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55 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


What I love is that you say that I live in 2016, but you are the one here trying to argue with just ad hominems, instead of you know, trying to lay down your opinion/stance in an intelligent manner, but alas, keep acting like  a child that doesn't know how to defend his pov.


You think that just hitting the disagree button and posting hyperbolic dumb shit dismantles what i posted?



Nothing I posted included anything of your retarded post, "UGH SJW, DA LIBERALS, UUUH WOKE, UUUUH TWITTER, UUUUH WESTERNERS UUUUH. Literally an NPC.  "



If you cant argue like an adult, then stay away of the internet, since is clear that seeing opinions that contradict your own triggers you.


Stay free squigga,

When people like you engage with topics like this it always carries the same reactionary content that you can get from any gamer twitter account.  And I know this because I used to spout all your talking points. Like its amazing that I can point to a history of anti blackness  in Asia pertaining to something like black face and your response is (ignorance of the people) when you can find recent examples of this. You took my entire post that literally said  [not all of X does thing] and boiled it down to me engaging in divisive rhetoric. You then tell me that some children see blackness as evil and one of the reasons is because darkness/night is considered scary. This is despite the fact that those children are the color they have a derision to. Are you seriously gonna tell me that that's all you can take from that? That people see dark skin as bad because the night scares them and not the fact that in some places whiteness and the proximity to it are promoted as positives and that it's a pervasive mentality that has swept the globe. I can go on and on about colorism, how lighter skin is valued in places so much that native African people of darker complexion were sidelined for European actors. I could pull up a million videos asking black or brown people about their experiences in places like Japan/Korea/China. And before you strawman me WELL WHAT ABOUT X. No one  is saying black people are the only group of people that have been oppressed. No one is saying that bias can't exist the other way around. No one is saying black people can't be racist. But I'm making a claim that's specially highlighting an issue which I already added nuance to by literally showing fucking characters from fighting games from Japan that were black/dark skinned to show that I wasn't generalizing all of Asian media. 


Now to address some of you counter claims:


3 hours ago, Hecatom said:

You can't default to your usa pov regarding stuff like "black face" when the cultural context of what happened in usa doesn't apply to places like china or korea for example.

I agree and if these were one off instances I would chalk it up to playful ignorance but lets not act like black people or mixed race people don't live in these places. I'm not here finger wagging like a blue hair feminist and saying cancel Asia. But anti blackness especially in a place like fucking China can't be hand waved away because the cultures are different. You are giving cover to assholes because to you it's cringe to point out that some people have some bigoted views on black people due to the perception that calling this out is "WOKE". And when their media gets exported to a global market it looks fucking sus. Oh and before you strawman me I'm not saying it's racist to find a black persons hair intriguing. 


3 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Next you are gonna say that me abreviating Japanese/Japan as Jap is racists because it can be seen as that in usa, but in the romance languages (fench, spanish, italian, portuguese, etc) jap is the correct way to abreviate it, since abreviations usually are the 1st 3 letters.


I listen to Japanese hiphop, they call themselves Japs all the time. Sorry but I'm not a screeching left wing retard who thinks words are violence.



3 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Or the diminutive of my middle name being Kike, which can be considered a slur for jews in usa.


Yes and in Korea they have a word called negga. kay


3 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Asian countries are very homogenized in terms of races, and usually have been more isolated, that alone, changes a lot the cultural context of the things they do.

To try to frame it in a narrow lens of your own culture is disingenuous and reductive, since it strips it of the nuances.


And this is where we vastly disagree. When you create content for a global market you must also be aware of what you're putting out there. There's a difference between a racist caricature of a black person in a piece of media in the current year and say the Nazi symbol which had it's organ's in Buddhism. I can recognize  that that symbol might not be a national socialist symbol within the context of something like One Piece, but I can't be sure if the weird big lipped black character isn't utter ignorance or malice on the part of the creator. I agree that all this has nuance so my innate reaction wouldn't be to push the cancel button but I wouldn't also be some uncle tom saying " iT'S PrObAbLy bEcAuSe oNlY 5 BlAcK PeOpLe lIvE In jApAn GuYs"


3 hours ago, Hecatom said:

You think that only asians can do shit like that?

Introduce to an homogenized community a person that looks different to them and you will see something that can be considered insensitive/racist by some parts of the west, but since they don't have the cultural baggage, they wouldn't see something negative about it.


Do you not think I won't bite the bullet and say the image you posted is bad too? Yes people will react a certain way to people who are different from them and it can manifest in the image you posted. But if they do that all the time and time an Asian person comes by I would hope someone would let them no that that kind of stuff in insensitive. You don't have to woke scold them about it either. Kids aren't stupid.


3 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Also, "blackness" seens as something negative is not an asian thing only.


And as it pertains to skin color this a terrible thing and should be rejected wholesale. 


3 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Strip of context and some would jump to say that is about race


When you look deeper into why dark skin is seen as bad it almost always leads back to black people being seen as subhuman from a racial perspective or people being seen as a product of a lower caste system. 


Wow would you look at that, I effort posted just because I was heckin triggered that you think I'm unwilling to engage because I'm ignorant. 


If @CESTUS IIIand @Shakunetsucan effort post about character design I should get at least one effort post. Have mercy mods I'm begging you😭


Hadoken, Shoryuken, I want some pound cake, Psycho Crusher, Spinning the bottle kick, yoga flame, sonika boo thaiger upahcut

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1 hour ago, TWINBLADES said:

When people like you engage with topics like this it always carries the same reactionary content that you can get from any gamer twitter account.


Like I said the previous time you made this kind of assumption, you know shit about me, or where my pov comes from.

Do I need to remind you that I am a latino from and living in latin america that I am a mix of spaniard, indigenous and africans?

That my country was torn apart by the usual USA dumbassery during the 80s and that just recently we had a dictatorship supported by the USA goverment, a dictatorship that started during the Obama administration btw.


Just with that my experiences encompass more than whatever reductive stupid shit you want to encapsule me simply because what I say/post is not of your liking.


You really think that I only live on twatter that what I think is molded by what is posted over there? (and yes, I am being reductive of your point here on purpose)



   And I know this because I used to spout all your talking points. Like its amazing that I can point to a history of anti blackness  in Asia pertaining to something like black face and your response is (ignorance of the people) when you can find recent examples of this. You took my entire post that literally said  [not all of X does thing] and boiled it down to me engaging in divisive rhetoric. You then tell me that some children see blackness as evil and one of the reasons is because darkness/night is considered scary.



I pointed out the stupidity of reducing it to asians not liking black people.

Even if you say that not all asians are like that, is idiotic to reduce it as of them not liking black people


You gave the example of black face, and like I already mentioned, you can't reduce it to the lens of your own culture, since is disingenuous.

You see it as racism because there is an historical context in USA for that, meanwhile, in other places, where they lack that context, black face, yellow face, red face, white face, etc are not seen in a negative way.


Also, my example of the mexican kids, like I said has nothing to do with race, and actually serves to point out the idiocy of always defaulting to that, like you are currently doing.



This is despite the fact that those children are the color they have a derision to. Are you seriously gonna tell me that that's all you can take from that? That people see dark skin as bad because the night scares them and not the fact that in some places whiteness and the proximity to it are promoted as positives and that it's a pervasive mentality that has swept the globe.


Yes, is it exactly what I am saying, because, believe it or not, not everyone or every place is obssesed with the color of our skin.



That experiment was heavily flawed, and was criticized because of it.

The kids didn't have any context besides what the adults told them (those were kids between 4 to 6 yo).

They told them that one doll was bad and another was good, nothing more nothing less, and were then lead to chosse one over the other with just that premise.


The kids were all dark skinned btw, so the element of race was not the train of thought they went with.

Those kids didn't see their color of their skin as a negative, why would they, when everyone in their country looks like them?


If you remove context to fit into a criteria you end with a skewed and not a real representation of what it is really happening.


Or are you foolishly trying to say that you know what we think about ourselves around here?

If so, that is mad arrogant if you ask me.


You say that I am strawmaning you, but you are the one trying to reduce my posts to some dumb shit and clearly not reading them, to argue a point I never made.

In no moment I have said that any of the changes are woke, but that I can see someone defaulting to that train of thought when


A) The info breaching that capcom had years ago had info that aligned with that kind of thing.

B) The changes that SF6 had can be easily interpreted that way.

C) Having their media and plenty of artists and individuals being attacked on daily basis on social media

D) Having for better or worse, examples of media where there are drastic changes that have lead to subpar products, like Resident Evil


I didn't say that I agree or disagree, but that I can see why someone would end wondering or thinking that the changes/additions are being done for "woke" reasons


There is a clear and big difference in what I am saying, and what you are reading.

Dunno who you are arguing with, but is clearly not me, because my post is in no way saying that is cringe or that is woke 🤣


You keep bringing Sarkessian, Tim Pool, and the previous time you mentioned Hero Hei, and other random people who didn't have to do shit with the discussion.



You are giving cover to assholes because to you it's cringe to point out that some people have some bigoted views on black people due to the perception that calling this out is "WOKE".




And this is where we vastly disagree. When you create content for a global market you must also be aware of what you're putting out there. There's a difference between a racist caricature of a black person in a piece of media in the current year and say the Nazi symbol which had it's organ's in Buddhism. I can recognize  that that symbol might not be a national socialist symbol within the context of something like One Piece, but I can't be sure if the weird big lipped black character isn't utter ignorance or malice on the part of the creator. I agree that all this has nuance so my innate reaction wouldn't be to push the cancel button but I wouldn't also be some uncle tom saying " iT'S PrObAbLy bEcAuSe oNlY 5 BlAcK PeOpLe lIvE In jApAn GuYs"



Do you not think I won't bite the bullet and say the image you posted is bad too? Yes people will react a certain way to people who are different from them and it can manifest in the image you posted. But if they do that all the time and time an Asian person comes by I would hope someone would let them no that that kind of stuff in insensitive. You don't have to woke scold them about it either. Kids aren't stupid.


You can disagree all you want, but again, cultural context changes everything.

You can't see something as negative when there is no mark of reference where that can be considered negative.


For those kids in that pic, that is not something born of malice since they are making a visual joke to appear similar to their teacher.

To assume that is racism, or that is bad, is only because you are seeing it through the lenses of what happened historically in your own culture.


You may don't want to accept it, but Japan is a very homogenized place, with a heavy emphasis on putting the needs of society first due cultural reasons, this also translates to their media to some capacity, and while over the last years their media has become popular around the world, they are doing their work first and foremost for their own domestic market, at least most of the time.


And in the case of SF6, hence why I said that is clear that the game is being made with a a more western sensibilities than before, hence why the inclusion of urban elements to the character designs and overall tone of the game, etc, etc.

There will be also a shock for many people over there, and not necessarily because they hate black people like you defaulted to assume, but because it is different to what it came before.


Like I said, regardless of what you or me think, having subpar products that parade their political motivations to do x or y changes have made more harm than good, and only serve to make people wary when genuine attempts to create characters or stories come out, or worse, those genuine attempts to not get a chance.


Years prior, not many will be questioning Kim inclusion, but nowdays, people who usually wouldn't have a problem have 2nd guesses



Also, nice touch calling me uncle tom




but I can't be sure if the weird big lipped black character isn't utter ignorance or malice on the part of the creator.


Or you know, the heavy stylization of the human form reduced to its more prominent atributes, strange how that works.

Or are we now gonna pretend that Oda's chars don't look goofy as hell, assuming that your example is regarding black chars on OP of course.



And as it pertains to skin color this a terrible thing and should be rejected wholesale. 


And that lays the problem, if everything is defaulted to race, then you will always find fault in stuff where there isn't.



Edited by Hecatom
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7 minutes ago, Volt said:

I'm honestly really impressed with how good this game looks.

It is impressive. But I think after SF6's reveal, the next gen Triple A market is going to be very realistic looking. MK12, T8, and SF6 all employ some extremely real textures, lighting, and effect. There is a striking sheen of similarity in art direction. Even though the anatomical proportions may vary from SF being more exaggerated, MK more down to Earth, and Tekken 8 somehow being somewhere between the two right now.

The catch is, SF6 looks like a graphical leap compared to its previous numbered entry. This alone will generate interest. Tekken8, while very much eye candy, looks more in line with what was expected. What is predictable. It looks very safe.

SF6's artstyle is also arguably very safe too but for different reasons.


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6 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I thought Viper was Latina? I know Laura is Blasian though 😉

To me C.Viper looks like was supposed to be either latina or white (or mix), bit tricky because depending on who portray her she may feel more latina (SF4 art/ingame) or more white (SFV, SF4 anime)


I ever considered her just modern melting pot USA, btw would pick latina as most important vibes, even if she's been inspired from 2 white characters


As for the debate about wich non white (or non east asian would add) girls SF series got, we have


Elena from Kenya

Menat from Egypt

Kimberly as african-american

Laura indeed as blasian family in Brazil

Lily as native american in Mexico

Pullum Purna (SFEX) as middle eastern/arabian

Edited by CESTUS III
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53 minutes ago, Daemos said:

It is impressive. But I think after SF6's reveal, the next gen Triple A market is going to be very realistic looking. MK12, T8, and SF6 all employ some extremely real textures, lighting, and effect. There is a striking sheen of similarity in art direction. Even though the anatomical proportions may vary from SF being more exaggerated, MK more down to Earth, and Tekken 8 somehow being somewhere between the two right now.

The catch is, SF6 looks like a graphical leap compared to its previous numbered entry. This alone will generate interest. Tekken8, while very much eye candy, looks more in line with what was expected. What is predictable. It looks very safe.

SF6's artstyle is also arguably very safe too but for different reasons.


I honestly didn't even know MK12 was a thing. It's not like I'll bother watching an instant of its footage either way.


SF6 is very distinct. T8 looks better rn imo. Maybe better is not the word, but sharper. It's fair that T8 doesn't look like an astounding leap graphically-wise at first glance compared to 7, but that's because T7 was the best looking FG of last gen unless you wanna throw ArcSys into the mix. I wouldn't because it'd be like comparing apples and oranges with how different the artstyles are.


I'm fairly impressed with 8 so far. Still need info on that rollback though.

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4 hours ago, Hecatom said:

Wasn't he saying that Tekken 7 already had rollback?


I think so. I remember he was on some game dev roundtable and said 3 frames was the absolute limit for rollback for Tekken iirc. He made it seem like the infrastructure for a game like T7 was so different from your average 2D fighter and if you tried to implement that level of rollback on Tekken it would just completely fuck up the game.


I'm not a game developer in any way so I can't exactly call bullshit on him, but that's his reasoning for T7. But who knows, maybe T8 will give them some wiggle room.

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I always wondered how much do copies being sold actually matter in the long run when they give examples like that ( and this applies to all franchises not just Tekken ).


Because it's one thing to sell 1 million copies at full price at release vs  1 million copies during 5 years when in year 4 or 5 the game is 15 bucks at most on pretty much all platforms.

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41 minutes ago, Skort said:

I always wondered how much do copies being sold actually matter in the long run when they give examples like that ( and this applies to all franchises not just Tekken ).


Because it's one thing to sell 1 million copies at full price at release vs  1 million copies during 5 years when in year 4 or 5 the game is 15 bucks at most on pretty much all platforms.


Would add also DLC too


Sure af i paid more in SFV DLC than buy game itself, my money spent  in DLC likely equal the money of bunch of people that bought game years later at super cheap price

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1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:


It doesn't matter how many units it sold over Street Fighter. Street Fighter's name is woven firmly in the fabric of pop culture the world over and is still the single most recognizable fighting game on this planet with only MK possibly rivalling it.

Literally the worst entry in the SF franchise (3S) is continuously ranked among the best fighting games in history. SF5 was supposed to fail, and despite everyone and their mother wanting it to crash and burn it did not. It became the single best selling SF release to date.

Tekken can only wish to be at this level. Not sure why the OP decided to draw parallels with SF in a tweet only about Tekken's sales.

Edited by Daemos
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There's a certain demographic that grew up with Tekken instead of SF due to the latter's absence during the "3D revolution". The mainstream didn't know about 3rd Strike but they sure as hell knew about Tekken 3, and that's why the series has always been a big seller, because it managed to find a way into the crowd back when it was marketed as part of the PS1's cool image, together with the likes of Tomb Raider, Metal Gear, WipeOut (RIP) etc. It probably also helps that it always looked more impressive than SF and you could do cool stuff by rolling with your face over the gamepad.


I think MK is the only other fighting game that has similar success among casual audiences, particularly in the US. Smash Bros. as well, obviously, but that's a different beast anyway.

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31 minutes ago, delete_me said:

There's a certain demographic that grew up with Tekken instead of SF due to the latter's absence during the "3D revolution". The mainstream didn't know about 3rd Strike but they sure as hell knew about Tekken 3, and that's why the series has always been a big seller, because it managed to find a way into the crowd back when it was marketed as part of the PS1's cool image, together with the likes of Tomb Raider, Metal Gear, WipeOut (RIP) etc. It probably also helps that it always looked more impressive than SF and you could do cool stuff by rolling with your face over the gamepad.


I think MK is the only other fighting game that has similar success among casual audiences, particularly in the US. Smash Bros. as well, obviously, but that's a different beast anyway.

Yes specially those that have consoles, PlayStation era is strong 


A kid in the arcade would choose where the most people are and where is the most flashy fighter and eye candy that time.


You have Marvel vs Capcom, Soul Edge, Tekken, SF Alpha and other crazy team based games with assist paired with polygons. then there is SF3NG. Where would a average kids would see the value of their token?  likely where the popular and familiar characters are or where the spectacle the visuals are. 

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2 hours ago, Skort said:

I always wondered how much do copies being sold actually matter in the long run when they give examples like that ( and this applies to all franchises not just Tekken ).


Because it's one thing to sell 1 million copies at full price at release vs  1 million copies during 5 years when in year 4 or 5 the game is 15 bucks at most on pretty much all platforms.

They matter a lot. Continued life time sales is what keeps companies afloat during quarters where they have no new releases. Capcom has remained profitable during quarters of no new releases on the strength of the continued sales of old games. They are still earning money from RE4, RE5, Remake 2, monster hunter world and few other games that was released years ago. Nintendo does the same thing and their releases are more frequent

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7 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

They matter a lot. Continued life time sales is what keeps companies afloat during quarters where they have no new releases. Capcom has remained profitable during quarters of no new releases on the strength of the continued sales of old games. They are still earning money from RE4, RE5, Remake 2, monster hunter world and few other games that was released years ago. Nintendo does the same thing and their releases are more frequent

To further your point, it's a major reason for Nintendo being so cash rich when (employee wise) they are far smaller than their competitors. That combine with the fact that Nintendo titles hold their original MSRP boots their earnings. A Nintendo title that sells 5 million units earns far more than any other publishers title that hits the same mark. 

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4 hours ago, Daemos said:

It doesn't matter how many units it sold over Street Fighter. Street Fighter's name is woven firmly in the fabric of pop culture the world over and is still the single most recognizable fighting game on this planet with only MK possibly rivalling it.

Literally the worst entry in the SF franchise (3S) is continuously ranked among the best fighting games in history. SF5 was supposed to fail, and despite everyone and their mother wanting it to crash and burn it did not. It became the single best selling SF release to date.

Tekken can only wish to be at this level. Not sure why the OP decided to draw parallels with SF in a tweet only about Tekken's sales.

Tbh as SF fan i like TK7 outsold SFV


TK guys put lot more efforts and got rightful reward


All of this pushed to SF6 being done with the effort, care and budget that a SF chapter deserve

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1 hour ago, Shakunetsu said:

I thought that was already officially before?

It was stated officially in-game (Through Bridget saying she’s a girl now in one of the arcade paths and her GG World bio using female pronouns). Though some people continued arguing otherwise (Saying localization is going off the rails, that the ending Bridget said she was a girl was the ‘bad’ ending and non-canon)  and every time Bridget was brought up, there would be a fight between the two sides. It got to a point where ArcSys themselves had to step in when someone pretended to be an employee of them and made a letter that stated Bridget was still a boy.


It still wasn’t enough for some. With some interpreting this as saying “They’re just saying that guy wasn’t them, not them saying that Bridget is trans.”. So with their latest developer’s backyard, Daisuke bluntly stated that Bridget is now a Transgirl as of Strive along with an explanation why and how there are no bad endings in Strive.

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41 minutes ago, Hawkingbird said:

I have two twitter accounts and don't have to worry about shit.

My last account was linked to my cell and I got deepsix'd so alt accounts where out of the question. I've been banned for 2 years now. But I signed up with my apple account. Only reason why  I came back was because I got an email that someone was trying to log into one of my dead accounts that got suspended. Literally got onto today and I'm already arguing with someone that thinks you're fascist if you don't like wokeness in media. I just can't control myself lmao 

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44 minutes ago, TWINBLADES said:

My last account was linked to my cell and I got deepsix'd so alt accounts where out of the question. I've been banned for 2 years now. But I signed up with my apple account. Only reason why  I came back was because I got an email that someone was trying to log into one of my dead accounts that got suspended. Literally got onto today and I'm already arguing with someone that thinks you're fascist if you don't like wokeness in media. I just can't control myself lmao 

I never gave twitter my number so I can create alts. All my degenerate shit needed to be it's own account. I'm not going out like Po did. 

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5 hours ago, Darc_Requiem said:

I can understand arguments over a character when the creator leaves things ambiguous. However, if they come down with a definitive answer. That should be that. 


The argument comes that is a betrayal of the story of the character from all games prior to Strive.

Think about it.

The kid was groomed as a child into a gender identity, forced on him because the village where he was born had a superstition that identical twins of the same sex was a bad omen, he then goes into a journey to prove that He isn't what it was forced into him due the superstition of his village, every story so far has him trying to prove that he is a man despite the rest of the world seeing him as a girl. He has always saw him as a Man.


Comes Strive and now he just gives up and decides he is a girl because EVERYONE keeps seeing him as a girl, despite his efforts to prove he isn't.


Tell me how is that a good story or a good representation of what being trans is?


Testament, I can see it working, since he has always been androginous, but with Bridget it contradicts everything they laid down for his character.


Reverse the situation.

Bridget is a boy that sees himself as a girl.

Goes on a journey to prove that she is not what the world sees her.

Comes Strive and decides that she is a boy because the rest of the world keeps seeing her as a boy.




But as usual, voicing out why it doesnt makes sense, gets you labeled as transphobic, lmao.

Because logic and character consistency be damn.


Prior to Strive, Bridget's story was about how there were more ways about being a man, that it wasn't necessarily about being a macho man, that he was more than what people saw him as.


Now is about him being a girl because everyone keeps seeing hims as one.

Basically giving up on his own identity in favor of what the world sees him as and what was imposed on him.

If anything is counterproductive to what trans are fighting for, since the story can be summarized as it doesn't matter how you see as, you will always be what the world decides you are/sees you as.


Another reason to add to the pile of why Strive is garbage.

Edited by Hecatom
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24 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


The argument comes that is a betrayal of the story of the character from all games prior to Strive.

Think about it.

The kid was groomed as a child into a gender identity, forced on him because the village where he was born had a superstition that identical twins of the same sex was a bad omen, he then goes into a journey to prove that He isn't what it was forced into him due the superstition of his village, every story so far has him trying to prove that he is a man despite the rest of the world seeing him as a girl. He has always saw him as a Man.


Comes Strive and now he just gives up and decides he is a girl because EVERYONE keeps seeing him as a girl, despite his efforts to prove he isn't.


Tell me how is that a good story or a good representation of what being trans is?


Testament, I can see it working, since he has always been androginous, but with Bridget it contradicts everything they laid down for his character.


Reverse the situation.

Bridget is a boy that sees himself as a girl.

Goes on a journey to prove that she is not what the world sees her.

Comes Strive and decides that she is a boy because the rest of the world keeps seeing her as a boy.




But as usual, voicing out why it doesnt makes sense, gets you labeled as transphobic, lmao.

Because logic and character consistency be damn.


Prior to Strive, Bridget's story was about how there were more ways about being a man, that it wasn't necessarily about being a macho man, that he was more than what people saw him as.


Now is about him being a girl because everyone keeps seeing hims as one.

Basically giving up on his own identity in favor of what the world sees him as and what was imposed on him.

If anything is counterproductive to what trans are fighting for, since the story can be summarized as it doesn't matter how you see as, you will always be what the world sees you as.


Another reason to add to the pile of why Strive is garbage.

I think you are missing my point. A creator can do whatever they want with their characters. People don't have to like it. You have the right to express your disagreement with their assessment but at the end of the day it's their character. Whatever their motivation, they can get to do what they want with their character. 


As an amateur writer, I've created my own characters. This color's my perspective on the issue. If I want to change a core aspect of one of them, It does not matter what anyone else thinks. It's my character. Now if you have situation where the character's IP is licensed or bought by someone else that isn't the original creator. That's a whole other discussion. 


I hate what NRS did to Sindel. I think the change they made to her character is terrible. I think it turns her into a generic gold digger, but at the end of the day it isn't my character.

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