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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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14 minutes ago, axeman61 said:

With Adidas dropping Kanye, is that the biggest bag fumble of all time?


Very slowly, this is all becoming real to me. Kanye fucked up 200 mil+ to spit out some tired nazi talking points.

It's definitely up there fam. The only thing worse that comes to mind is the dude that cashed out of Microsoft early. He literally fumbled a bag for like a 1 billion plus dollars 

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49 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I have never heard that befor, but that would be some next level shade lol.

My cousin in law has a internet security company that operates in DC and has government contracts.  He talked about it going around the circles he travels in but the media was not interested in jumping on that grenade.  Buuuuut when you consider who his contacts are and you remember that Hunter banged his dead brother's wife, it's not much of a stretch.  This was also before the laptop scandal had made him a household name.

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19 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

This being mature and takin the high road stuff is draining cuz I like to tell mfers off when they say some rude shit. Biting my tongue is quite the challenge when ppl seem intent on making you cuss them out 😂🤦🏾‍♂️

In my experience, when you get pushed to point where you wish a motherfucker would, people leave you alone.

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13 minutes ago, HD-Man said:

I was told I had a bad attitude and short temper, so I call myself fixing that but now that I have, seems like ppl take that as a go ahead to try me. Ppl fucked with me less when they knew I got heated quick, so what you say has validity 

They try and make you compromise your boundaries, once you've done that they push against them to see how strong they really are. You can be firm while still taking the high ground, you don't have to fold (not saying you are)


What I've done in the past is just ask them what they are doing. Like when you can tell they are trying to push your buttons, I just go "What are you doing, what's your goal here?" And generally they have no answer and look dumb because the majority of people aren't willing to admit they are  an asshole. 

Edited by RSG3
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Closing arguments time... Nick finally woke up and went live with it too


Closing arguments for the state is too good; of course an easy case for 'em though... I didn't know this guy was 40; they just showed his state ID to prove that is indeed him.

*Of course he's going to object to literally everything.

Edited by MillionX
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Well, to be fair, black people were still buying Yeezys when he was saying all the anti-black stuff. If I had a billion dollar deal with him, I'd ride it out too. I don't know how to respond to someone of a different race saying fuck shit about their own race, and I'd imagine Adidas saw that as a "work that out amongst yourselves" squabble, as long as the money kept flowing.

Edited by axeman61
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6 hours ago, axeman61 said:

My bad. I meant outside of what he's known for online. elliephil made it sound like he can't get a regular job for some reason and HAS to be online.

He has a terrible reputation and has said really crazy offensive things that an employer would want to shut the book on. Google searching "Dalaun Sparrow" will bring up so much dirt on him, I don't know how he could get a decent job from an employer.

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That argument about black ppl not caring about Kanye's anti-black comments as reasoning why companies don't care sounds dangerously close to the black on black crime argument being used whenever ppl question police brutality 


With that said Kanye does need to get his shit together. When you find yourself on the same side as Trump, Candice Owens and literal Nazis, that's when you kinda have to take a step back and be like "Yo, wtf am I doing here?". When ppl that terrible are on your side, you've made some poor choices 

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Kanye's ego won't let anyone around him who isn't a yes-man. He can shape his circle on a whim, so it's a bad cycle. He has to want real help. I'm thinking he never will. Hell, I wonder if he's too far gone to even KNOW he needs real help. His selected inmates (like Candace Owens) might be running the asylum at this point.

Edited by axeman61
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I'm Indian - No more than 3 days pass without contacting my parents.


PS.  How the tables have turned.


COVID Death rates now higher in whites than blacks


Get to dancing MAH NIGGAZ!



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Spider-man's Greatest Moments


ASM # 100-102  (1971) - The Six Arm Saga and the first appearance of Lil Wayne err Michael Morbius!




Gwen Stacy returns to MURRICA after her father's death to be with Peter.

In his infinite wisdom, Pete concocts an untested serum to take away his powers.

It doesnt go as planned...




Meanwhile, Michael Morbius is trapped on a boat, and escapes after killing the crew. 

He escapes to an old house owned by Curt Connors where Spidey happens to be working on a cure.



During the scuffle, Curt transforms to Lizard and is bitten by Morbius-partially returning him to human form with scales and then lizard form but with Curt's mind.

Spidey theorizes that an enzyme from Morbius saliva catalyzed a transformation that could be used to remove Spidey's extra limbs. Spidey makes a serum with the enzyme to use on himself.




Later we see in flashback that Morbius was a Nobel Prize winner afflicted with a blood disease that he was trying to cure with the help of his close friend and assistant Nikos;  He uses extracts from vampire bats and electricity (OF COURSE!) in an attempt to cure himself.



Unfortunately, it causes a sort of vampirism induced by science as opposed to supernatural means and Nikos is the first victim of the Living Vampire!




Spidey and Lizard and Michael fight and ultimately  recover a serum, but Morbius crashes into the water and is swept away.

Spidey's extra limbs disappear after taking the serum.



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28 minutes ago, Daemos said:

No she's completely wrong. "Classical Music" is a pinnacle point not just for Western culture but for human culture, it changed EVERYTHING that came after. These kids need to STFU, they've been here for 5 minutes and this is their claim to fame.

I mean...they could teach a bit more world music. That wouldn't be a negative. She's just being stupid dramatic about it. 

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Yea, like there's a whole fucking world of music that I've ever only gotten to discover because of my hobbies. I wouldn't know one single fucking Japanese composer if not for videoganes and anime. 


Shit doesn't even have to be anecdotal, everyone remember when Sony first showed off Ghost of Tsushima and they had a dude on stage playing a really obscure and old Japanese instrument and the internet lost their shit because he was white?


Turns out he's one of the only masters of that instrument left and keeping it alive. That instrument and the sounds it makes may disappear because we emphasis pianos and big brass shit so much. 


Like her premise that Classicsl music is racist is fucking stupid, but her premise that we should teach more music from around the world is not. I'm sorry but acting like the only  music worth teaching is classical because it's the Pinnicle of our achivement and nothing else is worth learning is elitist as fuck. 


I don't even agree with the statement. We've made better music in the last 100 years. Classical is great and we stand on the shoulders of giants but it's also the end of the road. 

Edited by RSG3
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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

Shes not completely wrong...but shes being a little dramatic.

Classical music and the theory behind it is the basis for just about everything that came after it. That's why it's taught. If you understand how classical music works, it's a lot easier to understand everything else. That and the US is an offshoot of Europe. If the US had been established by the Japanese, their music (which is also great) would be the majority of what we studied.


So yes, she is completely wrong and she's just doing this for clicks. "Follow me and find out"


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8 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

. That and the US is an offshoot of Europe. If the US had been established by the Japanese, their music (which is also great) would be the majority of what we studied.

This proves me right. There's more then just Classical to learn. 

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7 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

Yea, like there's a whole fucking world of music that I've ever only gotten to discover because of my hobbies. I wouldn't know one single fucking Japanese composer if not for videoganes and anime. 


Shit doesn't even have to be anecdotal, everyone remember when Sony first showed off Ghost of Tsushima and they had a dude on stage playing a really obscure and old Japanese instrument and the internet lost their shit because he was white?


I honestly hate the idea that a certain race can only keep certain traditions alive because of cultural appropriation.  Especially if said person is showing respect to tradition and demonstrating how to play instrument properly.  My kids are 1/4th Persian and went to a Zoroastrian festival and were the whitest kids there and not a single person at the festival gave a single fuck.  But when some white person on social media saw my kids wearing traditional garb, they were so triggered they had to comment on it.  It's so fucking stupid because they wouldn't have said shit if my kids looked Persian so at the core this is basically a new progressive form of racism.

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2 minutes ago, J-ride said:

I honestly hate the idea that a certain race can only keep certain traditions alive because of cultural appropriation.  Especially if said person is showing respect to tradition and demonstrating how to play instrument properly.  My kids are 1/4th Persian and went to a Zoroastrian festival and were the whitest kids there and not a single person at the festival gave a single fuck.  But when some white person on social media saw my kids wearing traditional garb, they were so triggered they had to comment on it.  It's so fucking stupid because they wouldn't have said shit if my kids looked Persian so at the core this is basically a new progressive form of racism.

That situation is reminds me of what happened with Adele. They aren't the same but it just brings it to mind. IIRC Adele dressed in traditional Jamaican attire for a Jamaican festival and of course people from the US had dumb shit to say. Meanwhile people actually from Jamaican thought it was cool that she wore traditional attire. Now I'm thinking about some Americans (Twidiots) bitching about Ghost of Tsushima while the Japanese adored it. 


Edit: Anyone else use Twidiots before? It just came to mind and I like the sound of it.

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I had to look that up


ADELE is facing claims of "cultural appropriation" for wearing her hair in bantu knots while in a Jamaican bikini.












Some commenters quickly called out Adele for cultural appropriation, saying that the singer has no claim to Jamaican culture. Others pointed out that Bantu knots, for that matter, originated with the Zulu people of South Africa, though they’ve been appropriated by other white celebrities in recent years. However, a number of celebrities came to the pop star’s defense, complementing the singer’s style, including Naomi Campbell, who left a string of heart and Jamaican-flag emojis. Zoe Saldana also replied, “You look right at home guurrrl,” while Chelsea Handler simply said, “Oh, yeah, baby!”


The Notting Hill Carnival was founded in 1966, primarily organized by activist Rhaune Laslett, with the intention of encouraging the integration of the neighborhood’s diverse cultures and promote cultural unity. Tottenham, the neighborhood in North London where Adele grew up, is also known for having a large Jamaican diaspora community.



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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

This proves me right. There's more then just Classical to learn. 



Where did anybody say that classical is the ONLY music out there? No shit there's more than just classical to learn about, but most people aren't music majors and most world music doesn't apply to anything in their lives in any way. Schools struggle to teach them enough things that DO apply. This is a super goofy argument you're making here.

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I could have seen an argument for the cultural capital of classical music being "racist".  Like, in the sense that someone who is more familiar with classical music might be thought to be better educated, or just smarter, than someone who isn't.  And a kid's access to and familiarity with orchestral music being more a function of the family's affluence and background than anything to do with the kid.

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4 hours ago, J-ride said:

I honestly hate the idea that a certain race can only keep certain traditions alive because of cultural appropriation.  Especially if said person is showing respect to tradition and demonstrating how to play instrument properly.  My kids are 1/4th Persian and went to a Zoroastrian festival and were the whitest kids there and not a single person at the festival gave a single fuck.  But when some white person on social media saw my kids wearing traditional garb, they were so triggered they had to comment on it.  It's so fucking stupid because they wouldn't have said shit if my kids looked Persian so at the core this is basically a new progressive form of racism.


The imbeciles that adhere to the cultural appropriation nonsense don't know how culture works.

Culture lives, thrives and grows by sharing it.

It is malleable/plastic since it always changes.


Most people are cool with sharing their culture with those who want to learn it in earnest.

Usually, the only ones complaining about culture appropriation are white people who think they are talking for the cultures they are "defending", but the people on those cultures don't have any problem with it.

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4 hours ago, RSG3 said:

This proves me right. There's more then just Classical to learn. 


Bro, the music that you learn/is teached always depends of where you come from.

In japan they teach japanese classical music

In latin america, depending of the country, since we are a mixture of european, indigenous and african, we learn a mixture of those.

etc, etc.


One of the reasons why european music theory is taught is because is standarized and is one of the few that it has formal nomenclature.

None of the indigenous music in my country has a written system, so to have the tools that we inherited from the european side is what has allowed us to preserve most of the music instead of letting it to disappear and be forgotten.


Otherwise, all of them would have been long gone because most indigenous groups have left their language and traditions behind, since the younger gens are not interested and many of the old ones don't want to teach since is a hassle to them.


Like DoctaMario said, most schools around the world already struggle with teaching music relevant to their own country.

If people want to learn music from other places we have tools now that allows us to learn them from the source like with youtube, online courses, etc.

Plus many majors offer those kind of courses as optionals anyway.


Her take is absolutely stupid and wrong.


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37 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Bro, the music that you learn/is teached always depends of where you come from.

And my whole position is we could teach broader. I know why it's taught, I know why things are taught where they are taught, my only real claim as Americans could broaden the cultures of music we teach. That's really all I said 

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