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Street Fighter 6 Lounge: The FGC has a crack problem.

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4 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


Plus, I can't record matches on my laptop yet, I have not figured how to make OBS work XD

Then add the nude mods, lol

I'm just fucking with you man. I don't care either way. I just thought it would be funny since Art is sponsored by 240hz 🙃  I top out at 165hz (desktop). Not on the Yung Art level.

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Just now, Hecatom said:

Costume design, her silhouette is just bad, is the same as any other generic blonde out there.

Plus her color scheme is also not Cammy.

Not sure about what you mean with generic blonde thing lol

Personally i don't care about new design, i will just jump straight to classic version, seems well made


Based on very shit quality clip we got, don't like much her idle stance (wich seem a return to SF2 one)... maybe is SF6 proportions but feels bit awkward just like Chun Li one (Juri one is good though)

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1 minute ago, CESTUS III said:

Not sure about what you mean with generic blonde thing


Really easy to see when you think about the sillhoutte







Her silhouette is generic as fuck, since it lacks details that make her her own, is a terrible design since there is nothing unique to it.

If you don't tell people she is Cammy, people wouldn't know.

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Just now, AriesWarlock said:

Yeah, it makes sense now, I even have the image. Seems he edits and retouches images.


I say that there is nothing wrong with that, as long as he is not trying to pass it as its own.

As someone who used to draw, there are times that you use other's people work or pics as reference, the problem is when the tracing is so blatant 😅


I am willing to give the benefit of doubt and say that he "traces" as a way to practice his coloring, maybe, who knows 😏

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3 minutes ago, Hecatom said:


Really easy to see when you think about the sillhoutte



Her silhouette is generic as fuck, since it lacks details that make her her own, is a terrible design since there is nothing unique to it.

If you don't tell people she is Cammy, people wouldn't know.


Remove giant braids and hat in default design took away pretty distinctive trait from her, specially the braids wich were big and recurring element wich was instant recognizable


Would not mind it as alt tbh, but don't like it as default (but again, if is an option like in SFV, i will set Classic as default and never see true deafult lol)


Also even on classic one new SF6 proportions with smaller hands and feet make her gloves and boots stand out less, they lost weight on the composition

SF5 and SF6 Cammy side-by-side : r/StreetFighter


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39 minutes ago, Hecatom said:

Really easy to see when you think about the sillhoutte



he doesn't understand you his just waiting for your words and to know what you know to make it sound convincing and has sense with


You already had debate him previously about Cammy in SF6 he doesn't get your point


If you reread most of his recent points on SF6 characters especially his previous comments on your claim on Cammy you know that he doesn't understand your point


Most of his claim is reaching and trying hard just to make sense,


his just trying to tag others regularly and being friendly after being exposed as a real fraud.


I don't really point them out because I want him to STAY DUMB and CONFIDENTLY PRETENCIOUS, So I can easily burn and roast him always to taste his own medicine 


Edited by Shakunetsu
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15 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Remove giant braids and hat in default design took away pretty distinctive trait from her, specially the braids wich were big and recurring element wich was instant recognizable


Would not mind it as alt tbh, but don't like it as default (but again, if is an option like in SFV, i will set Classic as default and never see true deafult lol)


Also even on classic one new SF6 proportions with smaller hands and feet make her gloves and boots stand out less, they lost weight on the composition

I'll quote this before being edited out haha

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1 hour ago, Frost said:

Parry isn't a viable wake-up option as there's a grace period where perfect parries(the one you need to punish things) can't be performed

Would a normal parry be used for punishing higher recovery moves (if that's even possible with the recovery on the parry itself)? It kind of seems like a perfect parry lets you cancel right into a special whereas the other parry is similar to v-shift in sfv. Curious to know what the uses for normal parry would be if it's not a viable wake up option.

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Here's another one,

On 6/10/2022 at 9:19 AM, CESTUS III said:


Il nuovo trailer di Street Fighter 6 mostra Guile in azione

he looks very top heavy with super buff arms and kinda tight pants and smaller shoes... while i ever thought as very powerful kicker (more than as puncher) his classic look was cool, because baggy army pants + amy boots of classic design visually made the legs look thicker and heavier, even if it was just optical illusionguile-stance.gif



Edited by Shakunetsu
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1 hour ago, Hecatom said:

Really easy to see when you think about the sillhoutte


He doesn't get your point is, when you used that term with Cammy reveal in SF6 he starts just FREQUENTLY using the term to sound convincing


His like a KID that when he HEARS a new term he suddenly starts constantly and regularly use it  


In fact he doesn't USED THAT TERM until you pointed it out on CAMMY's REVEAL after years since 2016 haha


Same thing I was regularly pointing out COLOR SCHEME and it's importance. Yet you will hear him terms that character design and his arguments is "JAPANESE STYLE" and "WESTERN STYLE" 


We had been debating for years now after discrediting me and saying I was this and that even not knowing me personally in real life


as I don't know character design and he know it as the sole authority on it to gatekeep others, he PROJECTED himself to me despite I was one explaining the context and the real one, because I know where he is wrong.


When I notice he has no idea other than trying hard to make sense of every TERMS and WORDs that he just came across with. I know I have been dealing with a fake pretentious PHONY because of how he reasons. THIS THINGS LIKE THIS WERE BASICS. 


So I stop explaining and just went on  destroying without TEACHING him or just ignore him to be continuously stay CONFIDENTLY DUMB and CONFIDENTLY CLUELESS. HAHA


yet he sounds catchy with contact sports because that is where he is into and likely a fan but LOL in character design that he used to claims as an authority and SUPERIORITY among everyone in the storythread and character threads.



It sounds right to those that has NO IDEA because it tries to sounds to have sense or trying to make sense. 

Edited by Shakunetsu
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48 minutes ago, elliephil said:

Would a normal parry be used for punishing higher recovery moves (if that's even possible with the recovery on the parry itself)? It kind of seems like a perfect parry lets you cancel right into a special whereas the other parry is similar to v-shift in sfv. Curious to know what the uses for normal parry would be if it's not a viable wake up option.

You couldn't parry > punish Drive Impact with the regular parry, for everything we regular parried it honestly felt like it was exactly the same as blocking it regularly. Only perfect parry lets you get access to punishes I think(Unless the move is already punishable.)

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2 hours ago, JustBooming said:

@FrostGood to see you here! How was the hitstop? In the Guile trailer it seemed a little off to me. Did you notice anything, or did it feel just like normal SF stuff?

More hitstop, the game is very one hit confirm friendly. I assume the devs have seen the discussion surrounding 14f/15f confirm windows and how hit&miss they are depending on input delay/natural reaction time and accomodated. Ryu's crMK has minimum double the hitstun and a big chunk of hitstop behind it. Luke's was the only crMK that wasn't confirmable. And confirming is a lot easier when you're high on resources because now you only need to input 66 to get big damage, not even a need to input a special motion.

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5 hours ago, Hecatom said:

If you don't tell people she is Cammy, people wouldn't know.


Without you mentioning it he wouldn't even used the word, his just going on circles and talking something entirely different from your response because he doesn't know your points and just waiting for what he can learn from you then pretend he knows it.


Here is his previous answer, same thing on what your pointing out


 Here is the previous convo in JUNE and his response that doesn't make sense other than just trying to sound an authority but disconnect to the argument


On 6/7/2022 at 6:14 AM, Hecatom said:

And this is why I dislike this redesign.

Cammy now blends with a lot of other blonde characters.

Her silhouette is loss on a sea of other many chars that look basically the same.


On 6/7/2022 at 7:43 AM, CESTUS III said:

I'm the first to complain about shit redesigns, but tbh we should not bother much with what is the "default" look as long we get classic shit and we can settle it as our copy default


All i know as now is that SF6 classic Cammy (SF6 alt) looks waaay better than SFV classic Cammy (SFV default), as ridicolous it sounds the small Delta Red triangle and camolegs alone made SF6 version so much superior, as were important pieces of original design that were removed in retarded way


To offer perspective i hate SF6 Ryu design as it is, but i'm pretty positive that i will either be able to edit it to be decent (remove beard, remove cape) or i will have the chance to simply switch to classic Ryu, that will probably be done good

too judging Cammy alt quality


SF6 as a whole did bunch of shitty things i dislike, but if they offer me chance to set my copy with the aesthetic i want (something in weaker way SFV already did, giving the chance to save costume preference), seems a fair deal and tbh best possible scenario considering they chosen that the path will give them money is not the one i like


On aesthetic side if SF6 will give me


-Classic alts (wich seems to be there)

-Editor of costumes (wich seems to be there)

-Character creator with chance of create my own shit (wich is probably there) and options that fit more classic SF style and not just generic urban bullshit


I can't ask more

I mean they will do their american marketing shit anyway, if they give you chance to fix your own copy of SF6 to fit your taste, it' really the best outcome given current situation






It sounds appealing for someone who doesn't know or average because of the UNFAMILIAR misused terms are thrown in to  SOUND SMART 


but mostly it's unnecessary points that is all out of place, garbage talk and overall disconnected to the original argument that can clearly see by someone who understands the points




LOL more gibberish stuff like CAMMY COSTUME ALT "QUALITY" and CHAR EDITOR doesn't even concern this one. LOL


It's like about your talking about gameplay modes functioning terribly then he start arguing with game packaging and collectors edition that has same exact modes without additions and fixing. Starts lecturing about what is a good game packaging instead haha

Edited by Shakunetsu
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4 hours ago, Daemos said:

@Shakunetsudo you mind leaving @CESTUS IIIalone? This shit is getting old.


I do point out the wrongs but not every of his comments and POVs


In fact I do ignore cestus most of the time if I point out it's reasonable and it's wrong is entirely redundant. MOST THAT I QUOTED WAS POST THAT I INTENTIONALLY IGNORE was FROM JUNE but USED as points in the argument in present.


Cestus is always been someone if pointed out for the wrong  either...


1.) goes out for CRY for HELP like asking OGs lol 2.) call others fake  OR  3.) pretend to be an authority like pretending to be OG or a character designer working in a company lol


That has been the cycle of Cestus every time being proven wrong or being expose that he doesnt know. he can't handle on topic discussion even before i was trying to understand him


Because he cannot handle being pointed out of wrong about BASICs stuff regarding something he has a fragile EGO and just want him to be an authority among others or BE IGNORED let him win.


IF you place your opinion on a public forum for discussion about things that are wrong and did fashion policing for years pretending to be something to me while inventing stories against me. He used to CLAIM HIGHLY of himself in years. So I have the right to criticize and correct something that is wrong and used your false claims against you because it's on a forum.




If I am a license doctor and the fraud doctor tells that I am fake, I have the right to deal with his misinformation and pretentions. even he starts being nice to everybody haha


It's better for him to shut up and talk things he understand then go back to talking what he is entirely familiar with, if he can't take criticism on things that he doesn't clearly UNDERSTAND and pretends to understand


If I was a musician if someone saying fake shit about music and accuse me the one that is fake I would point out what is right.


If I told you Ken default costume is color GREEN in a public forum you have the right to correct the misinformation instead of me telling you to ignore me or leave me or DONT QUOTE ME. If you dislike being pointed out by clearly that is wrong then keep it in yourself like GREEN is ken's default or talk things that isn't wrong.



4 hours ago, Daemos said:

@Shakunetsudo you mind leaving @CESTUS IIIalone? This shit is getting old.

He could accuse me lying and making UP THINGS BUT HE CAN'T HAHA because IT'S UNDENIABLE


I even purposely ignore him at the beggining in the MEGASHOCK storythread  but when POINT OUT topics about COLORS why it is wrong without even mentioning his name or quoting him yet HE RESPONDED WITH SRK DRAMA that is VERY unrelated because being proven wrong about F*cking COLORS that he can't handle smart argument ABOUT COLORS and goes out of Topic answering WITH SRK DRAMA. HE WAS THE FIRST to BRING THE DRAMA BACK because of COLORS




Because he can't handle CRITICISM and DOESN'T want to be pointed out by WRONGS because he wants his wrong to be noticed and start to play like authority again.

Edited by Shakunetsu
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4 minutes ago, AriesWarlock said:

Hitbox crossup is not allowed for CPT events because it breaks several rules

Rule D sure gets broken by the hitbox crossup:

it is prohibited to convert mechanical ability of analog stick to lever or buttons


The Crossup was the only controller that legit got me triggered. So clearly manufactured to give a unique advantage, especially in their promo materials.



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1 hour ago, elliephil said:

Someone told me he was playing a lot of SF4 these past few years and laying low. I wonder what brought him back to SFV...

Money. EU SFL has a 5k appearance fee(minimum fee, not maximum), EU NA is probably the biggest in terms of production/viewership so I'm assuming the appearance fee varies between 10k-20k depending on player pedigree.

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15 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:


Remove giant braids and hat in default design took away pretty distinctive trait from her, specially the braids wich were big and recurring element wich was instant recognizable


Would not mind it as alt tbh, but don't like it as default (but again, if is an option like in SFV, i will set Classic as default and never see true deafult lol)


Also even on classic one new SF6 proportions with smaller hands and feet make her gloves and boots stand out less, they lost weight on the composition




Hence my problem.

The redesign took so much elements of the character, it would be a thing if it pursued other unique elements of her to double down on them, or reinvented those that were removed/gave them a spin (like give her a single long braid, give her a long flowing hair like on the combat costume, etc), but no, what we got is generic blonde girl  with  the generic short hair that fights in sport/casual clothes.


Cammy new look can be seen as derivative of other chars that came before and managed to made said looks unique to them, like 18 and Blue Mary.

She looks like a random non disclosure npc char you see on a Just Dance game.

Is Horrid.

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This is basically 101, FUNDAMENTALS, LOL This time I give a time to elaborate that he might learn something 


I do wish just to point wrong but basically I'm already hinting here haha


 Hecatom is  straight to the point and elaborate the details, clear and concise from June and Sept


while Cestus lol clearly has no fucking idea but trying hard haha, not just by Cammy but even his Guile post being cringe after hearing some new TERMS from Hecatom haha


Girberish and misdirection section crossout but will be acknowledge as points


Cestus points



On 9/9/2022 at 6:06 PM, CESTUS III said:

Same shit they're doing with SF6, like Cammy with pants as default, yet we already seen the leotard is stuck in her anus more than ever as soon you switch to alt costume


Best way to coexist with today american wierdo world without be boycotted or lose the classic japanese style, let them watch the surface and think they "won", while everybody with even just minimal knowledge can laugh at them lol


On 9/10/2022 at 3:20 AM, Hecatom said:


Yeah, but in the case of Cammy, the problem is that they made her a generic blonde chick.

It looks terrible.


On 9/10/2022 at 4:02 AM, CESTUS III said:

You mean as costume design (default) or as character model?




Cestus is CONFUSED if it is the COSTUME or THE MODEL haha



On 9/10/2022 at 4:05 AM, Hecatom said:

Costume design, her silhouette is just bad, is the same as any other generic blonde out there.

Plus her color scheme is also not Cammy.


On 9/10/2022 at 4:25 AM, CESTUS III said:

Not sure about what you mean with generic blonde thing lol

Personally i don't care about new design, i will just jump straight to classic version, seems well made


Based on very shit quality clip we got, don't like much her idle stance (wich seem a return to SF2 one)... maybe is SF6 proportions but feels bit awkward just like Chun Li one (Juri one is good though)


Girberish and misdirection section crossout


 Hecatom in June being firm on himself from Sept


While Cestus answering point are

  1. Classic Version
  3. Video Clip
  4. Idle Stance
  5. Chun li and Juri
  6. SF6 Proportion LOL BWAHAHA




On 9/10/2022 at 4:31 AM, Hecatom said:

Her silhouette is generic as fuck, since it lacks details that make her her own, is a terrible design since there is nothing unique to it.

If you don't tell people she is Cammy, people wouldn't know.


On 9/10/2022 at 4:56 AM, CESTUS III said:

Remove giant braids and hat in default design took away pretty distinctive trait from her, specially the braids wich were big and recurring element wich was instant recognizable


Would not mind it as alt tbh, but don't like it as default (but again, if is an option like in SFV, i will set Classic as default and never see true deafult lol)


Also even on classic one new SF6 proportions with smaller hands and feet make her gloves and boots stand out less, they lost weight on the composition

While Cestus answering point 

  1. Classic Costume is coming anyway
  2. BOOTS


Cestus in June CAMMY


On 6/7/2022 at 6:14 AM, Hecatom said:

And this is why I dislike this redesign.

Cammy now blends with a lot of other blonde characters.

Her silhouette is loss on a sea of other many chars that look basically the same.

 Hecatom in June being firm on himself from Sept


While Cestus answering point are

  1. the authority to FIRST to complain
  2. Delta red triangle
  3. Camouflage
  4. Removing Stuff from Cammy basing example of SF6 Ryu's Cape and Beard
  5.  Money stuff
  6. Character Creator


On 6/7/2022 at 7:43 AM, CESTUS III said:

I'm the first to complain about shit redesigns, but tbh we should not bother much with what is the "default" look as long we get classic shit and we can settle it as our copy default


All i know as now is that SF6 classic Cammy (SF6 alt) looks waaay better than SFV classic Cammy (SFV default), as ridicolous it sounds the small Delta Red triangle and camolegs alone made SF6 version so much superior, as were important pieces of original design that were removed in retarded way


To offer perspective i hate SF6 Ryu design as it is, but i'm pretty positive that i will either be able to edit it to be decent (remove beard, remove cape) or i will have the chance to simply switch to classic Ryu, that will probably be done good too judging Cammy alt quality


SF6 as a whole did bunch of shitty things i dislike, but if they offer me chance to set my copy with the aesthetic i want (something in weaker way SFV already did, giving the chance to save costume preference), seems a fair deal and tbh best possible scenario considering they chosen that the path will give them money is not the one i like


On aesthetic side if SF6 will give me


-Classic alts (wich seems to be there)

-Editor of costumes (wich seems to be there)

-Character creator with chance of create my own shit (wich is probably there) and options that fit more classic SF style and not just generic urban bullshit


I can't ask more

I mean they will do their american marketing shit anyway, if they give you chance to fix your own copy of SF6 to fit your taste, it' really the best outcome given current situation



Cestus on JUNE Guile



On 6/10/2022 at 9:19 AM, CESTUS III said:

Bunch of random thoughts on Guile restyle


-first of all they made work the silly haircut, one could argue they ever did, but with current style was'nt easy at all lol


-i really like the goatee ingame, despite the fact i did'nt liked it at all on the artwork at first

Now it remind me retired MMA fighter Keith Jardine,

MMA: UFC FIGHTER KEITH JARDINE | MMA - UFC: Keith "The Dean … | Flickr

i think suit this older Guile and further give him grumpy "uncool" middle age tough dad look lol


-i already said it, but super is ridicolous good looking, when he step mid-air on your shoulder just to kick your jaw with another flash kick is the coolest thing ever done by Guile lol


-when he check how many seconds took him to destroy you is great, given how Guile ever keep stress his style is made for the battlefield, where how much time is needed to neutralize a target is important af and determine the effectiveness of the operation


-i'm not a fan of the new costume silhuette,

Il nuovo trailer di Street Fighter 6 mostra Guile in azione

he looks very top heavy with super buff arms and kinda tight pants and smaller shoes... while i ever thought as very powerful kicker (more than as puncher) his classic look was cool, because baggy army pants + amy boots of classic design visually made the legs look thicker and heavier, even if it was just optical illusionguile-stance.gif

-stage looks pretty good, wonder in NPCs there are made with the character creation system





While Cestus points and valued are

  1. all that Capcom really made was the SILLY HAIR CUT
  2. The TOP IS HEAVY 
  3. PANTS are Tight need BAGGY PANTS because it's CLASSIC DESIGN 
  4. Amy BOOTS because it's CLASSIC DESIGN
  5.  OPTICAL ILLUSION, it needs to be EMPHASIZE lol
  6. Obviously BEING so METICULOUS and Too CRITICAL of the LOWER PART of lacking distinctive FEATURES of the CLASSIC DESIGN




SO OBVIOUSLY He prioritize the LOWER PART THAN UPPER PART to be more of the CLASSIC DESIGN based on his consistent take on CAMMY and how he analyze Guile.




LOL Guile




Here his points of CAMMY to have a second look


OKAY TO DISREGARD THE UPPER PART OF CAMMY because of Classic Costume's Boots and Gloves BWAHAHA


Blaming SF6 Art style and PROPORTION HAHAHA 


Cestus is a Clown since 2016 who has no backbone and flipping his own opinions even being contrary haha


To Be Honest I intentionally RESISTED not pointing out GUILE AND CAMMY from JUNE but I think this is even the right time haha, but I WAS LAUGHING WHEN I READ THOSE POINTS.






On 9/10/2022 at 4:56 AM, CESTUS III said:

Remove giant braids and hat in default design took away pretty distinctive trait from her, specially the braids wich were big and recurring element wich was instant recognizable


Would not mind it as alt tbh, but don't like it as default (but again, if is an option like in SFV, i will set Classic as default and never see true deafult lol)


Also even on classic one new SF6 proportions with smaller hands and feet make her gloves and boots stand out less, they lost weight on the composition


Cestus CLAIMS and Argument

  2. LOST WEIGHT COMPOSITION of Gloves and Boots as something that he THINKS could make up for the TOP PORTION
  5. IT's okay to disregard top proportion like in Cammy because classic costume
  7. Top least important because CLASSIC COSTUME, LOWER needs to be distinctive to CLASSIC haha


LOL You can't make this sh!t up it's all in his PRIORITIES not just words and statements but by his own CONSISTENCY and ARGUMENTS from two recent characters and a recurring post from PAST and PRESENT. 





His classic design priority seems to describe how his LOGIC functions haha


Cestus is probably now CRYING FOR HELP IN THE MESSAGES as USUAL haha


Cestus PM be like please guys interrupt the thread because shakunetsu is roasting me and exposing me on what i want others impression to me, please say things like ignore cestus in the thread. Or shakunetsu claims are UNTRUE and JUST HATE post cestus is RIGHT because cestus is OBEDIENT SIDEKICK JR FRIEND OR that is now being NICE to everyone, HAHA


Cestus PM be like Please just say you are OG and shakunetsu needs to pretend to see cestus post always RIGHT or others to assume shakunetsu post are WRONG about character design because cestus was authority in SRK his true and never dishonest. HAHA


because cestus EGO is fragile and weak to correction and want to continue to play knowing and building fake impressions haha, 




Edited by Shakunetsu
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3 hours ago, Hecatom said:


Hence my problem.

The redesign took so much elements of the character, it would be a thing if it pursued other unique elements of her to double down on them, or reinvented those that were removed/gave them a spin (like give her a single long braid, give her a long flowing hair like on the combat costume, etc), but no, what we got is generic blonde girl  with  the generic short hair that fights in sport/casual clothes.


Cammy new look can be seen as derivative of other chars that came before and managed to made said looks unique to them, like 18 and Blue Mary.

She looks like a random non disclosure npc char you see on a Just Dance game.

Is Horrid.


Yeah but the problem there is that i think they intentionally wanted to do a drastic change on her image either to symbolize she completely changed life or even just as marketing gimmick  to show how much they're willing to revolution old designs, without care much about what you lose in terms of character's visual identity


I'm even all for it if there's a good reason, like i ever appreciate them working on Ken's image to push him away from being "Ryu's clone" (SFv, SF6), but here on Cammy feels not as motived beyond story and gimmick


Personally i would have keept the big braids and either change the hat (with something not military related) or go not hat at all... with braids and possibly the scar (was never a fan of them toning it down) would still be very recognizable Cammy


On color scheme i'm less stricht on her case, or at least i blame them less as we already seen Capcom drastically change it on (while sticking close to the original formula for the rest, all changes that purposely did'nt gone much far) back to alpha days...


...but yes, combined with all other changes they did to her in 6, colors further push her far from her classic look


Agree on new hair being very C18/Blue Mary wannabe lol


With some differences, for the costume i think they recycled some ideas from SF2V anime look


-thight very dark blue top and pants with belly out

-black stripe necklace with a short pendant (just replaced Jesus with Dela red lol)

-red gloves, one long till elbow and one short

-red shoes matching the gloves

What do you think of Cammy's new outfit? : r/StreetFighterStreet Fighter II: V Reviews


then slapped on it the jacket 😀



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17 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Personally i would have keept the big braids and either change the hat (with something not military related) or go not hat at all... with braids and possibly the scar (was never a fan of them toning it down) would still be very recognizable Cammy

LOL retracting now? your suddenly considering it now haha


Yet it's still wrong because of the claims and priorities HAHA


all of a sudden change of direction and tune. haha  because they obviously now pointed the wrong and in a checkmate position 




it still obviously change of heart and it still reflect your claims from 3 PREVIOUS arguments from CAMMY and Guile that came from JUNE and recent before that. By just considering still doesn't make it right either.


and you cant hide fact with recent comments and your argument that you don't know what your talking about.


your stance, priority and arguments, and what you defend all reflects you not your recent change of tune after me extremely pointing the totally WRONG and you can hide the fact your IGNORANT on something basic.


until being corrected by me again haha, same like we do in SRK


17 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

Agree on new hair being very C18/Blue Mary wannabe lol


With some differences, for the costume i think they recycled some ideas from SF2V anime look

it's not base on that however they are similarities but that is far reaching to CLAIM Capcom is referencing Cammy from that design for SF6 cammy haha


Its obviously 18 and Blue Mary inspired than pushing SF2V as the core and pointing the jacket. its trying hard.


after multiple comments your down to  marketing gimmick which doesnt connect still to what hecatom implies which is far 


You avoid to put "american" now? american marketing haha


and it's still contrary to your previous stand and argument on guile and cammy.


its clearly reaching and far from the point and lack of consistency and far from the point of the argument still points out of your ignorance and pretentiousness. Being fake. 


Edited by Shakunetsu
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11 hours ago, Daemos said:

@Shakunetsudo you mind leaving @CESTUS IIIalone? This shit is getting old.

For what's worth all i see when he post anything all i see is




don't even get notification if he mention or quote me, further upgrade from SRK ignore function 😄


Based on your post guess he gone delirant again lol, let him do his thing i guess 🤣

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17 hours ago, CESTUS III said:


don't even get notification if he mention or quote me, further upgrade from SRK ignore function 😄


Based on your post guess he gone delirant again lol, let him do his thing i guess 🤣


Your scared and always FAKE and DUMB, just like before your the one trying to look for attention when you JOIN THE LOUNGE and MEGASHOCK, Your the one wanting an authority attention in fact in 2022 you claim to be an SRK OG and at the same AGE as I am when suddenly joining the SF LOUNGE in Megashock? lol all of a sudden..


Your always proven wrong you RUN AWAY.


Your even the one that brings the SRK DRAMA because of color discussion that wasn't even naming you or quoting you. 


SF2V was common thought when it was seen before, AND adding REFERENCE? to make it "sounds smart" but yet it's still gibberish and unrelated.


it's undeniable that you don't understand, and your just throwing insignificant info to justify your pretentiousness 


 And also doesn't CORRECT YOUR WRONG TAKE ON the SUBJECT on the REAL POINT of Hecatom Argument


because all your reasoning shows your IGNORANT and PRENTENCIOUS from JUNE to present on what his point is and most of your argument on his point is GIBERISH TRASH that is clearly UNRELATED. This not an OPINION, it's FUNDAMENTALS and BASICS


GREEN LIGHT is a a GO and RED LIGHT is STOP in trafic lights those are FACTUAL even if you explained a reference THAT RED can relate to urgency and threat so it can be move or also not STOP.


It's sounds convincing because of pointing reference but overall it's still UNTRUE and UNRELATED to Hecatom Argument


And what your previous claims doesn't make it RIGHT by your RECENT CHANGE of CLAIMS, and CONSIDERATION of the TOP PART haha. 



17 hours ago, CESTUS III said:

don't even get notification if he mention or quote me, further upgrade from SRK ignore function 😄


Based on your post guess he gone delirant again lol, let him do his thing i guess 🤣



SRK had an ignore function for years, it already EXISTED in SRK, It doesn't hide the FACT that your the one ENGAGING and baiting even you claim I was on YOUR IGNORE haha because your pretentious on ignore, WHY? because  YOU still always PEEK ON MY POST TO COUNTER ARGUMENTS, How come you aare on a defensive post and in an argument if you even can't see the post HAHA


Obviously It's undeniable your still arguing even in SRK, this is why the conflict lasted your the one asking it you had been in a DEFENSIVE state and in a COUNTER ARGUMENT even with that in SRK anyway.


So it's basically USELESS other than you PRENTENDING you are IGNORING. because that already been in SRK and your still arguing, IT JUST SHOW you always LOSE just like here and then you RUN.


LETS wait and see if that fake claim of yours do really works.


You even GET BORED easily and want arguments or play Authority among others, So let's see how long you can keep up haha






IM OKAY with no IGNORE because I can handle the right but Cestus need to lose that option in order to permanently not engage because that's what he WANTS RIGHT?  haha


Let's see if really Ignore helps Cestus and do SRK ignore function, obviously pretending his IGNORING and NEVER ENGAGING because that already existed where we came from. 

Edited by Shakunetsu
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On 9/10/2022 at 9:37 PM, CESTUS III said:

For what's worth all i see when he post anything all i see is


On 9/10/2022 at 9:37 PM, CESTUS III said:

don't even get notification if he mention or quote me, further upgrade from SRK ignore function 😄


Based on your post guess he gone delirant again lol, let him do his thing i guess 🤣


This is the funniest that was already in SRK, So what happened? haha


but you still peeking and engaging anyway, so it's basically USELESS for you. Stop pretending it YOUR IGNORING when your doing COUNTER ARGUMENTS and POSTING DEFENSIVELY.


Something like an exclusively function should be in your account that you cannot PEEK on my post PERMANENTLY, that probably will solve and show if your truly are IGNORING. HAHA


IT would require you to LOGGING OUT and LOGGING IN just to see my POST, That would be FUNNY.  HAHA


WHILE I still can point all your wrongs, mistake and misinformation haha, that's a great function. 



Edited by Shakunetsu
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