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The SF6 Thread: Akuma Incoming!

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23 minutes ago, Neclord said:

I like how I am practicing all these combos and then in the real match I use -> 👴

I remember back in my Xbox 360 days, I was in an Xbox party and one dude was absolutely RAGING at some online random hit him with, sweep over and over lmao. He was screaming that it was unblockable and that it he other guy was cheating shit was hilarious. 

Best way to beak this habit is to hop in training mode while you wait for matches and just grind your desired combo over and over while you wait. If I’m waiting for a match I try to grind optimal combos into muscle memory or I’m practicing my hitconfirms. 

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4 hours ago, Daemos said:

I agree!

This is why when someone says "stop bringing back X old SF2 character" I tell'em to STFU. These guys are practically new and have never been better in so many ways.


A new generation can get to fall in love with them again. Where else are zoomers going to learn about the art of Sumo from an actual sumo? Or that there's something called the Amazon Rainforest if not from Blanka?

SF2 WW character diehards are some of the most entitled and spoiled members of the FGC. Fans of every other iteration of Street Fighter are happy to get their characters at all. The one time one of you characters, that usually don't even get played that often, doesn't show up. It's a waterfall of tears. If one of your character don't show up you get zero sympathy from me. I reserve that from SF fans that actually appreciate the character being on the roster. Makoto fans have become a meme at this point. Viper fans got cock teased all through SFV only for their character not show up. WW Characters miss one game, their fans act like someone kicked their dog. 🙄

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9 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

SF2 WW character diehards are some of the most entitled and spoiled members of the FGC. Fans of every other iteration of Street Fighter are happy to get their characters at all. The one time one of you characters, that usually don't even get played that often, doesn't show up. It's a waterfall of tears. If one of your character don't show up you get zero sympathy from me. I reserve that from SF fans that actually appreciate the character being on the roster. Makoto fans have become a meme at this point. Viper fans got cock teased all through SFV only for their character not show up. WW Characters miss one game, their fans act like someone kicked their dog. 🙄



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21 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Darc is just mad that ine one game Marissa did a better job of being Alex than Alex did in 3.


Any of you guys wanna play tonight? Haven't played for shit. Feel free to hit me with goofy shit while I used my 20 mins of training mode with the crack Ryu.



I honesty don't care. If he comes back he does, if not I'll use someone else. SF2 WW fans are the ones that bitch like teenage girls whenever their character isn't around.  When a new SF game comes out. I boot up the game run through the characters until I find one I like. In SF6 going in I thought it that character would be Lily, but thus far it's been Manon. I still want to mess with more of the cast and thankfully each character has their own individual ranks to make it easy.

Edited by Darc_Requiem
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6 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

SF2 WW fans are the ones that bitch like teenage girls whenever their character isn't around. 


Yet here we have the so called "New Generation" crying over the cast.


The World Warriors represent the whole ass planet. The New generation just represent some new fad at capcom. Might as well rename all their asses to SF3: The New Beatnicks.



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18 minutes ago, Darc_Requiem said:

When a new SF game comes out.


New SF games keep coming out BECAUSE of the SF2 characters.

Even the risky shitshow that was launch SF5 still got carried by the colossal power and adoration that the legacy characters command. They allow Capcom leeway with risk taking in the series in a way no other bouquet of characters allows.

Like SF6 can afford 8 new characters (not to mention Rashid and Ed) in year one like that because they are offset by the 8-10 of OGiest of the OGs.

I'm not saying we shouldn't get SF3 characters (cuz you know I like so many of them) but let's not pretend they carry the brand name or extend the brand's reach to general audiences.

SF3 characters gained a lot of traction over the years, especially with hipsters beating the drum of 3S being the best fg ever, but is it enough? Capcom doesn't think so and that's not our fault. We didn't choose SF2 and its characters, it chose us.


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20 minutes ago, BornWinner said:

Tier list from Mago, Gachikun, and Tokido.



Is this one of those lists also organized left to right?


Anyways can someone explain Chun to me? Of all the characters I tried she felt kinda lacking for being on the more technical side of the roster, but obviously these guys are better than I am. 

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8 minutes ago, Pair of Rooks said:

Ok @Sonerothe gods of Japan have spoken. You have 5 choices for your main. We're holding you to it like the homies we are.   


I dunno if I can handle another two years of sonero playing a tour winning character while I play honest mid tier as usual...

Edited by Shahenzan
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7 hours ago, Illwill88 said:


I'm calling it, Lily low mid. I think she will def get some adjustments this time next year. I know I know, too soon. I just think she's lacking and her weaknesses are more obvious even from a scrub like me. El Chakotay got to master rank with her and won most of his matches getting there and even he said he sees the cracks. I also see no big JP players fucking with the character and none of the SF6 uploaders are putting out allot of her matches. It's okay though because when she gets her VT2 Kolin buffs I'll be eating.

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Memed my way to platinum with blanka and finally decided to check out world tour. I haven’t been able to play much since launch and didn’t play very much but damn I’m actually kind of surprised at how good it is.

I heard the yakuza comparisons and I have to agree and also I love those games so I’ll be putting a lot of time into it when I can.



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4 minutes ago, Illwill88 said:

Memed my way to platinum with blanka and finally decided to check out world tour. I haven’t been able to play much since launch and didn’t play very much but damn I’m actually kind of surprised at how good it is.

I heard the yakuza comparisons and I have to agree and also I love those games so I’ll be putting a lot of time into it when I can.



World Tour is cool. It’s actually a great offering as a single player package cause it’s essentially its own little “RPG” game. 


I’ve sunk like 6 hours into it, would’ve played more but once I googled how long it takes to get Dhalsim as a mentor, I haven’t returned lmao. Probably mess with it more once I’ve learned more about my characters. After all;  It’d be nice if my avatar didn’t look like he just freshened up to go to a Limp Bizkit concert. 😭

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