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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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Another mysterious, interesting thing from the ancient past--- Gobekli Tepe and the "totem" statue found there.... so far Gobekli Tepe is the oldest man-made structure that has been found which was probably a place of worship...or other religious significance...

The statue.. the mystery of what the top part looked like originally is fascinating.  It was probably the face of something, but unfortunately that part of the statue was destroyed.

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7 hours ago, HD-Man said:

How yall v-day going, is it looking like you gettin some cutty tonight or are you nerds wacking it again? 

They (including you) should get some fatty and stop jacking off. 


I heard wholefoods are like a ugly gentlemen's club, that place is a goldmine of ugly women who have jobs.   If you like them black fatty uglies, go to a wallmart at a developing neighborhood, just secure shit well enough because it will likely get stolen.

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1 minute ago, zatalcon3 said:

They (including you) should get some fatty and stop jacking off. 


I heard wholefoods are like a ugly gentlemen's club, that place is a goldmine of ugly women who have jobs.   If you like them black fatty uglies, go to a wallmart at a developing neighborhood, just secure shit well enough because it will likely get stolen.

Excuse Me Reaction GIF by One Chicago

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Dark Shadows--- so the previous episode ended with Nathan Forbes taking a shot at Barnabas with the crossbow... he was worried that this was the end for him....but it turns out the arrow missed his heart!  So B was ok and went on to kill that bastard.  It's looking like the flashback era of the show is coming to an end here... Barnabas' dad couldn't go thru with shooting him with the silver bullets, but had his coffin chained up during the day with a silver cross inside it (*seems like a worse fate then... this traps Barnabas in the coffin and starves him out so he's just immobilized forever....until of course someone in modern-day [nearly 2 centuries later] released him.)  Meanwhile, it looks like Victoria Winters' time of execution is coming up soon; the only thing that could save her is Joshua Collins' getting word to them for a stay of execution at the last minute. (*ah--- the hanging triggered the time-travel "swap" again so Victoria is back in present-day, and the other girl who was in present day is back to the past where she was hanged)


I saw a "youtube drama!" subreddit yesterday... I was all hyped to get in on that one but for some reason it's not as active as I thought it would be... not even that far down the page and I was already seeing threads where the last post was a month ago.  To say I was disappointed with this would be an understatement.... it's for the best though; the last thing I need is another addictive internet thing to eat up even more of my time.

edit---this also reminds me of how insanely big the world of youtube is, actually... most of the people mentioned in those threads....yeah, I've never heard of them until now---Creepshow Art?  David Dobrik, etc.  Those 2 got quite a few topics, along with Trisha and Nicko Avacado; I've heard of those 2 at least.

Edited by MillionX
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18 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I thought it was an awful show lol.

I think it was the best it could have been. Tbh hip hop is usually kind of boring live but the production they had was ok and it was cool they had a band there. I don't know WTF was up with that "mixing console" they had for Dre though lol.


Nobody will ever beat my man Prince though. Imo that was the GOAT Halftime show, it was like God himself was happy Prince was there.


Rip Prince GIF by Entertainment GIFs

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Oh I overlooked that comment before... I'm not sure how it's even possible from someone that is presumably part of either Gen-X or Millenial....somehow NOT being aware of who Michael Jackson is.  There's just no way....unless he grew up in a 3rd world country I guess?  haha it can't be real.


It's been so long since his death though... I think we're finally at a point where perhaps the younger side of Gen Z likely never heard of him....but even then, if you just have the radio on in a car, at random you might end up hearing a MJ song "by accident" even a lot of Gen-Z kids have at least heard 1 or 2 of his songs I bet.


ah, just thinking about it takes me back, of course---the era of the music video was so cool---when Michael had a new music video premiere it was a big deal... like prime-time television status.   I remember recording so many of my favorite music videos... continuing this trip down memory lane here... some of my favorites of all time:

Thriller of course!


Remember the Time

That's the Way Love Goes -- specifically because it was the first time I saw Jennifer Goddamn Lopez; she upstaged Janet in her own video; I wasn't the only one wondering "goddamn who is THAT perfection!?!"


Non-Michael/Janet music video greatness....(edit--I'll just go ahead and link all these)

  • Ho Frat Swing - a video that made college/university life look so damn cool; it amped up my anticipation even more...such fun.  Fortunately for me, YES college life actually was mostly like that for real....heh, it was awesome fun times.
  • Doowutchalike by Digital Underground
  • Sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel...legendary stuff here.
  • Don't Walk Away - Jade
  • Natural Born Killers - seriously, I had to link it; check out how cool that shit is.
  • Take On Me by Aha - everyone who's into illustration remembers this classic....the shit was amazing.


Edited by MillionX
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ah, RedLetter did a "re:View" of the legendary NEAR DARK!


Sadly it's impossible to get this film anywhere but online for ridiculous prices from Amazon....and that's depending on the "luck" of it even being in stock.  

Some years ago I thought it would get a new bump in popularity since Katheryn Bigelow's career (she directed it) popped off big time in the last few years....but unfortunately not 😞   One day it shall be in my collection though... one day...

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2 hours ago, DarkSakul said:

How does he managed to achieve that one ?

Lord William from what I understand told us he was pretty sheltered when he explained how.  We educated him though to make sure he knew who he was cause like I mentioned earlier if you consume other media you usually become aware of certain people through osmosis or run into something that references the character once they reach a certain popularity.  I figured LW had to have run into some type of Thriller Dance, Moonwalk, a HEE HEE, a crotch grab and pull, etc somewhere at some point in his life and just never knew exactly where it came from.  It's like some black people unknowingly liking/being aware of Queen's music without knowing who Queen is (experienced this myself with my dad in a car rid on vacation)


Edit: Hell thinking about MJ is still being referenced prominently since they just made a reference to him in DMCV.

Edited by Sonichuman
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10 hours ago, J-ride said:

Whole foods is offensively white, so much so that even I feel out of place shopping there.  I need to at least have gluten intolerance to bring me up a notch on the white scale.  But even then, I am clearly not in the "willing to pay 25 bucks for 6 cupcakes" target demographic who shops there.

There are fat ugly asians there too.

Contrary, I think the starbucks at Target stores harbor more ugly asian girls.


I would say

Whole Foods = Ugly white girls

Starbucks Target = Ugly Asian girls

Walmart = Ugly hoodrat black girls


I wonder where the ugly fat latinas go to.  

Edited by zatalcon3
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Its valid. There are some people who are just all in on their own corner of life. I remember listening to a Vlad TV Lord Jamar interview and he says that he only listens to hip hop. Its funny that my wife not having heard In Da Club is kinda funny, but there are hella dudes who couldn't identify the theme to Swan Lake to save humanity.


There's a lot of amazing music out there and its really easy to be stay in a corner; and all that before you factor in that there are countless songs written in multiple languages.  Being an immigrant in the US opens you up to a lot of that chicanery. VH1 does a countdown of the 100 greatest songs of all time, all the songs are in English. Yeah, for sure no GOAT music was written in any other language.



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13 minutes ago, Camacho said:

Target is basically a more expensive Walmart with much higher prices and less inventory aimed squarely at people who think they're too good for Walmart.

This is accurate.  There seems to be a demographic that wants to feel rich but not quite pay whole foods prices.  The only reason I like Target more than Walmart is that it has fewer fat fucks on mobility scooters and it's close to my house.

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46 minutes ago, Camacho said:

Target is basically a more expensive Walmart with much higher prices and less inventory aimed squarely at people who think they're too good for Walmart.

I used to work at Wal-Mart fuck em. Shitty ass company that deserves every bit of vitriol it gets and then some. Wal-Mart is a damned virus. They move into an area, put out the better paying local stores out of business, and then jack up the prices when they are the only game in town. Meanwhile people have to go work for them at lower salary than they made a the local, now closed, business. Power went out out in my store. Fuckers had people ringing out customers with calculators. Back to back tropical storms flooded half the roads, still stayed open. Took me 2 hours to get to work instead of 20 minutes.  Damn near everyone is better than Wal-Mart. TLDR: Wal-mart sucks. And if you aren't too good for Wal-Mart, then where you shop is the least of your worries.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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Where do you all mostly go for groceries?


WM is mine for default especially with rising prices in recent ties.

Sometimes I cant get certain items at Target. 


Publix is a bit too expensive though 

Whole Foods is a bit too expensive plus I dont need organic/vegan stuff.

there is a Trader Joe, but theyre all the way on the other side of town and the parking lol is one of the tiniest ones ive ever seen.



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6 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

Where do you all mostly go for groceries?

In Pittsburgh the regional chains stores suck.  When I have time, I'll hit Whole Foods for just the fresh veg and fruit, then hit a regional store (Giant Eagle) on the way back for packaged foods.  Mostly get our meat at Costco, but there's a butcher shop supposedly somewhere nearby me I've been meaning to find.

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TBH I only have 2 choices down here in TX: Wal Mart or HEB.


I dunno what it is, but I seem to find more product variety in Wal Mart than HEB AND I've personally found Wal Mart to be overall cheaper than HEB (I've paid more in HEB and I got less stuff).


Texas does love its' HEB though (and Whataburger) but I find both to be severely overrated

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I shop at Sprouts for produce and Kroger for most everything else.  My wife used to work for that company and we still get the employee discount which is 10% off baked goods and kroger brand items.  I also go to costco for frozen vegetables and bulk items like diapers.

Edited by J-ride
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There’s a grocery store called Aldi’s right across the street from the Walmart I use to work at. When I still worked at WM I went to Aldi’s every chance I got simply because I don’t like the idea of giving the money I worked for back to my employer. Seems like the biggest con ever. I still go to Aldi’s as often as possible too. 


Also the cool thing about all the Aldi’s in my area is that whenever Walmart raises their wages Aldi’s will immediately raise theirs to stay ahead of the curve. 

like right now my local Walmarts base pay is $13.75/h or something like that and Aldi’s base pay is almost $17. 

The only issue with Aldi’s even though I 100% why I get it is they’re store sizes are much, much, much smaller than your average grocery store. So the selection isn’t at large. The upswing though is there’s more variety. 

30 minutes ago, DangerousJ said:

there is a Trader Joe, but theyre all the way on the other side of town and the parking lol is one of the tiniest ones ive ever seen.


Even though the aforementioned Aldi’s and Trader Joe’s essentially the same company I hella miss TJ’s. There were a bunch of them around me growing up in Seattle. Also, Their in-house brand of Oreos just slap differently. They’re so good. 


Edited by iStu X
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1 minute ago, J-ride said:

Every single trader joe's has an undersized parking lot.  It's a really bizarre trend among that store brand.  I find the inconvenience of going to that store annoying enough to not go out of my way to shop there.

Aldi’s is the same way. It goes into their weird customer turn over rate philosophy they have.


They’re better about it when they have their own building but most TJ’s I went to back home in Seattle were in strip mall type situations. 

Edited by iStu X
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1 hour ago, DangerousJ said:

It's always hard for black folks to get a cab when they need one..


except this time!


I miss Epidemic...



Yup. Especially in NYC. There was a time where I managed to get a Taxi and the driver was reluctant and almost cautious about me. He later explains why they don't stop for black people during the night, mainly because it's the demographic that stole their shit the most. He said that he prefered other races because they for some reason have the common sense to understand that robbing a guy who only has 20$ in his pocket isn't worth it risking going to jail for, while blacks will rob regardless of money. Like, if the driver has no money they will have to leave with something like shoes or even a cup that still has coffee in it... and then complain about racial discrimination when they get arrested for it. 


thank god we got uber and lyft

Edited by zatalcon3
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1 hour ago, J-ride said:

This is accurate.  There seems to be a demographic that wants to feel rich but not quite pay whole foods prices.  The only reason I like Target more than Walmart is that it has fewer fat fucks on mobility scooters and it's close to my house.

I shop at Target because they actually pay their employees a semblance of a decent wage. 


You guys sound really self centered with this kind of shit. "You think youre better then walmart" well no duh its not hard to be better then garbo as fuck Walmart lol. I'm just saying there are more reasons for why people shop where they shop the this selfish logic. I'm frankly sick and tired of subsidizing big ass businesses employee pay with my tax dollars so i dont shop at places like Wal-Mart if i can help it. They have low ass prices  because thwy make us pay their employees. 

Edited by RSG3
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40 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I used to work at Wal-Mart fuck em. Shitty ass company that deserves every bit of vitriol it gets and then some. Wal-Mart is a damned virus. They move into an area, put out the better paying local stores out of business, and then jack up the prices when they are the only game in town. Meanwhile people have to go work for them at lower salary than they made a the local, now closed, business. Power went out out in my store. Fuckers had people ringing out customers with calculators. Back to back tropical storms flooded half the roads, still stayed open. Took me 2 hours to get to work instead of 20 minutes.  Damn near everyone is better than Wal-Mart. TLDR: Wal-mart sucks. And if you aren't too good for Wal-Mart, then where you shop is the least of your worries.

How often do those other local retail stores actually pay better? Generally speaking, retail work usually pays like shit, small retailers even lower from what I've seen. Usually it's only the owners who make good money with small retail. I can't recall a single time I've seen Walmart be as expensive as  a small local retailer- shit, I remember the IGA a few blocks from my old house selling no name hotdogs for like $4-$5 a pack when they were $1-$2 at Walmart or Kroger (of course this was before the recent inflation, where everything has shot up). That storm situation sucks as an employee, but I'm sure people in the area who needed something critical during that period were glad it was open.


Oh and Aldi kicks ass, by the way. Definitely my first choice for anything they carry. And their pay/benefits look to be way better than the average in that business. They also seem to have zero tolerance for slow or lazy people, looks like one employee there does the work of 3 or 4 of the average sloth-tier Walmart or Kroger employees.

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I rarely shop at target because the closest one is about a 20 minute drive.  but when I do it’s for cooking/baking/home decor related stuff. They have some genuinely nice stuff there and it’s usually on display so you don’t have to guess if what ever you’re getting “works” with what you’re trying to do. 

I could get all this at bed bath and beyond but they’re ridiculously overpriced and their stores are an ikea like maze but way more confusing and nauseating 

Edited by iStu X
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3 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I shop at Target because they actually pay their employees a semblance of a decent wage. 


You guys sound really self centered with this kind of shit. I'm just saying there are more reasons for why people shop where they shop this judgmental crap. I'm frankly sick and tired of subsidizing big ads businesses employee pay with my tax dollars so i dont shop at places like Wal-Mart if i can help it. 

I was never picky about where I shop. As long as its close and cheap, thats all that matters. Why would you or anyone care about how they pay their employees? 

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