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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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20 hours ago, Hecatom said:


And will surely do the same thing to the upcoming series.

Which btw, I am already expecting those pigs to go and attack the kids that will be casted and their families.


Oh they will. They amoral intolerant jackasses with no self awareness that attack from the guise fighting intolerance. Maybe just maybe companies will realize that Twitter isn't representative of the market after recent events....nah they'll keeping doing dumb shit that costs them money.

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FINAL FANTASY III Pixel Remaster is donezo! Had my Dragoon jump spam and my Ninja spam shuryukens. My two Sages cast Holy and Flare between recovering. That beam Cloud of Darkness kept spamming made me remember why I hated her/it in the DS version. Thing did so much damage. in PR, I was in the early 80s for my levels and I could afford to get hit by it a few times before casting curaga. And with that, my revenge is complete.

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25 minutes ago, Lantis said:

Yep. Out of all the KOF XIV newcomers (which I now realize a LOT have been left on the chopping block), I could probably have taken ANYONE but her.


That includes that creep Xanadu

I just really dont see how gluing random ass shit from a kids art box to someone is considered character design. Looks like she got shot in the face with a Confetti Shotgun.


Shes also loud and annoying but that's an issue i have with a number of fighting game characters anymore.

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13 hours ago, RSG3 said:

Everyone gives Nintendo shit for the 3DS naming conventions and the Wii-U but Microsoft really outdid them with thay Series S/X naming convention set. It's hard to keep all the models straight imo. 

Yeah, I get what they were going for trying to create a sub brand but it honestly feels like they should have just called it Xbox (2020) S/X because saying series with either S or X is a hassle.

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2 hours ago, Lantis said:

Yep. Out of all the KOF XIV newcomers (which I now realize a LOT have been left on the chopping block), I could probably have taken ANYONE but her.


That includes that creep Xanadu

Xanadu is sort of the poster for XIV character design. They either went hard in on a concept to the point of it being overboard or played it safe and traditional. Luong and Antonov I would say are the best new comers with potential to stick around from XIV but they are safe combinations of popular tropes. 


I still do hope they bring back Bandeiras Hattori. Homeboy was hilarious and the funniest Ninja in a fighting game since Bang from BlazBlue 

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Nintendo fiscal year end report


This console now has 35 titles that have crossed the 1 mill threshold.(22 Nintendo, 13 by other publishers).  This number now includes Metroid Prime Remastered which has sold 1.09 mill so far.  Fire Emblem Engage also has now sold 1.61 mill\


Top 10 best selling games thus far are MK8D (53.79 Mill), AC: NH (42.21 Mill), Smash Ult (31.09), BotW ( 29.81 ), Pokemon SW/Sh ( 25.82 ), SMO (25.76), Pokemon Sc/Vi (22.10), Super Mario Party ( 19.14) NSMBUD  (15.41) and Ring Fit Adventure (15.38)


They've also stated that they're aware of the Switch's sales decline and expecting it to decline even further.  They feel they're in unknown territory right now because no console they've has been selling this many units at this stage in its lifespan.

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35 minutes ago, Camacho said:

I remember when new fighting game characters usually  looked cool- that was a long time ago. 

Sakura, a regular ass schoolgirl, was introduced to Street Fighter in 1996 to fight with martial artists, cops, military men, assassins, and terrorists. 

Long-running series Tekken debuted with having a karate using bear as a playable character. The following game added a boxing kangaroo and a dinosaur.


Even KOF started with having a midget Freddy Krueger and a guy throwing basketballs at you in it’s first game.


You’re right it’s been a long time since fighting games only added characters that were cool. Fighting games has had goofy characters close to 30 years now.

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3 hours ago, BornWinner said:

Sakura, a regular ass schoolgirl, was introduced to Street Fighter in 1996 to fight with martial artists, cops, military men, assassins, and terrorists. 

Long-running series Tekken debuted with having a karate using bear as a playable character. The following game added a boxing kangaroo and a dinosaur.


Even KOF started with having a midget Freddy Krueger and a guy throwing basketballs at you in it’s first game.


You’re right it’s been a long time since fighting games only added characters that were cool. Fighting games has had goofy characters close to 30 years now.

I did say usually. And to be fair, a karate bear is way cooler than the KoFxHot Topic version of Rainbow Brite. 

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36 minutes ago, Camacho said:

I did say usually. And to be fair, a karate bear is way cooler than the KoFxHot Topic version of Rainbow Brite. 

I agree, a boxing bear is way cooler, but even SFIIs character design can mostly be boiled down to "Take cultural stereotype and make it pretty silly."


I would honestly argue that cool fighting game characters are the actual rarity and silly ones have always been the norm.


Doesn't mean i have to like the design just because its supposed to be dumb lol.

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30 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Man, you really can’t spell Ignorance without IGN. 



I mean what he was saying didn't sound bad...until he got to the part where he says "If you've never heard of the game, we probably didn't review it, and it probably isn't that good anyway".  That's comes off kinda arrogant.  There are tons of games out there that have released that probably never showed up on my radar but I've never assumed just because I didn't hear about it that it's probably garbage.

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My copy of Splatoon 3 decided to work for a change. Not once did I get a softward error crash. And something crazy strange happened when I was playing last night. I... I actually had fun playing on the Spawning Grounds. The weapon rotation was... GOOD. Like, really freaking good! No matter what weapon I had in any given wave I was golden. We even killed Cohozuna with nearly 30 seconds left on the clock!  


sorcery GIF

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