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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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I find the discourse around body count to be disingenuous. Does body count matter? Yes. Why? If it didn't matter, men and women wouldn't lie about it. Are there people that don't care about it? Yes. Are they the majority? No. In general men want women with low body counts and women want men with high body counts. What men and women find desirable are typically not the same. Most men will date down, most women will not. Most women want a man that is taller than them. Most men want women that are smaller than them. The exception is not the rule. People need to stop pretending that's the case.

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I think men and women lie about their body counts because other people care, and know it will be held against them so they lie. People wouldn't lie if they weren't shamed for it. It's entirely a cultural issue of people caring about shit that doesn't actually matter.

Edited by RSG3
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11 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

If anything it'll just shift the consumption of the gas from the people using the stoves to the power plants that will power the electric ones that will replace them. Electricity doesn't just come out of thin air (well most of the time anyway lol) and the additional load on power plants will have to be mitigated somehow (probably with fossil fuels.) 


Most of these "green" solutions aren't actually solutions, they're band aids that just delay the inevitable, shift the blame to everyday people who are a nominal part of the problem, and keep the ACTUAL biggest polluters (corporations, governments, militaries, and some farmers) from being accountable.

I'm aware of all that, but it's also about the inefficiency of piping gas out to every house, the amount that leaks both from the lines and also the appliances, and the fact that most of the byproducts from the combustion really aren't good for the people breathing them.


Even if we keep burning the same volume of fossil fuel, doing it in far fewer, centralized locations that have the means to handle it better is just way smarter.

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Quiznos’ off-key Spongmonkeys are back



But it wouldn’t last

Several misfortunes and bad decisions occurred:

  • Competitor Subway started toasting its subs
  • The Great Recession led to numerous store closures
  • Quiznos settled with several franchisees who sued over being forced to purchase food and paper goods from a subsidiary at above-market prices

Quiznos filed for bankruptcy in 2014, and fewer than 200 remain today.

In 2018…

… private equity firm High Bluff Capital bought Quiznos and placed it under the care of its restaurant platform, REGO Restaurant Group.

REGO is mounting a comeback with a new look, menu items, and drive-thrus.






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31 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I think men and women lie about their body counts because other people care, and know it will be held against them so they lie. People wouldn't lie if they weren't shamed for it. It's entirely a cultural issue of people caring about shit that doesn't actually matter.

Shit that doesn't matter to you and does matter for the majority. Objectively, it does matter because a single person's body count can have an adverse affect on their ability to attract the person they desire. That's why I find the discussion around the topic disingenuous. Wanting the situation to be different doesn't change the reality. It you want to say body count shouldn't matter that's fine, but saying it doesn't matter just isn't true.  

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1 hour ago, Reticently said:

I'm aware of all that, but it's also about the inefficiency of piping gas out to every house, the amount that leaks both from the lines and also the appliances, and the fact that most of the byproducts from the combustion really aren't good for the people breathing them.


Even if we keep burning the same volume of fossil fuel, doing it in far fewer, centralized locations that have the means to handle it better is just way smarter.

Fair point. I guess my whole issue is that with politicians pushing more and more electric "solutions" to climate problems, it's going to put more and more stress on the power grid and cause different problems, whereas gas, with all the inefficiency it entails, doesn't. A lot of climate "activists" seem to ignore the problems their "solutions" would likely create.

Edited by DoctaMario
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17 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

it's going to put more and more stress on the power grid and cause different problems

True, but the way I look at it is that the power grid already needs thorough upgrading anyway, so we might as well bake in the extra capacity to replace gas while we're doing it.


That is another good reason why it's dumb to try and rush getting off gas too quickly though.

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2 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I think men and women lie about their body counts because other people care, and know it will be held against them so they lie. People wouldn't lie if they weren't shamed for it. It's entirely a cultural issue of people caring about shit that doesn't actually matter.

Is not only a cultural thing.

A high body count points to a lot of mental health issues and very likely health issues like STD's.


Some people actually value intimacy, and there is not a problem for them to actually care about the body count and be with someone compatible with their values, regardless if is due religion, culture, morals, personal preference.



Edited by Hecatom
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30 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Fair point. I guess my whole issue is that with politicians pushing more and more electric "solutions" to climate problems, it's going to put more and more stress on the power grid and cause different problems, whereas gas, with all the inefficiency it entails, doesn't. A lot of climate "activists" seem to ignore the problems their "solutions" would likely create.


Isn't a lot of the electricity on the USA powered by carbon?

Cuz, migrating from gas stoves to electric one, is just moving the burden to a different place without really doing anything about it.


Here in latin america it depends of the country, in mine, electric stoves are the norm, with the gas ones using their own tank that you refill.

In El Salvador, the norm are gas stoves, and like here, they have their own tanks that you refill.


Also, both countires have most of their electricity comne from renovable sources like dams, wind, geothermic etc.

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7 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

I high body count points to a lot of mental health issues and very likely health issues like STD's.

Just how high a body count are you talking, 😅


Seriously though, I'm taking about healthy normal women who've happened to have an above average number of partners, not people with actual mental problems who are out there fucking indiscriminately.  Those women are going to be problematic partners regardless of body count.


7 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Cuz, migrating from gas stoves to electric one, is just moving the burden to a different place without really doing anything about it.

Gas appliances have their own problems, to the point where long term it's just better to burn the gas centrally for electricity than to pipe it into homes.  Which is a shame, because as someone who cooks a lot it really is a bit nicer to cook on a gas stove.

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ah, thinking about it again from Secret Invasion... sheeeeit imagine how cool it would be to have all those powers for real.  There is obviously nothing in this world that could stop you...nothing has a's gamebreaker status *just* to have Thanos and/or Captain Marvel + Hulk power.  Anything beyond that is just cool bonus power like little passives in an rpg.  I'd laugh as the entire combined military force of the world's nations try and fail to stop me. 

Fortunately for the human race... I don't *usually* have any desire to eradicate or enslave it.  I'd be kind enough to allow this species to continue existing....partly for the sake of entertainment value at least.

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The body count debate. Here's my two cents.

A lot of women would say body count doesn't or shouldn't matter. That is until they're asked what if they had a well accomplish son who brought a woman home with a known body count. They immediately change up.


This isn't just with body count. A lot of things women say men should be fine with or shouldn't care about. They back track on when it concerns their own sons. Make of that what ya will.

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19 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I didn't watch Secret Invasion and based on what I've heard, I didn't miss much. One thing I heard REALLY pissed a lot of people of though. And I see why.

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When Tony died, it wasn't the real Rhodey that was there it was the Skrull Rhodey....yeah that's fucked up. His best friend died and an impostor was there when he said his last words.


I watched the last episode and it wasn't confirmed. This seems more like a mountain out of a mole hill because . . . 



Rhodey has braces on up through Endgame and bleeds red in that movie. In all appearances after Endgame (e.g., F&WS, Secret Invasion), he doesn't have the magic robo-braces. The final episode confirmed the situation regarding Rhody increasing his step count.



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47 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:

That is until they're asked what if they had a well accomplish son who brought a woman home with a known body count. They immediately change up.

Who's advertising their body count to their man's mom?  That lack of social IQ is a strike against them regardless.  Irrespective of whatever mom's internalized from hearing all her life that people are supposed to be low key ashamed about having sex.


I'm not trying to tell anybody what they should or shouldn't be attracted to in a partner.  Just saying that the whole Madonna/whore dichotomy shoved at women isn't doing anybody any favors.


Shit, it's hard enough maintaining intimacy in an ltr after a few years when all the sexual urgency of a new relationship has worn off.  Partnering up with someone who just isn't that into sex, or who didn't have the context to tell if they were even that sexually compatible with you is a really common marital deathknell.

Edited by Reticently
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6 hours ago, RSG3 said:

I think men and women lie about their body counts because other people care, and know it will be held against them so they lie. People wouldn't lie if they weren't shamed for it. It's entirely a cultural issue of people caring about shit that doesn't actually matter.

I think you and I have a different definition of what it means for something to "matter". If people lie about it matters. They lie because potential repercussions. One of which you listed yourself. There are a lot things that shouldn't matter that unfortunately do.

27 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Three insecure dudes have been spotted and not even remotely surprised by who they aRe. 😂 

body count shouldn’t matter and doesn’t matter unless it increases while you’re with them. Unless you have poly relationship or whatever. 

As I said in my earlier post, you can say it shouldn't matter but the reality is that it does. Because something doesn't matter to you, doesn't make it the general rule. That is some "my truth" level bullshit to frank with you. Dudes say they have slept with more women than they really have. Women say they've slept with less people than they actually have. This occurs for a reason. Body count matters to the general society at large. There are plenty of things in society that shouldn't matter. Skin color, gender, sexual orientation are three that immediately come to mind. Unfortunately those things to matter to society at large. 


TLDR: If you have to say that something shouldn't matter. Then it does matter. It wouldn't need to be stated otherwise. Also, I find it funny that you are calling three people insecure yet don't name them.

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53 minutes ago, iStu X said:



Don't you love when someone doesn't have an intelligent way to defend their argument they retort to attack the masculinity of the others like a toddler, specially because they can't handle anyone disagreeing with them 😆

I bet you are one step away of calling anyone that disagrees with you here an incel, if not that you are already doing it on a discord where the people in question are not in 🤣

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Just now, Reticently said:

Some of us are arguing about whether it's a thing some people care about, and the others over whether it's a stupid thing for society to care about.  Talking right past each other.


At the end of the day, is about preference.

Like I said, some people do value intimacy and see it as a negative, and is their right to care about this if is something that they feel that can be a conflict in their relationship.

This is regardless if is men caring about women's body count, or women caring about men's body count.


Also, like I mentioned, there are inherent health risks for people that are more promiscuous.

There are certain tendencies in lives styles as well that can be easily seen as negatives or lead to negative factors be health, financial, etc.


And this is without entering into the psychology territory that can lead to a person to be hypersexual, where in certain cases, can be tied to different personality disorders, or point even to a past where the person in question is a victim of some form of abuse, even sexual abuse, so they end coping by becoming hypersexual as a mechanism to regain control, but usually is not healthy.




Add that the continuous use of birth control methods that involve hormones have been documented to lead to mental health issues like depression in a good amount of women, and it can be easily assumed that a woman that engages more frequently into casual hookups are on birth control methods.


It is argued by some studies that the hypersexual behaviours in some women can be a direct result to this, creating a feedback loop, where the depression/anxiety/other mental health issues derived from the continuous use is seek to be placated by their hypersexuality.


Combine that with the abuse of alcohol and substance and you have a problem that only keeps increasing.

Edited by Hecatom
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I agree with a lot of that.  I just think that, particularly in the US, there are a lot of competing expectations put on women that catch up perfectly normal people. 


People who are hypersexual due to mental health issues are another matter entirely.  My wife had a sister-in-law who was hypersexual because of bipolar disorder, and would fuck homeless guys during her manic periods.  That's obviously a whole other class of problems, not a healthy person who just happened to date more guys than average.

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Just now, Reticently said:

I agree with a lot of that.  I just think that, particularly in the US, there are a lot of competing expectations put on women that catch up perfectly normal people. 


People who are hypersexual due to mental health issues are another matter entirely.  My wife had a sister-in-law who was hypersexual because of bipolar disorder, and would fuck homeless guys during her manic periods.  That's obviously a whole other class of problems, not a healthy person who just happened to date more guys than average.


Usually the convo goes about people that have body count way above of average.

Like gals that are under 24 and are having a body count of 200.

They are obviously outliers.

But you could make an argument that having a body count beyond 20 is already passing a point of what can be healthy since it can point that there could be a problem lingering under (be a man or a woman)

The average world wide, for both men and women is between 4 and 8.


Like I mentioned on my edit, there have been studies that point a correlation of hypersexuality due the continuous use of birth control methods that involve hormones.

And the combination of that, plus any mental health issue that could be already present, or form in part do the BCM and the abuse of alcohol and/or substances creates a feedback loop that maximizes the hypersexuality.


Also, another thing I forgot to mention, is that hypersexuality in both men and women can be a sign of a personality prone to addictions.


To try to argue that there are not valid reasons of why people care about this is foolish.

(Not saying that you are doing that, just putting it out there as a general statement)



 My wife had a sister-in-law who was hypersexual because of bipolar disorder, and would fuck homeless guys during her manic periods.


Man that really sucks, I hope she is better now, but reading the had, dunno if something happened to her, or if she cut ties with the family of your wife.

Edited by Hecatom
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1 hour ago, iStu X said:

Three insecure dudes have been spotted and not even remotely surprised by who they are. 😂 

Sorry I'm trying to work on my Youtube channel and prepare for work at the park later today but I'll simply say this. 


You're being a smug asshole here with this notion that your thought process is the right one. It's ONE point of view. BOTH myself and my wife asked each other years ago how many we have both slept with and while it's a bit uncomfy to state, it helped us understand things between us better as we talked things out. Yes for some it doesn't matter but data has shown that pair bonding generally speaking has better success with couples who have had less sexual partners. YOU may not feel you need to know, and YOU may feel you're an exception to the date but that doesn't make you more confident/secure man vs me. Next time don't be a coward and @ me if you think you disagree with my dislike. This isn't Twitter (or X is it?) we've all been on this forum long enough to be better than that. 

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5 minutes ago, TheInfernoman said:



You're being a smug asshole here with this notion that your thought process is the right one. It's ONE point of view.


This. This right here is why he and I had our exchange several months back in regards to a similar topic. After which I no longer saw him in a good light and no longer engage with him.


Disagreement on how we view life, dating etc? That's fine. Straight up disrespect and talking down to people because you don't like their ideals and stance? You're dead to me

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14 minutes ago, BB_Hoody said:




And you know what is the funny thing.

I never stated that is my personal stance to care or not care about the body count, but what I did was to disagree that is only insecure men and proceeded to point that there are valid reason why people of both sexes care about such thing.


(I took some time to post my reply cuz I was donating blood since my father is getting a minor surgery on monday)


In my case it depends of the person in question, since I have been with people with a higher body count than me, the same I have been with people with less than me or even 0.

Is all about their character, and how they handle themselves on daily basis.


For some people is important, for other isn't, and the reasons for this vary.

Lumping everyone in one sack, and specially one as dumb as hurr durr, men insecure, hurr dur is just dumb and reductive, done in bad faith to try to shut down any conversation.


Is like trying to say that someone not wanting to involve themselves with someone who drinks too much/too often or does weed is being prudish and shouldn't matter.


Edited by Hecatom
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10 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

Shit that doesn't matter to you and does matter for the majority.

Yea obviously, I figured I didn't need to put "imo" at the end of a very clearly opinionated position. And yall shouldn't care about that shit, it effecting your desire to be with someone is really sad and you close yourself off from a lot of really great people over something doesn't fucking matter. 


In My Opinion. 

Edited by RSG3
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4 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

They lie because potential repercussions

That's literally what i said in my post. They lie because they know people will shame them, or think negatively of them, or some kind of societal repercussion will occur from being honest. They don't lie because it matters to them they lie because it matters to YOU.


I'm glad you actually agree with me on this when we get down to the heart of the issue. People lie about their body count because of how other people will react to it.


The only thing we actually don't agree on here is that body count matters when looking for a relationship with a stable and normal individual. I don't think it does, if they've had so much sex they are messed up from it, 99% of the time they have way deeper seeded issues then a high body count. They where probably abused when they where younger or some other thing. The issue then isn't the body count, its unaddressed mental traumas or issues, but society sees it as easier to call them loose and "Used goods" then treat them like a person and help them with their issues.


Edit: On a slightly different note, gonna agree that thumbing down posts you disagree with without the intent being to mod the post, since we all know the thumbs down is a post bury tool, is kinda bitch made, IMO.


But do what you will.

Edited by RSG3
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