh our caveman ancestors leaned heavily towards meat/big game diets. our stomachs are as acidic as a vultures unlike other primates. scientists believe the reason why our stomachs are so acidic is due to our ancestors eating rotting meat. from big game hunts and them unable to keep the meat fresh due to no salting, refidgeration, our basic spoilage of meat avoidance.

that said.

its not a good idea to go to a full carnivore diet because studies in south africa during apartheid revealed white south africans had far higher colon cancer rates compared to black south africans ecause white south africans ate more red meat but ver little grains while blacks ate very little meat but alotta grains.

as u know. meat rots in your digestive system and is slower in movement of bowels vs grains which goes right through you and cleanses the bowels.

point is.

its true our bodies are made to be more meat eater oriented but you still need to eat plants to keep things healthy. u cant just remove all plant life from your diet.

a well balanced diet of all the food groups seems to be the healthiest choice.

Edited by VirginDefiler
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supposedly trump post this pic of himself with jesus cuz...hes the most narcissistic ahole ever born.


huh? what?

well...alzheimers with full blown dementia isnt any better tbh.


needless to say im voting for kennedy next year. like most of the country.

cuz no thanks to tweedledee and tweedledum.


btw if u are wondering why theres soooo much misinformation and  in news orgs since the early 90s. aaand the rise of biased right wing propaganda fox news and biased left wing propaganda cnn/msnbc..its because reagan did away with a law that forced news orgs to give the people objective factual unbiased info.


“Ronald Reagan, when he ran for president in 1980, he had the support of the big studio heads in California. They wanted to abolish the Fairness Doctrine so they could consolidate the entire media under monopoly control. And he had the Christian Right. And the Christian broadcasting stations did not want to show the other side, because they didn’t want to show ‘Satan’s side’ of the argument. So Reagan came in and appointed… Tom Wheeler to run the FCC, and they threw out the Fairness Doctrine. At that point, you saw this huge consolidation where they started buying up everything. You also saw the news divisions were told, ‘We don’t really need you to have integrity anymore, we need you to make money.’ The news divisions became profit centers, so you saw more and more news that was not really news, it was about Brad and JLo, and it was entertainment. You saw this deterioration from highly credible people on the news to people that you have today who are just propagandists for the government and for the pharmaceutical companies.”

-RFK quote


what that means is.

fox news/cnn/msnbc and the other news outlets in america.. is a bunch of brainwashing peddlers of biased bullshit.

im 50 y old

i remember american journalism before 1990. it was nothing like it is now. sure there was still misinformation mind you, in those days. but at least it wasnt outright biased partisan garbage thats pure fiction like now. smh





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Man that thing from the Oregonian is so amazingly ridiculous it sounds like something from a site like the Onion.  It's funny that they don't realize how racist that actually sounds to say how this will help the minorities especially....the subtext there being--> "because we all know they're too stupid for normal American school requirements, obviously."  


Also----imagine how embarrassing that might be for some students who graduate in the near future from an Oregon school, with this being a situation people know about... there's certain negative assumptions people will automatically have simply because that's where you are from....I imagine it will probably be similar to how I am hesitant to admit that I grew up *mostly* in the infamous shit-hole Memphis.


It's not even like the typical requirements to pass and ultimately graduate high school are some amazingly difficult thing in the first place....things are already dumbed down anyway.  At that level of schooling, you can basically just show up and "half-ass" try at the work and still get by.

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The Fairness Doctrine only applied to broadcast news;  ie the TV stations you could pick up with an antenna.  The cable news networks never had to abide by it.


It was also pretty stupid in its own way.  If you spent 5 minutes on the news saying that eating Tide Pods was bad, you had to be willing to provide 5 minutes to a pro-Tide Pod eating pundit if you could find one.

Edited by Reticently
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1 hour ago, MillionX said:

Man that thing from the Oregonian is so amazingly ridiculous it sounds like something from a site like the Onion.  It's funny that they don't realize how racist that actually sounds to say how this will help the minorities especially....the subtext there being--> "because we all know they're too stupid for normal American school requirements, obviously."  


Also----imagine how embarrassing that might be for some students who graduate in the near future from an Oregon school, with this being a situation people know about... there's certain negative assumptions people will automatically have simply because that's where you are from....I imagine it will probably be similar to how I am hesitant to admit that I grew up *mostly* in the infamous shit-hole Memphis.


It's not even like the typical requirements to pass and ultimately graduate high school are some amazingly difficult thing in the first place....things are already dumbed down anyway.  At that level of schooling, you can basically just show up and "half-ass" try at the work and still get by.


You know, one of the replies I saw repeated was "the soft bigotry of low expectations".

Edited by AriesWarlock
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10 minutes ago, Reticently said:

Tbf, if you get to graduation without basic reading and math skills, the system has already failed you completely.  I don't think at that point another year of the system is going to fix things for you.


Probably makes more sense to be upset no one is enforcing these skills at the middle school stage when there's still time to help.

You're absolutely right, but think about what happens down the line. You have more and more people graduating who are basically unemployable, likely doomed to poverty, and whatever wealth gap exists will only get bigger. It absolutely mystefies me how anyone could think this is the answer.

Edited by DoctaMario
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5 hours ago, Reticently said:

The Fairness Doctrine only applied to broadcast news;  ie the TV stations you could pick up with an antenna.  The cable news networks never had to abide by it.


It was also pretty stupid in its own way.  If you spent 5 minutes on the news saying that eating Tide Pods was bad, you had to be willing to provide 5 minutes to a pro-Tide Pod eating pundit if you could find one.

it didnt apply to cable news cuz cable was a pay service therefore 1st amendment kicks any book u buy.  fairness doctrine applied to fcc which is "free" tv and radio broadcasts. i know.

but i doubt if the fairness doctrine gets brought back...that it will be exactly like the old one since media isnt the same exact thing it was back in the 80s.

theres the net now and the line between pay service cable and "free" tv and radio that the fcc oversights..has been blurred.

for ex, nowadays in some homes the govt pays for the homeowner's internet and cable. and the homeowner/apt renter gets "cable/net for free. 

so i doubt a modern fairness doctrine would fall under just "free tv n radio" as we use to define it.

idk we shall see.

btw i hear tulsi gabbard is who first propped the reintroduction of the fairness doctrine.

in whichever way, these "news" orgs are actually entertainment websites and not a place to get unbiased non-partisan news.

which would be fine if they just called themselves entertainment but they dont. they call themselves the news. as in, fox NEWS. which is dangerous to the masses getting misinformed.

which they do.




im not even sure if modern cable is even protected by 1st amend considering people noadays are only partly paying for it meaning.


back in the 80s, if u paid for cable u fully paid 100% of it. the service. there were no ads on cable in those days.

now every cable channel has ads.

tv and radio was "free" cuz the advertisers paid for the service. hence why the fcc regulated it.

but nowadays since cable has ads from advertisers paying for what u are seeing...does that mean you are only paying for 50% of the service? while the sponsers pay the other 50% with their ads? so...does. would that mean fcc gets or can get involved in regulating it?

this is why fairness doctrine or something like it would need to evolve and modified to work in this day and age. 

Edited by VirginDefiler
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btw adblock plus auto updated for me.

adblock is working again regarding youtube and no more youtube pop up bs blocking adblock.

so for now

adblock-1 youtube-0

that said. i can no longer hit the share button on vids i wanna embed here. i gotta copy paste the code from the top of chrome  seachbar.



young jackie chan movie. this flick has an amazing intro. jackie does some of the best movie intros man



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3 hours ago, Reticently said:

Listening to her, I'm mostly just sad that people get swindled into thinking they need like a $400 bottle of moisturizer or whatever.  


Much rather take a woman with a $10 bottle of moisturizer out on a $200 date than that money sieve.

All she did was tell us what a bill she will be once the relationships locked in lol. 

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