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The SF6 Thread: Guest Characters? In MY Street Fighter?

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1 hour ago, -PVL93- said:

Real fgc plays on snack boxes now, better pony up that 300$ for razer kitsune

1 hour ago, Hawkingbird said:

I'm going to have to since snack boxes are unobtainable. 

Making hitboxes isn't difficult!  Seems like the scene as a whole has lost a lot of the stick building knowledge it used to have.  Too many people don't know how to build and only know how to buy.








Button boxes are the devil.

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12 hours ago, misterBee said:

Making hitboxes isn't difficult!  Seems like the scene as a whole has lost a lot of the stick building knowledge it used to have.  Too many people don't know how to build and only know how to buy.








Button boxes are the devil.

I want to buy first to see if hitbox is the controller I want to use. Going the custom route isn't a option unless I want to commit long term.

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I got a question for you guys about a mental hurdle I have with SF6 and have always had with fighting games.


When I am playing, and I think some BS happens or something, like I feel my move should have came out on wake up but doesn't and I get stuffed, even if it has to do with me pressing the wrong buttons, or if I feel like I blocked something but I didn't, I can't just let it go immediately.  Like it semi puts me on tilt for the rest of the match and makes me play worse because I am dwelling on it.


Any of you the same way or were the same way, and figured out a way to get over this  mental hurdle?  I feel like this is one of the mental aspects of the game I just can't get to grips with but know it is something that will help me if I can just forget it quickly and move on.




Perfect example was last night I won round 1 against my buddy and I was about to win round 2, but I dropped a special move after a normal that would have lead into CA and win, and he supered me and won round 2.  Then the entire round 3 I was salty about it and it definitely hindered my play in round 3.  I want to figure out how to clear that up.

Edited by purbeast
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@purbeast definitely easier said than done, but you just got to forget it and move on. Don’t even think about it, and if you think about it for a millisecond tell your brain to shut up and focus on the current events. It’s hard at the start but gets easier with practice.


one thing I do is sort of add it to my mental checklist and tell myself I’ll watch the replay later (if you’re playing on PS4/5, saving the last 15 mins of video after the match is helpful here). By adding it to a mental checklist, so to speak, I find it easier to move on.

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3 hours ago, purbeast said:

I got a question for you guys about a mental hurdle I have with SF6 and have always had with fighting games.


When I am playing, and I think some BS happens or something, like I feel my move should have came out on wake up but doesn't and I get stuffed, even if it has to do with me pressing the wrong buttons, or if I feel like I blocked something but I didn't, I can't just let it go immediately.  Like it semi puts me on tilt for the rest of the match and makes me play worse because I am dwelling on it.


Any of you the same way or were the same way, and figured out a way to get over this  mental hurdle?  I feel like this is one of the mental aspects of the game I just can't get to grips with but know it is something that will help me if I can just forget it quickly and move on.




Perfect example was last night I won round 1 against my buddy and I was about to win round 2, but I dropped a special move after a normal that would have lead into CA and win, and he supered me and won round 2.  Then the entire round 3 I was salty about it and it definitely hindered my play in round 3.  I want to figure out how to clear that up.

I think even pro's struggle with this honestly.  I remember Brian F talking about it being something he was trying to get over.  

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3 hours ago, purbeast said:

I got a question for you guys about a mental hurdle I have with SF6 and have always had with fighting games.


When I am playing, and I think some BS happens or something, like I feel my move should have came out on wake up but doesn't and I get stuffed, even if it has to do with me pressing the wrong buttons, or if I feel like I blocked something but I didn't, I can't just let it go immediately.  Like it semi puts me on tilt for the rest of the match and makes me play worse because I am dwelling on it.


Any of you the same way or were the same way, and figured out a way to get over this  mental hurdle?  I feel like this is one of the mental aspects of the game I just can't get to grips with but know it is something that will help me if I can just forget it quickly and move on.




Perfect example was last night I won round 1 against my buddy and I was about to win round 2, but I dropped a special move after a normal that would have lead into CA and win, and he supered me and won round 2.  Then the entire round 3 I was salty about it and it definitely hindered my play in round 3.  I want to figure out how to clear that up.

Even pros drop stuff bro, and they practice 10 hours a day, Evo sf6 top 6 had pro players drop combos etc. nobody's perfect so this is the first thing you should learn to remember. If a move should have come out on wake up but didn't, then go into training mode and spend time until you get like 30 out of 30 wake ups etc. it's all practice and repetition. The important thing here to remember is that the more you play the more you'll get better and make less mistakes but that at the end of the day we ALL make mistakes so remember to just don't waste to much time thinking about what you did wrong etc. just faken play again and have fun. 

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1 hour ago, Maravilla said:

Even pros drop stuff bro, and they practice 10 hours a day, Evo sf6 top 6 had pro players drop combos etc. nobody's perfect so this is the first thing you should learn to remember. If a move should have come out on wake up but didn't, then go into training mode and spend time until you get like 30 out of 30 wake ups etc. it's all practice and repetition. The important thing here to remember is that the more you play the more you'll get better and make less mistakes but that at the end of the day we ALL make mistakes so remember to just don't waste to much time thinking about what you did wrong etc. just faken play again and have fun. 

I am not talking about dropping combos and not timing stuff right.  I'm not talking about making mistakes.


I am talking about having a short term memory and not letting things like that stay around on my mind and put me on tilt for the rest of the match, and even some of the matches after.

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36 minutes ago, Sonero said:

Ken continues being the scrubbiest character in this game for basically free. That character does so much with so little effort its ridic.

How's this?1 

Comin' At Ya!

Bringin' the Heat!


I could tell like two weeks in that Ken was going to be a problem.  They made a character with extremely powerful moves and no weaknesses lol.  

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7 minutes ago, purbeast said:

I am not talking about dropping combos and not timing stuff right.  I'm not talking about making mistakes.


I am talking about having a short term memory and not letting things like that stay around on my mind and put me on tilt for the rest of the match, and even some of the matches after.

I already posted my help for the rest of the match, but I also don’t start a new set if I’m already tilted. In those cases, I watch the replays of the last match (or matches) that upset me to see what I did wrong (or could do better) and lab it, or focus on applying fixes in future casual matches 

Edited by Mattatsu
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12 minutes ago, purbeast said:

I am not talking about dropping combos and not timing stuff right.  I'm not talking about making mistakes.


I am talking about having a short term memory and not letting things like that stay around on my mind and put me on tilt for the rest of the match, and even some of the matches after.

Oh ok I didn't understand your post then my bad, so your  problem is you getting tilted because of a mistake etc. for a long time, including matches after? Yea honestly that depends on the person, his character, the way he handles issues etc. some people just get over things faster than others. But I'm pretty sure you can definitely learn to not care so much eventually, pretty sure that's what's gonna happen one way or another. 

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4 hours ago, purbeast said:

I got a question for you guys about a mental hurdle I have with SF6 and have always had with fighting games.


When I am playing, and I think some BS happens or something, like I feel my move should have came out on wake up but doesn't and I get stuffed, even if it has to do with me pressing the wrong buttons, or if I feel like I blocked something but I didn't, I can't just let it go immediately.  Like it semi puts me on tilt for the rest of the match and makes me play worse because I am dwelling on it.


Any of you the same way or were the same way, and figured out a way to get over this  mental hurdle?  I feel like this is one of the mental aspects of the game I just can't get to grips with but know it is something that will help me if I can just forget it quickly and move on.




Perfect example was last night I won round 1 against my buddy and I was about to win round 2, but I dropped a special move after a normal that would have lead into CA and win, and he supered me and won round 2.  Then the entire round 3 I was salty about it and it definitely hindered my play in round 3.  I want to figure out how to clear that up.

I stop playing when this happens to me. Cooling off is the best way I deal with getting tilted after making a mistake. I know if I continue playing it will snowball into a losing streak.

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2 minutes ago, HeavensCloud said:

I could tell like two weeks in that Ken was going to be a problem.  They made a character with extremely powerful moves and no weaknesses lol.  

You know now that you mention it…this is the third SF in a row where I initially picked a really good character then traded them in for someone much worse. 

SF4: Ibuki > Vega

SFV: Cammy > Vega > Nash

SF6: Ken > Manon


If I pick a character in the first week and drop them immediately they’re probably good lol

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45 minutes ago, HeavensCloud said:

How's this?1 

Comin' At Ya!

Bringin' the Heat!


I could tell like two weeks in that Ken was going to be a problem.  They made a character with extremely powerful moves and no weaknesses lol.  


Its dumb. Its not even clever, he just does everything, converts from everything for hella damage. None of the shit he does is hard.


Its just garbage. Oh wow, your character has every tool and they're all good.  It isn't even interesting, its just heavy handed. That dude should not have run, jinrai and dragon lash. You get one of those, not all three.

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Sligthy better fireball, an install that takes forever and he has to give up oki for and a situational special for combos.


Hooray. Ken's sweep alone is fucking criminal. How he has the audacility to have a safeish on block special that he can just cancel into and easy peacy confirm into level 3 is baffling. Oh and he gets to side switch at random too.


I don't get why he does so much. I'm playing cammy who is really good. And every time I play a Ken, it just feels they can do more random shit at all times and its always inordinately dangerous.  On top of him having long range normals that convert into things too. 


Ken is good for bad reasons.

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10 hours ago, purbeast said:

I got a question for you guys about a mental hurdle I have with SF6 and have always had with fighting games.


When I am playing, and I think some BS happens or something, like I feel my move should have came out on wake up but doesn't and I get stuffed, even if it has to do with me pressing the wrong buttons, or if I feel like I blocked something but I didn't, I can't just let it go immediately.  Like it semi puts me on tilt for the rest of the match and makes me play worse because I am dwelling on it.


Any of you the same way or were the same way, and figured out a way to get over this  mental hurdle?  I feel like this is one of the mental aspects of the game I just can't get to grips with but know it is something that will help me if I can just forget it quickly and move on.




Perfect example was last night I won round 1 against my buddy and I was about to win round 2, but I dropped a special move after a normal that would have lead into CA and win, and he supered me and won round 2.  Then the entire round 3 I was salty about it and it definitely hindered my play in round 3.  I want to figure out how to clear that up.


I commentate my own match while it's happening.  I can't do any negative self talk while commentating the current moment , and the pace of my voice helps my fingers keep a steady pace.  It also helps me recognize and call out opponent tendencies which can help my reaction time when it's time to explode their mixups or rote neutral. 


As long as I'm not missing shit four times a round or something in which case I hang it up for the day. Some days the neurons just don't fire right. But they're usually rare.


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Don't know if its going to be the same for all DPs yet, but Jamie and Dee Jay, if you block their EX DPs you can punish with a full jump in combo.


On Jamie's OD DP you can start the punish with a Drive Impact to take away an extra bar of drive, but it scales the combo more. Depending on the meter situation, might worth going for one rather than the other. On a a similar 4 hit combo, the jump in start gets you around 300 more damage than the Drive Impact one.

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15 hours ago, Vhozite said:

I hope Capcom bleeds niggas dry with that shit y’all want weirdo cosmetic cosplayer bs go pay for it bank roll SF6 for me please.

Thing is even if you want that, still you need Capcom to be on less retarded scam mood, because current prices make most people simply not buy shit 


Back to SFV fuckton of people were showing off last DLC stuff, go to SF6 battle hub and see 90% of people use only free items 


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28 minutes ago, CESTUS III said:

Thing is even if you want that, still you need Capcom to be on less retarded scam mood, because current prices make most people simply not buy shit 


If you would’ve said this to me like 5 years ago I would’ve agreed. These days after playing COD, Apex, etc and seeing people rock $20 dollar skins 1 hour after the devs patch it in the game im convinced whales will buy pretty much anything regardless of price. To me it’s ridiculous but in my mind that shit just isn’t aimed at me. 

Capcom pays nerds a lot smarter than you or me to help them price their products. I used to hate it now I appreciate whales bank rolling my hobby.

Edited by Vhozite
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Are fighting games big enough to work under that assumption though? The concept of whales works because the games you mention each have a playerbase that is well beyond anything a fighting game can ever hope to reach. I wonder if it's something that can be profitable in the long run in this genre.


I do agree though that for us it's a good thing that they're bleeding the casual Avatar audience dry to bankroll development of the real stuff. I was surprised to see the battle pass having basically nothing interesting in it at all, too.

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On 8/7/2023 at 9:22 PM, misterBee said:

Seems like the scene as a whole has lost a lot of the stick building knowledge it used to have.  Too many people don't know how to build and only know how to buy.

This is why people buy $400+ Victrix sticks that are basically just shiny tin cans. Hard to mod. Overpriced. Don't seem very future proof.

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49 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

If you would’ve said this to me like 5 years ago I would’ve agreed. These days after playing COD, Apex, etc and seeing people rock $20 dollar skins 1 hour after the devs patch it in the game im convinced whales will buy pretty much anything regardless of price. To me it’s ridiculous but in my mind that shit just isn’t aimed at me. 

Capcom pays nerds a lot smarter than you or me to help them price their products. I used to hate it now I appreciate whales bank rolling my hobby.

Idk dude, marketing guys do big gambles (usually based on anti-consumer greed lol) and often lose too

Only because the model exist within some areas of videogame world, does'nt mean is automatically going to work on every game player base


This does'nt mean i believe you and i are smarter than them, just that gaming history and  other stuff (think big movies/series bombing hard) show these slimy shits have far from 100% win ratio lol


While i admit it's just narrow perspective, what i see in battle hub give me the impression large majority of people that would be the target audience for that is not buying shit


In last 24h i think i seen like 2-3 TMNT, wich at current scam price of 15$ each is a grand total of 30-45$ in a sea of people wearing mostly free 0$ items or few dollar stuff

If they made these like 5$ each and all four at bundle price of 15$, i'm pretty sure you will see LOT more around


Personally i love editor stuff (as semi-casual mostly love the thing i can recreate SF characters that did'nt made it to SF6), would have bought fuckton of it if quality/price was there

Bought just some, and i will give zero fucks at pay much more, but price is holding me back not for the $$$ itself but because what they offer is blatantly not worth the price


Plus you have other hints they're handling it brainless

Marketing wise whole current avatar thing make no sense if you want to push most of your DLC $$$ there, simple stuff that allow to use it elsewhere in Fighting Ground (I'm thinking Arcade, local VS, non-ranked VS online) whould have given huge incentive for people to buy items, but just to use it in WTM and shit BH stage vs random people make it waaay less appealing under consumer pov, and tbh while Capcom it's at their first experience at it, the smart nerds we speak about had more than a decade of Soul Calibur to copy to boost DLC sales lol

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Apparently Kakeru already showed up on stream at EVO 2022 for SFV. He was that Ryu player who beats Caba with a clutch dash-in DP read on a V-Shift playing under another name.


This also gives me even more respect for the guy because, while he's using JP now, he was in the gutter using Ryu back in V.

Edited by Phantom_Miria
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18 minutes ago, Vhozite said:

Capcom seems to think so so 🤷🏽‍♂️ 


Looking at the battle pass I immediately got flashbacks to apex. I guess we’ll find out if it works later but for now capcom is definitely going after this as if they were a triple a shooter. 

The battle pass is full of random bs Knick knacks to keep you going then anything you’d normally unlock in a fighting game is locked behind coins. Only having two colors available on the default costume is gross af.  I think they should have given a little more content because at the end of the day this a game I payed 60$ for I shouldn’t have to buy some of this shit. Grind for it.. fine but I shouldn’t get nickel and dimed for every little thing

Edited by Illwill88
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Yeah, I think the default colours thing (and lack of drive tickets) is shitty.


I don’t mind the fighting pass because you can get all of your fighting coins back and you can buy it near the end of the pass so you’ll know if it’s worthwhile to buy I not. I do think most items in it suck, but now that the TMNT theme has taken over the battle hub, I’m glad I’ve earned some SF2 themes I can add to playlist and play instead.


the TMNT skins and anything related to your avatar is pretty gross greed, but I think outfit 3 and future outfits will be reasonable so I don’t care too much 

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1 hour ago, Darc_Requiem said:

When I think about this situation, I get salty because people bitched incessantly about Fight Money in SFV. I said at the time if people keep bitching we wouldn't even have the option in SF6 and sure enough we don't. Hope they are all happy now because I'm not 😡

We weren't gonna have the fight money system in 6 regardless of people bitching. It's an industry wide issue now. 

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