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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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Yo, the MR grind is friggin rough.


You can have stretches where you'll be lucky to gain 3-4 points from winning a set. Losing a single game will drop you by a good amount.


They haven't specified, but I don't think "Legend" is a Warlord type of rank you acquire with a certain amount of points. I think it's awarded to the top 3 or top 10 on the leaderboards once the 3 month period ends.


It definitely does a good job in showing your overall rank, but it can be hard to maintain with the win/loss gain. Another annoying thing is matchmaking seems slower than it was before they added this. I remember when I'd be queued up for a match immediately after finishing a set. Now the wait times are longer...


I'm just gonna keep playing normally. 

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New propaganda just dropped 


This was bound to happen. However I want buffs for season 2. See I acknowledge that Lily is actually pretty decent but I don’t want the world to know this. So I’ll be going into to overtime with the Lily is bad counter propaganda. This will work of course. You saw how much I said Kolin struggled. You remember what happened when VT2 came out? Yeah it’s time to work my magic again. 

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I think Dhalsim is really tough to place on a tier list because the matchups are pretty polarizing. Anyone who has tried to anti-air JP or Kimberly with Dhalsim would know. Sim has to commit heavily in neutral in some matchups which is also difficult when there is drive impact lol. Running away is a legit strategy in some matchups like the shotos, Luke, Chun which maybe skews his perception a little bit.


All I know is that if you are losing to that fake ass teleport (which I abuse against people who don't know), your opinion doesn't deserve to be heard LOL

Edited by elliephil
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1 hour ago, TWINBLADES said:

New propaganda just dropped 


This was bound to happen. However I want buffs for season 2. See I acknowledge that Lily is actually pretty decent but I don’t want the world to know this. So I’ll be going into to overtime with the Lily is bad counter propaganda. This will work of course. You saw how much I said Kolin struggled. You remember what happened when VT2 came out? Yeah it’s time to work my magic again. 

I think Jamie is pretty decent too and he's often put in the same tier as Lily. I feel like a couple tweaks and he might actually end up top tier.  

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James Chen: "...but the decision was made that I will not be commentating on Sunday."

I had to hollup wait a minute on what he said... I could be reading into this a bit much, but the decision was made seems like not commentating wasn't his choice. Someone among the EVO powers that be probably knows why. 


Besides that, I've always wondered what the EVO logo is supposed to mean. Seen it for years, but haven't got a clue

Edited by ToreyBeans
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The most hilarious thing about it is that Chen, and apparently tragic too, are getting long boned by a decision from the Cannons like all of SRK did. Nobody talked to them about it. They just got a "Welcome to eSports and don't let the doort hit you in the ass" for all their efforts at Evo.


This is the future people wanted. The type of thing where you keep chen on commentary is the one you do when you care about a community. :coffee:

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11 hours ago, TWINBLADES said:

I acknowledge that Lily is actually pretty decent

Idk, I think she really is low tier- but it isn't because anything about her kit doesn't work as intended.  She's just really low efficiency compared to the rest of the cast, and being slow to boot means it's not like she's winning an extra amount of neutral to make up for it.

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when i was a kid and a teen i always thought when I hit too many corners when rotating a stick it's broken or mis aligned because I haven't have idea regarding this stuff



Until I go to SRK forums in early 2K when I see this stuff posted


So in your opinion guys which is better if I play games like old school KOF and old school Street Fighter?


Square, Octa or Circle?





Edited by Shakunetsu
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10 hours ago, Edmund said:

@ZioSerpeis famous now.  Why you gotta do this man. 



I used to try and troll SRK until people thought I was the biggest prick on the forums, but it was always mission impossible with this guy around. He still lives in China, right? I'm surprised they haven't yet hauled him off to one of their 're-education' camps.

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Man I think I enjoy fooling around in training mode more than I do fighting other players.  The god tier amount of options in training mode from frame data to recording to setting the dummy to delay a reversal etc. that’s on top the fact the SF6 has a bunch of shit to lab for every character between drive rush, multiple supers, special resources. Punish counter combos, etc. 


I’m like a kid in a candy store. It’s also really nice being able to answer peoples questions about Manon.

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36 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Wait, that whole set took 35 minutes? Goddamn people are dying in this game.

Just over half an hour for 19 matches is insane pacing. I'm actually kind of surprised EVO went with a top-6 format this year and the game is scheduled for 3 hours of a total runtime, I feel like the entire final will finish in half that lol

But I guess the rest of those 3 hours will be filled with ads 

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