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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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1 hour ago, axeman61 said:

But these pubs are trying everything possible to push people toward them, so even that simple solution isn't that simple.

Then don’t buy the games/don’t support the publishers. If you see they’re purposely exploiting you, the player base, whatever, then stop supporting that title or that publisher. It’ll suck, especially if it’s a series you’ve followed for a long time and/or sunk a lot of time into. But after a while you gotta wonder if it’s worth it

Edited by iStu X
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Skyrim-- I forgot that you can actually have your character adopt a now I'm thinking it would be funny if I could then turn my son or daughter into a vampire as well.  I'm sure they probably don't let you do that in the regular game, but some modders out there made it possible, most likely.  (aha, yep there it is ....though it's just "adoptable vampire children", so the characters are already that way from the start.)

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1 hour ago, B R O W N said:

Damn we can post raw uncensored coochie here with a full serving of feet. We ain't even on Twitter bro. Your goon levels gotta be off the charts to post something like tha- oh, it's Hecatom. 


Anyway, I thought this was interesting:









She has panties, so is ok 😏

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17 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


She has panties, so is ok 😏

Oh. I legit couldn't see them. Ass is straight devouring those undies 

45 minutes ago, RSG3 said:

After all the complaining about the first one being only in Midgar this is some Grade A USDA Choice youre fucked no matter what you do lol. 

Holy fuck of jesus. All I wanted to do was quote this post on mobile and respond to it. I had to open 3 different mobile browsers, fail, and finally boot up my whole ass PC just to insert text below this quote. Why is this site so fucking broken on mobile. It's a big reason I'm not here frequently lmfao



This doesn't surprise me one bit. Remember when people were legit upset when FFVII Remake first showed Tifa and her tits went from double D's to like, 1.5 D's?


Between stuff like that, this and MJ's face in Spidey 2, I cannot physically stand any more manufactured discourse bro. I'm so tired 

Edited by B R O W N
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51 minutes ago, B R O W N said:

This doesn't surprise me one bit. Remember when people were legit upset when FFVII Remake first showed Tifa and her tits went from double D's to like, 1.5 D's?

Bro I just had someone telling me she was censored by a what? Her tits are still huge, she has spats on and Grade A Thigh High socks on, the fuck you talking about? They threw more fetish fuel in lol. 

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4 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

This is....uh...definitely a take


Got to disagree with him about the story and character changes, but I still maintain that the game is way better than it gets credit for. The world/art design (not the characters themselves) is really cool, the gameplay is still very good (certainly more fun than using V in 5), and the music is at least less cringey than the nu metal in 3/4 or "bang, bang, bang" in 5. Honestly, I'm surprised that the online nerdosphere didn't lap up the ham fisted Daily Show approved story, given its dominant political preference. 


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57 minutes ago, Camacho said:

Got to disagree with him about the story and character changes, but I still maintain that the game is way better than it gets credit for. The world/art design (not the characters themselves) is really cool, the gameplay is still very good (certainly more fun than using V in 5), and the music is at least less cringey than the nu metal in 3/4 or "bang, bang, bang" in 5. Honestly, I'm surprised that the online nerdosphere didn't lap up the ham fisted Daily Show approved story, given its dominant political preference. 


The general consensus is that the bob barker part of the game people enjoyed and a lot of people actually liked the platforming of the game.  But the story overall?  No...I barely see anyone praising this game for this story.  Anytime someone brings this game up and someone tries to talk about the story they're immediately met with people talking about the demon getting her baby aborted by a sniper or the "shakespearean" dialogue between him and the succubus.  I don't think anyone really forgives the game as a whole just because it leans in the direction of their own politics. 


Clearly the amount of people who think mainline Dante is corny reside on an island screaming their lungs out at the mainland and wonder why nobody is paying attention to them.  I need them to leave my woo hoo wacky pizza man alone lol.

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The platforming in DmC is fine enough, the music kinda all bleeds together to me, and the colors are all way way over saturated to the point it hurts my eyes. 


And the stories dog shit. Bob's fine as a Bill O'Rielly Snipe but there isn't much more to him then that and his boss fight is fine, one of the best in a game full of mediocre boss fights imo, but pretty much anything else about the story is just fucking terrible. 


Squirrel semen.

Edited by RSG3
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50 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

The general consensus is that the bob barker part of the game people enjoyed and a lot of people actually liked the platforming of the game.  But the story overall?  No...I barely see anyone praising this game for this story.  Anytime someone brings this game up and someone tries to talk about the story they're immediately met with people talking about the demon getting her baby aborted by a sniper or the "shakespearean" dialogue between him and the succubus.  I don't think anyone really forgives the game as a whole just because it leans in the direction of their own politics. 


Clearly the amount of people who think mainline Dante is corny reside on an island screaming their lungs out at the mainland and wonder why nobody is paying attention to them.  I need them to leave my woo hoo wacky pizza man alone lol.

Mainline Dante is super corny, but that's fine when the gameplay is great. I also like the corniness juxtaposed over the occult vibes in DMC1 and 3, and wish they had leaned harder into the evil side of things with the world around Dante. The direction 4 and 5 went with the tone/environment was super disappointing- I'd have rather seen the DmC art/world design continued without the stupid politics/try hard edginess than the anime drek we got in 4 and 5. But again, the gameplay is what ultimately really matters, and 5 delivered there.   

Edit: to clarify, I agree that the story is dogshit in DmC. I was just saying I'm surprised more bitch-titted soy chuggers didn't like it. And yes, its boss fights sucked in contrast to everything but 2.

Edited by Camacho
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I really like the story and the characters in DMC3-5 o so I can't really agree with you there either Comacho. DmC had very little about it I liked in the long run. 


While I think it gets over hated because it's a DMC game I also think nit keeps getting brought up because it's a DMC game and if it was named anything else it would have been forgotten a long time ago along with the likes of Ninja Giaden Yaiba and Heavenly Sword. 


It's a decent but over all forgettable action game imo. 

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dmc did things i liked alot.

  1. 1, i really like after u finish destroyin enemies you get that slo mo cuts to dante doing cool poses or face expressions. they kept that in dmc5 which i appreciated. its satisfying to get slo mo cool shots when u kill the last enemy.
  2.  free camera instead of fixed. 
  3. 3. the red/green aesthetic wasnt important, but alot of the imagery and set design i liked. espcially in the "spirit world" locations.

it had some things going for it.

and oh yea, vergil's doppleganger move. they put that in dmc5 too.


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Skyrim adventures---This random Imperial bitch tried to say somethin' smart about me wearing the Stormcloak armor....big mistake considering there was no one else around to save her....yeah, snuck up on her and she took this 1-shot kill from a warhammer; nice that I got that slow-mo "cinematic kill" on this as well....looted the corpse and left her naked out there.  There was no bounty on me for this of course since there was no witnesses.  


Another good one was in that Redwater Den where all the "Skooma" addicts hang out... I was there for one of the Dawnguard quests... it was satisfying when I sneaked into that area with the attendant/cashier lady; I was invisible and sliced her down in 1 shot with a 2-hand sword.  The dude that patrols the hallway looked up like "...what?  What happened...?" then went back to minding his business; from his perspective he just looked up and suddenly she wasn't there....didn't know I was crouched over there and invisible, next to her dead body on the floor....yeah I left her naked as well.  I am the monster, and they can do nothing to stop this.

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In regards to DmC....


I feel the game got appropriately shit on when it first released. No lock on, stricter color coded enemy rules, Tameem, etc. 


The Definitive Edition however (which never came to PC for whatever reason) fixes a lot of the issues I had, gameplay wise. 


Story is still dumb as fuck, dialog and characters are still whack as hell, but as an action game I really liked a lot of things it did thematically and mechanically. The way they represent the "demon world" as a chaotic and constantly changing mirror of the real world is still cool as fuck to me. The soundtrack also goes hard as shit, I dig the more "nu metal" style, even tho I also love shit like Devil Trigger from V. 


As an aside: I also really like the idea of showing a  young, arrogant and selfish Dante shaping up into the mega confident godslayer we see in all the other games. It's too bad that portrayal falls flat in its execution throughout the game. 

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the problem with dante in dmc is that hes a fuckin try hard edgelord.

his personality is wack af cuz tameem or someone at ninja theory thought cool=edgy. and it never is. he comes off as a poser. yuck.

which creates a vortex of bad dialogue cuz now the dialogue is all orbiting around douchy edgelord behavior which is high schoolish af in a bad bad way.


that said.

dmc gave us something golden.


mexican dante.

el donte lol




dat stashe doe


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3 hours ago, iStu X said:


It's really sad that Ubisoft feels comfortable enough to say something like this but the unfortunate thing is that the average consumer is letting them think that it is.  It's going to be a real sad day when everything is like it is on PC and physical media is gone and then everyone starts really getting butt fucked by everything.  "WHY IS THIS BASE 8 HOUR CAMPAIGN GAME $100?" Cause you kept buying the game digital and now there's no competition at all for game sales.  You either take it or leave it now.  "I was really enjoying palying *insert series franchise here* and now *insert company owner* has removed it off the market place and there's no place else to play these games"  That's a shame....All digital future baby!




Edited by Sonichuman
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MOST of the game companies out there---the suits in charge are thinking the same thing; Ubisoft was just bold/foolish enough to actually say that quiet part out loud with zero shame.  


I think it's fairly obvious that it's not just games industry either, as the industry of tv shows/movies has already gone that way at this point, so gaming is just following that.  They all would rather have every consumer be a *subscriber* for life instead of paying for a product 1 time, for the obvious long-term profit motive there; it's a much better gravy train for them, and of course they don't give a shit about any kind of consumer rights with ownership or anything.  They'd all piss on our graves and punch babies in the face if that meant they could earn an extra 2 cents.

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u guys forgot. years ago. ubisoft said the reason drm existed with their games cuz "pc players are thieves. they will steal games with emu/rom"

that was like a decade ago.

that was when everyone complained about prince of persia and rayman needing u to create accounts at ubisoft for single player games even tho u bought it via steam. something like that.

ubisoft is 100x worse than EA

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Here is an overview of the game, via astragon Entertainment:



ABRISS is an atmospheric physics-destruction building game.

Build structures from parts to let them crash into your targets. Unlock new parts, destroy more, witness entropy at its worst in digital-brutalist cityscapes. Build to destroy.



Choose from parts with different weights, forms and functions to build a structure.

Thruster + Connector + Bomb? You just built a rocket.
Thruster + Rotator + Laser? You just built a rotating laser rocket.
Pillar + Connector + Ultra Heavy Cube? That’s a giant hammer.

Be creative and resourceful with the parts you get, try to destroy the target with less parts or in a more elegant way—it’s going to be a spectacle any way you do it.


Try to hit the main targets to win a level in campaign mode. Destroy an armored wall first so you can then shoot through the hole into the vulnerable center. Try to hit a bomb in the environment. Use environment mechanics like the giant Pistons to catapult Ultra Heavy Cubes into a target. Or just throw everything you have at your targets—that might just work too.

Key Features

  • Complex Destruction System – Simulated statics, thousands of little particles of debris, whole chunks of targets flying into the abyss—with little to no framerate spikes.
  • Campaign – Seven worlds with several stages including bonus levels each, every stage a hand-crafted destructible cityscape. You will start each stage with a limited set of parts and you will need to find a strategy on how to use them to destroy all main target blocks. You will unlock new parts the further you progress, and every world comes with it’s own special environmental mechanic. You can always return to a stage to try to destroy a higher percentage of it, or do it in less moves.
  • Sandbox – Try out new patterns of building stuff. Play around with parts you haven’t unlocked yet. Try to fry your GPU with 1000 Lasers at once.
  • New: Endless Mode – Play the new Endless game mode and try to reach the ultimate high score.
  • Photo Mode – Take a free camera flying to get the best composition. Freeze or slow down time to get the perfect shot of the destruction you just caused. Apply filters to change the vibe of your photography. Export in wonderfully sharp 4K JPEGs. Share them with us!



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