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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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1 minute ago, Hecatom said:


I can't help but feel like Billy Mitchell just stays winning from all these people bringing up his name and making videos about him. Like what has he done recently game wise and people just can't help themselves. He'd have been a footnote but now he's a love-to-hate-him type of supervillain due to all the attention these people give him, and I honestly don't think he cares either way as long as he's relevant.

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So, for those on Xbox that were waiting for it, Baldur's Gate 3 is apparently available NOW on there.... surprising that they didn't choose to announce this during the VGAs since it was going to be available that soon afterwards.  heh, my friend that hates Sony systems can finally play it; I made sure to text him the news a little while ago.  


I hate that Gamestop is most likely on the way out... I went there today, and despite the hours posted on the door clearly saying they would be open at 10am on Saturdays, it was still closed with that metal gate thing rolled down, like no one had arrived yet to open the store (*note--this was at about 10:55)....they could've got some business from me today since I'm Christmas shopping but so much for that.  I went over to Best Buy----- there is actually a physical version of Dead Cells on Switch that has the Castlevania content included; this was a surprise... there was physical versions before but I wasn't aware of 1 that included the Castlevania stuff + all previous DLCs....and for some crazy reason all that was only about 20 bucks.

Edited by MillionX
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So...There's been some drama involving Sonicfox, Waka Flocka and Nobi as there's been a fall out over a payment not fully paid from the event because Sonicfox decided to decline signing on with the company.   So Nobi is claiming Sonicfox breached the contract they had and that's why he's not entitlted to the other part of the 5K for the event.


started here

I'm assuming Sonicfox sent a message about the money to them in not a public space and this was the response....soooooo...


That whole conversation SF posted is kinda eerie to be honest both parties were still courteous even though they were still constantly pushing him to join and he kept declining them after he found out Waka supports Trump.  He didn't even call Waka a homophobe or a racist he just pretty much said I can't associate with that.  So it's really weird that Nobi kept bringing up Waka wasn't that when that wasn't the issue.



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13 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Not really, since he still didn't donate the money for years.

They never claimed he stole it, but that there was something fishy about the whole situation.


Like Mudah said, the money staying in an account, even if it was not misappropriated was there missing its value due devaluation.


I'm willing to bet that if those videos about the foundation weren't posted, the money would still be sitting there.

Edited by JGreen
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18 hours ago, DoctaMario said:

I can't help but feel like Billy Mitchell just stays winning from all these people bringing up his name and making videos about him. Like what has he done recently game wise and people just can't help themselves. He'd have been a footnote but now he's a love-to-hate-him type of supervillain due to all the attention these people give him, and I honestly don't think he cares either way as long as he's relevant.

Billy isn't winning. All these legal fees will take its toll at some point. He doing this to protect a reputation he never had. He's letting pride fast track him into becoming broke. 

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It's debatable how much the legal drama and fighting for a "who cares" reputation is hurting him, but it's not helping by any means. His biggest source of income is from a chain of restaurants either he or his family owns, and I doubt this is helping things.  It's not like Billy is out there promoting the restaurants when dealing with legal matters. And it's not like people want to try the restaurants just because they're attached to him.

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10 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I got a chance to watch Jirard's response and oh man...looks like those people who put that stuff up about him might want to consider lawyering up.

Why? Muta and Karl never accused him of anything. Just asked questions and brought up inconsistencies in the history of the charity and Jirards conversations with them. 

jirard has stumbled and tripped over himself constantly since all this stuff has been brought up. He’s also scrubbed a lot of his social media history. He doesn’t look even remotely innocent 

Edited by iStu X
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Muta and Karl are fine, they were working from public documents and records. Jirard is the one that has to be worried. If this really is his only planned public statement, he is making it a point to sweep this under the rug to minimize any further damage to his reputation. If he was smart, his charity should be shut down after all the money is distributed.

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51 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Why? Muta and Karl never accused him of anything. Just asked questions and brought up inconsistencies in the history of the charity and Jirards conversations with them. 

jirard has stumbled and tripped over himself constantly since all this stuff has been brought up. He’s also scrubbed a lot of his social media history. He doesn’t look even remotely innocent 

I'm basing off of what Jirard said near the end.  That's of course if he's actually serious about it.   If they didn't actually accuse him of anything then they have nothing to worry about.

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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

I'm basing off of what Jirard said near the end.  That's of course if he's actually serious about it.   If they didn't actually accuse him of anything then they have nothing to worry about.


They were very careful to not throw accusations and actually point out that any inconsistencies were money was used was probably administrative costs used for the events.

They mostly stayed on the side of why the money has not been donated yet.



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38 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


They were very careful to not throw accusations and actually point out that any inconsistencies were money was used was probably administrative costs used for the events.

They mostly stayed on the side of why the money has not been donated yet.



Good.  If they didn't throw accusations or anything they did could be considered slander or what not then again they don't have anything to worry about.  I haven't watched most of the videos leading up to this point but I'm assuming that the clips that were used in Jirard's videos were probably from some of their own but IIRC Jirard didn't specifically say that he was going after them he just gave a general "We're potentially looking into going after the ones who wrongly accused and slandered us".  If that includes Muta and Karl and they didn't do any wrong doing then again they don't have anything to worry about.  If there are other people involved in the drama other than those 2 that Jirard might be alluding to and they didn't do make sure to not overstep the line then they may have to lawyer up. 

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Curse of the Dead Gods-- there's daily "events" in this game as well; I forgot about that... the payout is nice as you get that crystal skull currency at a rate of 2 per completed room then 10 I think if you finish that run successfully.  

This latest adventure I had a 5th/final curse activated just a few rooms away from the boss....but the nature of the "event" helped out... the 5th curse was one that constantly drains my health away until 1 hp... but the event gave me a cursed weapon that grants "bloodlust" healing every time I killed something with it, so that at least slowed the rate of health decay going on from the curse.  There so many interesting things about how this game is designed... I just happen to love that concept of harsh risk vs. rewards...curses and other horrible effects in relation to the player's at altars when you're getting a weapon or have a choice usually of offering gold or blood... a blood offering corrupts and pushes you closer and closer to the next magical curse (on top of the "+20 corruption per room" that happens naturally as you proceed further into these dungeons.)  The 5th and final curses are designed to of course be worse than the previous ones....and there's a few options the player has to try and avoid so much corruption, like offering found weapons/items to the gods instead of taking the item... you get a random beneficial effect and 1 of those could be "Remove ___ corruption."

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On 12/9/2023 at 3:48 PM, Faltimar the Dark said:

Any of you guys play Bomb Rush Cyberfunk?  Figured with as much as you guys like Jet Set you'd be all over Bomb Rush.  I thought it was ok.  I was never a big fan of Jet Set Radio.  Was too simple for me I think, same with Bomb Rush.  I guess when Jet Set first came around I was hoping it would be like thps but with cell shading and graffiti.

i was all over it. yea it was a blast. my only gripe was collectables. i didnt mind em not being on the map like in jsrf but that the game didnt even tell u if u collected all for a stage/lvl or not. but they patched it. it was fun and a great honorable rip off of jet. tbh i hope they make a sequel. oh yea my other gripe w it was that all the different characters were just the same universal character but withdifferent skins. no point in unlocking a new character when all characters had same exact stats and abilities. unlocking different characters in jsr/jsrf was fun cuz every character played differently. diff ability. stamina, speed, jump height. but in brc unlocking characters was meh. they looked cool. but they all felt samey. 

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A lawyer made a post on ResetEra regarding the Jirard situation.  I'm hoping maybe Legal Eagle will cover this situation at some point the future but this will have to do for now.


Copy pasted post


Hi Era,

Lawyer here. I want to talk a bit about the high-wire tightrope act that is a dispute like this. There's a lot of talk about lawyers being thrown around here and I thought it might be interesting to give my perspective on this. Rather than dive into the nitty-gritty, I think I will stay at 10,000 feet to give you a more general picture of how I view the situation. It may be possible to dive deeper on an issue or two later though.

I'm going to quote myself to try and keep the post size small.

A couple caveats:
  • The law is frequently different from state to state (and country to country of course!). There is a lot of commonality, but my perspective is from a specific place and the variations in law can be significant across the U.S. For example, in my state, communication to the government in good faith on a matter of public concern gets special protection and defendants get special protection from lawsuits based on things they say to the government. This is an anti-SLAAP law, but it is not the only kind of anti-SLAAP law. They work differently in every state. My State's anti-SLAAP law probably would not help Mutahar and Jobst, but another state's might. The anti-SLAAP law is not the be all end all though. You can still win or lose whether or not it applies.
  • Although I have advised people on defamation issues on a number of occasions, I have never filed or defended a defamation lawsuit on behalf of a client. They are difficult cases and the evidence needs to be good. A defamation case is expensive and hard to win and they are rare as a result. Thus, my perspective is "trained" but not "expert" on this subject.
Alright so, let's answer some questions about this debacle

What is a defamation claim?

Defamation is a legal claim that asks for compensation for reputational damage caused by a false statement. As a result, truth is an absolute defense to defamation.

How do you prove defamation?

The plaintiff has to prove (in the most basic, general sense):
  • The defendant made a false statement of fact about the plaintiff.
    • the key detail is that it defamation usually needs to be based on falsifiable claims—the statement: "Fred is a idiot," is probably not defamation because it is opinion rather than purely factual. As you can imagine, this gets messy very fast. Defamation is a very complicate area of the law.
  • The false statement caused damage to the defendant.
Did Jobst and Mutahar overstep in their criticism of Jirard?

If I was advising either Mutahar or Jobst, I would have advised against saying things like, "they should go to prison" or "this meets the definition of charity fraud." That is a reckless thing to say and it invites a lawsuit. It could make a jury hate you if your claims turn out to be false, even if you meant well. Never underestimate the power of a jury to weigh you in the balance and get even! Jobst and Mutahar said more than they could possibly know and relied on deduction and speculation to get their point across. That is shaky ground when you are playing with someone's reputation. It is not crazy to imagine that this debacle permanently damages Jirard's earning power. If Jirard is totally or mostly innocent, that could lead to big damages. It seems like Jobst and Mutahar could have had a similar impact and been less risky if they had thought harder about how to present their information. This was a big misstep in my view.

Nevertheless, just because it is unwise or inadvisable to say a thing, does not mean it's defamatory.

From my perspective, one thing that Mutahar and Jobst did well is that they disclosed to the viewer what they were basing their judgments on. In my state, opinions are usually not defamatory, unless they imply the existence of an undisclosed defamatory fact (e.g. "I can't tell you why, but based on what I know, Tina is a thief!" – this implies knowledge that would lead the listener to believe the speaker knows something damning. if the allegations are false, this opinon might still be defamation as a result.) By disclosing the basis for their opinions, they make a suit much more difficult to prosecute. Jobst and Mutahar can say "Every factual claim I made was true, everything else was an opinion you have no case." The parties will fight about whether "I think this meets the definition of charity fraud" is an opinion or an allegation of fact.

Should Jirard sue?

In my opinion this is a long shot and I would likely advise against it. Though, I have to note that I do not have the benefit of private information. If I had seen the books or knew more behind the scenes, I could change my mind on this--though that does not feel likely to me. As I see it, there is a lot of smoke coming from the direction of Jirard. It is rare that there is that much smoke and no fire. Basically everybody has something to hide and I think Jirard is no different.

Because truth is an absolute defense to defamation, suing someone for defamation opens you up to the inquiry process called "discovery." Discovery basically gives the parties to a lawsuit the right to gather information from the other side to use as evidence. They can demand documents, ask you questions and generally dig around in your life with few limits on the inquiry beyond staying reasonably focused on the claims in the case. After proper discovery the parties usually have very few secrets from each other as far as evidence goes.

If Jirard were to sue, he would have to be supremely confident that everything is totally and completely above board. However, if there are skeletons in the closet, suing Jobst or Mutahar would let them seek discovery. They would be able to dig deep into Jirard's personal life and his charity's books in search of evidence that their claims were true. Based on what I have seen from the public information, I think it's likely that Jirard's charity was not being managed strictly and carefully. In my experience, most small businesses are full of small (or large) mistakes and missteps in their records—even when the proprietors are trying to be honest. Most business owners are not accountants--they are not even business people! Discovery poses a huge risk to Jirard because we have already seen some mistakes and it would not be crazy to infer their might be more waiting in the shadows to be discovered. I would not want that scrutiny if I were Jirard, especially since there are angry people looking for reasons to take me to task.

There is an extra wrinkle here which is that Jirard may be a "public figure." Public figures get less protection from defamation because the public has a right to speak about people who are in the public eye and to express its opinions on matters of public concern, like politicians, CEOs and celebrities. If Jirard is a public figure (which a court would evaluate and decide), he would need to prove that Jobst and Mutahar were acting with something called "actual malice." That means that the speaker must have spoken "with knowledge that [the statement] was false or with reckless disregard of whether it was false or not." That would be a much harder burden to meet. This rule exists to protect journalists and the like from lawsuits designed to silence them. The First Amendment protects speech and defamation law chills speech. Thus, the Supreme Court (in sullivan, quoted above) tried to tip the scales a bit in favor open discourse in the public arena.

Thus, I do not expect that Jirard will actually file suit. This looks to me like posturing for public perception points. I don't have insider knowledge though. He could take the shot, I am just guessing. Based on what I know, I would be very afraid to let Jobst and his lawyer(s) tear into my personal life and my books. They could find something that sinks the case, or they could find something embarrassing. I often tell clients "don't take the medicine if it's worse than the disease." There is a risk that discovery could be just that.

Is this charity fraud?

I don't know, but I doubt it. I think it's more like charity neglect with a big helping of embarrassing and damaging mismanagement. "Fraud" is a scary word that carries a heavy burden of proof. When you accuse someone of fraud you have to lay out your case "with particularity" which means extra detail. At trial you have to prove it by "clear cogent convincing evidence" in the civil context and "beyond reasonable doubt" in the criminal. Those are higher than the normal standards of proof in a civil lawsuit.

Wikipedia is relatively helpful on the basic idea here: "While the precise definitions and requirements of proof vary among jurisdictions, the requisite elements of fraud as a tort generally are the intentional misrepresentation or concealment of an important fact upon which the victim is meant to rely, and in fact does rely, to the harm of the victim." The difficulty here is "intentional misrepresentation" and "upon which the victim is meant to rely." I have seen commentators in this thread suggest this is an open and shut claim. It is not. From a lay perspective, I think it is deceptive and wrong and to claim you are donating money to charity and name specific charities while secretly sitting on the money. I think a jury would look harshly on Jirard in a defamation jury trial. But looking bad and being guilty of fraud are a long way apart. We could dive very deeply into this issue, but the surface level truth is that there is a fine line between a lie and an honest mistake. A finding of fraud generally needs a judge/jury to clearly see a lie. Trials often make things appear blurry.

What's your take?

The lag in response is very likely to be a sign that the affairs of the charity were not in order. I do not mean that this is a sign that there was criminal behavior, but I do think it is likely that the papers were not in order or perhaps not kept at all. I have seen this kind of a mess a million times with small scale businesses. "Average people" spend a great deal of time assuming everything is fine and not crossing "t's" and dotting "i's." Clients frequently come to me when this cavalier attitude has gotten them in trouble. In my opinion, if the books were in order, it would not have taken this much time to respond. The long response is a sign that things had to be prepared for the first time or reconstructed from fragments. People in the thread have talked about how an accountant would cover this stuff, but in my experience some organizations of this size skip the accountant and try to DIY documents and filings. It would not shock me at all if that happened here. Sometimes the organization give the accountant, false or incomplete info. "Garbage in, garbage out."

What I do find a bit disquieting is the way Jirard seems to have handwaved about the golf tournament. I do not find it believable that they simply ran golf events for exposure while telling participants to send the money directly to open hand. Either it's a benefit or it's advertising. They said it was a benefit and I find it suspicious that they are equivocating about that now. I don't have any special knowledge as to whether such a thing is above board, but it rubs me the wrong way. The IRS filings should reflect the golf event and those expenses should appear clearly in their records. If the golf event is a "break even" style event, then I find the way they did to be scummy whether or not it's illegal. It's not hard to be straightforward and honest from the start. It does not look like they have been. The fact that the facts are still missing on this looks bad to me.

I also think it is a bit too convenient that the final number was $600,000. That screams "round number!" I they should have to explain why that number went out and how it fits into the donation scheme as a whole. If I felt the books totally exonerated me or a client, I would release statements and documents to the public. Despite what some commenters have said, I do not think there is anything keeping them from releasing a a few years of redacted bank statements. Go to the bank, get the statements, cover up your account numbers and show the public that the money has been there the whole time. The fact that this has not happened is a bit concerning. Maybe they will do it in the future. If I were involved, and everything was above board, I would be eager to show it. This is a also a sign that the papers are probably a mess to begin with.

Right now there are still a lot more questions than answers and I am suspicious. You don't have to agree with me. It's just an opinon and mine is not special.


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IGN interview with the Producer of DBZ Sparking Zero


The game has been in development for 5 years so that pretty much means it has an extremely high chance of coming out next year.  If it wasn't apparently readily apparently from the trailer, the game will be running on UE...specifically UE5.  Producer says he drew inspiration from his time observing players in DBFZ's esports scene when they enjoyed recreating iconic battles.  He almost mentioned that this game has different goals than the other games, I.E. Kakarot being about experiencing the story, DBFZ with more esports centric intentions in 2d fighting,  and Xenoverse being about being an avatar and experiencing the world.  This game will focus more on "pushing the limits of how much players can completely immerse themselves into the world and how intensely we can make that happen".


I'm assuming this game will have both Z Broly to go with Super Broly and I'm wondering if they'll just have JYB take over duties for playing Z Broly as well.

Edited by Sonichuman
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9 hours ago, Lantis said:

Why wouldn't they just call it Budokai 4?


9 hours ago, Hecatom said:


If anything it would be Tenkaichi 4

Since the Budokai games were 2d ish

For all intents and purposes, this is Tenkaichi 4 but they're going with the the Japanese name and "Zero" because they believe people can easily jump into the games from here.



Although the subtitle “Zero,” tends to indicate a game ostensibly serving as a prequel entry in an ongoing game series, that isn't the case with Sparking! Zero. Rather, the name is meant to embody the game being an accessible starting point for longtime fans and newcomers alike.


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24 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

I was gonna ask, wasn't the Tenkaichi series called Sparking in Japan? They just kept the name this time. 


Thats like a reverse 4Kids situation, who decided Sparking should be changed to Tenkaichi? Lol

Yeah someone in the US decided something weird because they felt Sparking needed to be spruced up?  Budokai games aren't even called Budokai in Japan either.  They're just DBZ 1, 2, and 3.

Edited by Sonichuman
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11 hours ago, Lantis said:

Why wouldn't they just call it Budokai 4?

They are doing the same thing Sega did with Yakuza. They are simply using the name series went by in Japan all along. Instead of having different names for both territories.


Edit: @RSG3 Ninja's by the man with three Radiant Silver Guns 😅

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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