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Video Game Discussion Thread vol. 2

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I am done with Tears of the Kingdom.


I haven't finished it but the game just bores me to death now.  I tried playing it a bit on my total of 14 hours of flights in the past couple weeks and every time I played it for like 30 mins and was just done with it.  It's just so boring to me.  I have completed the 4 main dungeons and am at the boss in Hyrule but just have no desire to keep going.  I hadn't played it since my other flights 2 weeks ago and had no desire to play it while I was at home.


I had way more fun playing Have a Nice Death for hours on my flights over TotK.  


Hopefully whatever the next game is they change up the damn formula and it doesn't just feel like a BotW DLC package again.


If anyone is interested in buying it, I'd probably let it go (physical copy obviously) for like $50.

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33 minutes ago, purbeast said:

I am done with Tears of the Kingdom.


I haven't finished it but the game just bores me to death now.  I tried playing it a bit on my total of 14 hours of flights in the past couple weeks and every time I played it for like 30 mins and was just done with it.  It's just so boring to me.  I have completed the 4 main dungeons and am at the boss in Hyrule but just have no desire to keep going.  I hadn't played it since my other flights 2 weeks ago and had no desire to play it while I was at home.


I had way more fun playing Have a Nice Death for hours on my flights over TotK.  


Hopefully whatever the next game is they change up the damn formula and it doesn't just feel like a BotW DLC package again.


If anyone is interested in buying it, I'd probably let it go (physical copy obviously) for like $50.

BotW/TotK are the backbone of where Zelda will be for the forseeable future unless sales dip so the big exploration Zelda titles may not just be for you anymore moving forward.  They're going to take this formula and continue to tweak it and add new things in much the same way how they've done with Zelda in the past before BotW but if the main thing that the games are presenting to you as of at the moment don't interest you?  Then the new games are just not going to be for you moving forward.  There's rumors that they might do like Sonic and Mario and have like "Classic Zelda" and "Modern Zelda" titles where "Classic" is closer to what they were previously and may or may not be top down a la AlttP, LA, etc but it's just a really minor rumor without much evidence. 




Ask the Dev Pikmin 4 Part 3




Edited by Sonichuman
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After many deaths, I got to my first boss in Gravity Circuit. I take out one of his life bars and this MF pulls out the "This isn't even my final form!" card. Dude starts going BALLISTIC. Put me in the ground just for even thinking I stood a chance. Gonna have to retry that level later. 


On Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, I thought I would get my 3 stars on some cups I've yet to do so on. Link was being a problem in Electrodome. Hitting me with a red shell, then he tried to snipe 1st place from me on the stretch to the finish line. Homie didn't count on me having a Super Horn, tho. Link, my boy, I'm gonna put you through the WRINGER when I get back in TOTK.


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7 hours ago, purbeast said:

I am done with Tears of the Kingdom.


I haven't finished it but the game just bores me to death now.  I tried playing it a bit on my total of 14 hours of flights in the past couple weeks and every time I played it for like 30 mins and was just done with it.  It's just so boring to me.  I have completed the 4 main dungeons and am at the boss in Hyrule but just have no desire to keep going.  I hadn't played it since my other flights 2 weeks ago and had no desire to play it while I was at home.


I had way more fun playing Have a Nice Death for hours on my flights over TotK.  


Hopefully whatever the next game is they change up the damn formula and it doesn't just feel like a BotW DLC package again.


If anyone is interested in buying it, I'd probably let it go (physical copy obviously) for like $50.

Yeah. The new Zelda template sucks honestly sucks. I’m just gunna stick to the older games 

Edited by iStu X
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Diablo 4 season 1 is on now... of course I made a necro yet again; going with a blood build, though this time I'm trying a blood lance build I saw earlier... I'm only up to level 12 or 13 so far...already hit a stopping point since there's a billion things going on at work again and I'm already on 0 energy at the moment, really.  Eh, it's lame going back to being such a weak "early game" character though....part of that is skewed by Diablo 3 spoiling us for years though with how super-fast you can level in that game.

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48 minutes ago, iStu X said:

Yeah. The new Zelda template sucks honestly sucks. I’m just gunna stick to the older games 

Who knows maybe eventually the new template will have the happy medium that will make most everyone (including myself) happy because they clearly took some of the feedback from BotW and implemented some of it into TotK.  But until it gets to that point...this apparent much needed change to the formula was the shot in the arm the franchise needed despite anyone's feelings negative or positive towards the new direction. 

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1 hour ago, iStu X said:

Yeah. The new Zelda template sucks honestly sucks. I’m just gunna stick to the older games 

I hated the older Zelda games. BotW is the only Zelda that hooked me for more than 2 hours and it's the only one I've finished. In my excitement, I got TotK before I even finished BotW... and goddammit, I am bored. I haven't touched TotK in a long time. It's been well over a month, maybe two. It took me 6 months to finish BotW. Those games are charming but meander too much. They are very creative and great games, and their biggest strength is their expansive non-linearity, but the exploratory formula that they push on me gets old very fast.


I've just finished Sekiro. I tried to play some other games. New Vegas irritated me. Hitman insulted my intelligence. It's been so long since I've been emotionally invested in a game and Sekiro did that in a way that I haven't felt in a while, and that's ok. Sometimes, even good games won't capture you the way they do others. But is it a bad sign that now that my plate is clear of Sekiro that instead of going back to TotK, I've started investing more time into Dark Souls 1 instead?


16 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Who knows maybe eventually the new template will have the happy medium that will make most everyone (including myself) happy because they clearly took some of the feedback from BotW and implemented some of it into TotK.  But until it gets to that point...this apparent much needed change to the formula was the shot in the arm the franchise needed despite anyone's feelings negative or positive towards the new direction. 

I can agree that there are a lot of improvements and that it's a good thing that this is the direction of Zelda in the future. I'm just wondering if I should be regretting buying TotK so fast, knowing that while I enjoyed BotW, I just wasn't truly motivated to finish it...

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21 minutes ago, Dayaan said:


I can agree that there are a lot of improvements and that it's a good thing that this is the direction of Zelda in the future. I'm just wondering if I should be regretting buying TotK so fast, knowing that while I enjoyed BotW, I just wasn't truly motivated to finish it...

Eh it happens.  It took me a while to finish BotW but that's only because I have limited time to play with a combination of ADD and having a wide variety genres that I'm interested in playing.  Once I start juggling something at this point in my life, the game that I'm hooked in starts to suffer unfortunately the game industry does not wait for anyone.  I've been putting more time into practicing SF6 than playing TotK at the moment but I've been just trying to play the game at my own pace and enjoy it instead of just feeling like "I GOTTA PLAY IT" cause then it starts to feel more like I'm forcing myself to play so I can make time for something else.  I was feeling that way for a moment with Bayo 3 when I was trying to play through that despite enjoying it.

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4 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Eh it happens.  It took me a while to finish BotW but that's only because I have limited time to play with a combination of ADD and having a wide variety genres that I'm interested in playing.  Once I start juggling something at this point in my life, the game that I'm hooked in starts to suffer unfortunately the game industry does not wait for anyone.  I've been putting more time into practicing SF6 than playing TotK at the moment but I've been just trying to play the game at my own pace and enjoy it instead of just feeling like "I GOTTA PLAY IT" cause then it starts to feel more like I'm forcing myself to play so I can make time for something else.  I was feeling that way for a moment with Bayo 3 when I was trying to play through that despite enjoying it.

My issue is that even though it's summer vacation, I cannot get into the mentality to play certain games. Unless I'm in the mood, I hate playing specific games. It's just odd that I can't find my motivation to even touch TotK. All I think of when I envision the game is just a ludicrous series of puzzles and tiresome combat mechanics. How am I supposed to enjoy that coming off the bat of Sekiro, Batman and Devil May Cry where I am either respected as a player, challenged as a fighter or both? Just thinking about the moral dilemma between whether I wasted my precious cash or if it's a long term blip in my willingness to play the game makes me mad.

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2 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

My issue is that even though it's summer vacation, I cannot get into the mentality to play certain games. Unless I'm in the mood, I hate playing specific games. It's just odd that I can't find my motivation to even touch TotK. All I think of when I envision the game is just a ludicrous series of puzzles and tiresome combat mechanics. How am I supposed to enjoy that coming off the bat of Sekiro, Batman and Devil May Cry where I am either respected as a player, challenged as a fighter or both? Just thinking about the moral dilemma between whether I wasted my precious cash or if it's a long term blip in my willingness to play the game makes me mad.

Maybe your tastes have just shifted from exploration, action/adventure, puzzle stuff and more so to character action?  That might be be all it is and if that's the case then that's fine. 

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5 minutes ago, Sonichuman said:

Maybe your tastes have just shifted from exploration, action/adventure, puzzle stuff and more so to character action?  That might be be all it is and if that's the case then that's fine. 

That could be. I did recently drop RDR2, after all. Story and gameplay are really intertwined in the sense that to care about the story, I need gameplay to be strong enough to keep me playing. I won't want to go through with the gameplay unless I have a story to emotionally invest my effort in. TotK doesn't offer a strong enough story to me compared to BotW and the combat is still not fun unless I take a few minutes to set up a five second interval of creative fun. It's not worth it. I'll stick to any game that is more consistent in its engagement, I suppose.


Here I come!



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17 minutes ago, Dayaan said:

I hated the older Zelda games.

I don't hate those older games at all and really enjoy replaying them but I am also soooo fucking bored of that formula. Like it's fine when I go back and play the old games but the whole Dungeon loop g ameplay in new games was getting so fucking tired and it was clear Nintnedo was pretty out ideas to with how little utility most of the items have in later 3D games. 


I love the new direction, and TOTK was a big improvement over BOTW so I imagine they will only get better from here, for me anyway. 

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There really is a good chunk of GotY contenders that came out this year.  TotK, REmake 4, Diablo IV, SW:JS, Dead Space (2023), FF XVI, SF6 (though I know it's probably not going to be pushed out of the conversation though I feel it deserves to be at least nominated),  and we still have Spider-Man 2, Starfield and MK1 to get released before the end of the year.  If I had to take bets on 5 games that will be pushed into contention the most this year its probably going to be TotK, Diablo IV, Spiderman 2, Starfield and probably FFXVI/SW JS coin flip unless something else gets releases before the end of the year to upset that slot.

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Man, the Diablo fanbase can be one of the most picky fandoms ever, imo... I think some of the hate for that pre-season patch was a bit overblown, but then again I'm still just in the "early game" with my seasonal character.  


One of the more silly gripes, for example--- there's an endgame activity called "nightmare dungeons"....people didn't like that when you spawn a nightmare dungeon you still have to travel there normally from wherever you are on the map currently....ok so they changed it and then we can just fast-travel/teleport right to that spot, standing right outside the entrance....THEN some folks were still complaining like "couldn't they make it so we're actually teleporting inside the dungeon?"  At that point you know some of the dev team were probably rolling their eyes behind the scenes like "oh COME ON".....what a lazy, silly ass complaint that is...good for them they apparently didn't take that seriously because it so far has not changed any further.  Fortunately that is just a minority of the fanbase, I assume.  

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8 hours ago, Dayaan said:

That could be. I did recently drop RDR2, after all. Story and gameplay are really intertwined in the sense that to care about the story, I need gameplay to be strong enough to keep me playing. I won't want to go through with the gameplay unless I have a story to emotionally invest my effort in. TotK doesn't offer a strong enough story to me compared to BotW and the combat is still not fun unless I take a few minutes to set up a five second interval of creative fun. It's not worth it. I'll stick to any game that is more consistent in its engagement, I suppose.


Here I come!



Sounds like you want challenging combat without any bullshit. Keep an eye out for sales on Furi and Sifu. 

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9 hours ago, Dayaan said:

That could be. I did recently drop RDR2, after all. Story and gameplay are really intertwined in the sense that to care about the story, I need gameplay to be strong enough to keep me playing. I won't want to go through with the gameplay unless I have a story to emotionally invest my effort in. TotK doesn't offer a strong enough story to me compared to BotW and the combat is still not fun unless I take a few minutes to set up a five second interval of creative fun. It's not worth it. I'll stick to any game that is more consistent in its engagement, I suppose.


Here I come!



Oh man that meme is me during so many of the Sekiro boss fights 😂😂😂

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The fact that I only have limited swipes with weapons in TotK still really bothers me.  It bothered me in BotW and it bothers me even more in TotK because they just kept it the same.  And the whole fusing gimmick for weapons is just that - a gimmick.  Like once you find something that works, there is no point to use a different weapon.  Just make dupes since the weapons fucking break.

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11 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

You know what?  Speaking of SF6 we still haven't had a gathering of people from general to play games.  What are people doing in the afternoon/evening tomorrow?

I don't think I can tonight, unless my raid plans fall through. But I want to battle you guys for sure. I just got back together with some friends I made in Boise through SRK and joined their discord and club in SF6, so I'm even more incentivized to play.  Definitely will get up with y'all at some point, but I'm restricted to after 8:00 in the evenings, Mountain Time.

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I am down to play some SF6 tonight.  


I got back on Wednesday from Colombia after 2 weeks there so it's been a while.  Oh and I'm also learning hit box style controller.  I played a little last night though and wasn't too rusty.  I've mainly been playing with my friend who plays Ken and then just random casuals and few ranked, but I could use some more matchup experience.  Right now I'm trying to get decent with Dee Jay.




Feel free to send me friend request on there.  I'm purbeast on there too.  If I turn it on this evening and see some random friend requests, I'll assume it's peeps from this thread.

Edited by purbeast
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I have played TotK mostly on weekends or days off, when I can sit down for chunks to do whatever. It has been the first game to break me out of a bad gaming rut where I was trying to break back into playing something new instead of the live service stuff I got caught on. It also go me at a time when I had recovered from a nerve issue so it has been a great game for me. Not trying to get 100% of everything but definitely want to grab a lot of stuff before I roll credits. 


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2 minutes ago, Lantis said:

I'm down to wreck everyone's shit in SF 6.


It still baffles me how Nintendo decided to keep that weapon breaking mechanic in TOTK. Did anyone even like that shit? Even the hardcore Zelda stans found that feature to be one of (if not the only) annoying feature of BOTW

There are people out there that actually do like the weapon breaking mechanic that have shown up in my feed.  They're definitely not many and not as loud as the people against the mechanic.  I actually don't mind the mechanic personally but I understand to some extent why people have an issue with it.  It just does not bother me nearly as much as some because I have items in my weapon inventory for certain things (Torch, weapons specifically for mining but become back up for attacking, Weapons specifically for chopping tress which are also back up for attacking, various wands when I need to get access to any elements at a moments notice, and then my actual go to weapons for attacking enemies first).  Yeah my stuff breaks, I know that it's going to and I just plan with my inventory accordingly depending on who or what I'm fighting.  If I'm fighting a boss then I already know my weapons likely going to be going through but I'm tossing everything including the kitchen sink at it.  I have never had any inventory problems with shields or bows in BotW or TotK.  Hell I actually think some of my bows could break more in TotK because I have SO MANY OF THEM.  Shields?  I think I've broken maybe 5 shields in TotK somehow during the course of playing this game and putting in 120 hours into this game.  2 of those shield breaks probably came from me surfing and just doing dumb shit and the other 3 are probably from combat encounters where I missed parry and the shield took damage. 


I'm not going to dismiss people's concerns with the weapon degredation because I get it...I have a Biggoron sword that I randomly found somewhere in the depths and I have NO idea where I'd be able to find another one at this point and I have yet to use it because I know it'll eventually end up breaking.  I also understand that the degredation is there because of the way how the economy works in the game to feed in to using more weapons, fusing different combos in ToTK and giving you more incentive to explore and loot.  It's big sticking point for some but it really just does not bother me at all.

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2 hours ago, Lantis said:

I'm down to wreck everyone's shit in SF 6.


It still baffles me how Nintendo decided to keep that weapon breaking mechanic in TOTK. Did anyone even like that shit? Even the hardcore Zelda stans found that feature to be one of (if not the only) annoying feature of BOTW

Yes, I like it a lot, and I fond pretty much all the whining about to be insufferable and I'm glad Nintendo didn't listen to them. It feeds into the gameplay loop so we'll, and TOTK doubles down on it making it way way better then it was before. 


About re-finding rare weapons.


The Bargainer Statues sell any rare weap9ns you have found. 


Edited by RSG3
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2 hours ago, Sonichuman said:

There are people out there that actually do like the weapon breaking mechanic that have shown up in my feed.  They're definitely not many and not as loud as the people against the mechanic.  I actually don't mind the mechanic personally but I understand to some extent why people have an issue with it.  It just does not bother me nearly as much as some because I have items in my weapon inventory for certain things (Torch, weapons specifically for mining but become back up for attacking, Weapons specifically for chopping tress which are also back up for attacking, various wands when I need to get access to any elements at a moments notice, and then my actual go to weapons for attacking enemies first).  Yeah my stuff breaks, I know that it's going to and I just plan with my inventory accordingly depending on who or what I'm fighting.  If I'm fighting a boss then I already know my weapons likely going to be going through but I'm tossing everything including the kitchen sink at it.  I have never had any inventory problems with shields or bows in BotW or TotK.  Hell I actually think some of my bows could break more in TotK because I have SO MANY OF THEM.  Shields?  I think I've broken maybe 5 shields in TotK somehow during the course of playing this game and putting in 120 hours into this game.  2 of those shield breaks probably came from me surfing and just doing dumb shit and the other 3 are probably from combat encounters where I missed parry and the shield took damage. 


I'm not going to dismiss people's concerns with the weapon degredation because I get it...I have a Biggoron sword that I randomly found somewhere in the depths and I have NO idea where I'd be able to find another one at this point and I have yet to use it because I know it'll eventually end up breaking.  I also understand that the degredation is there because of the way how the economy works in the game to feed in to using more weapons, fusing different combos in ToTK and giving you more incentive to explore and loot.  It's big sticking point for some but it really just does not bother me at all.

I guess that's what busts my balls the most. I can understand shitty weapons like sticks and basic swords breaking, but do super rare and legendary weapons also have to break too? Even the goddamn Master Sword "runs out of juice" eventually. Like GTFO Nintendo, I worked my ass off for that sword LOL

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3 hours ago, Dayaan said:

That second Guardian Ape phase!

Oddly enough I had more trouble with the first phase than the second. The hardest part of the second was just not getting greedy so I didn't eat all the Terror buildup on that fucking scream. Man was I glad to be done with that boss 😂


I've figured out Emma and still have to put in the work on Isshin, but I beat Owl and didn't think he was too bad. I guess that's what's interesting about From games is that everyone has a different idea of what bosses are hard or easy.

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I just wish there was a way to re-up the usage of the weapons or know exactly how many hits before they break. Since every enemy that drops parts or weapons respawns, it isn't terrible to lose something but it would be nice to have the ability to restore something that was super useful instead of trying to hunt it's parts down again. Or go to lesser weapons.


I do wonder how it will work in the next game, Zelda games love to try new stuff.

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41 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

Oddly enough I had more trouble with the first phase than the second. The hardest part of the second was just not getting greedy so I didn't eat all the Terror buildup on that fucking scream. Man was I glad to be done with that boss 😂

I think just the whiplash from the Ape getting up again from the first time is what makes it terrifying, but really mastering that whole fight will teach you that the hardest part of it is just the first half of the first phase. Terror killed me because I didn't even know what it was. The next time I fought him, his ass got ripped open wider than his neck did at the end of phase 1.


42 minutes ago, DoctaMario said:

I've figured out Emma and still have to put in the work on Isshin, but I beat Owl and didn't think he was too bad. I guess that's what's interesting about From games is that everyone has a different idea of what bosses are hard or easy.

You bastard! You went for the bad (but extremely fast) ending! It's definitely the coolest one. Great Shinobi Owl was the toughest boss fight for me in the game. Emma and Isshin are pretty easy though. None of them compare to the absurdity of the final boss of the standard ending who I got really lucky with. He is definitely objectively the hardest boss. I hear a lot of people rival that take with the other Owl fight, which I never did. God bless.

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