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The MEGASHOCK Saloon Thread 3: Chinder Chagger Edition

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searching for Katy Perry pics one day a few months ago... I remember noticing one picture where she apparently dressed up as a turd.  I forgot if I mentioned that here before or not, but of course that day she gained some bonus points with me.  A girl with that particular sense of humor...yeah that's an instant winner right there.  


Ooh---couples idea right there---she dresses up as a turd...and I'd dress up as a fly! Hell yeah...

Edited by MillionX
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8 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

Just fucking divorce her.  Jesus.

I heard Will Smith confirmed this separation in his book from a year ago. They're not divorced, but they're essentially living separate lives. It makes the Oscars that much weirder for me.


I'm trying not to get on Jada as much as everyone else; if their marriage is open at all, Will HAS to have a stream of pussy he's wearing out. But it's clear this marriage/arrangement/whatever isn't working for either of them. Will, I think, is just trying to avoid divorce court running his pockets like Omar.

Edited by axeman61
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Will Smith is that guy who is wildly successful beyond any realistic expectation, and still somehow ended up in need of like... serious life advice from regular dudes.


It's like, what- does this guy have absolutely zero normal people friends in his life?   I almost never say this, but there's a guy who legitimately belongs in therapy, if only so that someone can walk him through this shit.

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1 hour ago, Reticently said:

Will Smith is that guy who is wildly successful beyond any realistic expectation, and still somehow ended up in need of like... serious life advice from regular dudes.


It's like, what- does this guy have absolutely zero normal people friends in his life?   I almost never say this, but there's a guy who legitimately belongs in therapy, if only so that someone can walk him through this shit.

I try to keep in mind that we're on the outside looking in. For all we know, their thing is 100% OK for them. Hell, Will might be doing WAY out-of-pocket shit behind the scenes.


But it's looking REAL rough from outside. It's looking like preserving his fortune is the only logical reason to remain married to Jada.

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1 hour ago, RSG3 said:

Kim still pretending his country is socialist lol. 

It's absolutely a socialist country, but it's what you could call "late stage" socialism lol

31 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

What's the punishment for committing suicide in North Korea?

They probably make life even more of a living hell for the surviving family members and friends. They have some kind of system in place where if your ancestors opposed the Kim family during the revolution, they treat the subsequent family members like absolute shit assuming they let them live, and that kind of thing happens for a lot of different "offenses" I guess.

Edited by DoctaMario
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I don't even know if you can call it late stage socialism when it never got the early and middle parts.


It's more like early stage Soviet communism that had the totalitarian revolution and just stopped right there without even pretending to try it was going to make anything better for anyone.  It's kind of brilliant, I guess?  It never has to go through the whole thing with communism being unworkable because it never even gets to the part where it tries to do communism.

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52 minutes ago, Chadouken said:

Sounds more like a dictatorship.

Socialism is called a "dictatorship of the proletariat" but it inevitably winds up being a dictatorship of people pretending to serve the interests of the proletariat while just trying to maintain their grip on power.

26 minutes ago, Reticently said:

I don't even know if you can call it late stage socialism when it never got the early and middle parts.


It's more like early stage Soviet communism that had the totalitarian revolution and just stopped right there without even pretending to try it was going to make anything better for anyone.  It's kind of brilliant, I guess?  It never has to go through the whole thing with communism being unworkable because it never even gets to the part where it tries to do communism.

I was being facetious saying it was "late stage" since pretty much every socialist country pretty much winds up stuck in the first stage. The pathway to communism is nigh impossible given the limitations socialist regimes place on themselves anyway, but even if a country was close, the transition to communism would rely on people who have power within the system to simply cast off that power and renounce the thing that makes their lives better than that it's the people they rule over, which as we all know, almost never happens.


It's also interesting how much the story of a communist paradise parallels the Christian conception of Heaven/Paradise on Earth, though I'd say Paradise is more likely to come to pass than communism lol

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14 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I was being facetious saying it was "late stage" since pretty much every socialist country pretty much winds up stuck in the first stage.

I kinda got that you were half joking, but I also see how on a long enough timeline China style socialism could end up looking a lot like North Korea so I wasn't sure 😁


And I meant "communism" as it was actually went down with state controlled economies, not Marx's pie-in-the-sky stuff.  Marx's stuff kind of reminds me of polyamory, and there are barely even any groups of three people who can keep polyamory from falling apart for very long, never mind full countries.

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